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UCL Student Budget Planner

You must submit this Budget Calculation with your application for financial assistance to Student Funding through the AskUCL system
INCOME (Please only enter one figure per row) Annual Monthly Weekly EXPENDITURE (Please only enter one figure per row) Monthly Weekly
SLC Maintenance Loan £ - Rent / Mortgage £ - £ -
SLC Maintenance Grant £ - Rent Paid to Parents/Family/Guardian if living at home £ - £ -
UCL Undergraduate Bursary £ - Building's Insurance (homeowner only) £ - £ -
NHS Bursary £ - Broadband / Internet £ - £ -
Scholarship / Studentship / Grant / PGCE Training: £ - Credit Card Repayments 1-Name card: £ - £ -
Savings at start of academic year 2019-2020 £ - Credit Card Repayments 2-Name card: £ - £ -
Postgraduate Loan (amount for maintenance only) £ - Credit Card Repayments 3-Name card: £ - £ -
Bank Loan (amount for maintenance only) £ - Personal Loan Repayment-Name loan: £ - £ -
Adult Dependant's Grant £ - Other Debts: £ - £ -
Parent's Learning Allowance £ - Travel costs to UCL £ - £ -
Childcare Grant £ - Course Costs £ - £ -
Net Earnings (part-time or weekend work) after tax £ - £ - £ - Private Vehicle costs (with children or disabled only) £ - £ -
Parental / Family Contribution, including Loans £ - £ - £ - Disability costs: £ - £ -
Partner's Income £ - £ - £ - Childcare costs: £ - £ -
Council Tax Benefit £ - £ - £ - Landline Telephone £ - £ -
Housing Benefit £ - £ - £ - Mobile Phone £ - £ -
Disability Benefit (please specify) £ - £ - £ - Council Tax (if applicable) £ - £ -
Jobseeker's Allowance £ - £ - £ - Utilities - Gas (or combined with Electricity) £ - £ -
Working/Child Tax Credit £ - £ - £ - Utilities - Electricity (or combined with Gas) £ - £ -
Other income (Please state): £ - £ - £ - Utilities - Water £ - £ -
Other income (Please state): £ - £ - £ - Food / Groceries £ - £ -
Total £ - £ - £ - Clothing £ - £ -
Total Income Undergrad Academic Year (39 wks) £ - £ - £ - Eating Out - Lunches / Cafes / Restaurants £ - £ -
Total Income Postgrad Academic Year (52 wks) £ - £ - £ - Socialising - Pubs / Clubs & Socs / Cinema / Theatre etc. £ - £ -
Partner travel costs (if applicable) £ - £ -
Undergraduate Postgraduate Partner debts (if applicable) £ - £ -
Average Income Monthly £ - £ - Partner rent (if applicable) £ - £ -
Average Expenditure Monthly £ - £ - Other costs (Please state): £ - £ -
Differential Monthly £0.00 £0.00 Other costs (Please state): £ - £ -
Surplus/Shortfall for Academic Year £0.00 £0.00 £ - £ -
UCL Student Budget Planner

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