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Carole A. Kenner PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, ANEF Dean/Professor, School of Nursing,
Health & Exercise Science, The College of New Jersey President/CEO Council of
International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN).Trends in US Nursing Research: Links to
Global Healthcare Issues. Vol. 23 No. 1, 1-7, January 2017

Nursing research in the United States (US) spans several decades. Many of the
priorities/trends have stayed through the years. Today, the goal of producing evidence to
support nursing care interventions coupled with the drive for Magnet Recognition has
encouraged academic nurses (faculty) to work with nurse clinicians to form research teams.
Interdisciplinary research teams have also formed to address growing concerns over patient
safety and quality care. These issues are not just US issues but global ones. This article
addresses US trends with the link to global research trends. The role that organizations such
as the International Council of Nurses (ICN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the
Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc. (COINN) pay in shaping research agendas and
promoting nursing research is highlighted. It emphasizes the key role that nurses, especially
nurse leaders/administrators play in changing health outcomes through support of nursing

The world is small and the issues that face nurses are similar globally. Nursing
research is key to demonstrating the value of nursing to education and practice, to patient
safety and quality care. Nursing research provides the evidence to support why a certain
intervention is better than another nursing care intervention. Interprofessional or
interdisciplinary work is growing in importance. In the US interdisciplinary research teams
are valued and even required to obtain certain federal funds. Global research is encouraged
especially to address the SDGs and workforce issues. Partnerships between academic and
healthcare institutes is encouraged in the US and abroad as many more academics conduct
research and have the training needed to develop and implement studies while the practice
partners provide the clinical questions and patient populations.

Global teams can now easily work through electronic means and multisite studies no
longer refer to different institutions in one country but rather to institutions in many
countries. The Magnet journey which is coveted in many countries requires healthcare
delivery systems to have strong nursing leadership, research teams-many of which are
academic and practice partnership, and a commitment to transformational leadership that can
drive a culture change, staff that are empowered to effect change and act as change agents,
high quality professional nursing practice, and new knowledge generation through research
[12]. This journey, while started in the US is now a global trend. The SDGs through the
United Nations, WHO, and organizations such as the ICN has brought nurses and other
disciplines together to support nursing and interprofessional research to change health
outcomes globally. Like Magnet's change in 2011, outcomes are the important aspect of
healthcare delivery systems and societies. Nurses are at the forefront of healthcare delivery
and of societal health outcomes. But nurses must recognize their power and must develop
new nursing leaderships who are risk takers, who instead of talking with passion, talk with
data-provide the evidence to demonstrate the role nurses play in health outcomes. With the
growing presence of the Internet, global nursing research teams are possible. We can learn
from each other through research and evidence- based practice projects. Nurses must commit
to changing the view of nursing's vital role in healthcare. One way is through global nursing

This article discussed US nursing research trends of the last few decades. It has
described the link between Magnet Recognition of healthcare organizations and nursing
research/evidence-based practice. The link between US and global research agendas was
presented along with organizations such as the ICN and WHO that support nurses' role in
healthcare changes. The time is right for nurses to become more active in research and to lead
the way to positive health outcomes.

M. Jazuli Ahmad, Ahmed farhatTrend dalam keperawatan Vol 14, No 01 (2018)

Issuadalah suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang dapat diperkirakan terjadi atau tidak
terjadi pada masa mendatang, yang menyangkut ekonomi, moneter, sosial, politik, hukum,
pembangunan nasional, bencana alam, hari kiamat, kematian, ataupun tentang
krisis.Issuadalah sesuatu yang sedang di bicarakan oleh banyak namun belum jelas faktannya
atau buktinyaTrend dan Issu Keperawatanadalah sesuatu yang sedang d.bicarakan banyak
orang tentang praktek/mengenai keperawatan baik itu berdasarkan fakta ataupun tidak, trend
dan issu keperawatan tentunya menyangkut tentang aspek legal dan etis keperawatan. Saat ini
trend dan issu keperawatan yang sedang banynak dibicarakan orang adalah Aborsi, Eutanasia
dan Transplantasi organ manusia, tentunya semua issu tersebut menyangkut keterkaitan
dengan aspek legal dan etis dalam keperawatan.

David C. Benton, RGN, RMN, BSc, MPhil, FFNF, FRCN International Issues and Trends in Nursing
Regulation. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4, P4-8, JANUARY 01, 2011

Many issues and trends affect regulatory practice, such as market forces, cultural
influences, technology, nursing competencies, communication, and education. This article
reviews the results of an environmental scan conducted by the International Council of
Nurses. It begins with a review of the various trends associated with emergent issues and
concludes with a call for research and teamwork among regulators to effect change.

Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari Volume 2, Nomor 1, Desember 2018. HOME VISIT BERBASIS SISTEM

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis gambaran pengadaan sistem informasi manajemen

keperawatan home visit telenursing di RSUD. Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. Desain penelitian yang peneliti
gunakan memodifikasi teori penelitian (R) dan pengembangan (D). Pengembangan teknologi
telenursing berbasis teknologi BAN (body area network) dapat memberikan hasil monitoring secara
real time dan terkoneksi dengan transmisi WSN (wireless sensor network) melalui integrasi dengan
deviceenduser (laptop) yang secara desain dan implementasi dapat digunakan didaerah pedesaan
dan terpencil. Hasil penelitian terdapat rancangan sistem program yang memiliki keunggulan
mampu digunakan untuk mengirim data medis pasien, keluhan utama, tipe penyakit yang
dirasakannya (ringan, sedang dan berat), visualisasi data secara image, sound dan text, bahkan video
dapat digunakan sebagai alat detektor kesehatan pasien berbasis digital melalui video mail, dan
riwayat kesehatan keluarga dengan teknik multimedia medical records yang terkoneksi dengan
pusat layanan kesehatan RSUD. Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. Penelitian langsung diujicobakan kepada
perawat untuk memperoleh pemahaman perawat dalam penggunaan telenursing. Simpulan, yang
didapat dari penelitian ini adalah antusiasme perawat dalam menerima tantangan baru dalam
memberikan pelayanan telenursing sangat tinggi, hal tersebut dapat berdampak pada kemampuan
meningkatkan komunikasi yang efektif antara perawat dan pasien.

Ada empat faktor penting yang mempengaruhi implementasi telenursing menurut Yun E.K &
Park H.A. (2006), dan Hoglund A.T. (2007), empat faktor tersebut yaitu aspek sistematika, aspek
ekonomi, aspek sosial, dan aspak teknikal. Aspek sistematika terkait dukungan dari pemerintah, yang
meliputi legislasi dan regulasi. Dalam mengontrol kualitas dan kelangsungan telenursing sangat
dibutuhkan pengaturan dan supervisi pelayanan pemerintah. Untuk penerapan telenursing
disepakati bahwa praktek keperawatan mandiri seharusnya ada otoritas dan peraturan legal serta
adanya standart operasional prosedur yang dibuat oleh organisasi profesi keperawatan atau
pendidikan keperawatan. Aspek ekonomi terkait verifikasi terhadap kontrol keuangan medis akibat
penggunaan telenursing dan government recognition for cost effectiveness merupakan prioritas
utama. Investasi pemerintah dalam proyek telenursing merupakan prioritas untuk megaktifkan
telenursing di daerah rural dan area kepulauan untuk manfaat medis. Aplikasi system telenursing
yang mahal dan uang perawatan (maintenance fee) harus dipikirkan (Barret, 2009). Aspek sosial
terkait verifikasi nilai dan membangun kepercayaan sosial tentang telenursing dibandingkan dengan
perawatan langsung. Penerimaan dari pemberi pelayanan kesehatan seperti fasilitas medis, dokter
dan perawat, merupakan hal penting 2018. Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari 2 (1) 217-235 233 dalan
implementasi telenursing. Kerja sama dan koordinasi antara profesi kesehatan akan membangun
pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang telenursing pada publik.

Adanya pengakuan publik terhadap keperawatan itu sendiri merupakan faktor kunci dalam
pelaksanan telenursing. Aspek teknikal terkait kreatifitas dan originalitas konten telenursing dan
pengembangan sistem pelayanan. Pelatihan dan pendidikan perawat serta teknologi informasi
mendukung pengembangan dan pengoperasian telenursing. Pengembangan teknologi informasi
untuk menjaga privasi pasien dan keamanan informasi. Standarisasi, pelatihan keperawatan dan
penelitian untuk pengembangan system telenursing dan pelaksanaannya, teknologi informasi medis
dan pengembangan system aplikasi, serta desain model fungsional yang mungkin diterapkan
dilingkungan tersebut. Jadi keempat aspek tersebut harus terintegrasi dalam strategi pelaksanaan
telenursing (Johnsson A-M & Willman A, 2009). Hambatan Implementasi Telenursing Menurut Amy
Peck (2005) ada tiga ketegori dasar hambatan dalam telenursing, meliputi: perilaku, legislatif, dan
teknologi. Hambatan perilaku, ada ketakutan bahwa perawat akan mendelegasikan tugas ke mesin.
Pada awalnya perawat akan resisten terhadap telenursing akibat kurangnya penguasaan terhadap
teknologi informasi dan teknologi telekomunikasi. Namun dengan adanya pelatihan dan adanya
support system, perawat bisa merasakan manfaat telenursing untuk dirinya dan pasien. Legislasi,
telenursing muncul sebagai issue kebijakan public secara mayor, belum adanya kepastian lisensi
tentang telenursing. Secara teknologi, Elektronik Health Record (EHR) dan standar data mendukung
perkembangan telenursing. Tanpa EHR telehealth tidak bisa bekerja.

Ketersediaan system penyimpanan data pasien kapanpun dan dimanapun provider

membutuhkannya (Johnsson A-M & Willman A. 2008). SIMPULAN Home visit berbasis SIM
telenursing di RSUD Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu meliputi : a) Program login admin telenursing, b)
Tampilan menu utama, c) database pastdata, d) databese vital sign, e) database riwayat keluarga, f)
database input email, g) database video mail, h) database health subcenter, i) database
pembayaran, h) database artikel, i) database berita, j) Logout. Home visit berbasis sim telenursing
dikembangkan secara online melalui website, dengan tahapan input, proses dan output
(laporan)baik admin RS maupun pasien. Telenursing menyediakan program perawatan profesional
dengan layanan konsultasi, evaluasi, dan penelusuran pasti yang dapat meningkatkan aksesibilitas ke
masyarakat yang menerima layanan medis atau informasi proses perawatan di tempattempat
terpencil, meningkatkan saluran konsultasi dengan dokter, perawat, dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya
dengan mengurangi waktu evaluasi yang panjang, dan meminimalkan pemindahan pasien dan
informasi perawatan yang tidak perlu.

Volume 3, Number 2, December 2019, 114-121The Use of Telenursing through The Nursing
Care Maria Franciska Vianney Boro1*, Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati2

Information technology that is increasingly developing, especially in the world of health

today, makes people more sensitive to the professionalism of nursing care. But in Indonesia itself,
against the background of the archipelago, the achievement of professional nursing care still seems
to be an obstacle. This condition also resulted in the weak quality of health received, especially for
regions that have not been exposed to technological developments.

Telenursing is present as an answer to address the health problems of the nursing world as
one of the nurses' efforts to help achieve equitable community welfare. Telenursing itself is one of
the telecommunications technologies used to provide nursing care using information and data
obtained remotely. Purpose: To illustrate the implementation of the use of telenursing through the
provision of nursing care by professional nurses that is systematically integrated and focuses on the
effectiveness of the results of the applicative telenursing itself.

Literature review is to use PRISMA by examining several online databases that are adapted
to the application of telenursing in nursing practice. Results: this shows that the presence of
telenursing can help improve more comprehensive access and improve the quality of health services
to achieve community welfare. Conclusion: Telenursing must be utilized appropriately and
integrated so that the main objective of fulfilling public health, especially for those who are far from
health services can be achieved.

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