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Name: Amy Ponce

Title of Lesson: Let’s Conserve!

Grade: 5th

 CCSS.ELA-5.L.1
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
 5-ESS3-1.
Human Impacts on Earth Systems
Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on
grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.


This lesson is intended to allow students to engage in group discussion about water conservation and its importance in our
lives. With mini assignments the students will also develop a better understanding of water conservation and ways in which they can
conserve water.


Students will be able to explain the importance of water conservation. Students will identify ways in which to conserve water in their
home and at school. They will attain knowledge on organizations and groups that help in conserving water.


Students will write multiple entries in their science journals about:

1. How their life would change if they didn’t have water.
2. A list of ways to conserve water in their homes.

Students will also create a poster to persuade people to change their habits of water usage and offer alternatives to help sustain our


Students would need to already have knowledge on how we acquire our water. We will have a quick review about where water comes
from at the beginning of the lesson to ensure all students have this prior knowledge. As well as why it is important to have water.


Science Journal Glue

Pen/Pencil Construction Paper
Large Poster board Crayons
Markers Scissors




Begin writing the word water on the board, while doing so review with the students about yesterday’s lesson on, where does water
comes from. Ask students key questions such as, “where does water come from?” “Where can we get water?” And, “how does water
get to our house?”

Next begin introducing today’s lesson by asking students, “Why do we need water?” While students generate ideas begin writing the
students responses on the board like a graphic organizer.
Then have students pull out their science journals and in teams, brainstorm all the different ways that they have used water in the last
24 hours. Allow for this brainstorm for about 5 minutes.

Come back together as a class and ask students if they would like to share their lists.

Ask students why it might be important to save water, and what would happen if we ran out of water. Students should be able to
understand that without water they wouldn’t be able to do the things they are used to doing such as drinking, washing their hands and
other things they enjoy doing.

Explain to students that water is always in high demand, because of the things that everyone benefit from using water, such as
agriculture, household etc. And if we do not do something about how constant we are consuming water, we may end up running out.
Explain the term conservation and what it means when we say water conservation. Once students understand the term go on to
explaining to students that there are many ways that we can conserve water.

Provide resources about groups and organizations that work together in hopes of conserving water so that we can have water in our
future. Speak about the Partnership for Water group and what their mission is by visiting their web page:!about-us/cjg9. Also discuss Santa Clara’s “Water Wise House Call” where a surveyor will come to
your house for free and identify places where you can conserve water such as a leaking toilet valve etc.
for more information and a virtual tour visit this page:

Instruct students to brainstorm as a class the multiple ways of conserving water, students should write these in their journals. Make
sure students hit key ideas such as taking shorter showers, not leaving the water on when brushing your teeth, having more water
saving appliances etc.

In groups of 3-4 students will construct a poster persuading people to change their habits and to use water saving appliances and
methods. The poster must include pictures but also words. Provide students with plenty of resources to construct their posters, paper,
computers for research and creation of posters, markers, glue, etc. They should be informative and show a mastery of the content from
the lesson. The posters will be hung around the room, hallways, water fountains and bathrooms for everyone to see.


Partnership for water. (2013). Retrieved from

Rump, A. (2010). Ecosystem science and management: Water conservation. Retrieved from (lesson borrowed)

Santa clara valley water district: Water conservation . (2013). Retrieved from


Futures thinking was implemented throughout this lesson plan through the idea of having students continually think about what might
happen in the future if we do not have water. Students wrote in their science journals one of their favorite things to do with water and
how their life would change if there was no longer water. Having students feel an impact on something they enjoy that may not be
available in the future allows them to step out of the present and think about the effects of the future because of today. Students were
also encouraged to develop ideas to conserve water in hopes to have water in the future.

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