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Activity: LEVEL # _3_ WEEK # _13_


TIME: 30 mins


Equipment for Challenge Course

Music for Challenge Course
Music for Rhythmic activities

The student will:
1. To perform a number of physical challenges with body control
2. To move rhythmically in a variety of situations
3. To participate cooperatively in a game setting

Introductory Activity: Hospital Tag
Fitness Activity: Challenge Course
Lesson Focus: Rhythmic Movement Skills
Game: Snake

PART 1: INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY (2-3 mins): Hospital Tag

Activity Teaching Hints

All Students will be “it.” When tagged, they When the majority of the class is frozen,
must cover that area of the body with one of restart the game.
their hands. Students may be tagged twice,
however they must be able to hold both
tagged spots on their body with their hands
and continue to move. When a student is
tagged three times, they must freeze.

PART 2: FITNESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY (8-12 mins): Challenge Course
Activity Teaching Hints

Design a course around the perimeter:

1. Step on jumping box, and dismount
off & stick the landing.
2. Run and weave through four cones.
3. Step up and then step down on the
box three times.
4. Agility run through hoops.
5. Perform 5 ski jumps.
6. Hop 5 times
7. 3 bean bags will be placed on the
ground, the student will pick up one
bean bag at the time and place it 6
feet away. Student will do this until
all the bean bags are placed on the
opposite side where they first got it.

PART 3: LESSON FOCUS (15-20 mins): Alley Cat

Activity Teaching Hints

-Scatter the kids all over the room, have

them walk, teacher will say turn a different
-Teacher will start to teach the dance. (4
-Side step twice to the left
-Side step twice right
-Step backwards twice
-Step backwards twice
-Lift knee up twice
-Lift other knee up twice
-Lift the other knee up once
-Lift the other knee up one

PART 4: GAME ACTIVITY (5 mins): Snake rock papers scissors

Activity Teaching Hints

1. Have everyone pick a partner by 1. Have students encourage leader while

getting toe to toe with someone at the in line
start of the lesson.
2. Rock papers scissors with partner.
3. The person who loses gets behind the
winner until everyone is out.

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