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Arisa Chang

BRANCH TEMPLATE:  How to do your poetry HW:  Branch (Poetry Homework

Assignment)- 20pts

Your “Branch” is due, posted in blackboard at the beginning of class when the
bell rings (plan accordingly to make the deadline).  
1)  Read ALL of the poems in the packet.
2)  Write a poem “inspired” by a specific poem
Your Branch poem: My Home and Family

*Inspired by the poem: Town and Village – by: Sue Cowing

Your poem:

            My home is made

            Of wood, cement, and glass,
            A family is made
            Of love, happiness, and life.

            I am a part of a family.

            I reside in a home.

            My home is a part of my family

            We create memories together         
            We age together
We grow old together

            Together forever

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