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Rujjanavet 1

Peeraya Rujjanavet
Mr. Jamie
English 12
April 5, 2019

Part A: Rewrite +​ ​Extra Score Work

The Ended story

In the middle of the night, Abigail Williams and a group of her friends were dancing and

summoning spirits in the forest with Tituba. Reverend Parris saw them and caught them dancing.

The girls and Tituba were very frightened. Betty Parris turned out to be unconscious and people

began to question what is happening to her.

In the next day, Susanna Walcott’s from Doctor Griggs came with the note from the

doctor about Abigail. The doctor said that he cannot discover what is happening to her in his

book and he thought it might be because of the unnatural cause. But Mr. Reverend Parris still

confirm that there be no unnatural cause here and he asked Reverend Hale of Beverly to come

for confirmation.

Abigail: Uncle, there is a rumor about the witchcraft everywhere. I think you better deny it to

them yourself. I’ll sit with her.

Parris: [pressed, turns on her]: And what should I say to them? That my daughter and my niece I

discovered last night were dancing like heathen in the forest?

Abigail: Uncle, we did dance in the forest and you can tell them that I confess this to you. I’ll be

whipped if I must be.

Parris: Abigail, I cannot go before the congregation when I know you have not opened with me.

What did you do with her in the forest?

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Abigail: If I tell you that we did more than just dancing….. [Abigail look down to her toes]

Parris: Child. Sit down and tell me the story.

Abigail: [sit down with the nervous feeling]: I would never hurt Betty. I love her dearly.

Parris: You know right that the punishment will come in its time. But if you trafficked with

spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.

Abigail: You have to give me time, uncle.

Parris: [uptight] We have no time! Tell me now!

Abigail: [speak quietly] We summoning the spirits last night.

Parris: What did you just say?!

Abigail: We summoning the spirits last night!

Parris: Why did you guys do this?

Abigail: [Saying Nothing]

Parris: Is this about you being discharged from Goody Proctor’s service? Is there any cause? I

have heard a lot from people in the town talking about it because she comes to the church so


Abigail: She hates me, uncle, she hates me! And because I have an affair with his husband -

that’s why she hates me!

Parris: [quiet for a moment with a shock feeling] I will think that I never heard this and you must

forget everything about last night and don’t say it to anyone. Do you understand?

Abigail: [look into Parris’s face and slowly nodded the head]

Mr. Putnam and his wife enter the room and tell Reverend Parris that his own daughter,

Ruth, is unconscious like Betty and someone used witchcraft to murder her as other seven of his
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babies that died within a day of their birth. They sent Ruth to Tituba to contact the spirits of her

dead children in order to find for the murderer.

Parris: Goody Ann, it is a formidable sin to conjure up the dead!

Mrs. Putnam: I take it on my soul, but no one can tell who murdered my babies.

Parris: I’m sure that there is no whitcraft in our village or else it’s only your daughter and Tituba

that conjuring spirits last night.

Enter Mercy Lewis, the Putnams’ servant, a fat, sly, merciless girl of eighteen.

Mercy: Your pardons. I just want to see how Betty feel.

Putnam: Why aren't you home? Who’s with Ruth?

Mercy: Her Grandma come and Ruth feels a little better.

Parris: Will you leave me now, Thomas? I would pray for a while alone. For the crowd down

there, I have no answer for anyone and I will wait for Mr. Hale to arrive. [To Abigail] looks for

Betty, if she starts to cry, go and tell me. [walk out]

Enter Mary Warren, breathless. She is seventeen, a subservient, naive, lonely girl.

Mary Warren: What should we do? People in the village are all talking about witchcraft and they

will call us witches, Abby! Abby, we must tell the truth.

Abigail: I already told my uncle.

Mary Warren: What did he say?

Abigail: He told me to keep it secret and forgot about it and now it like Tituba conjured Ruth

Putnam’s dead sister.

Mary Warren: What! That’s not true.

Abigail: [sadly] I know but we cannot do anything.

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Enter Reverend John Hale of Beverly.

Reverend Heale of Beverly arrives at Parris’s home. He is an ascertain witchcraft. He

starts to find the girls dancing in the forest at night and Mrs. Putnam also reports to him that he

sent her daughter to conjure the spirits of her dead children. Hale question Abigail about the

dancing in the forest. Most of the villager was still down there and listen to the investigation.

Hale: Abigail, Did you call the Devil last night?

Abigail: (look at Mr.Parris face and don’t say anything)

Parris: I don’t think Abigail know about this thing. Why don’t we go ask Tituba? Mr. Putnam

and Goody Ann say that she is the one who did the witchcraft.

Hale: I should go speak to Tituba.

Parris: Goody Ann, Will you bring Tituba here? [Mrs. Putnam exists.]

Hale: How did she call him? (ask Abigail)

Parris: (heated)I have told you that she didn’t know anything!

[Mrs. putnam enters with Tituba]

Hale: Woman, have you enlisted these children for the devil.

Tituba: (feared) No, no, sir.

Hale: Did you forced the girls to drink blood?

Tituba: I’ve never done that, sir.

Hale: Then, why she is not wake up? I want you to wake this child now!

Tituba: I don’t have this power.

Parris, Mr. Putnam, Mrs. Putnam: She is a liar! She must be hung!

Abigail: [look at Tituba and start weeping]

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Tituba: [Falls into her knee and weeping] No, no don’t hang Tituba! Tituba didn’t do anything!

Tituba never desire to work for him! Tituba…

Parris, Mr. Putnam, Mrs. Putnam, Villagers: She must be hung! She must be hung! [say it


Abigail: Stop it now! This is all my fault!

Parris: Abigail! Get out of this room!

Abigail: Uncle… I can’t do this… I can’t. I have to tell everyone.

Hale: Abigail, what do you want to tell to everyone. [Everyone looks at her]

Abigail: I’m the one who was doing the witchcraft and I dragged Tituba into this.

[Everyone in the room and Villagers were shocked]

Hale: Why! Why did you do that?

Abigail: because I’m in love with some man but he can’t love me.

Hale: Why can’t he love you back?

Abigail: because he has a wife!

Hale: So, you do all this witchcraft to kill his wife?

Villagers: She must be hung! She must be hung!

Parris: This is all John Proctor’s false. He is the one who flirted my niece and having an affair

with my niece. This is not my niece false.

Hale: Reverend Parris, you know all of this story?

The investigation ended by everyone knows that it’s Abigail false and she’s the only one

who needed to hang. Reverend Parris lost his reputation and he got fired from his ministerial

office and don’t come out from his home forever. After they know about John Proctor's affair
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with Abigail, there were gossiping about them everywhere and no one has talked to them. John

Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor can’t bear with this. They broke up and moved separately to

another village and live with this wound forever.


Part B: Reflection

In this rewrite play, it shows that Abigail changes her characteristic from being a liar in

“​The Crucible”​ to be the truth-teller. Since the beginning of the play, Reverend Parris wanted

Abigail to tell the truth. She felt unsure at first because she knew that there will be punishment

afterwards. However, in the end, she told her uncle the true story because her personality has

changed to be an honest and courageous girl. Meanwhile, after Reverend Parris know the truth,

he wanted Abigail to forget about it and pretend like nothing has happened by the witchcraft

reason because if others people know what Betty, his daughter, and Abigail, his niece, have

done, it’ll definitely ruin his reputation. So, his character changed to become a liar. In this

rewrite play, it’s more affirm the fact that Reverend Parris really care for his reputation

according to “​The Crucible”​ because he cares more about his reputation than to do the right

thing. So, after Abigail confessed about it, he lost all his reputation because he lied to everyone

that his daughter and niece haven’t been involved in the witchcraft thing.

However, we still see that Abigail was doing the bad thing by having an affair with John

Proctor which was the reason that she did the witchcraft because she wanted John Proctor to love

her. After she confesses the falseness she has done to everyone, it turns out that it does not affect

only Abigail and Reverend Parris but also John Proctor and his wife, Elizabeth Proctor. In that
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period of time, people didn’t accept the fact that it is permissible to commit the adultery, so they

would usually banned those people as the action was considered to be against the religious

practices. Lastly, John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor had to break up and moved out of the


The confession of Abigail also makes a huge effect on the play because in the original

text, 19 people were hanged. But in this rewrite play, only one people was persecuted which is

Abigail and only one people were accused. So, this shifts the story because if no one confesses

the true story, then they will just going to continuously accuse other people and begin the Mass

Hysteria which makes people believe that the girls have suffered from the witchcraft spirits

where, in fact, they didn’t. Thus, it can be clearly seen that the change in the character of Abigail

could change the following consequences.

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