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English Compulsory (Main)

Previous Year Question Paper

now work and how is the heat generated?

English (Compulsory) – 2001 Where do the lavas and gases com from?
When did the volcano first begin to erupt
and when is it likely to erupt again?
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2001 In terms of chemical compounds and
elements, the question 'How' refers to
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 processes–the way things are made or
happen or change. The ancient regarded
1. Write in essay in about 300 words on any natural processes as manifestations of
one of the following : 100 energy acting on or through matter. Volcanic
(a) Knowledge is power eruptions and earthquakes no longer reflect
(b) Consequences of globalisation the erratic behaviur of the gods of the
(c) Value of Yoga underworld; they arise from the action of
the earth's internal heat on and through the
(d) Science and human happiness
surrounding crust.
(e) Tourism in India
The source of the energy lies in the material
2. Read the following passage and answer in of inner earth. In many directions, of course,
your own words the questions that follow: our knowledge is still incomplete, only the
first of the questions we have asked about
5 × 15 = 75 violcanoes, for example, can as yet be
The world we live in presents an endless satisfactorily answered. The point is not that
variety of fascinating problems which excite we now protend to understand everything
out wonder and curisoity. The scientific but that we have faith in the orderliness of
worker attempts toformulate these natural process. As a result of two or three
problems in accurate tenns and to solve centuries of scientific investigation, we have
them in the light of all the relevant facts co me to believe that Nature is
that can be collected by observation and understandable in the sense that when we
experiment. Such questions as 'What', ask questions by way of appropriate
'How', 'Where' and 'When' challenge him observations and experiments,she will
to find the dues that may suggest possible answer truly and reward as with discoveries
replies. Confronted by the many ask : What that endure.
are the lavas made of? How does the volca (a) How does the autor describe the task

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of the scientific worker? there is no justification on for such acts of

(b) Why does the author speak about indiscipline after the attainment of
volcanoes? independence. The democratic constitution
(c) What does the equation 'How' refer to? which the country has adopted permits the
redres sing of grievances through
(d) How did the ancients look upon
democratic machinery.It would be against
volcanoes and earthquakes?
all principles of democracy if such acts of
(e) What does the author say about our indiscipline were to continue.
knowledge of the world?
The real purpose of education is to train
3. Make a precis of the following passage, in youth to discharge the duties of citizenship
your own words, in about 230 words, on properly. All other objectives are incidental.
the special precis-sheets provided Marks will Discipline, therefore, should be the
be deducted for precis not written on the responsibility of parents, teachers, the
precis sheets. Marks will also be deducted general public and the authorities
if your precis is much longer or shorter than concerned. There are some positive factors
the prescribed lenght. The precis-sheets promoting discipline. The Indian student's
should be securely fastened inside the natural tendency is to be disciplined. It is
answer book. State the number of words only when forces acts strongly on him that
used by you in your precis. 75 he may sometimes be led astray. He
No amount of improvement and appreciates rules and is normally inclined
reconstruction in education will bear much to abide by them. Much can be done to
fruit if our schools and colleges are encourage this trend in school and college
undermined by indiscipline. An impartial life. Personal contact between teacher and
examination makes it clear that students pupil is essential. Emphasis is also to be
and teachers alike need more of the spirit laid on the role of the class teacher or
tutorial guide in promoting general discipline
of discipline. If proper education is to be
and the welfare of the pupils. Further a
given, acts of indiscipline prevalent in our
greater responsibility should devolve upon
educational institutions have to be checked.
the students themselves in the maintenance
Indiscipline may take the shape of group of discipline. Nothing is more calculated to
indiscipline or individual indiscipline. Group develop a proper sense of self-discipline and
indiscipline is the worse of the two. While proper behaviour than their enforcement,
as individuals many of our students are as not by any outside authority with any
good as students elsewhere, the tendency symbol of punishment but by the students
to group indiscipline has increased in recent themselves. They should choose their own
years. Many causes have led to his group representatives to see that proper codes of
indiscipline. For various reasons under a conduct are observed.
foreign regime, acts of indiscipline became Another important method of bringing home
frequent, often necessitated by the political to pupils the value of discipline is through
activities, which were launched against a group games. It is on the playing fields that
foreign government. While there may been the virtue of playing the game for its own
justification for such indiscipline under sake and the team spirit can be cultivated.
different political circumstances, we feel that Such extracurricular activities as Boy Scouts.

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Girl Guides, the National Cadet Corps, Junior limitations within which they must act for
Red Cross and Social Service actvities will the best interests of education. Ultimately,
promote a proper spirit of discipline. The it is the school or college atmosphere and
building up of a trully harmonious and the quality of the teachers there that ensure
united form of community life should be the proper codes of conduct and discipline
endeavour of all progressiv educational among out students.
4. (a) Fill in the blanks using appropriate
Besides these positive factors, certain forms of the words given below :
negative factors also promote discipline. value, offend, strike, jealous, put,
The discipline of the youth of any country grant, disturb, learn, fly, economic
depends upon the discipline that is exercised (i) The man ................ into a rage
by the elders. It is a well-known fact that and tore away his garments.
in all democacies election time is a time of
(ii) A s ensi ble man never takes
feverish activity not always conducted in
everything for ................
the most healthy spirit, and the utilization
by politicians of immature minds like (iii) No one seems to have taken
students for purposes of electioneering ................ at her manners.
compaigns, with or with out slogans (iv) When are you ................ out to
attached thereto, is not calculated to sea again?
promote sound discipline among students. (v) I have no mind to trespass upon
It should be considered an election offence you .................. time.
for any member or party to utilize the (vi) Try to rise above petty personal
services of pupils under the age of 17 in ..........................
political or civic campaigns. Besides, while (vii) The officer ............. through one
the educative value of leading politicians paragraph and accepted the rest.
addressing out students from time to time
(viii) The report I have received is very
may be readily admitted, the tendency often
................. indeed.
is for the leaders not to speak to the
audience before them but to a wider (ix) She has sent her paper to a
auidence whose attention they wish to .............. journal.
attaract through the press. It is not (x) These new measures will give a
necessary that every speech made by a boost to our
politician should be a politial speech. (b) Use each of the following words in two
Lastly, discipline among students can only separate sentences, first as a noun and
be promoted if there is discipline among then as a verb : 10
the staff. The teacher and educational (i) turn
administrator should realize that their (ii) spell
activities are all being watched by their (iii) part
pupils. To what extent, therefore, both in
(iv) contact
their personal conduct and in their general
attitude to all problems concerning their (v) meet
country, they have to realize that there are (c) Rewrite fol lowing sentences as

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directed: 5 (exciting; inciting)

(i) You are too early for the show. (iv) Rescue workers rushed to the site
(Use "enough") of the plane .......... (crass; crash)
(ii) The Mahanadi is not so long as (v) Gagan uses expensive
the Gange. (Use the comparative .................... for his letters.
degree) (stationery; stationary)
(iii) Varsha readily complied .............. (vi) The factory was ............. making
my request. (Fill in the gap with a toys. (seized; ceased)
preposition) (vii) Shakil is .................. at solving
(iv) We are sure of his honesty. difficult crossword puzzles.
(Change in to a complex sentena) (ingenuous; ingenious)
(v) Sarita said, "Don't open the (viii) I wish you a ................. recovery.
window." (Change into the indirect (fast; speedy)
form) (ix) Everybody said that her decision
5. (a) Correct the following sentences : 10 was ................... (judicious;
(i) May I now take your leave? judicial)
(ii) The soup will taste better if it had (x) You will have to ......................
more salt in it. your afternoon tea as we have no
more sugar. (forego; forgo)
(iii) Is he used to come late everyday?
(iv) You daughter is twelve years old, (c) Use the following phrases in sentences
isn't it? so as to bring out their meaning :
(v) We must be true to our words. (i) deal in
(vi) Datta is living here since 1998. (ii) prime of life
(vii) A twenty miles walk is really very (iii) above board
hard. (iv) dwell upon
(viii) We watched the man to disappear (v) in full swing
in the woods.
(ix) Kalidas has written Meghadutam. English (Compulsory) – 2002
(x) Let's have coffee.
(b) Of the words given in brackets, choose
the one you think appropriate to fill in
the blanks: 10
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300
(i) He seems to be ........... to hard
work. (adverse; averse)
(ii) The building does not ........... to
1. Write an essay in about 300 words in any
safety regulations (conform;
one of the following : 100
(a) The ways to enrich our regional
(iii) Asharam was accused of
................... the workers

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(b) Whither Indian democracy today? age.

(c) Terrorism in india. Apart from the economic sphere, the socio-
(d) Science and Religion. political sphere ha..not escaped this
(e) If I were the Prime Minister of stratification and the congruent crisis of
India. values. Since the Renaissance, man has
been striving for individual right and self-
2. Read the following passage and answer the
dignity. But under the present set-up, only
your own words the questions that follow:
two types of men are found — the
conditioner and the condtioned. The
5 × 15 = 75
paganda offices and the planning bureaus
The scientific and technological revolution have almost crushed the 'individual self',
has brought about fundamental changes in and it has resulted in the rise of the 'social
the socio-economic sphere. the Use of self'. Due to this pressure, the personality
diesel engine and electricity and the fulfilment or its all round development is
beginning of the application of atomic denied to many.
energy have changed the modes of (a) What has changed the modes of
production. There things have led to the production today?
concentration of capital in a few hands.
(b) What things are being replaced by
Great enterprises are replacing cottage
great enterprise?
industries and small firms. The working
classes have certainly benefited (c) What kind of men are needed today
economically. The miracle of production has for our society?
necessitated the miracle of consumption. (d) Why has man become the automation
Better amenities are available at a lower of his own creation?
cost. A man can buy anythin he wants today. (e) Is modern man able to attain
if he can only afford. But what kind of men personality fulfilment?
are needed today for our society? men who 3. Make a precis of the following passage in
can co operate in large groups, men whose your own laguage, in about 230 words, on
tasks are standarized, men who feel free the special precis-sheets provided. The
and independent and at the same time are precis-sheets should be securely fastened
willing to fit in the social machine without inside the answer book. Indicate the
any friction. number of words used by you in your precis.
Modern man is faced with a sort of moral N.B.—Marks will be deducted if your
and spiritual dilemma. The crisis of values precis is much longer or shorter than
yawns before him. Today the old values are the prescribed length. 75
in the metling pot, and the new values have
not found their foothold. Man has become "What is the use of the house if you haven't
the automaon he has contrived; he has lost got a tolerable planet to put it on?" asked
ownership of himself. The discord between Henry David Thoreau. More than century
the development of positive science on the later, the Earth seems to be literally falling
one had and the dehumanization of man to peicesrecent environmental set-backs
on the other is the worst crisis of the modern include billions of tonnes of ice shelves
breaking off in the Antarctic and unusually

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warm temperatures in different parts of the Scientific bodies like the internationl panel
world. Panic reactions range from on Climate Change (IPCC) have access to
predictions of sinking is lands to the vast amounts of baseline data realting to
lamenting the ill-effects of global warming the subject - although critics points out that
induced by release of greenhouse gases into the information available is mostly from the
with the problem of climatic change to even North, leaving the concerns of the South
acknowledge the fact that the state of the largely unrepresented. The newly-
planet hings on much more. Climatic change constituted eco-panel will have to take
is at best a symptom of a far more complex allthese aspects into account. For instance,
malaise, just as a fever is most often only it will have to ensure that data collection is
an indicator of something that's gone awary more representative of the regions of the
in our body. It is time for a complete and regions world. Today, we have the
comprehensive planetary health check, that advantage of sourcing data from remote
will examine the impacts of change in land sensing satellites as well. The information
use, loss of biodiversity, use of fertilizers thus gathered would have to be sorted out
and pesticides and consistent pollution of and analysed by specialists and also by
water bodies. This would overcome the generalists–before the panel comes out with
limitations of evaluating how ecosystems specific periodic predictions, prescriptions
work by reacting to just one major and warnings. The healing pro cess can
environmental concern as is happening in begin only if all the scientific evidence and
the cas e of global warming. These direction is made available to a wide
considerations have ben responsible for the auidence and not just restricted to policy
setting up of an international panel, the makers. Rather than depending solely upon
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. Financed governments to listen to and take corrective
by four major international bodies, including action, the focus should now be on
the UNO and the World Bank, the eco-panel convincing individuals and communities
was set up withut much fuss last June whose collective or individual action will
(2001), and is expected to determine, over eventually make the difference between
a period of four years and at a cost of $ 21 regression and recovery.
million, the state of the Earth's ecosystem. 4. (a) Fill in the blanks using appropriate
The eco-panel will have source inputs from forms of the words given below :
more than 2,000 natural and social sceintist 10
the world over. Put simply, the Earth will ride, diminish devotion, shout, watch,
go through the equivalent of a thorough contes t, disastrous, pleas ure,
physical analysis, so that biological, philosophizing, finance.
economic and social information can be
(i) Mohan is ............... to his father.
collated to help scientists arrive at a final
diagnosis. What is crucial, says one of the (ii) No ne seems to have been
scientists, is that "no one has previously ................. with his speech.
tried to work out how all of these conflicing (iii) She .............. at the peon when
prssures interact." The other important in he sat down.
order to maintain ecological balance. (iv) His................... conditions is at a

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low ebb now. and then.

(iv) Several candidates are ............... (ii) She is living in this flat since 1995.
the Panchayat elections. (iii) The Principal was angry upon the
(vi) The boy was fri ghtened to boys.
.............. the movie. (iv) Character is more preferable than
(vii) What does Samkara's .................. intelligence.
teach us? (v) Krishna hanged all the pictures on
(viii) Hariharan's suspicious moves the wall.
herald a ................ (vi) The sceneries of Kashmir more me
(ix) In the circus show, I saw a bear most.
................. a bicycle. (vii) Cattle is grazing in the field.
(x) The chances of starvation deaths (viii) Hari is going foreign next month.
have ............... today (ix) She knew that I am leaving the
(b) Use each of the following wores in two place.
separate sentences first as a noun and (x) His leder brother gave him many
then as a verb : 10 good advices.
(i) race (b) Of the words given in the brackets,
(ii) hit choose the one you think appropriate
(iii) play to fill in the blanks : 10
(iv) touch (v) experiment (i) The raod accident proved to be
(c) Rewrite the following sentences as .................. (fateful, fatal)
directed parenthetically : (ii) He got a ................... opportunity
(i) "Do not make a noise." said the to qualify in the test. (gold, golden)
teacher to his students. (iii) Faridabad is an ................ city.
(Change into indirect form) (industrial, industrious)
(ii) Hari is so short that he cannot (iv) An ashram is a ............. place.
touch the ceiling. (Replace 'so' by (quite, quiet)
'too') (v) Sohan's handwriting is .............
(iii) She bought a house last year. The (eligible, illegible)
house is white. (Change into (vi) We should not disturb the
passive voice) ................... of his mind. (piece,
(iii) She bought a house last year. The peace)
house is white. (vii) You should
(Change into a simple sentence) example to strengthen y our
(v) Hard as he worked, he failed in viewpoint (site, cite)
the examination (Use 'though') (viii) Ak bar was an ............ to
10 Humayun. (hair, heir)
5. (a) Correct the following sentences :10 (ix) Rajasthan is a well-known ...........
(i) He boasts his achievements now (desert, dessert)

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(ix) The ................ turned me out of better than other people, then envy and
the class. (principal, principal) jealousy, those twin monsters, will come
(c) Use the following phrases in sentences to sadden one's days. But if o ne
soas to bring out their meaning : concentrates one's will come to sadden
one's days. But if one concentrates one's
(i) bring about
attention upon developing one's own special
(ii) call names capacities, the things one is best at, then
(iii) run out one does not worry over much if other
(iv) by leaps and bounds people are more successful.
(v) lame excuse There are those again who are discontented
with their own job and complain ofdurdgery.
English (Compulsory) – 2003 But there is no job in the world which does
not contain a large element of drudgery.
Do you imagine that a Prime Minister has
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2003 no drudgery to do, or an artist, or an author?
I loathe drudgery as much as any man; but
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 I have learnt that the only way to conquer
drudgery is to get through it as neatly, as
efficiently as one can. You know I am right
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any when I say that. A dull job slackly done
one of the following : 100 becomes twice as dull; a dull job which you
try to do just as well as you can become
(a) The Need foralternative Sources of
half as dull. Her again effort appears to me
the main part of the art of living.
(b) The Role of Judiciary in India
Have I any other, and less disagreeable,
(c) Freedom of Expression
hints to suggest? I believe that every man
(d) My Idea of an Administrator and woman has somewhere tucked away
(e) Pleasures of Reading inside them a sense of beauty. Without this
2. Read the following passage and answer in sense life on this earth is veiled in dim grey
your own words the questions that follow: clouds. It may be that you do not care, or
think you do not care, for poetry or art or
2 × 15 = 75 music. If you make the least effort, you may
find that some or all of these things will
This rule of trying always to do things as cause you sudden delight; and once you
one can do them has an important bearing catch that delight it will never you. Because
upon the problem of ambition. No man or if life, as I believe, is a constantly renewed
woman should be without ambition, which effort, then the human frame and nerves
is the inspiration of activity. But if one allows require some relaxation.
ambition to drive one to attempt things (a) When does ambition lead to
which are beyond one's own personal unhappiness?
capacity, then unhappiness will result : If
(b) How can a person avoid envy and
one imagines that one can do everything

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(c) How can we avoid the feeling of But if human life is to continue in spite of
drudgery? science, manking will have to learn a
(d) Should we avoid ambition? discipline of the passions which, in the pase,
(e) What does the phrase "to get through has not been necessary. Men will have to
it" mean? submit to teh law, even when they think
the law unjest and iniwuitous. Nations which
3. Make a precis of the following passage in are persyaded that they are only
your own words in about 230 words. Marks demanding the barest justice will hav to
will be deducted if the precis is not written acquiesece whenthis demand is denied
on the separate precis sheets provided and them by the neutral authority. I do not say
the lenght of the precis exceeds or falls short that this is easy: I do not prophesy that it
of more than 10 words used the prescribed will happen; I say only that if it does not
lenght. State the number of words used by happen the human race will happen: I say
you in the precis and securely fasten the only that if it does not happen the human
precis-sheets inside the answer-book. 75 race will perish, and will perish as a result
Some wars in the past were quite as of science.
disorganizing and as destructive of the 4. (a) Fill inthe blanks using the appropriate
civilization of devastated areas as was the from of the words given below : 10
Second World War. North Africa has never offensive, imagination, psychological,
regained the level of prosperity that it conceive, vacation, entire,enthusiasm,
enjoyed under the Romans. Persia never lacerating, deify, margin
recovered from the Mongols nor Syria from (i) I do not beli eve in the
the Turks. There have always been two .................... of an ordinary
kinds of wars, thos e in which the politician.
vanquished incurred disaster, and those in
(ii) She could not bear to look at his
which they only incurred discomfort. We
...................... hand.
seem, unfortunately, to be entering upon
an era in which wars are of the former sort. (iii) Most people do not have any clear
..................... o f judisical
The atom bomb, and still more the activism.
hydrogen bomb, have causes new fears, (iv) Who can dare to ........................
involving new doubts as to be effects of the boss?
science on human life. Some eminent
(v) A sensible person can .................
authorities, including dissension? Again :
the plight of others.
India and Pakistan cannot agree about
(vi) You have to consider the matter
Kasmir, therefore one of them must support
in its ......................
Russia and the other the United States. It
will be obvious to anyone who is an (vii) It is difficult to ................ such
interested party in one of these disputes dullards.
that the issue isfar more important than the (viii) We can no longer .....................
continuance of life on our planet. The hope the poor and the suppressed.
that the human race will allow itself to (ix) You will have to ........................
survive is therefore somewhat slender. the house.

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(x) an interesting subject. arrived.

(b) Use each of the following words in two (b) Choose the appropriate words given
separate sentences, first as a noun and in the brackets to fill in the blanks in
then as a verb: the following sentences : 10
(i) help (i) Nehruji made a ...................
(ii) nurse speech in Parliament on this
(iii) judge occasion. (Historical, historic)
(iv) pillory (ii) Such heavy responsibilities cannot
be .................. easily. (born,
(v) round
(c) Rewrite the following sentences as (iii) The doctor visits him on
directed within brackets : ................. days. (alternative,
(i) No metal is as costly as gold. alternate)
(Use the comparative degree of (iv) I do not k now why he is
"costly") .................. towards me.
(ii) I doubt if you have done it. (contemptuous, contemptible)
(Change into a negative sentence
(v) To work for more than eight hours
without changing the meaning)
is quite (exhaustive, exhausting)
(iii) He was elected leader. (Change
(vi) Democracy does not allow the
into active voice)
..................... of the minorities.
(iv) She confessed that she was guilty. (Prosecution, Perscution)
(Turn it into a simple sentence)
(vii) No meeting of the ......................
(v) She said, "Can you write a poem?" of ministers has been scheduled
(Change into indirect speech) for tomorrow. (council, cabinet)
5. (a) Correct the following sentences : 10 (viii) Al l wordly pleasures are
(i) Each of the scholars, belonging to considered to be ................ by
various contries, have spoken saints.
about it. (momentary, momentous)
(ii) All were present except the and (ix) Any ............... of secret
his sister. documents is punishable by law.
(iii) I wonder if ten thousand rupees (tempering, tampering)
are a large sum. (x) He is an ................... personto
(iv) She lay the table an hour ago. work with. (amiable, amenable)
(v) SHe absented from the class for (c) Use the following phrases in your own
no reason. sentences so as to bring out their
(vi) He is untidy boy. meaning:
(viii) Of milk, coke and coffee the latter (i) to come across
is my favourite. (ii) to be cut out for
(ix) All this happened prior 1971 war. (iii) over head and ears
(x) Scarcely had she gone that he (iv) to see eye to eye

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(v) to draw the line absorption is as much in evidence, today,

when India is undergoing a seminal
transformation into a modern industrial
English (Compulsory) – 2004 community, as it was in the centuries past,
when alien communities with novel ways
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2004 of life migrated into the subcontinent, to
be drawn into the living matrix of Indian
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 society.
The continuity of Indian civilization rests
very substantially upon social institutions
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any and upon the dissemination of a common
one of the following : 100 corpus of religious values among different
classes and communities in the
(a) Indian Budget is a Gamble on the
subcontinent. This civilization was also
geared to a cycle of agriculture activity
(b) Necessity of Water-Harvesting in which substantially determined the total
India ordering of society. Hence, the fact that the
(c) Social Harmony vs. Communal great epicentres of Indian civilization were
Frenzy located in the plains of the Indus and the
(d) Criminalization of Politics Ganga in the north; and those of the
(e) 'All the following passage and Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna, and
answer, in your own words, the the Cauvery in the south. Over the centuries
questions that follow at the end : the people living in these reverine regions
had conjured into existence a round of
5×15=75 economic activity and a set of social
institution, which were designed to produce
2. Read the following passage and answer, in the agricultural wealth which sustained life.
your own words, the questions that follow Indeed, the structure of rural society, with
at the end : 5 × 15 = 75 a central place occupied bythe cultivating
The flo wering of Indian civil ization classes, which were linked by ties of
constitutes one of the most go glorious patronage and prescription to numerous
chapters in the history of mankind. A artisanal and menial groups; and the fabric
culture, remarkable for its moral no less of caste society, with the interlocking
than for its millennia and more, is institutions of Varna and Jati has to be
necessarily a subject of great fascination. looked upon as the historical answer of the
Yet over and above its longevity, Indian Indian genius to the needs of sustaining
civilization is also characterized by some production in a rural society. The striking
other features which deserve to be feature of this social organisation was the
highlighted in any review of its past. The premium which it put on self-sufficiency and
ability of this civiization to absorb alien survival within the framework of an agrarian
cultures with out losing its distinctive civilization.
identitiy has intrigued scholars over the (a) What is the most distinctive
centurries; and this capacity for creative

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feature of Indian civilization? to Puri, the same ideas coursed, and if there
(b) Which section of the society was a clash of ideas in one place, the noise
occupied a central place in Indian of it soon reached distant parts of the
civilization? country.
(c) Identitfy the great epicentres of Just as Italy gave the gift of culture and
Indian civilization as narrated in religion to Western Europe, India did so to
the passage. Eastern Asia though China was as old and
(d) On what did the Indian social venerale as India. And even when Italy was
organisation lay emphasis? lying prostrate politically, her life coursed
(e) What does the phrase "conjured through the veins of Europe.
into existence" mean? It was Metternich who called Italy a
3. Make a precis of the following passage in "geographical expression", and many a
your own words in about 220 to 240 words. would-be Metternich has used that phrase
Marks will be deduced if the precis is not for India, and strangely enough, there is a
written on the separate precissheets similarity even in their geographical
provided and if it is longer or shorter than positions in the two continents. More
the prescribed limit. State the number of interesting is the comparison of England
words used by you in the precis at its end with Austria, for has not England of the
and securely fasten the precis-sheets inside twentieth proud and haughty and imposing
the answer-book. 75 up still, but with the roots that gave strenght
shrivelling up and decay eating its way into
There is some similarity between Italy and the mighty fabric.
India. Both are ancient countries with long
traditions of culture behind them, though It is curious how one cannot resist the
Italy isa newcomer compared to India, and tendency to give an anthropomorphic form
India is a much more vast country. Both to a century. Such is the force of habit and
are s plit up politically, and yet the early associations. India becomes Bharat
conception of Italia, like that of India, never Mata, Mother India, a beautiful lady, very
died, and in all their diversity the unity was old but ever youthful in appearance, sad-
predominant. In Italy the unity was largely eyed and forlorn, cruelly treated by aliens
a Roman unity, for that great city had and outsiders, and calling upon her children
dominated the country and been the fount to protect her. Some such pricutre rouses
and symbol of unity. In India there was no the emotions of hundreds of thousands and
such single centre of dominant ity, although drives them to action and sacrifice. And yet
Benares might well be called the Eternal India is in the main, the peasant and the
City of the East, not only for India, but also worker, not beautiful lady of our
for Eastern Asia, But, unlike Rome, Benares imaginations represent the bare-bodied and
never dabbled in empire or thought of bent workers in the fields and factories? Or
temporal power. Indian culture was so wide the small group of thouse who have from
spread all over India that no part of the ages past crushed the masses and exploited
country could be called the heart of that them, imposed cruel customs on them and
culture. From Kanyakumari to Amarnath and made many of them even untouchable? We
Badrinath in the Himalayas, from Dwarka seek to cover truth by the creatures of our

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imaginations and endeavour to escape from 4. (a) Fill in the blanks using the appropriate
reality to a world of dreams. forms of the words given below:
And yet, despite these different classes and burn, near, harm, perfect, invite,
their mutual conflicts there was a common create, join, administer, spendthrift,
bond which united them in India, and one skill
is amazed at its persisitence and tenacity (i) I did not accept the .................
and enduring vitality. What was this because I was angry.
strengths due to? Nor merely the passive (ii) An honest man is the noblest
strength and weight of intertia and tradition, ........... of God.
great as these always are. There was an (iii) His father prevented him from
active sustaining principle, for it resisted .................. a dance school.
successfully powerful outside influences and
(iv) A judge should ........................
absorbed internal forces that rose to combat
equal justice to all.
it. And yet with all its strength it could not
preserve political freedom or endeavour to (v) He looks gentle enough, but he can
bring about political unity. These latter do be ................. at times.
not appear to have been considered worth (vi) He has ....................... his case
much trouble; their importance was very to my satisfaction.
foolishly ignored, and we have suffered for (vii) Your opponent is too
this neglect. Right through history the old cope with.
Indian ideal did not glorify political and (viii) Despite suggestions to the
military triumph, and it looked down upon contrary, he continued to be a
money and the professional money-making ....................
class. Honour and wealth did not go (ix) The .................. sun made the
together, and honour was meant to go, at traveller thirsty.
least in theory, to the men who served the (x) Bombay is the s eapo rt
community with little in the shape of .................... to Europe.
financial reward.
(b) Use each of the following words in two
The old culture managed to live through separate sentences, first as a noun and
many a fierce storm and tempset, but then as verb :
though it kept its outer form, it lost its real
(i) present
content. Today it is fighting silently and
desperately against a new and all-powerful (ii) move
opponent the bania civilization of the (iii) issue
capitalist West. It will sucumb to this (iv) pain
newcomer, for the West brings science, and (v) crowd
science brings food for the hungry millions.
But the West also brings an antidote to the (c) Rewrite the following sentences as
evils of this cut-throat civilization - the directed within brackets : 5
principles of socialism, of cooperation, and (i) He had to sign or be executed.
service to the community for the common (Turn into a complex sentence)
good. (ii) Given the order. (Use the passive

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form) (iv) Gandhiji was the .......................

(iii) I was doubtful whether it was you. head of the Congress party.
(Turn into negative sentence) (virtuous, virtual)
(iv) He was disgraced his family. (Use (v) I do not regard his scheme as
the noun of "disgraced".) ......................... (practicable,
(v) He was so tired that he could not practical)
stand. (vi) The Equator is an ....................
(Turn into a simple sentence line round the world. (imaginative,
replacing "so" by "too") 10 imaginary)
(vii) No meeting of the
5. (a) Correct the following sentences :
........................ of ministers has
(i) The rain was accompaied by hail been scheduled for tomorrow.
and storm. (council, cabinet)
(ii) I cannot help but think that he is (viii) Acts of .................... negligence
a fool. are punishable by law. (willing,
(iii) I have never seen a clever man at wilful)
engineering than him.
(c) Use the following phrases in your
(iv) It is all the more better if he sentences so as to bring out their
marries your daughter. meaning : 5
(v) Objections to this proposal can be (i) to call forth
stated as thus.
(ii) to fall through
(vi) He travlled from one corner of
(iii) to get along
India to the other.
(iv) to lay bare (v) to put up with
(vii) She could not make up the mind.
(viii) They tried to wipe out the poor
widow's tears. English (Compulsory) – 2005
(ix) It is the best ideal each person
may aspire for.
(x) You are not entitled for admission.
(b) Choose the appropriate words from
those given in the brackets to fill in 1. Write an essay ijn about 300 words on any
the blanks in the following sentences : one of following : 100
10 (a) Environment and Conservation
(i) She has a .................... (b) Ro le o f wo men in Social
appearance. (gracious, graceful) Transformation
(ii) Our principal is a man of kind and (c) Nuclear Energy in War and Peace
................. nature (judicious,
(d) India's Foreign Policy and World
(iii) He is .................. to both praise (e) Television and its Impact on Youth
and blame. (sensible, sensitive)

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2. Read the following passage and answer in and faith in his fate but also by his hope in
your own words the questions that follow : point of longevity of life and betterment of
future prospects. Oriented by a scientific
5 × 15 = 75 theory, they give a colour to literature.
It is wrong to believe that science has totally Literature feeds the emotio nal and
eclipsed literature with its inspiring zeal. imaginative hunger of man. In this
That literature plays a subordinate role of perspective science will not oust literature
science is equally untrue. Nevertheless, it but enrich it by its impact on human life.
is undeniable that science has comparatively Science can provide amentities of life for
a wider range for its impact on the physical human comfort but fails to lend or impart
world than literature. But that does not spiritual pleasure. Delight that literature
mean that literature has been incorporated instills in man far transcends the comforts
in the realm of science to the extent that it which science provides.
loses its distinct individuality. The reality is (a) What is the basic contribution of
that both co-ex ist without the one science to humankind?
overshadowing the other. Those who think (b) What aspect of human life is fulfilled
that science has pushed literature into by works of literature?
shade reducing it to a non-entity seem to
(c) How have Darwin's and Einstein's
be simply imaginative and illogical in the
theories proved "conductive to the
comparisons of their respective merits. It
growth of ..... literature?"
is no doubt unquestion albe that products
of science are of greater material value than (e) Briefly enumerate the key ideas in the
those which make an emotional appeal, passage.
e.g., a bridge is of greater use to the public 3. Make a precis of the following passage in
than a poem. But thereby one should not your own words in about 220 to 240 words.
ignore the importance of a poem which will Marks will be deducted if the precis is not
continue to appeal to human mind for time written on the separate precis sheets
to come. It is indisputable that a scientific provided and if it is longer or shorter than
theory like the one propounded by Einstein the prescribed limit. State the number of
is not without its philosophical import as it words used by you in the precis at its end
lays its impress on the future growth of and securely fasten the precis-sheets inside
literature. But to be effective in this respect the answerbook. 75
science should unfold its principles by Gautama, the Buddha, has suffered as much
appealing to human emotions and not as anyone from critics without a sense of
through curde and concrete material facts. history. He has been cried up, and cried
Darwin's theory of Natural Selection in its down, with an equal lack of historical
exposition of the evolution man by appeal imagination. Buddhism came to be widdely
to emotions and imagination of men has knwon in the west in the latter part of the
been conducive to the growth of nineteenth 19th century when a wave of scepticism
century literature. Man's emotional attitudes spread over the world as a result of the
to life and vicissitudes of his fortune are growth of science and enlightenment.
coloured not only by his inherited instincts Positivism, agnostieism, atheism and ethical

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humanism found wide support. In much of hunt us and of decisions we make. These
the literature of doubt and disbelief, the are the things that give life its dramatic
name of Buddha is mentioned with respect. character. There is nothing absolute and
The humanists honour him as one of the permanent in them. That is why we can
earliest protagonists of their cause-the become something different from what we
happiness, the dignity, and the mental are. The reality of the person is the creative
integrity of mankind. Those who declare will. When we deny the clamour of
that man cannot know reality, and others emotions, stay the stream of things, silence
who affirm that there is no reality to know, the appetites of body, we feel the power of
use this name. Agnostics quote his example. self within out own being.
Social idealists, ethical mystics, rationalist For the Buddha, the impulse to dharma, to
prophets are all attracted by his teaching. justice and kindliness is operative in
Great as is the value of the Buddha's things,and its efficient activity will mean the
teaching for our age, we cannot hope to reduction of disorder, cruelty and
understand its true significance without oppression. Dharma is organic to existence
reference to the environment in which he and its implication of karma or right action
lived. This effort of historical imagination is the builder of the world. There is not in
is not easy. To view the Buddha as a thinker the Buddha's teaching that deep personal
of the sixth century B.C., living, moving and loyalty, passion of love, and intimate
teaching in its peculiar conditions, is a task dialogue between should and resembling
of extreme difficulty and delicacy; and the closely in its expression of earthly love. And
work of reconstruction can never be yet the essnece of religion, the vision of a
complete. But we may be reasonably certain reality which stands beyond and within the
that it yields a picture which in its main passing flux of immediate things, the
outlines, at least, must correspond fairly intuitive loyalty to something larger than
well to the reality. and beyond onself, and absolute active in
The supremacy of the ethical is the clue to the world, is in him.
the teaching of the Buddha. His conceptions We find in Guatama, the Buddha, in
of life and the universe are derived from powerful combination, spiritual profundity
his severely practical outlook. The existence and moral strength of the highest order and
of everything depends on a cause. If we a discreet intellectual reserve. He is one of
remove the cause, the effect will disappear. those rare spirits who bring to men a
If the source of all sufering is destroyed, realization of their own divinity and make
suffering will disappear. The only way in the spiritual life seem adventurous and
which we can remove the cause of suffering attractive, so that they may go forth into
is by purifying the heart and following the the world with a new interest and a new
moral law. Man is not divine but is to joy of heart. While his great intellect and
become divine. His divine status is wisdom gave him comprehension of highest
something to be built up by good thoughts, truth, his warm heart led him to devote his
good words, and good deeds. The ego life to save from sorrow suffering humanity.
consists of the feelings that burn us, of the The greatness of his personality, his
passions wer brood over, of the desires that prophetic zeal, and burning love for

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suffering humanity made a deep impression (c) Use the following phrases in your own
on those with whom he lived; but his true sentences so as to bring out their
greatness stands out clearer and brighter meaning: 5
as the ages pass, and even the sceptical (i) Apple of discord
minded are turning to him with a more real (ii) A bolt from the blue
appreciation, a deeper reverence and a truer
(iii) A feather in one's cap
worship. He is one of those few heroes of
humanity who have made epochs in the (iv) Achilles' heel
history of our race, with a message for other (v) A man of letters
times as well as their own. 5. (a) Which of the two words within brackets
4. (a) Correct the following sentences : 10 in the following sentences is correct in
(i) Too great a variety of studies the context? 5
destruct the mind. (i) Poets often (sore, soar) to great
(ii) The whole fleet of their ships were heights of imagination.
captured. (ii) Knowledge (proceeds, precedes)
(iii) Each of these students have done from the Goddess of Learning.
their work. (iii) The to wer was struck by
(iv) None but fools has ever believed (lightning, ligghtening) and fell
it. down.
(v) He is one of the cleverest boys that (iv) Kanpur lies on the air (rout, route)
has passed through the school. to Calcutta.
(vi) My friend, philosopher and guide (v) Everyone is (jealous, zealous) of
have come. him.
(vii) The majority are opposed to this (vi) The crocodile emerged from the
proposal. river and (seized, ceased) a goat.
(viii) He told me that he saw his father (vii) He was found in (collusion,
last month. collision) with the plotters.
(ix) If he would have worked hard, he (viii) Wicked persons are not (illegible,
would have passed examination. eligible) for responsible posts.
(x) Unless he will be more careful, he (ix) He is a man of (lose, loose)
will not recover. character.
(b) Add the suffix 'able' or 'ible' to each of (x) The Emperor is staying at the royal
the following words making necessary (mansion, mention).
changes in spelling. Write out the (b) Use each of the following words in two
"new" words. 10 separate sentence first as a noun and
(i) Advice (ii) Contempt then as a verb : 10
(iii) Force (iv) Access (i) Book (ii) Bare
(v) Value (vi) Reduce (iii) Clam (iv) Drive
(vii) Discern (viii) Agree (v) Face
(ix) Detach (x) Reverse (c) Change the following sentences into

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Indirect Speech : 10
(i) He said, "I am too ill to speak
(ii) The policeman said to the man,
"Where are you going"?
(iii) She said to her children, Let me
work undisturbed."
(iv) He said to the students, "Do not
sit here."
(v) He said, "May god pardon the

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The world has now reached a state of inter-

English (Compulsory) – 2006 communication. All societies are fast
becoming industrialized and new sets of
values are springing up. We are called upon
to participate in the painful birth of a new
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2006 civilization. If we are to live together in
peace we must develop international
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 300 cooperation and understanding.

1. Write an essay in not less than 300 words It is for the political leaders to determine
on any one of the following : 100 the pratical steps by which the sources of
power and communication now available to
(a) Social Impact of Black Money us can be used for closer cooperation and
(b) Women in Combat Forces friendliness among the people of the world.
(c) Internet as Virtual Library No political understanding can be made
(d) Fashion Boom in India permanent without understanding at the
(e) Are we Aggressive and Rude People? cultural level. Apart from its intrinsic
importance, such understanding
2. Read the passage carefully and write your
contributes to the enrichment of human
answers to the following questions in clear,
experience. Facile generalizations are made
correct and concise langauge:
by philosophers of history which are highly
5 × 15 = 75
misleading. Hegel in his Lectures on the
There is no reason to believe that there are philosophy of History says that 'Persia is
fundamental differences between the East the land of light; Greece the land of grace;
and the Wes t. Human bei ngs are India the land of dream; Rome the land of
everywhere human and hold the same Empire:
deepest values. The differences which are, (words : 292)
no doubt, significant, are related to external, (a) What does the passage say about
temporary social condtitions and are cultural differences in different regions?
alterable with them. East and West are (b) What comments does the author make
relative terms. They are geographical about the similarities and dissimilarities
expressions and not cultural types. The between the East and the West?
differences among countries like China,
Japan and India are quite as significant as (c) What, according to the passage, is the
those among European or American role of communication in building up a
countries. Specific cultural patterns with new civilization?
distinctive beliefs and habits developed in (d) How will cultural understanding at the
different regions in relative isolation from international level benefit human
one another. There were periods when socieities?
China and India were pre-eminent in cultural (e) Why does the autho r call the
affairs, others when Western nations statements of hegel ' facile
became dominant. For the last four generalizations'?
centuries Western nations aided by scientific 3. Make a precis of the following passage
development have dominated the East.

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keeping the length within the limits of 230- saying yest will deafen the words. Those
240 words. It is not necessary to suggest a who are effective at conversation control
title. Failure to write within the word limit act in a congruent way. Their behaviour
may result in deduction of marks. The precis matches their words. You can see they
must be written on the separate precis mean what they say. They present an
sheets provided for the purpose that must authentic pictures because their visuals
then be securely fastened inside the naswer match their verbals. With practice it is
book. Clearly state the number of words in possible to improve performance in
the precis at the end. conversation without adding any more
We all show our feelings on issues by the words. The improvement can come because
way we look and react. This has been you improve your visual gestures and
referred to as body language. We end to gesticulatios. For example, you can
lean forward, hand on chin when we are encourage another person by smiling when
interested, or turn away when disinterested. he/she says something that pleases you.
Our hands and arms can indicate we are Indeed the smile is a very powerful gesture.
open to what is being said by being relaxed, It can swtich people 'on and off' if done at
or show that we are not by being clenched the appropriate time.
or crossed. We are, therefore, making body Psychologis ts refer to the laws of
pictures of what we feel and think all the conditioning and reinforcement. To be
time. Indeed people who are talking to us skilled in conversation control you need to
can often get as much information from our know and apply these laws. Conditioning
body osture as from what we say of how means having an effect on someone's
we say it. We might calmly but show we behaviour by introducing a condition that
are anxious by moving from foot to foot or either encourages or discourages that
by blushing. It is hard to control one's behaviour. For example, we have all been
behavioural reactions, for it is more of a conditioned to stop when we see a red light
stimulus response reaction than the words at a traffic intersection, and to proceed if
we use. we see a gree light. People can be
Nevertheless through training it is feasible conditioned in conversation by such visual
to portray the image you want to others. cues. For example if you want someone to
With the advent of television as a major continue talking, smile and nod at regular
political medium there is a lot of effort going intervals. The smile sets up the green light
into grooming representatives of permission as a condition for the other
organizations and particularly chief person to speak. The nod reinforces what
executives to control their gestures and is being said and gives the unspoken
gesticulations. All this may sound as if you permission to continue. People are very
need to be a good actor in order to be sensitive to such permission cues and clues.
successful at conversation control.The If you stop smilling and head nodding, they
answer is, in one sense, you do. There is will us ually stop and y ou can then
no use in saying one thing and doing contribute. Likewise you can influence the
another. The actual visual behaviur of attention of people with whom you are
shaking your head, for example, while talking by the way you use your eyes and

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hands, particularly when you are addressing (vii) The short story should not exceed
a group. To exercise control it is important more than two hundred words.
to make eye contact with one or more (viii) Before giving the mixture to the
people. If it is a group, move your eye child shake it thoroughly.
contact from time to time so that each (ix) Nothing has or could be more
person is being conditioned to the fact that tragic than his death.
it could be their turn next for you to speak
(x) The reason that the students these
to them.
days are so undisciplined is that
Body language and the gestures and they do not get any guidance from
gesticulations you make are key aspects of their parents.
conversation control. Many books have
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate
been written on the subjects of how our
prepostion/particle and rewrite the
body very often tells others what we are
completed sentences :
thinking before we have spoken. The visual
dues get through much more quickly than (i) I told him that he could not catch
the verbal ones. Also use your hands to a big fish ................ a small rod.
emphasise a point or get them to direct the (ii) He was taken ................ task for
listener's gaze where you want it to shortage in cash balance.
conventrate. The pointed finger or the open (iii) The father pulled .............. his son
palm tells the story. Our task is to line up for his extravagant habits.
what we say with what we do and vice (iv) He is so clever, it is difficult to see
versa. If you do clench your first and angry, ................ his tricks.
then your words should feflect this. If you (v) I have been invited by my friend
are felaxed, happy and smilling, they say ............... tea.
no. (words : 705)
(c) Choose the appropriate verb form to
4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after fill in the blanks and rewrite the
making necessary correction of erros: sentences:
10 (i) The efficiency of a plant
(i) Neither percept nor discipline are ...................... by the load it can
so forceful as example. take.
(ii) Do you know if there is a house (a) knows
for letting in the neighbourhood. (b) is known
(iii) Who you said was coming to see (c) has been known
me in the mornning? (d) has known
(iv) He was finding it increasingly (ii) Everyday last week my aunt
difficult to make his two ends ................. a plate.
(a) breaks
(v) The poor people of the village buy
neither vegetables nor grow them. (b) was broken
(vi) On entering the hall, the number (c) broke
of visitors surprised me. (d) has broken

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(iii) If I ................ one more question, continue continuously for two days.
I would have passed. (i) She had few rights but all the
(a) had answered (responsibile) .....................of her
(b) would have answered work.
(c) would answer (ii) Women chose not to vote
(d) answered (machine) ................. at the
bidding of their menfolk.
(iv) He promised ................... me a
post in his department. (iii) In South Africa, certain areas are
(exclude) .......... meant for white
(a) to have given
(b) having given
(iv) The Pathans of the frontier are
(c) have given (descend) .......... of Genghis
(d) to give Khan.
(v) Please don't .............. when you (v) The court ordered him a heavy fine
go out. and (prison) ............ of 3 years.
(a) leave opening the door (vi) India lodged a complaint with
(b) leave the door open Pakistan for (courage) ..............
(c) leave the door opened terrorism in Kashmir.
(d) leave open the door (vii) Candidates with Graduate degrees
in (Human) ............ and Arts
(d) Change the following sentences into
prefer office jobs.
Indirect Speech :
5 (viii) Despite the call for ceasefire,the
war continued (abate)
(i) He said," I will not approve of such
a behaviour in future."
(ii) He said on the telephone, "We (ix) A creative person is known for his
kept on doing our work till late (s ource) ................... and
night." flexibility.
(iii) She said, "As your mother is ill, (x) The police could not control the
you must go home at once." situation as the protesters
(number) ....... them manifold.
(iv) Ram said to Sita, "Do you intened
to come with me to the forest?" (b) Make sentences using the following
(v) The child said to the Sherpa, "Why words as directed so as to bring out
didn't you choose to climb to the the meaning :
Moon?" (i) Pitch (as noun and verb)
5. (a) Fill in the blank with an appropriate (ii) Mirror (as noun and verb)
derivative of the word given within (iii) Humble (as adjective and verb)
brackets & rewrite the sentences: 10 (iv) In (as adverb and preposition)
For example: It has been raining (c) Use the following phrases/idioms in

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sentences so as to bring out the subjects it is difficult for any but the expert
meaning : to estimate quality, and many educated
(i) bell the cat people have not the close knowledge
necessary to judge their real worth. On the
(ii) thank one's starts
other hand everyone has close and daily
(iii) be on tenterhooks contact with the other four. Architecture
(iv) true to one's salt surrounds him in every city, literature meets
(v) come out with flying colours him on every book-stall, music assails his
ears on his radio set and from every juke-
stall, music assails his ears on his radio set
English (Compulsory) – 2007 and from every joke-box; and art in its
protean aspects of form and colour is a part
of daily life. The architecture may often be
bad, the literature and music often puerile,
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2007 the art often undeserving of the name; but
that is all the more reason why we should
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 be able, in all of them, to distinguish good
from bad.
To judge by the literature offered us in hotel
book-stands, and by most of the music
played on the ratio and by juke boxes we
might be more discriminating in these fields
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any than we are. If it be said that music and art
one of the following : 100 and literature are not essentials of life but
(a) Heritage Tourism is Good for Us its frills, I would replay that if so, it is curious
(b) Importance of a Work-Ethic that they are among the few immortal
(c) Should Mercy-Killing be Legalized things in the world, and that should a man
for Terminally ill Patients? wish to be remembered two thousand years
hence, the only certain way is to write a
(d) The Culture of Modesty great poem to book, compose a great
(e) "Eternal Vigilance is the Price of symphony, paint a great picutre, carve a
Liberty". great sculpture, or build a great building.
2. Read the passage carefully and write your (a) What is it that is necessary for an
answers to the following questions in clear, educated person to know?
correct and concise language: (b) Why does the author exclude science
5 × 15 = 75 and philosophy from it?
An educated man should know what is first- (c) What makes it practically easy for an
rate in those activities which spring from educated man to be able to know
the creative and intellectual faculties of literature, art architecture and music?
human nature, such as literature, art, (d) How does exposure to ordinary
architecture and music. I should like to add literature and music help us?
science and philosophy, but in these two (e) What is the author's argument to prove

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that music, art and literature are orclose him or her, with a bang. But reading
essentials of life? too has its own drawback. It lacks the
3. Make a precis of the following passage human touch, the salf of life, and is
keeping the length within the limits of 230- therefore a dangerous substitute for thought
240 words. It is not necessary to suggest a or action. Bacon in one of his essays
title. Failure to write within the word limit observes that reading maketh a full man;
may result in deduction of marks. The precis conference (that is talking) a ready man;
must be written on the separate precis and writing an exact man. One would like
sheets provided for the purpose that must to be full of knoweldge, ready in speech
then be securely fastened inside the answer and exact by training. What short of books
book. have impressed me and what books have
75 found a permanent place on my
What part should reading play in our lives?
It should certainly not be a substitute for To begin with my profession - soldiering. I
action, not for independent thinking, nor do not believe that soldiering, a practical
for conversation; but it may be a help and business, in which human nature is the main
stimulant to action; thought and talk; and element, can be learnt from text-books. But
it is capable of providing almost infinite for those who have grasped the principles
pleasure. There on our bookshelves or on of war and have understood that the human
summons from a library are wit, wisdom, factor is the most important element in it.
adventure, romance from all ages and from There is military reading that is quite
all over the world. Is there any wonder that fascinating and valuable. 'Real and re-read
our eyes sometimes stray wistfully to the the compaigns of the great commanders',
bookshelves and away from a dull visitor, said Napolean.
or that we shirk a tiresome duty for a an I would venture to put it differently and
exciting book? would say that the lives and characters of
Books or people? Reading or conversation, the great commanders are what students
listening in to a broadcast or watching a of war should examine, since their
television programme? Which is the better campaigns are only incidents in them; and
way to gain knowledge or to spend your that the behaviour of leaders and of their
leisure? Some fortunate people seem men in the field is the real subject for study.
always to find time for both and to enjoy In my general reading history, biography
both almost equally. My great friend, Arthur and travel occupy a prominent place; and
Wanchope a fine soldier, and able since I have spent a considerable proportion
administrator and a very gifted personality of my life in the East there are a good
was a constant reader, yet always ready to number of volumes on India and the Middle
lay aside a book for talk. East. There is plenty of poetry on my
The advantages of reading over talk are, of shelves and a good deal of it is in my head.
course, many. We can select the book that Poetry should dance in the mind, and blow
suits our mood, can go at our own pace, one a kiss; or gallop to adventure with a
skip or turn back whereas we cannot turn cheer; or whisper gently of things past; not
over two pages of a tedious companion shuffle or slouch past with dark

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incomprehensible mutterings. Perhaps I am (viii) I have built the house in 1960.

getting old, anyway I prefer the old poets. (ix) Their wedding has not been a very
Lastly comes what is sometimes called happy one.
'escapist' literature, the books we read with (x) Choose only such freinds whom
no other aim, than to rest or amuse the you can trust.
mind; to forget the day's chores and the (b) Rewrite the following sentences,
morrow's anixieties. This is perhaps the inserting suitable articles where
most pleasant form of reading for most, and necessary : 5
I suspect the only form of reading for many.
(i) What kind of ................. animals
The volume chosen may either be a thriller
is it?
or soother - a thriller to bring sense of
adventure into the dull daily routine or a (ii) He will return in ........ hour.
soo ther to rest tired nerves. Our (iii) He is .............. richest man in our
grandfathers in their liesurely days were street.
content with the stately, comfortable three (iv) Gold is not ................ useful
volume novel, but that had passed before metal.
the beginning of this century. (v) While there is ............... life there
You will choose your books as you choose is hope.
your friends, with taste and discrimination; (c) From Verbs from the following Nouns.
I hope; because they can tell you something
of your profession and interests, because
they are wise and helpful, because they can (i) Courage (ii) Memory
stir your blood with tales of adventure, or (iii) Prison (iv) Class
because they are gay and witty. I can only (v) Friend
wish you will get as much pleasure from (d) Put the verbs in bracket in the correct
them as I get from my books. (Words : tense and rewrite the following : 5
India (have) many calendars which
4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after Indians (use) since very early times.
making necessary correction of errors More than thirty (be) still in use. One
: difficulty about having so many
(i) The Greeks were brave peoples. calendars (be) that the same data (fall)
(ii) His hat was blown off by the strong on different days according to each.
air. 5. (a) Use each of the following words in two
(iii) I am the one who am to blame. separate sentences, first as a Noun and
(iv) We should sympathise with blind. then as a Verb : 10
(v) I'd rather play cricket and not (i) Bank (ii) Battle
swim. (iii) Bite (iv) Brave
(vi) Walking through the front door a (v) Brush
wasp stung him.
(b) Change the following sentences into
(vii) Two plus nine are eleven. their corresponding

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(a) Negatives and mankind

(b) Questions : 2. Read the passage carefully and write your
(i) Ram resembles his father. answers to the questions that follow, in
(ii) Raju studies French. clear, correct and concise language.
(iii) The bicycle costs Rs. 500. 15 × 5 = 75
(iv) The thief broke the window Winning the war against France had been
open. a Herculean effort. The conventional
(v) My mother has beautiful wisdom, then and later, attributed final
umbrella. victory to sea-power because, above all, it
ensured that Britain stayed in the ring. The
(c) Use the following phrases / idioms ships of the Royal Navy had prevented
in sentences so as to bring out the invasion; they had confined French power
meaning : 5 to Europe and allowed Britain to occupy
(i) The Lion's share nearly all the overseas possessions of her
(ii) Close daggers drawn adversaries; they had guarded the convoys
(iii) At daggers drawn which sustained Wellington's army in the
(iv) (To) die in harness peninsula; and they had guaranteed the
survival of Britain's global commerce, which
(v) (To) eat one's words
generated the wealth needed to pay for her
war effort, and underwrite those of the three
English (Compulsory) – 2008 big European powers with armies large
enough to engage Napoleon on equal
There were many reasons for the navy's
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2008 success. The determination, self-confidence
and professionalism of its officers and crews
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 owed much to traditions established in the
previous hundred years. Nelson was
outstanding as a leader and tactician, but
Duncan, Jervis and Collingwood also
deserve high praise. All understood their
country's predicament and how much
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any depended on them, which was why,
one of the following : 100 whenever the chance came for battle,they
(a) The impact of liberal economy on grabbed at it, regardless of the odds. In
Indian Industry the decisive battles of Cage St. Vincent,
(b) Terrorist attacks on civilian population Comperdown, Abukir Bay and Trafalgar the
British ftees were outnumbred but, trusting
(c) Uses of mobile phones
to supeiror seamanship gambling spirit paid
(d) Is dual citizens hip good for an off. As Nelson famously observed, an officer
individual? who laid his ship alongside the enemy could
(e) Global warming and the future of never be in the wrong.

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Much depended on the individual naval Lo ve of plya is the mo st obvio us

officer's instinctively correct response to an distinguishing mark of young animals,
emergency, somethng which Nelson whether human or otherwise. In human
cultivated among his subordinates to the children, this is accompanied by an
point where they knew without being told inexhaustible pleasure in pretence. Play and
what he expected of them. This quality pretnece are avital need of childhood, for
filtered downwards. During an engagement which opportunity must be provided if the
with the French frigate Topaze of child is to be happy and healthy, quite
Guadeloupe in January, 1809, Captain independently of any further utility in these
Willian Maude of the Jason saw no need to activities. There are two questions which
inform the commander of his consort, the concern education in this connection : first,
Cleopatra, of his intentions. "I considered what should parents and schools do in the
it unneccessary to make any singnals to way of providing opportunity? and secondly,
him, and he most fully anticipated my should they do anything more, with a view
wishes by bringing his ship to anchor on to increasing the educational usefulness of
the frigate's starboard bow and opening a games?
heavy fire", Maude wrote afterwards. The Let us begin with a few words about the
action lasted forty minutes and was decided psychology of games. This has been
by superior broadsides aimed against the exhaustively treated by Groos. There are
French ship's hull. two separate questions in this matter : the
(a) How did the British navy defeat the first is as to the impulses which produce
French navy? play, the second is as to its biological utility.
(b) What were the reasons for the British The second is the easier question. There
navy's success? seems no reason to doubt the most widely
(c) How did the British navy win the battles accepted theory, the activities which they
of Cape St. Vincent, Caperdown, etc.? will perform in earnest later on. The play
(d) What did Nelson cultivate among his of pappies is exactly like a dog-fight, except
subordinates? that they do not actually bite each other.
The play of kittens resembles the behaviour
(e) What was the reason for Captain
of cats with mice. Children love to imitate
William Maude's victory in January,
any work they have been watching, such
as building or digging; the more important
3. Make a precis out of the following passage the work seems to them,the more they like
in about one-third of its original length. It to play at it. And they enjoy anything that
is not necessary to suggest a title. Failure gives them new musccular facilities, such
to write within the word limit may result in as jumping, climbing, or walking up a
deduction of marks. The precis must be narrow plank - provided the task is not too
written on the separate precis sheets difficult. But although this accounts, in a
provided for the purpose; they must be general way, for the usefulness of the play-
securely fastened inside the answer-book : impulse, it does not by any means cover all
its manifestations, and must not for a
75 moment be regarded as giving a

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psychological analysis. he enjoyed just as much being a giant who

Some psycholo-anlysts have tried to see a ate little boys; or an engine that could pull
sexual symbolism in children's play. This, I a heavy load. Power, not sex, was the
am convinced, is utter moonshine. The main common element in these pretences. One
instinctive urge of childhood is not sex, but day, when we were returning from a walk,
the desire to become adult, or, perhaps I told him, as an obvious joke, that perhaps
more correctly, the will to power. The child we should find a certain Mr. Tiddliewinks in
is impressed by his own weakness in possession of our house, and he might
comparison with older people, and he refuse to let us in. After that, for a long
wishes to become their equal. I remember time, he would stand on the porch being
my boy's profound delight when he realised Mr. Tiddliewinks, and telling me to go to
that he would one day be a man and that I another house. His delight in this game was
had once been a child; one could see effort unbounded, and obviously the pretence of
being stimulated by the realisation that power was what he enjoyed.
success was possible. From a very early 4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after
age, the child wishes to do what older making necessary correction: 10
people do, as is shown by the because their (i) We reached at home at seven
purposes can be understood and their o'clock.
capacities are not so far out of reach as (ii) I am knowing him for many years.
those of grown-up people. The feeling of
(iii) Vishal has watched this movie
interirity is very strong in children; when
they are normal and rightly educated, it is
astimulus to effort, but if they are repressed (iv) Where you have parked the car?
it may become a source of unhappiness. (v) She will visit Chennai next month
isn't it?
In play, we have two forms of the will to
power : the form which consists in learning (vi) She knows when will Sushma
to do things, and the form which consists reach Kolktta.
in fantasy. Just as the balked adult may (vii) Mukta's teaching made his disciple
indulge in day-dreams that have a sexual to think again.
significance, so the normal child indulges (viii) Neither Lakshmi and her father
in pretences that have a power-significance. have met the Director.
He likes to be a giant, or a lion, or a train; (ix) I am seeing a man outside the
in his make-believe; he inspires terror. When door.
I told my boy, the story of Jack the Giant- (x) If I were a Minister, I would have
Killer, I tried to make him identify himself appointed you the Principalof this
with Jack, but he firmly choose the giant. school.
When his mother told him the story of
Bluebeard, he insisted on being Bluebeard, (b) Rewrite each one of the following
and regarded the wife as justly punished sentences inserting suitable articles
for insubordination. In his play, there was wherever necessary : 5
a sanguinary outbreak of cutting off ladies' (i) She deliver ............... lecture on
heads. Sadism, Freduians would say; but Shakespeare on Friday.

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(ii) Would you like ........... piece of Monday.

cake? (ii) Mukesh caught the thief at the
(iii) The University has decided to airport.
impart ................. free edcuation. (iii) Someone has stolen my pen.
(iv) Farida is ................ most talented (iv) One cannot solve the problem.
girl in your office. (v) Rajesh has opened the door.
(v) Onkar was .............. first person
(c) Make sentences using the following
to board the plane.
words as verbs : 5
(c) Give antony ms of the following (i) rebel (ii) export
adjuectives :
(iii) ring (iv) warm
(i) Possible (ii) Complete
(v) experiment
(iii) Able (iv) Regular
(d) Use the following phrases / idioms in
(v) Relevant
your own sentences so as to bring cut
(d) Change each one of the following their meaning :
sentences into indirect speech : (i) to turn up
(i) Amrita said to me, "Why didn't you (ii) to lose your grip
attend my class?"
(iii) to go to your head
(ii) My father said to me, "Wash your
(iv) to carry out
(v) to pull one's leg
(iii) Our teacher said, "The earth
revolves around the sun."
(iv) Meera said, "The pl ane has English (Compulsory) – 2009
(v) Our English teacher said to Mohan,
"Open the window".
5. (a) Change each one of the following Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 300
sentences, into their corresponding
(1) Negatives and (2) Whqustions) 10
(i) Rak hi has passed the M.A.
(ii) India played twenty matches last
year. 1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any
(iii) Her father constructed this one of the following : 100
building. (a) Why are our farmers commiting
(iv) This car runs on the CNG. suicide?
(v) Kirti studies in this college. (b) Ragging : should it be distinguished
(b) Change each of the following sentences from brutality or criminality ?
into passive voice : (c) "Sweet are the uses of adversity".
(i) They will not open the shop on (d) Reform of sports bodies in our country.

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(e) Alternative sources of energy for our and every develped individual has been
contry. freed from the once protective but now
2. Read carefully the pasage below and write dissolved horizons of the local land, local
your answers to the questions that follow, moral code, local modes of group though
in clear,correct and concise language: and sentiment. Not only in the sciences but
5 × 15 = 75 in the every department of life the will and
couarage to credit one's own sense and to
The altogether new thing in the world then honor one's own decision, to name one's
was the scientific method of research, which own vision of truth, have been the
in that period of Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, generative forces of the new age. There is
Harvey and Francis Bacon as a advancing a growing judgements are (to use
with enormous strides. All walls, all the Nietzsche's words) "human, all too human."
limitations, all the certainties of the ages
1. What is the "epoch in which we are
were in dissolution, tottering. In fact this
participating still"?
epoch, in which we are participating still,
with continually opening vistas, can be 2. In what way is it comparable to the
compared in magnitude and promise only period of the 8th to the 4th millenniums
to that of the 8th to the 4th millenniums B.C.?
B.C.: of the birth of civilization in the Near 3. What is meant by the new "lack of
Eas t, when the inventions of food horizon"?
production, grain agriculture and stock 4. What do you think is implied by "all
breeding, realeased mankind from the the certainties of the ages" that were"
primitive condition of forgaing and so made in dissolution" during the period of
possible an establishment of soundly Galileo and his fellow scientists?
grounded communities : first villages, then 5. What is the new freedom we have
towns, then cities, kingdoms, and empires. found, and why does it require
Leo Frobenius wrote of that age as the courage?
Monumental Age, and of the age now
3. Make a precis of the following passage in
dawning as the Global:
about 235 words. It is not necessary to
"In all previous ages, only restricted suggest a title. Failure to write within the
portions of the surface of the earth were word limit may result in deduction of marks.
known. Men looked out from the narrowest, The precis must be written on the separate
upon a somewhat larger neighbourhood, precis sheets provided. Which must be
and beyond that, a great unknown. They fastened securely inside the answer book :
were all, so to say, insular : bound in.
There are, of course, many motivating
Whereas our view is confined no longer to
factors in human behaviour, but we would
a spot of space on the surface of this earth.
claim that nationalism is particularly worthy
It surveys the whole of the planet. And this
of study. Why is it particularly significant?
fact, this lack of horizon,s is something
Its significance lies in its power to arouse
passionate loyalties and hatreds that
It is chiefly to the scientific method of motivate acts of extreme violence and
research that this release of mankind is due courage; people kill and die for their nations.

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Of course it is not alone in this : People are Devotion to one's religious group, like
driven to similar extremes to protect their support for one's nation, is much less
families extended families or 'tribes', their obviously to the individual's advantage than
home areas with their populations, and their is defence of the family, but we would
religious groups and the holy places and maintain that it can be more
symbols of their religions. However, these comprehensible than nationalism. It can be
other loyalties are often rather easier to seen in ideological terms as the defnece of
understand than nationalism. Parents a world view and its symbols against rival
making supreme sacrifices for their children world views, which are considered to be
can be seen as obeying a universal fundamentally erroneous and which, if
imperative in life forms, the instinct to successful,would force the conquered to act
protect one's extended family; but then the in ways abhorrent to their beliefs. While
extended family, or on a slightly larger scale the defence of one's religion, and while
the 'tribe', can also be seen, in perhaps the modern hostilities between nations
majority of circumstances in which human frequently do have a religious dimension,
beings have existed, as essential for the there are many serious national cnflicts that
survival of the individual and the nuclear have no clear religious element; the two
family. The nation is not generally essential world wars were fought in Europe with
to survival in this way. Of course, if the Catholic France, Protestant Britain, and
entire nation were to be wiped out, the Orthodox Russia opposing Germany with
individuals and their families would die, but its mixed Catholic and Protestant
the disappeaance of the nation as a social population. This, while modern nationalisms
unit would not in itself pose a threat to may be linked to religion, many cases can
individual or family survival; only if it were be found without any clear religious
to be accompanied by ethnic violence or dimension. Not only do modern
severe economic collapse would it be life nationalisms lack a religious element; there
threatening, and such cataclysmic events is often (to outsiders) no obvious ideological
are not an inevitable consequence of the difference between rival nations. Hence,
loss of political independence. Conversely, While defence of one's religion can be seen
there is no logical connection between the as defence of an entire system of beliefs, a
gaining of political independence by a world view, it is difficult in many cases to
subject nation and increased life chances claim that this is true of the defence of one's
for its citizens. In many, perhaps the vast nation. There is in fact a good case for
majority, of modern nations there is a seeing nations as 'imagined communities',
likewise no evidence that in defending the and such would bethe view of some
nation one is defending one's own genetic commentators.
material; the notion that the citizens of Such imagined communities could not, of
modern nations ar kinsfolk, while the course, exist unless they fulfilled a need.
citizens of (potentially) hostile neighbours We can postulate that the need to belong
are aliens, makes no sense in view of the to a community of some kind is a
highly varied genetic make-up of most fundamental human characteristics, and
modern populations. that nations have arisen to fulfil this need,

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as earlier more primary communities - local, umbrell a but to day I'm

'tribal', and religious - have lost their ................. one. (Carry)
significance through economic and social 2. She never .................. about her
change. But why should this need by fulfilled children .................. (Worry)
by nations, rather than some other type of 3. That child always ...................
unit? There is strong support in the when he has a bath. Listen, he's
literature for a view of nations as products ...................... now (Cry)
of particular social and economic conditions (d) Form the opposites of these words by
operating from around the mid-eighteenth adding a prefix : 5
century, as products of 'modernization'.
1. Do .......................
4. Answer as directed : 25 2. Credible.......................
(a) Rewrite the following sentences after 3. Ambiguous.......................
making necessary corrections : 4. Lawful.......................
1. The bear had a ring on it's nose. 5. Legal.......................
2. This shirt is too lose for me.
5. Answer as directed : 25
3. This coat looks a bit small - I'd
(a) Combine the following sentences using
like to try on it.
too ....... to 5
4. Let's listen the music.
1. The coffee was hot. We could not
5. Do you know what is the answer? drink it.
6. The weather today is too good. 2. You are now old. You cannot
7. I saw him yesterday only. continue to work.
8. Who you want to see? 3. The child was very small. It could
9. The ice cream's good - may I not walk.
please have little more? 4. This book is heavy. I cannot carry
10. His office is quite opposite to my it.
house. 5. She was shocked. She did not
(b) Supply the missing words : react.
1. The shopkeeper refused to bargain (b) Rewrite these sentences so that they
....................... the customer. begin with the word it : 5
2. He did not believe ................. 1. To talk like that is silly.
bargaining. 2. To hear your voice was good.
3. He had already decided 3. To tell the truth is essential.
.................... a fair price.
4. To have friends is better than
4. The customer was l ooking money.
.................. a bargain.
5. To think for yourself is difficult.
5. They argued ....................... the
price for a long time. (c) Combine these sentences using one of
the words although.
(c) Use the correct form of the verb in
brackets : 5 but, yet, so or because. Use each word
1. I do not usually ............... an once.

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1. They were tired. They worked late

into the might.
English (Compulsory) – 2010
2. He slept early. He woke up late.
3. He was on mediecation. He felt
drowsy. ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2010
4. She was very angry. She said
nothing. Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 300
5. Time engine stopped. It had
heated up.
(d) Combine the following sentences using
enough to . 5
1. The wind was strong. It could blow
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on any
people away. ONE of the following. 100
2. The print was clear. We could read (a) Increasing consumerism in the middle
it easily. class in India.
3. It was hot. You could cook food (b) Are traditional forms of protest no
with the sun's rays. longer effective?
4. You are old. You should know (c) The Nuclear Civil Liability Bill.
better. (d) “The food our increasing population,
5. The essay was good. It earned full forest areas need to be cleared to
marks. increase land area available for
(e) Rewrite these sentences, using a form cultivation.” Do you agree?
of the word get and a suitable (e) Need to check politicisation of Sports
preposition or prepositions instread of bodies in India.
the word (s) underlined. 5 2. Read the following passage carefully and
1. Has the company recovered from based on it, answer the questions given
its losses? below it in clear, correct and concise
2. I'd like to continue with my language :
cooking now, if I May. 75
3. How do you manage with so little According to the finding of a recent
to eat? government survey there are an estimated
4. Did you establish a connection with 3.3 million registered NGOs working in the
New York on the telephone? country—one for every 400 Indians. Not
only has the number of NGOs in India risen
5. Put the milk away where the cat
dramatically but so has their influence. In
can't reach it.
some of India’s flagship development
efforts—the National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act, the National Rural Human
Mission, the Right to Education or even the
draft Right to Food Act — NGOs have been

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at the forefront both in formulating these beveloped transparency standards for

laws and policies and in implementing them. NGOs which require organisations to
NGOs have helped voice the concerns of publish online information about their
some of India’s most vulnerable groups and mission, vision, activities, staff, details of
focus the attention of the government or funding etc.
critical, social and development issues. They (1) What are Indi’s important development
have also spearheaded efforts to expose schemes?
corruption and mal-administration in (2) How do NGOs help ‘Vulnerable groups’
government bringing in much needed in India?
(3) What do we know about the structure,
But despite the growing influence of NGOs activities and sources of funding of the
in India today, we know very little about NGOs in India?
them : their structure activities, sources of (4) Whom does the author describe as
funding and, more importantly, how watchers? Why?
accountable they are to the people they
(5) How do the NGOs in other nations deal
represent. This is alarming given the crores
with the issue of accountability?
of rupees in development and from donors
every years. Ironically thought NGOs have 3. Make a précis of the following passage in
been watchdogs of the government for about 210-230 words. Failure to write within
many years, there has been little regulation the stipulated word limit may result in
or monitoring of their won activities. deduction of marks. The précis
Leading many to ask a very fundamental
question : who watches the watchers? which must be then fastened
securely inside the answer book : 75
Interestingly, although India has probably
the world’s highest NGO population, the In many respects “Sakuntala” is
debate on NGO accountability is still in its comparable to the more idyllic comedies
nascent stages. Across the world, NGOs of Shakespeare, and Kanva’s hermitage is
have been experimenting with different surely not far from the Forest of Arden.
wa ys of addres sing the issue of The plot o f the play, like many of
accountability; Indian NGOs would do well Shakespeare’s plots, depends much on
by learning from these efforts. For example, happy chances and on the super-natural,
NGOs in Kenya are legally required to which, of course, was quite acceptable to
comply with the Code of Conduct for NGOs the audience for which Kalidasa wrote. Its
developed by the National Council of NGOs, characters, even to the minor ones, are
a self-regulatory body set up under the NGO happily delineated individuals. Kalidasa
Coordination Act in 1990. The code ensures makes no pretence to realism, but his
that NGOs comply with basic ethical and dialogue is fresh and vigorous. In fact the
governance standards. Similarly, in Uganda, dialogue of the better Sanskrit plays
the NGO Quality Assurance Mechanism generally seems based on vernacular, and
(QuAM) certifies NGOs against a set of is full of idiomatic expressions. Indian
quality standards designed to ensure NGO playgoers did not demand the conflict of
credibility. In Chile, Chile Transparente has feelings and emotions which is the chief

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substance of serious European drama, but impalement at the last moment.

Kalidasa was quite capable of portraying Second only to Kalidasa in the esteem of
such conflict effectively. His beauties and the critics was Bhavabhuti, who lived at
merits are tarnished by any translation, but Kanyakubja in the early 8th century. Three
few who can read him in the original would of his plays survive—”Malati and Madhava”,
doubt that, both as poet and dramatist, he “T he Deeds o f the Great Hero”
was one of the great men of the world. (Mahaviracarita), and “The Later Deeds of
There were many o ther dramatists. Rama” ( ). The first is a
Sudraka, probably Kalidasa’s approximate love sto ry wi th a pseudo-realistic
contemporary, has left only the play “The background, full of incident of an exciting
Little Clay Cart” ( ). This is or horrific type, in which the heroine is more
the most realistic of Indian dramas, than once rescued from death, while the
unraveling a complicated story, rich in two latter plays tell the story of Rama. By
humour and pathos and crowded with Western standards as a dramatist
action, on the love of a poor Brahman, Bhavabhuti falls short of those we have
Carudatta, for the virtuous courtesan mentioned earlier. His plots are weakly
Vasantasena; this story is interwoven with constructed and his characters lack
one of political intrigue, leading up the individuality. His greatness rests on his
overthrow of the wicked king Palaka, and deep understanding of sorrow; in his
the play contains a vivid trial scene, after treatment of the pathetic and the terrible
which the hero is saved from execution at he perhaps excels Kalidasa.
the last moment. It is notable for its realistic 4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after
depiction of city life, and for its host of making necessary corrections, if any
minor characters, all of whom are drawn :—
with skill and individuality. It has more than 10
once been performed in translation on the
(i) I live half of a mile from here.
European stage, and, to a Western
audience, is certainly the most easily (ii) “Do you like music?” “I like.”
appreciated of Indian plays. (iii) Do you like some more coffee?
Visakhadatta (?6th century) was the (iv) He worked like a waiter for two
dramatist of politics. His only complete years.
surviving play, “The Minister’s Signet Ring” (v) Like what does she look?
( ), deals with the schemes of (vi) I know his since 1960.
the wily Chanakya to foil the plots of (vii) I wasn’t used to drive a big car.
Raksasa, the minister of the last of the (viii) He suggested me to try the main
Nandas, and to place Chandragupta Maurya car park.
firmly of the throne. The plot is exceedingly
(ix) I have never met so nice person.
complicated, but is worked out with great
skill, and he play is beautifully constructed (x) Too many Mathematics is usually
to lead up, like “The Little Clay Cart”, to a taught in schools.
pathetic scene where one of the chief (b) Rewrite following sentences inserting
characters is sav ed fro m death by suitable article(s), wherever

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necessary:— 5 (ii) The forecast says, “It will rain

(i) My grandfather had had hard life. tomorrow.”
(ii) She hit him in stomach. (iii) He said to me, “It would be nice if
(iii) Queen had dinner with President. I could see you again.”
(iv) My friend is in hospital. (iv) I said, “If I had any money I’d buy
you a drink.”
(c) Rewrite the foll owing sentences
(v) The teacher said, “Why don’t you
inserting suitable prepositions in the
work harder.”
blank spaces : 5
(i) I am angry_ ____ ___ her (c) Rewrite the following sentences,
__________ lying. changing them into simple ones : 5
(ii) I was re ________ anger at his (i) I wonder who I should invite.
remarks. (ii) Show him what he should do.
(iii) Could you expl ain this rule (iii) She couldn’t decide whether she
_________ me place? should answer his letter.
(iv) People have always been kind (iv) He didn’t know where he should
__________ me. park his car.
(d) Give the antonyms of the following (v) Tell me when I should pay.
adjective : 5 (d) Add a tag question at the end of each
(i) common of the following sentences : 5
(ii) loyal (i) Pooja can speak French.
(iii) formal (ii) The meeting is at ten.
(iv) mature (iii) You didn’t speak to Mohan.
(v) sensitive. (iv) She wouldn’t like a pet.
5. Answer the directed : (v) Harish gave you a cheque.
(a) Rewrite the following sentences using (e) Rewrite the following sentences using
the passive structure : 5 ‘it’ in the beginning as a preparatory
subject : 5
(i) She gave her sister the car.
(i) To make mistakes is easy.
(ii) I had already shown the suspect’s
photograph to the policewomen. (ii) To wait for people who were late
made him angry.
(iii) They believe him to be dangerous.
(iii) My ambition was to retire at thirty.
(iv) They made him tel l them
everything. (iv) Your task is to get across the river
without being seen.
(v) They elected me President.
(v) For you to ask Ramesh would be
(b) Change the following sentences into a big mistake.
indirect speech : 5
(i) He wrote in his letter, “I saw
Poonam at the theater a couple of
days ago.”

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therefore very sensitive to any failure or

English (Compulsory) – 2011 irregularity of the same. It is clear that the
adoption of techniques preventing soul
erosion would also help to conserve and
ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) – 2011 keep the water where it is wanted. In other
words, on and in the soil, and such
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 300 techniques therefore serve a double
purpose. It is evident, however, that in a
country having only a seasonal rainfall an
immense quantity of rain-water must
necessarily run off the ground. The
collection and utilization of water is
therefore of vital importance. Much of it
1. Write an essay in about 300 words on
flows down into the streams and rives and
any one of the following: 100
ultimately finds its ways to the sea. The
a. The predicaments of Democracy. harnessing of our rives, the waters of which
b. In India when inflation rises governance now mostly run to waste is a great national
stalls. problem which must be considered and
c. Modern world’s fears about nuclear dealt with on national lines. Closely
energy. connected with the conservation of water
d. Information Technology transforming the supplies is the problem of afforestation. The
Indian society systematic planting of suitable trees in every
possible or even in impossible areas and
2. Read carefully the passage below and
the development of what one can call
write your answers to the questions
civilized forests as distinguished from wild
that follow in clear, correct and
and untamed jungle is on of the most urgent
concise language: 5× 5 = 75
needs of Indian. Such plantation would
‘Water is the basis of all life. Every animal directly and indirectly prove a source of
and every plant contains substantial untold wealth to the country. They would
proportion of free or combined water in its check soul erosion and conserve the rainfall
body, and no kind of physiological activity of the country from flowing away to waste
is possible in which the fluid does not play and would provide the necessary supplies
an essential part. Water is , of course of cheap fuel and thus stop unnecessary
necessary for animal life, while moisture in waste of farmyard manure
the soil is equally imperative for the life and
growth of plants and trees, though the
quantity necessary varies enormously with 1. Where does the world get water from?
the species. The conservation and utilization 2. What is the national problem relating to
of water is thus fundamental for human our rivers?
welfare. Apart from artesian water the 3. What are the benefits of afforestation?
ultimate source in all cases is rain or 4. What is fundamental for human welfare?
snowfall. Much of Indian agriculture 5. What are the advantages of preventing
depends on seasonal rainfall and is soil erosion?

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3. Make a précis of the following passage Satan; for it is written,’ Thou shalt worship
in about 204 words. It is necessary to thy Lord, thy God and Him alone shald thou
suggest a title. Failure to write within serve’
the world limit may result in deduction In the new society we need a new universal
of marks. The précis must be written religion. By it we mean not a uniform
on the separate precise sheets religion but a religion of awareness and love
provided, which must then be of wisdom and compassion, prajan and
fastened securely inside the answer- karuna, of truth and love. Religions mist be
book. 75 cured of their provincialism and made to
‘While all the religious teachers tell us that reveal their universality. This does not mean
compassion gives us a motive for existence, spiritual vagueness or ambiguity.
a guide for action and a reason for courage Tolerance implies an elementary right
and helps us to diminish the sum of human belonging to the dignity of every man. The
suffering, in the very name of God, who is right to believe like the right to live a free,
all compassion, abominable crimes have unfettered life is fundamental to the concept
been committed in the world. It is not of brotherly love. We have had in our
enough to believe in a God of love but we country peaceful co-existence of different
must love. The rains that make the lower religions. It is not mere passive inter-
plains fertile are formed in the upper layers relation of the best of different religions.
of the atmosphere. The saints are the CO-existence is the first step and fraternity
masters who are not stained-glass figures, is the goal. We have not adhered steadfastly
remote and ethereal in their sanctity. There to these ideals and have suffered often. Yet
is nothing in them, which we would like to the ideal has been kept in view and
spread everywhere in the world. It is there supported by great leaders like Ram Mohan
but what it is, we cannot say. It is there in Roy, Ramakrishna, Tagore and Gandhiji.
their blood and bones, in the breath of their
speech in the lights and shades of their The view of tolerance is based on the
personalities, a mystery that can be lived conviction that all transcendental use of the
but not spoken in words. logical categories, all attempts of submit
the transcendent to the finite, are wrong.
On the rock of moral law and not on the Nature and history announce God’s
shifting sands of political or economic presence but do not disclose his whole
expediency can be built a civilized society nature. Religions are cut off from one
with individual freedom, social justice and another by mutual incomprehensiveness.
political equality. Truth, freedom and We are born or trained in certain traditions
righteousness are essential to peace. The of religion Loyalty to tradition does not
Evangelist tell us how ‘ the devil take the meant imprisonment within it. We adopt
him up into and exceeding high mountain, different symbolic representations of the
and showeth him all the kingdoms of the supreme determined by our age,
worlds, and the glory of tem. And saith unto circumstances, upbringing and by narrower
him, ‘ All these things will I give thee, If loyalties of caste, race or nation. Whatever
thou wilt fall down and worship me’. Then progress we make at eh expense of those
saith Jesus unto him, ‘ Get thee hence, values is morally wrong.

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The seers of all religions affirm that the 3. Can you hear what he …………?
various peoples of the world form a (SAY)
community with a common purpose and a (d) Write the opposites of the following: 5
common destiny. It is said that the whole
1. Notorious
world is the fatherland of a noble soul. The
application of this universality of spirit 2. Legitimate
requires us to look upon our common 3. Responsible
enemies not as monsters of evil but as 4. Satisfaction
misled by their obsessions and as capable 5. Promotion
of change (611 words) 5. Answer as directed:
4. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after 5. Answer as directed:
making necessary correction: 10
(a) Rewrite the following sentences removing
1. Saints desire noting………… the ‘too…. to’:
1. He is too honest to steal.
2. In regret at the delay in doing this.
2. he is too week to run.
3. In congratulate you for your
3. She is too shy to sing.
4. He was too shocked to speak.
4. Ram as well as Mohan have gone.
5. The matter will be too complicated to
5. He has passed order on my
(b) Rewrite the following sentences using ‘It’
6. He is more intelligent than any boy
in the beginning as a subject.
7. What will be ensued on this?
1. To scold the boys would be foolish.
8. This is high time that we should
change the bike. 2. Smoking is bad for him.
9. I did nothing but laughed. 3. To call after ten was unusual for him
10. I informed him, “Leave the room”. 4. Keeping the windows open on the
roadside does not look decent.
(b) Supply the missing worlds:
5. To play games on Sundays is not allowed.
1. The wages of sin ……….. death.
(c) Combine each pair of sentences using one
2. I trust ……… God. of the words: ‘nor’, ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘if, or ‘when’
3. I have no fondness …….. music. Use each word only once: 5
4. I have no doubt ………… your 1. He turned pale. He saw me
honesty. 2. They are poor. You consider their bank
5. I am conscious ………… my duties. balance.
(c) Use the correct forms of the verbs in 3. She wanted to make a speech. She did
brackets: not know how to begin.
1. I remember …….. her when she 4. He took a pen. He started writing.
was a little girl. (SEE) 5. She doesn’t like Rakesh. She doesn’t like
2. You will ……… twenty-four hours Mohini.
to consider your decision. (GIVE) (d) Change the narration of the following

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1. The teacher said to me, “ Why are you
2. He said that his mother was just then
absent form home.
3. A wrote to B, “Your letter reached me
here early this morning.”
4. Ramesh requested his sister, “ Please
keep my things ready when I return form
my trip tomorrow”.
5. He said, “ What a strange man you are!”.
(e) Rewrite the following sentences using the
passive voice structure: 5
1. he gave her a book to read.
2. Even a child can handle this machine.
3. Who ha put the book on the shelf?
4. Everyone rejected the bold idea.
5. Ramesh is driving Sunita’s car

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