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1/25/2017 PlayPosit

Name: Date:

Brandin LeBlanc
Middle School Fitness Components

1. During the warm-up portion of the lesson, notice that Mr. LeBlanc provides instructions
and feedback, asks students to identify fitness components and models the exercises.

2. How does Mr. LeBlanc require students to continually refer back to prior

3. Notice how Mr. LeBlanc continually provides positive reinforcement and feedback to
his students, even when they make a mistake. This keeps kids engaged and
encouraged throughout the task.

4. Again, Mr. LeBlanc refers back to prior learning and relates it to their current topic.
He also recognizes a common source of confusion and clearly explains the
difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance.

5. After listening to the rules of the game Ultimate Basketball, what do you think Mr.
LeBlanc's objective is and what skill(s) is he focused on?

6. Throughout the game, which of the teacher actions has the most influence in
keeping the students motivated and engaged in the game?

7. Mr. LeBlanc has just increased the critical thinking required for this game by asking
students to analyze their play so far and develop a plan for improving in the next
portion of the game. 1/2
1/25/2017 PlayPosit

8. What did Mr. LeBlanc accomplish by the wrap-up session before dismissing the
students from class?

9. As you watch Mr. LeBlanc's second class, look for similarities and differences in how
the lesson is delivered. Does he make any changes from one period to the next?

10. Notice how again, Mr. LeBlanc reviews proper form prior to the exercises to ensure
student safety and prevent injury.

11. Throughout the warm-up portion of the lesson, in what ways did you observe Mr.
LeBlanc differentiate based on student needs?

12. Mr. LeBlanc's class sizes are atypical of most Health Fitness classes in public
schools. How do you think the teacher involvement would be different in a class with
double or even triple the number of students?

13. During the strategizing conference around 48:07-48:18 of the video, Mr. LeBlanc talks
privately to the white team. What is the focus of this discussion?

14. Effective teachers always reflect on the lesson, and lesson outcomes. Listen as the
teacher reflects on this lesson, and compare it to the responses you have written on the
observation worksheet. Use both the teacher’s reflections and your own observation
when writing your overall observational reflection. 2/2
1/25/2017 PlayPosit

15. Why do you think Mr. LeBlanc likes to pick the teams? What do you feel are the
advantages and disadvantages to his method?

16. Mr. LeBlanc is about to discuss his strategies and philosophy on time management in
the classroom. Notice that he mentions having shorter class periods than normal. As a
teacher, you will encounter many times throughout the year in which your campus will
run an altered bell schedule. Be prepared and armed with strategies to maximize
student learning time. 3/2

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