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RETEACHING: An adjective is a word

that describes a noun or pronoun.
ADJECTIVES The adjectives a, an, and the are articles.
The words this, that, these, and those are
Read the following sentences. Underline each demonstrative adjectives when they
adjective, including articles. If a sentence contains come before a noun that they point out
a demonstrative adjective, circle it. or refer to.

1. Did you see that show at the National Postal Museum?

2. It is about the mail compartment on the Titanic.

3. It shows an old room with sea creatures growing in it.

4. That huge room contained thousands of letters.

5. The post office believes some of these letters could actually still be deliverable!

6. This interesting exhibit explains many problems related to the old mail.

7. First of all, these letters have been on the sea floor for about one hundred years.

8. Still, the post office must deliver all posted mail.

9. How will it find the relatives of those people?

10. What an expensive, difficult task it will be!

11. Still, could information in one of those letters change someone’s life?

12. Could it solve a mystery or cure a broken heart?

13. Are valuable items in those decaying letters and packages?

14. Dealing with this mail will not be an easy task.

15. Yet, it does promise to be an exciting and fascinating one.

On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph describing a luxury plane,
& WR

ship, or train that you would like to ride on.Write a paragraph describing it.

TH Invent details if you need to, and use vivid adjectives.

1 Scholastic Success With Grammar 50


1. Did you see that show at the National Postal

2. It is about the mail compartment on the Titanic.
3. It shows an old room with sea creatures
growing in it.
4. That huge room contained thousands of letters.
5. The post office believes some of these letters could
actually still be deliverable!
6. This interesting exhibit explains many problems
related to the old mail.
7. First of all, these letters have been on the sea floor
for about one hundred years.
8. Still, the post office must deliver all posted mail.
9. How will it find the relatives of those people?
10. What an expensive, difficult task it will be!
11. Still, could information in one of those letters
change someone’s life?
12. Could it solve a mystery or cure a broken heart?
13. Are valuable items in those decaying letters and
14. Dealing with this mail will not be an easy task.
15. Yet, it does promise to be an exciting and
fascinating one.

2 Scholastic Success With Grammar

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