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After having taken other VBA courses, I can
Browse through my free Excel tutorials to discover dashboard tips, chart tricks say
andwith certainty that this is the best by far, it
advanced formula techniques. is amazing the amount of tips, tricks and
shortcuts that Leila teaches us and others do
not. It shows the effort and love that Leila
Free Tutorials delivers in each course she does.

Felix Valecillos (Excel VBA course)

Courses to help you succeed

If you'd like to learn Excel in a structured way and in your own time, check out my
bestselling courses: This is a great course that taught me new things and
also demonstrated new ways to apply existing
techniques in ways I had not previously considered or
Start Learning knew where possible. I really enjoyed and benefited
from the teaching style. Leila chunks the more
complicated subject matter to make it easier to
grasp. As a result my Excel capability just increased
Favorite Resources significantly and I have no hesitation recommending
this course.
Check out my list of favorite resources. It includes links to Excel books I've found
helpful, courses on topics I'm interested in such as Power Query, data science and Ade Vaughan (Excel Dashboard course)


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Quick Gantt Chart

Task Start date # Working days End date # days task #

Design completed 1/2/2017 15 1/24/2017 22 1
Admin training 1/13/2017 13 2/1/2017 19 2
Address IT issues 2/1/2017 12 2/17/2017 16 3
Initial build 2/17/2017 13 3/8/2017 19 4
Data migration 3/8/2017 7 3/17/2017 9 5
User training 3/17/2017 13 4/5/2017 19 6
Testing 4/5/2017 10 4/20/2017 15 7
Parallel run 4/20/2017 8 5/3/2017 13 8
Sign-off 5/3/2017 15 5/24/2017 21 9

# Working days 12/16 1/5 1/25 2/14 3/6 3/26

Design completed 15
Admin training 13
Address IT issues 12
Initial build 13
Data migration 7
User training 13
Testing 10
Parallel run 8
Sign-off 15

/14 3/6 3/26 4/15 5/5 5/25

Fully Featured Gantt Chart

Plan Actual

Task Start date # Working days End date Start date # Working days End date
Design completed 1/2/2017 15 1/24/2017 1/2/2017 5 1/10/2017
Admin training 1/13/2017 13 2/1/2017 1/10/2017 10 1/24/2017
Address IT issues 2/1/2017 12 2/17/2017 2/1/2017 12 2/17/2017
Initial build 2/17/2017 13 3/8/2017 2/17/2017 13 3/8/2017
Data migration 3/8/2017 7 3/17/2017 3/8/2017 7 3/17/2017
User training 3/17/2017 13 4/5/2017 3/17/2017 13 4/5/2017
Testing 4/5/2017 10 4/20/2017 4/5/2017 10 4/20/2017
Parallel run 4/20/2017 8 5/3/2017 4/20/2017 8 5/3/2017
Sign-off 5/3/2017 15 5/24/2017 5/3/2017 15 5/24/2017

Select Scenario: Plan

Project Timeline: Plan Vie

12/26/... 1/15/... 2/4/... 2/24/... 3/16/.

Design completed - 1...

Admin training - 1...

Address IT issues - 1...

Initial build - 1...

Data migration - ...

User training - 1...

Testing - 1...

Parallel run - ...

Sign-off - 1...
Data preparation
Project Timeline: Plan View
# days
% Completion Task Start date # days completed
100% Design completed - 15 WD 1/2/2017 22 0
80% Admin training - 13 WD 1/13/2017 19 0
50% Address IT issues - 12 WD 2/1/2017 16 0
20% Initial build - 13 WD 2/17/2017 19 0
Data migration - 7 WD 3/8/2017 9 0
User training - 13 WD 3/17/2017 19 0
Testing - 10 WD 4/5/2017 15 0
Parallel run - 8 WD 4/20/2017 13 0
Sign-off - 15 WD 5/3/2017 21 0

ct Timeline: Plan View

24/... 3/16/... 4/5/... 4/25/... 5/15/... 6/4/...


Fully Featured Gantt Chart: ONE VIEW

Plan Actual

Task Start date # Working days End date Start date # Working days End date
Design completed 1/2/2019 15 1/23/2019 1/2/2019 5 1/9/2019
Admin training 1/13/2019 13 1/30/2019 1/10/2019 10 1/24/2019
Address IT issues 2/1/2019 12 2/19/2019 2/1/2019 12 2/19/2019
Initial build 2/17/2019 13 3/6/2019 2/17/2019 13 3/6/2019
Data migration 3/8/2019 7 3/19/2019 3/8/2019 7 3/19/2019
User training 3/17/2019 13 4/3/2019 3/17/2019 13 4/3/2019
Testing 4/5/2019 10 4/19/2019 4/5/2019 10 4/19/2019
Parallel run 4/20/2019 8 5/3/2019 4/20/2019 8 5/3/2019
Sign-off 5/3/2019 15 5/24/2019 5/3/2019 15 5/24/2019

Actual & Plan

12/26/... 1/15/... 2/4/... 2/24/... 3/16/...

Data preparation

# days
% Completion Task Start actual date # days completed Start Plan date
100% Design completed 1/2/2019 7 7 1/2/2019
80% Admin training 1/10/2019 14 11.2 1/13/2019
50% Address IT issues 2/1/2019 18 9 2/1/2019
20% Initial build 2/17/2019 17 3.4 2/17/2019
Data migration 3/8/2019 11 0 3/8/2019
User training 3/17/2019 17 0 3/17/2019
Testing 4/5/2019 14 0 4/5/2019
Parallel run 4/20/2019 13 0 4/20/2019
Sign-off 5/3/2019 21 0 5/3/2019

Actual & Plan

... 3/16/... 4/5/... 4/25/... 5/15/... 6/4/...

# days Y- axis for Plan Current day
21 8.2 4/4/2019
17 7.2 4/4/2019
18 6.2 4/4/2019
17 5.2 4/4/2019
11 4.2 4/4/2019
17 3.2 4/4/2019
14 2.2 4/4/2019
13 1.2 4/4/2019
21 0.2 4/4/2019
Gantt Chart with Dependency

Plan Actual

Task Dependency Start date # Working days End date Start date
Design completed Design completed 1/2/2019 15 1/23/2019 1/2/2019
Admin training Design completed 1/13/2019 13 1/30/2019 1/10/2019
Address IT issues Admin training 2/1/2019 12 2/19/2019 2/1/2019
Initial build Initial build 2/17/2019 13 3/6/2019 2/17/2019
Data migration Admin training 3/8/2019 7 3/19/2019 3/8/2019
User training Admin training 3/17/2019 13 4/3/2019 3/17/2019
Testing User training 4/5/2019 10 4/19/2019 4/5/2019
Parallel run Testing 4/20/2019 8 5/1/2019 4/20/2019
Sign-off Parallel run 5/3/2019 15 5/24/2019 5/3/2019

Dependencies in grey in data prep. table

and blue lines in Gantt Chart were added by
Rico (one of our community members).
Thank you Rico for taking the Gantt chart to
another level!

Actual & Plan

12/26/2018 1/15/2019 2/4/2019 2/24/2019 3/16/2019

Data preparation

# Working days End date % Completion Task Start actual date # days
5 1/9/2019 100% Design completed 1/2/2019 7
10 1/24/2019 80% Admin training 1/10/2019 14
12 2/19/2019 50% Address IT issues 2/1/2019 18
13 3/6/2019 20% Initial build 2/17/2019 17
7 3/19/2019 Data migration 3/8/2019 11
13 4/3/2019 User training 3/17/2019 17
10 4/19/2019 Testing 4/5/2019 14
8 5/1/2019 Parallel run 4/20/2019 11
15 5/24/2019 Sign-off 5/3/2019 21

Actual & Plan

/24/2019 3/16/2019 4/5/2019 4/25/2019 5/15/2019 6/4/2019

# days
completed Start Plan date # days Y- axis for Plan Current day
7 1/2/2019 21 8.2 4/4/2019
11.2 1/13/2019 17 7.2 4/4/2019
9 2/1/2019 18 6.2 4/4/2019
3.4 2/17/2019 17 5.2 4/4/2019
0 3/8/2019 11 4.2 4/4/2019
0 3/17/2019 17 3.2 4/4/2019
0 4/5/2019 14 2.2 4/4/2019
0 4/20/2019 11 1.2 4/4/2019
0 5/3/2019 21 0.2 4/4/2019
Y-axis for Dependency End Relative Dependency Y Days between Start and
Dependency Date position Dependency End
8.30 1/9/2019 0 -7
7.30 1/9/2019 -0.999999999999999 1
6.30 1/24/2019 -1 8
5.30 3/6/2019 0 -17
4.30 1/24/2019 -3 43
3.30 1/24/2019 -4 52
2.30 4/3/2019 -1 2
1.30 4/19/2019 -1 1
0.30 5/1/2019 -1 2


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