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Specimen by Nicole Golownia

Published by Typofonderie

m e m

 Originally published in 2001, this
brand new revision of Ambroise –
including new italics – has taken

15 years!

o i

Ambroise is a Modern
light italic “
serif typeface created by
extra French designer Jean
François Porchez in 023456789#€$¢£ƒ¥
bold BO 2011. Ambroise is a 0123456789#€$¢£ƒ¥
titling family which exist ½ ¼ ¾ % ‰ ¹²³+−
italic only in roman form but ±×÷==~≈^<>≤≥¬¤∞◊

which includes nine ∆Ω∂∫√∑∏πµ°
LD weights reminiscent of
bold italic late 19th century French ()[]{},;:....·•!¡?¿‘’“”‚„‹›«»'
publishing and early "⁄/\|¦-–—_*†‡§¶&
advertisements. Due to its
italic LIGHT high contrast, Ambroise àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïıłñòóôõ
works best as a öøœšßùúûüýÿžðþ
☞ extra bold headline face. ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏŁ
REGULAR fffiflffiffl ctst Kgk
Bold, Regular, 18/20 pt ☞¯´¸

Extra Bold Italic, 26/29 pt
 Light, Bold, 10/12 pt, Bold 30/30 pt
Character Set: Regular, 15/18 pt


e m Specimen by Nicole Golownia
Published by Typofonderie


o i


Originally published in 2001, this
brand new revision of Ambroise –
including new italics – has taken

15 years!

light italic “ abcdefghijklm


Ambroise is a Modern nopqrstuvwxyz

serif typeface created by ABCDEFGHIJKLM

extra French designer Jean

François Porchez in


italic LD
2011. Ambroise is a 0123456789#€$¢£ƒ¥
titling family which exist ½ ¼ ¾ % ‰ ¹²³+−
only in roman form but ±×÷==~≈^<>≤≥¬¤∞◊
which includes nine ∆Ω∂∫√∑∏πµ°

bold italic weights reminiscent of

late 19th century French
publishing and early

italic LIGHT
advertisements. Due to its
high contrast, Ambroise àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïıłñòóôõ

☞ extra bold works best as a

headline face.



fffiflffiffl ctst Kgk

Bold, Regular, 18/20 pt
Extra Bold Italic, 26/29 pt

 Light, Bold, 10/12 pt, Bold 30/30 pt

 Character Set: Regular, 15/18 pt

Ambroise attempts to reproduce more of what

☞ ☞
we see printed on paper in the 19th century; a

more accurate representation of Didot punches.
So, the unbracketed serifs are not truly square
straight-line forms but use tiny transitional

Making Headlines
curves instead. The result on the page appears
softer and less straight, particularly in larger
sizes. The Didot family of typefounders and
printers were pioneers in what came to be
know as “Modern Face” — the neoclassical
style of vertically contrasted typefaces.

Ambroise tente de reproduire davantage de ce

que nous voyons imprimé sur papier au 19ème Title: Light 40/37 pt, Extra Bold Italic 62/60 pt

siècle; une représentation plus précise des
poinçons Didot. Ainsi, les empattements non
Regular, 9/12 pt
Originally published in 2001, this brand new revision of Ambroise– including new italics – has
alternate GLYPHS
croisés ne sont pas vraiment des formes droites taken15 years! The typeface Ambroise is a contemporary interpretation of various typefaces
carrées, mais utilisent plutôt des courbes de belonging to Didot’s late style, conceived circa 1830, including the original forms of g, y, &; and to
transition minuscules. Le résultat sur la page a lesser extent, k. These characters are found in Vibert’s typefaces. Vibert was one of the appointed
apparaît plus doux et moins droit, en particulier punchcutters of the Didot dynasty.
dans les grandes tailles. La famille de fondeurs
et d’imprimeurs Didot a été une pionnière dans Regular Italic, 10/13 pt
ce qui a été appelé «Modern Face» — le style Punch cutting at the time was a hard and long task. In the case of the various Didot

néoclassique de polices de caractères à styles of typefaces we find in the company’s catalogues of typefaces that it was more the
contraste vertical. job of a team over a long period rather than the unique work of one designer. After
some years of interest in Didots, it seems that it was Vibert who cut the some unusual
 German  lowercases to improve the rationality of the forms.
Ambroise versucht, mehr von dem zu
reproduzieren, was im 19. Jahrhundert auf

Demi, 11/14 pt
Papier gedruckt wurde. eine genauere
Darstellung der Didot-Stempel. Die The letter y features an unusual vertical tail and the letter g features a unique
ungekreuzten Serifen sind also keine wirklich geometric shape with a tail that curves backwards. These unusual forms
quadratischen, geradlinigen Formen, sondern endorse the general effect of verticality which is the prime characteristic of
verwenden stattdessen winzige the Didot. The outside forms are very round and the counters narrow and
Übergangskurven. Das Ergebnis auf der Seite square. The general balance comes from the overall vertical rhythm.
erscheint weicher und weniger gerade,
insbesondere bei größeren Formaten. Die
Bold, 12/15 pt
Didot-Familie von Schriftgründern und
The family’s conception was based one the Black weight. Fat Didot

Druckern war Pionier in dem, was als „Modern
Face“ bekannt wurde — dem neoklassischen faces in several widths could be found in the catalogs of French type
Stil vertikal kontrastierender Schriften. foundries from the mid-19th century until the demise of the great
French foundries in the 1960s and 1970s. The characteristic shapes
Ambroise tenta di riprodurre più di ciò che of g, k, y marking Ambroise are accompanied by more conventional
vediamo stampato su carta nel 19 ° secolo; una alternatives. This was achieved with the introduction of variants
rappresentazione più accurata dei punzoni more acceptable in certain contexts and uses.
Didot. Quindi, i serif senza mattoni non sono

n s !
Extra Bold, Regular,

veramente forme rette quadrate ma usano

op t i
Extra Bold Italic, Italic 95/115 pt
options, options
invece piccole curve di transizione. Il risultato
sulla pagina appare più morbido e meno dritto,
in particolare nelle dimensioni più grandi. La Light
famiglia di tipografi e tipografi Didot è stata
pioniera in quello che è diventato noto come
"volto moderno" — lo stile neoclassico di
Light, Light Italic, 20/21 pt

In a world full of trends be a classic.

caratteri tipografici a contrasto verticale.
In a world full of trends be a classic. Regular
Ambroise intenta reproducir más de lo que
vemos impreso en papel en el siglo XIX; Una
representación más precisa de los golpes de
Regular, Italic, 20/21 pt

In a world full of trends be a classic. ☞¯´¸

Didot. Por lo tanto, las serifas sin corchetes no In a world full of trends be a classic.
son formas realmente cuadradas de línea recta, Demi
sino que utilizan pequeñas curvas de transición. Demi, 20/21 pt
El resultado en la página parece más suave y
menos recto, particularmente en tamaños más In a world full of trends be a classic.
grandes. La familia de fundadores e impresores
Bold, Bold Italic, 20/21 pt
Didot fueron pioneros en lo que se conoció
como la "cara moderna", el estilo neoclásico de In a world full of trends be a classic. Bold
los tipos de letra con contraste vertical.
Extra Bold Italic, 14/24 pt
Regular, 10/12 pt
In a world full of trends be a classic. ☞
Extra Bold, Extra Bold Italic, 20/21 pt

 In a world full of trends be a classic. Extra Bold

In a world full of trends be a classic. ☞
fashion fades, “ DELIGHTFUL

Italics customizable BORDERS Dingbats 32/73 pt

STYLE &/& 

is eternal

” ct/ct
Yves Saint Laurent



Italic 29/38 & 48/44 pt, Light 60/60 pt Left: Bold, Bold Italic, 60/68 pt. Right: Light, Demi, Extra Bold, 15/19 pt

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