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Ricky Su (100083700)

Week 6 Pass Task 6.1

Pass Task 6.1: Battleship Sprint
The team have conducted the third meeting regarding the Battleship Project. Tasks assigned in the previous week were
completed by the group members respectively. This week, the group have included more extra features to implement.
Screenshots below shows the meeting agenda and meeting minutes.

Meeting Minutes:
Date/Location: 24-OCT-2019, A308

Attendees: Tan Yan Ting, Eric Kong, Ricky Su

Start Time: 4.00PM

End Time: 4.30PM

* Create a sprint backlog for this week --- [YT], 26-OCT-2019
* Implement new features,
1. Implement instructions/game guide to the game --- [RS] 28-OCT-2019

2. Change score font size and colour to be more visible --- [EK] 28-OCT-2019

3. Reduce delay time for AI to attack --- [YT] 28-OCT-2019

4. Change menu bar text font colour --- [YT] 28-OCT-2019

Ricky Su (100083700)

Meeting Agenda:
Date/Location: 24-OCT-2019 at 16:00 in A308
Information Updates/Reminders
* The next two weeks are going to be about understanding the code
base so that we can plan for the work to fix and improve it.
* Everyone should be able to use git, github wiki’s and Trello. Ask
for help if that is a problem.
* We will be using to keep track of time.
* The Programming Help Desk (Block G Level 9) is available to help us
with programming for this unit.
Decisions Needed
* None (only general items requiring Actions this week)
General Items
* Create sprint backlog for the team
* Implement new features based on the sprint backlog

Ricky Su (100083700)

Sprint backlog:
Day Backlog Duration Person-In-Charge
1 Discussion 2 hours Ricky, Eric, Yan Ting
2 Instructions/Game guide 2 days Ricky Su
3 Instructions/Game guide
4 Reduce delay time for AI to 2 days Yan Ting
5 Reduce delay time for AI to
6 Change text color and size 2 days Eric Kong
for the game
7 Change text color and size
for the game

Figure 1: Discussion in Slack

Ricky Su (100083700)

Figure 2: Network Graph

Ricky Su (100083700)

Figure 3: Added Rules into the BattleShip

Ricky Su (100083700)

Figure 4: Toggl (Duration)

Figure 5: Added Extra Features

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