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Goldenstate College

General Santos City

1st Grading Examination

Subject: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Name: __________________________________Grade & Section: ______________


II. Identify the text structure and organize each passage using a chart/diagram. (10 points each)

1. Lewis and Clark made a superbly balanced team. Both were young. Both were bachelors.
Both possessed impressive command and field skills. Yet Clark was practical while Lewis was
philosophical. Lewis was introverted, studious, and sometimes moody. Clark was outgoing,
quick to take action, and mild tempered. However, both were dependable, courageous,
disciplined, and loyal.

Text Structure:

2. Starfish, also known as sea stars, get their name from their shape. They have five arms and
live in water. Whether they are red, orange, blue or brown, most are spiny. Even if they lose an
arm, they can regrow another! Starfish have a unique but pretty look. Oddly, they have a mouth
at the center of the lower surface. But they are also appealing that many people collect them
just for their beauty. Starfish are quite interesting friends of the sea.

Text Structure:
3. When a building is abandoned, nature takes over. Animals such as mice, snakes, and bats
move in. Vines grow on the outside. Snow and rain cause wood to rot and beams to break.
When the roof finally collapses, trees and weeds can grow inside the building.

Text Structure:

4. In the spring, toads lay their eggs in ponds, lakes, and puddles. Then, tiny tadpoles come out
of the eggs. The tadpoles come out of the eggs . The tadpoles live in the water for several
weeks. Next, the tadpoles start to develop back legs, and then front legs. Finally, the tadpoles
lose their tails. They are ready to come out of the water -- as tiny, tiny toads!

Text Structure:

5. Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess , students would argue over the
slides. Teachers had to spend time everyday taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher
came up with a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy.

Text Structure:
III. Determine the topic and the main idea of the text. (5 points each)

1. Dinosaurs are animals that lived a long time ago. Now, they are extinct, that means they are
not alive anymore. Some dinosaurs ate meat, and other ate plants. They were big and small
ones. T-Rex was biggest.



2. Worms are helpful creatures. As they move under the ground they create tunnel. These
tunnels allow room for rain water that reach plant roots. Worms also help the earth by mixing up
the soil. Last, as worms crawl , they leave behind a slime containing nitrogen. Nitrogen is an
important nutrient for plants.



3. Hundred years ago, four writers recorded fairy tales. A Frenchman, Charles Perrault, wrote
many well-known tales. In Germany, Jacob and Wilhem Grimm retold common folklore. Their
collection was published in two volumes, in 1812 and 1815. H.C. Andersen , from Denmark ,
penned thousands of tales. Some examples are "Little Mermaid" and "Thumbelina". Because of
these men, we can enjoy reading fairy tales today.



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