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MGT 625

Talent Management

Case Analysis - The Perfect CEO

Submitted to: Ekta Sharma

Submitted by:

Masumi Shah


Third Year Integrated MBA

In this case, the partner at Reality Venture Partners has been faced with a very troublesome task of selecting
a CEO for a start-up. He is befuddled because all the three candidates - Jim Jenkins, Andy Thompson and
Steve Roberts are all very talented.

Jim Jenkins -

Jim is a passionate and intense specialist. He has super elevated requirements and he would do anything to
drive the business. He can achieve all kinds of goals as soon as he understands what the goal is. He has great
leadership qualities and can drive his team to where it ought to be. Andy is a peculiar person, unique in
relation to the rest. He is innovative and can complete the work and out in the market. He has great
information about domains and with his past experience he can be a very decent leader for this new start up.
He can assemble and manage teams very easily due to his personality as well.

Steve Roberts -

Steve is the oldest of them two. He is calm yet his work is very powerful. Along these lines, a start up like
this can be in acceptable hands of Steve because of his competencies. He has great spotlight on the market
and he can also sell an item well. His past work encounters have also been very acceptable. And they accept
that these can assist him with managing a star up really well. Here, the inquiry arises who can be a suitable
fit for the company. Because it is very important to have a company-individual fit for the higher places of
the company as they help thrive the work. Crafted by a CEO is directly from day one because he is the
backbone of the company. A CEO who might have the option to link corporate strategy to the employee's
strategy of work, who can organize and staff corporate colleges because he values their new information and
helps the employees in their learning forms. He ought to also be planning the succession of the company in
accordance with the present practices of its employees.

Andy Thompson –

Here, what I accept is that the partner at Reality Venture Partners should choose Andy Thompson as the
present CEO of the startup company. It is because start up is a very innovative and creative kind of a place
to begin with. Also, the company CrossLinx Datastalk is into software applications and this makes Andy a
solid match because he has also examined software's and has worked earlier with a software company. Andy
can function admirably in various assorted varieties and being a start-up there will undoubtedly be decent
varieties present. He can complete undertakings; he can manage teams well and his enthusiasm makes the
working condition positive for employees in parcel of work pressure. He is easy going and can function
admirably with all the stakeholders like engineers, customers, employees and so on he would require some
coaching yet that is alright as his other competencies match the job of a CEO consummately.

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