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Electric circuit lab-Experiment 6

( Frequency dependence of RLC components )

Student Name : ‫محمد رياض مستريحي‬

#: 31619118024

➔ Eng. Ahmad Bataineh


1. Calculate I1, I2, I3 and Vo for the circuit shown in Figure 1 for f = 1kHz and f = 10kHz.

2. Use PSpice to determine I1, I2, I3, and Vo in Figure 1 at f = 1kHz and f = 10kHz.

3. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 1 and measure I1, I2, I3 and Vo. Note, currents
are measured indirectly by measuring the voltage across an appropriate resistor and
applying Ohms Law.

4. By inspection, estimate Vo for:

a. f = 0Hz
b. f = ∞Hz

5. Use PSpice to plot Vo vs. frequency (amplitude and phase) for 100Hz ≤ f ≤ 100kHz
(use .AC analysis).

6. Measure the magnitude of Vo at f = 100Hz and f = 100kHz. Plot actual data points
on PSpice plot for f = 100kHz, 1kHz, 10kHz, and 100kHz.
Procedure & Data:

1. In the given experiment of a series/parallel RLC circuit (see Figure 1)

the characteristics of the voltages and currents at specific and over a
range of frequencies was examined using three separate techniques. First
hand calculations were performed to mathematically describe the
circuits behavior at a frequency of 1kHz and 10kHz with a 4volt peek
input sine wave. These calculations were performed in several steps
starting with the following. In determining the circuits overall and piece
wise components the individual and total impedance was calculated for
each component of the circuit (see Table 1) using the following

XR = R (E.1)

XL = 2 π f L (E.2)

XC = 1 / (2 π f C) (E.3)

On completion of determining the circuits

impedance's all voltages and currents labeled
Vo, I1, I2, I3, in Figure 1 were calculated using
ohms law (see E.4), Kirchhoff s voltage law
(KVL), Kirchhoff s current law (KCL), and the
current divider rule (see E.5).

V = IR (E.4)

IX = (RT / RX) I (E.5)

The characteristics of the circuit voltages and

currents with respect to there specific
frequencies of 1kHz and 10kHz are listed in
Table 2.
Table 1: Calculated Impedance Values for RLC Series - Parallel Circuit

Table 2: Calculated Voltages & Currents for RLC Series - Parallel


2. Secondly the use of Pspice analysis was incorporated in the break

down of the circuits characteristics. In using Pspice simulations to test
and confirm the calculated values it also provided several graphical plot
which help in determining the over all function of the circuit (see Graph
I & 2). Several properties of Pspice were used including that of the
transient analysis (.TRAN). By using the .TRAN analysis statement
Pspice incorporates a very detailed differential equation solver routine
that may cause initial problems within a circuit using time dependent
components such as capacitors and inductors. As found the capacitors
and inductor had an initial effect on the circuit at time equal to zero.
Thus requiring several hand calculations to determine the effects of each
time dependent component when time is set equal to zero (see Table 3).
To solve for these initial conditions the follow equations were used.

IIC = Isin(ωt Θ) (E.6)

VIC = Vsin(ωt Θ) (E.7)

By setting time equal to zero each equation breaks down to an initial

current or voltage multiplied by the sine of the phase angle. With close
inspection of equations (E.6) & (E.7) at time equal to zero our variable
omega cancels out, which may lead one to assume that frequency has no
effect on initial conditions. Although upon closer examination the values
of the current and voltages effecting the time dependent components
were originally calculated based upon the specific frequency of either
1kHz or 10kHz.
Conclusion & Discoveries:

Phase shift are independent of initial conditions. Therefore, actual capacitors and
inductors initial conditions may have either an initial voltage or current associated with
them as well as a phase shift. It was discovered that even though correcting the voltage
or current of a component, the phase shift error is unable to be corrected.

At extremely high frequencies a capacitors impedance approaches zero allowing current to flow
unrestricted through the element. Capacitors at very high frequencies resemble a short circuit.

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