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Chemotyped Essential Oils

Aromas and Flavours for our Senses

Uses and Properties
Nutrición y Salud en el Tercer Milenio, S.L.
CIF. B30741367
Carretera La Aljorra Km 4,6
30391 Cartagena - Murcia

What are essential oils? 05

How are they obtained? 08

What criteria guarantee their quality? 09

What’s the difference between essential oils? 10

What are their properties? 11

How are essential oils used? 12

How do essential oils enter the body? 14

Precautions 15

What is aromatherapy? 16

Monographs 18

Bibliography 57
The World of
Essential Oils
The World of Essential Oils 05

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are natural aromatic liquid subs- Essential oils are segregated by special cells
tances of variable colour depending on the found both in the bark (Camphor, Bergamot),
plant being extracted and obtained using the leaves (Basil, Tea Tree, Marjoram), flowers (La-
best of each plant. Each of these natural and vender, Lavandin, Ylang Ylang), roots (Gin-
organic essences have essential characteristics ger, Vetiver) or seeds (Star Anise, Fennel, Black
and a unique aroma. Regarding their chemical Pepper). When rubbing an aromatic plant, a
composition, they are usually complex mixtures few drops of essential oil are released into the
of very variable components that belong almost atmosphere. These activate the olfactory recep-
exclusively to the group of terpenes and, to a tors in our nose, which send sensory stimuli to
lesser extent, to the group of aromatic com- different areas of the brain. Therefore, essential
pounds derived from phenylpropane (cinnamic oils evoke memories, sensations or emotions in
aldehyde, eugenol, anethole, anisic aldehyde and our minds that are associated with that aroma.
safrole, among others). Terpene compounds are
formed by isoprene units (5 carbons), mono-
terpenes (10 carbons) and sesquiterpenes (15 Essential oils and their countless
carbons). They can be acyclic, monocyclic or properties enter and spread throughout
bicyclic, oxygenated or not oxygenated. The
clear majority of oils are polymolecular, contai-
our body, bringing well-being.
ning 3 to 4 majority molecules, other minority
molecules and sometimes hundreds of other
molecules in traces.
06 The World of Essential Oils

Once upon a time... The best of every corner of the world

If we look at history, the use of essential oils Plants from every corner of the world are now
goes back to the prehistoric man, who disco- in the service of aromatherapy. From India
vered the nice and healthy smell that certain come Camphor, Clove, Ginger and Lemongrass
burning plants produced. We can safely say that that are respectively used as tranquiliser, stimu-
humans have been using the power of aromas lant, toning and firming among other qualities.
for over 6000 years. The fragrances of plants
Ylang Ylang is originally from the Comoro Is-
and oils were already used in the Neolithic and
land. It is used as a skin softener and in facial
some civilizations as old as Mesopotamia and
massages, and has aphrodisiac properties. Basil
Babylon. In ancient Egypt, legend has it that
comes from the same island too and is especially
Cleopatra soaked the sails of her ship with jas-
suited for congested skins.
mine oil on her way to seduce Marcus Antonius,
hence the saying that the Egyptian people were Plants such as Sage, Fennel and Lavender grow
the true masters of aromatic plants. Greeks in Spanish fields.
athletes prepared by rubbing scented oils over
their bodies.
Ancient alchemists called essential oils the spirit
of the plant due to their multiple uses and utilities
in different situations at home.
However, the use of essential oils takes especial
relevance since the development of distillation.
Arab people refined the still — an Egyptian
invention — as a procedure for extracting es-
sential oils from the aromatic plant.
The beginning of the therapeutic use of essen-
tial oils, known as “aromatherapy” takes place in
Europe. René Maurice Gattefossé, a perfumer
in the early 20th century, discovered by chance
the soothing and healing properties of Lavender
essential oil after an explosion occurred in his
laboratory. He instinctively put his burned hand
inside a container with Lavender oil essence,
which relieved his pain almost immediately.
The World of Essential Oils 07

Aromatic notes
Each essential oil has a different scent or
aromatic note in each stage of evaporation. The
notes of the essential oils used will determine
the final aroma to help to achieve a balanced
and enjoyable fragrance.
Classification of oils per their aromatic note:
• High note: also known as “initial note” as it
is appreciated first in the mix. They are very
volatile oils with an intense aroma at the
beginning that dissipates quickly. A mix of
many high note essential oils will have little
consistency. When applied on the skin, they
create a feeling of freshness or warmth.
• Medium note: they are less volatile and more
durable oils that contain the main ingredients
of the fragrance and determine the true spirit
of the perfume: they bring character and
harmony. Their aroma is noticed minutes
after their application and can last a few
hours. These fragrances are usually pleasing,
hence why they represent almost 50% of the
• Base note: also known as “dry out note”. Their
slow and progressive evaporation, since they
are less volatile balsamic-type essences, give
them a longer-lasting aroma. Their function
is to give a blend staying power to the
components of the previous notes, providing
stability and depth to the mixture. They can
last few hours or even a whole day, and leave
a strong scent on the skin.
08 The World of Essential Oils

How are they obtained?

There are several techniques that vary depending on the part of the plant, its fragility and botanical
characteristics. In this section, we will only describe the two techniques authorised by the European
Pharmacopoeia (EP): steam distillation and cold pressing. The enfleurage technique (which means
“to saturate with the perfume of flowers” in French) is no longer used, and solvent extraction, the
technique that replaced enfleurage, is not authorized by the EP.
The obtaining of essential oils by steam distillation and cold pressing ensure that the plant’s active
ingredients of the essential oil are complete in order to offer this unique sense of well-being as
opposed to the use of synthetic fragrances.

Steam distillation Cold pressing

Also known as steam-dragging distillation. This This technique is used for extracting essential oils
technique is the most used and consists of gene- from citrus peels (Bergamot, Ginger, Lemon,
rating steam, usually in a steam generator. The Orange, Mandarin and Grapefruit). The essential
steam is then injected into the distiller, where oil from citrus accumulates in the multitude of
it passes through the botanical material into an small secretory pockets embedded in the peel of
inert metal container with a sieve in the bottom the pericarp. Hydraulic presses are used to carry
so that the plants do not come into direct con- out this technique. The pulp and essential oil are
tact with the water. The steam generated goes then separated into the centrifuge.
through the plant and extracts the droplets of
the essential oil. This aromatic steam is cooled
in a coil using a cold-water circuit. At the exit
of the coil, a mixture of aromatic water and
essential oil is obtained. Because its lower den-
sity, essential oils float on the water. This allows
for easy collection with a Florentine flask or
essencier. The essential oil separates from the
distillation water, which is called hydrolat.
The World of Essential Oils 09

What criteria guarantee

their quality?

Validation of the plant’s identity: Selection of the suitable container:

• Botanical certification: Not all containers are suitable to contain a

- Name of the plant that identifies the genus product. That is why it is important to choose
and species. essential oils with a container that maintains
- 100% pure and natural ingredient certification. their freshness and effectiveness. This is achie-
ved with containers made of dark glass with a
• Geographical origin: the name of the place
special cap that protects the product from light,
of origin that characterises the biochemical
moisture and oxygen.
composition of the essential oil.
• Chemotype: the chemical components of the
essential oil.
• Extraction method: steam-dragging or cold
pressing for citruses.
• Part of the plant used: the biochemical com-
position of the plant changes depending on
the part of the plant.
• Allergens content: allergens that are naturally
present in the essential oil.
10 The World of Essential Oils

What’s the difference

between essential oils?
- The Chemotype -

The chemotype corresponds to the perfectly defi-

ned qualitative and quantitative chemical composi-
tion of the essential oil components, which allow
us to fully identify each one. The chemotype is
also important to ensure the quality, effectiveness
and safety of an essential oil. When the essential
oils are chemotyped, this means that they have
a defined composition, are 100% pure and of
natural origin, and are not denatured or mixed
with other oils. They are obtained from plants
from every corner of the world to guarantee raw
materials with a defined biochemical composition.
To validate the chemotype, it is imperative to
submit every essential oil to numerous analyses
in a Quality Control laboratory to guarantee the
maximum quality and efficiency. These analyses
include gas chromatography to validate the che-
mical profile of volatile substances and aromatic
molecules. It allows the identification and control
of all aromatic molecules and to determine the
chemotype of the essential oil.
The World of Essential Oils 11

What are their properties?

There is a lack of knowledge about the excellent properties of essential oils for everyday use, although
they are widely used in the food, cosmetics and pharmacy industries since the middle of the last century.

Each essential oil contains the specific properties of • They are immunoregulators and immuno-
the plant from which it is obtained. Their chemical modulators. They tone defensive cells and
components will be used for different purposes, al- balance their mechanism of action, helping
though in general lines, and thanks to their complex to stimulate low defences, or normalising in
molecular compositions, all essential oils present the case of immune hyperreaction.
following characteristics to a greater or lesser extent:
• They are anti-inflammatory. They reduce
• They are antiseptics. They are especially effec- the activity of proinflammatory substances,
tive against pathogenic microbes (viruses, bac- providing relief in inflammatory processes.
teria and harmful fungi), including antimicro-
• They are emenagogues and antispasmodic.
bial-resistant strains. Compounds such as citral,
Essential oils favour hormonal balance, contri-
geraniol, Linalool, or thymol are far superior to
buting to women’s menstrual process or norma-
the antiseptic effectiveness of phenol.
lising menopause. Their antispasmodic character
• They are regenerative and healing. Most of allows the relief of dysmenorrhoea. Besides,
them help cell regeneration, stimulate new tissue their psycho-emotional regulatory effect helps
growth, and promote healing. in premenstrual syndrome.
• They have psycho-emotional effects. In grea- • They are digestive and anti-colic. Essential
ter or lesser degree, all essential oils have their oils promote the secretion of digestive juices,
influence on the central nervous system through stimulate the activity of hepatic metabolism,
smell. This means stimulating, soothing or regu- help digestion, protect digestive mucosa and
lating our mood and emotions. regulate bowel movements, relieving small in-
testinal pains and cramps.
• They are sedatives. Essential oils have specific
action on the nervous system, reducing and • They are expectorants. Essential oils help to
relieving stress and encouraging relaxation. eliminate mucus build up from the airways and
They relieve pain, nervousness and anxiety. relieve coughing. In addition, they have other
properties that make them excellent allies against
winter and respiratory diseases for being astrin-
gent, anti-allergenic or analgesic.
12 The World of Essential Oils

How are essential oils used?

Essential oils have historically been used in

many cultures for their medicinal and thera-
peutic benefits. Based on these, today their use
has expanded to new approaches, both in beauty
and health. Their specific chemical structure
allows them to pass directly through the skin
for an immediate systematic response to topical
They can be used individually or mixed together
to create their own combinations. Besides, es-
sential oils can be used at many levels: physical,
emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. They are ideal
in combination with other therapies, creating
different ways to enjoy their benefits: through
a masSage, in a bath, by vaporisation and/or
inhalation, to perfume rooms, through com-
presses, etc.
The World of Essential Oils 13

Massage Vaporisation*

It is the most popular method of use that fa- Vaporisation of essential oils can create diffe-
cilitates the absorption of oils into the skin. rent refreshing environments in your home. Oil
Dilute your oil of choice in a jar of essences at burners or dispersers are ideal for vaporising
a recommended dose of 6 drops per 10 ml (2 essential oils. A few drops of Lemon essential
teaspoons) of carrier oil. You can even create oil can help to keep insects at bay.
your own ointment. Simply choose a cream (ei-
ther a beauty cream or any product from our
wide range of body oils) and make your own
ointment with your most preferred essential oil.

It is a traditional method in the use of essential

oils. Put a couple of drops on a handkerchief
Bath and inhale the scent. You can also add a few
drops to a bowl of hot water, cover your head
Essential oils mixed with hot water are absorbed with a towel and breathe for 5 to 10 minutes.
very quickly through the dilated pores while
inhaling their vapours. This is another delightful
way to use essential oils. Prepare a hot bath, add
10 drops of essential oil and disperse them with
your hand, then relax in the bath for at least 10 Perfume*
minutes to allow the aroma to act.
To perfume a room, you can put a few drops
of essence on the melted wax of a candle. You
can also add 2 drops to a light bulb. Ideally, the
bulb should be off when you do this. Switch on
the lights after adding the essential oil.

* For this method of use, do not use Camphor, Black Pepper,

Spanish Sage or Thyme essential oils.
14 The World of Essential Oils

How do essential oils

enter the body?

There are different ways in which essential oils can enter the human body. The most common are:

Oral route Topical application

(through the skin)
An essential oil can be incorporated into our
bloodstream through the digestive system when Essential oils can also access our bloodstream
ingested. However, carrying out this practice through the different layers of the skin and
without any control is not recommended at all, spread throughout the body. The epidermis
since ingesting an essential oil should only be is one of the areas of our body that is most
done following the manufacturer’s instructions benefiting from the continuous application of
as long as it is of food grade. essential oils. They not only moisturise and nou-
rish the skin, but most essential oils are also
effective cellular regenerators, stimulating cell
growth in the deeper layers.

Respiratory route The speed of penetration into the blood will

depend, above all, on the density or fluidity of
the oil in question.
Essential oils are volatile particles — this means
that they evaporate. When inhaled, they enter
the body through lung alveoli and reach our
bloodstream. The speed and efficiency with
which they are incorporated depend on many
factors such as the intensity of breathing, the
amount of oxygen in your blood, or the specific
particularities of the oil in question. The intense
aroma of essential oils has an immediate effect
on emotions, so one of its main applications is
to balance disordered or extreme moods.
The World of Essential Oils 15


Essential oils are very concentrated substances, and the-

refore certain precautions must be observed.
• Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
• Keep out of the reach of children.
• Do not use during menstruation, pregnancy or
• In case of asthma, epilepsy, or medical treatment,
consult your doctor before using the product.
• Citric essential oils are photosensitising. Do not
expose to the sun after use.
• In case of hypersensitivity or irritation, stop using
• Essential oils are flammable. Avoid direct contact
with a flame.
• Store in opaque containers and in a cool, dry place.
16 The World of Essential Oils

What is aromatherapy?

When discussing essential oils, aromatherapy

is always brought up. This is the science that
studies the therapeutic application of essen-
tial oils. It is part of phytotherapy, a millenary
science that is based on the study of the curative
properties of plants.
Nowadays, we talk about two kinds of
• Scientific aromatherapy: the application
of essential oils based on scientifically pro-
ven actions. It is mainly used in the physical
aspect, in both external and internal use.
• Holistic aromatherapy: this acts on the
whole person physically, psychically and
spiritually. It also includes external and
internal routes.
The World of Essential Oils 17

What raw materials does aromatherapy rely on?

• Essential oils: As mentioned earlier, it is the • Oleates: These are plant macerations in vege-
essence of the plant. table oil that allow to add the properties of the
plant to the oil. To prepare them, the petals,
• Hydrolats: This is the water resulting from the
leaves, stems, etc. are inserted into a container
distillation process, after the separation of the
with oil, which may be olive, almonds or sun-
essential oil. It contains traces of residual essen-
flower oil, and left to macerate for 3 to 4 weeks.
tial oil, in addition to volatile water-soluble com-
pounds. It has therapeutic and cosmetic properties. • Base creams and gel: These are finished
cosmetic products that do not contain any
• Vegetable oils: They are linked to essential oils,
aromas, fragrances or important ingredients.
acting as solvents. Each vegetable oil has its own
They are used as base for essential oils and
properties and its own aroma. This is important
allow to quickly develop a customised product
when choosing and combining them. When
for multiple applications that can be adapted
using them in perfumes, their smell must be
to our needs.
minimal. Some ideal oils are Jojoba, Coconut,
Sweet Almonds, Argan, Baobab, etc.
The best vegetable oils are those that have
been obtained by first cold pressing (virgin
oils). Those not obtained from first cold pres-
sing are refined, which usually involves heating,
the degradation of some of their components,
and the use of chemicals.
Monographs 19

Basil Ocimum Basilicum

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Methyl Chavicol.

Distilled part: Flowering tops.

Herbaceous plant belonging to the family of the Lamiaceae, with a

height of 20 to 40 cm, native to Asia. It has a hairy, erect square
stem, branched from the base. The leaves have a petiole, are ovate
and a little serrated. Inflorescences appear in false whorls of 6 white
pedunculate flowers.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: from pale yellow to amber.
Scent: characteristic, spicy and slightly aniseed.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules: Psychosomatic Activity:

Chavicol M.E. (Estragole) Basil chemotyped essential oil
Belongs to the group of phenol methyl ether. is commonly used to create a
positive, relaxing and balanced
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): environment. For this reason,
• Intense antispasmodic. it is frequently used in public
• Anti-infective. places that require such an en-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
Spasmophilia, anxiety and insomnia O/I Culinary Activity:
Headaches O/I Basil is an aromatic plant con-
Viral liver congestion and hepatitis O/I sidered irreplaceable for many
chefs, especially in Italy, where
Dysmenorrhoea T/E pesto is made with Basil lea-
Arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatism T/E ves, garlic and pine nuts. In
Muscle contractions T/E France, it is one of the main
Relaxing action D ingredients of “Soup Pistou”
too. The culinary use of Basil
chemotyped essential oil brings
Method Of Use:
a fresh touch of distinction to
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, your cuisine.
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.06% (equivalent to 1 drop of Before Using:
essential oil in 100 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
Essential oils should be used
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 0.06% twice a day.
with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil.
General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 2 drops of Basil che-
15 before using essential oils.
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
20 Monographs

Bergamot Citrus aurantium bergamia

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): D-limonene, Linalyl Acetate, Linalool.

Distilled part: Fresh bark.

This tree of the Rutaceae family is native to Asia and originates in Persia.
It comes from the hybridisation of two species: the lime tree and the
bitter Orange with a bittersweet taste. It has a very aromatic peel and
the essential oil, which is widely used in perfumes and cosmetics, is
extracted from the juice vesicle of this fruit. As an essence, Bergamot
has become one of the major elements used in perfumery half of the
perfumes made for women and a third of those for the men’s market
contain Bergamot essential oil for its ability to combine a high range
of essences in the preparation of various mixtures.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: light yellow to greenish-yellow to dark yellow
Psychosomatic Activity:
Scent: characteristic. Bergamot chemotyped essential
oil is ideal for those who need a
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules: relaxed atmosphere that helps
D-limonene, Linalyl Acetate, Linalool to escape from the stress of
Belongs to the group of terpenic esters. daily life. It is useful in situa-
tions that cause anxiety such as
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): smoking cessation or dieting,
• Carminative and antispasmodic Grade of recommendation2: among others.
• Sedative.
• Anti-infective and anti-inflammatory. Culinary Activity:
Bergamot flavour stands out
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: for being a bit acid and slightly
Anxiety, stress, nervousness O/I + T/E bitter. Its fresh and characteris-
Difficulty falling asleep O/I tic smell is widely recognised,
especially in countries of the
Difficult digestion O/I
former British Commonwealth
Relaxing action D of Nations, where Bergamot
was used to scent the well-
Method Of Use:
known Earl Grey and Lady
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Grey teas.
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.4% (equivalent to 1 drop of Ber- Before Using:
gamot essential oil in 15 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For
Essential oils should be used
use on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 0.4% twice a day.
with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil.
General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 2 drops of Bergamot
15 before using essential oils.
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 21

Black Pepper Piper nigrum

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Caryoplyllene, D-limonene.

Distilled part: Seeds.

Black Pepper is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae that can reach up
to 4 m in height. Black Pepper is native to south India and is popularly
used to disguise the flavour of fermented foods. It was introduced in
Europe by Alexander the Great, but it was the Arab civilization who
controlled Black Pepper trade until the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
After that, Venice became the centre of the spice trade, and the high
value of Black Pepper prompted the search for other trade routes.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: • Digestive stimulating tonic.
colourless to pale yellow. • Analgesic.
Scent: characteristic, slightly spicy. • Diaphoretic, antipyretic. Other Activities:
• Anticold, expectorant and Black Pepper chemotyped essen-
Chemical Family of the
liquefying. tial oil has been traditionally seen
Aromatic Molecules:
• Aphrodisiac. as an extraordinary oil thanks
Belongs to the group of to its therapeutic, digestive and
sesquiterpenes. cosmetic properties. Nowadays,
Black Pepper oil is being resear-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: ched as a treatment for vitiligo
Appetite stimulant, gastric and O/I as it can stimulate the skin to
pancreatic disypepsias produce pigment. Black Pepper
chemotyped essential oil is an
Analgesic (toothache and headaches) O/I
essential adjuvant in diets and
Flus, colds, excessive mucus O/I thyroid disorders since it increa-
Infectious processes O/I ses metabolism activity.
Sexual appetite stimulant O/I
Culinary Activity:
Rheumatic illneses, joint chronic pain T/E
Relaxing, calming D Black Pepper chemotyped essen-
tial oil is spicy, strong and sha-
Method Of Use: rp. It vaguely resembles Clove
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, essential oil, but more refined.
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 25% (equivalent to 5 drops of essential
oil in 25 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, Essential oils should be used
apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 25% three times a day. with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil. General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 10 drops of Black Pe- 15 before using essential oils.
pper chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone
or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
22 Monographs

Cajeput Melaleuca leucadendron cajuputi

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): 1.8 cineole, limonene.

Distilled part: Leaves.

The Cajeput tree is an aromatic plant of the Myrtaceae family, native to

Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Australia, that can grow up to 25 m
high. The flowers are cream and are arranged in spikes on the ends of
branches. Cajeput is useful in aromatherapy.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to yellow.
Scent: Camphorated, fresh and mentholated.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

1.8 cineole
Belongs to the group of terpenic oxides.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Psychosomatic Activity:

• Anti-infective and antiseptic Cajeput chemotyped essential
• Expectorant oil is usually diffused to create
• Venous decongestant activity. an aseptic atmosphere.

Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: Culinary Activity:

Upper and lower respiratory tract O/I Because of its strong and cha-
infections racteristic scent and its spicy
Ear infections O/I flavour, it is commonly used
Hemorrhoids, varicose veins T/E for flavouring teas to add a
Herpes T/E touch of exoticism.
Disinfecting action D Before Using:
Method Of Use: Essential oils should be used
with caution. Please, read the
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
General Instructions on page
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
15 before using essential oils.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 15% (equivalent to 3 drops of
essential oil in 27 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 15% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Cajeput
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 23

Camphor Cinnamomun Camphora

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): 1.8 cineole (eucalyptol), limonene,

Distilled part: Bark.

The Camphor tree is a large evergreen tree in the Lauraceae family,

native to tropical Asia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan.
This tree grows up to 30 m tall and has yellowish brown branches and
shoots with scales.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless.
Scent: characteristic, intense, fresh.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules: Other Activities:
1.8 Cineole (Eucalyptol) Because of its pungent scent,
Belongs to the chemical group of monoterpenic monoxides. Camphor chemotyped essential
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): oil has been traditionally used
• Anticold, mucolytic (stimulant of exocrine glands). to keep moths away from sto-
• Helps food digestion and gas removal. Carminative and eupeptic effect. red clothing. It is also being re-
• Antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal. searched as a natural fumigant
• Anti-inflammatory. in food and agriculture.

Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: Culinary Activity:

Upper respiratory tract infections O/I In ancient China, during the
(Cold, bronchitis, etc.) Chang dynasty, Camphor was
Intestinal, urinary and gynecological O/I used for flavouring a sweet food
bacterial and viral infections that we now know as ice cream.
Intestinal parasitic infections O/I Before Using:
Fungal infections O/I Essential oils should be used
Gastric dyspepsia O/I with caution. Please, read the
Articular and muscular rheumatism T/E General Instructions on page
15 before using essential oils.
Method Of Use:
Specific precautions:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Avoid contact with eyes and
tea, salads). Maximum once a day. mucous membranes.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 25% (equivalent to 5 drops of Do not inhale pure.
essential oil in 25 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use When used pure, it can cause
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 25% twice a day. skin irritation.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Coconut oil and Jo- In case of sensitive skin, test
joba oil. it out by applying 1 drop of
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 10 drops of Camphor the preparation to 25% in the
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or inner wrist.
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
24 Monographs

Cinnamon Cassia Cinnamomum cassia

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Cinnamic aldehyde.

Distilled part: Leaves.

This plant that belongs to the Lauraceae family is native to Southern

India and Sri Lanka, although it is also cultivated in many countries.
It has evergreen, leathery, shiny green leaves.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: from yellow to brown.
Scent: spicy, deep, woody
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Cinnamic Aldehyde
Belongs to the group of aldehydes.
Main Properties Multiple Activities:
(Structure-activity relationship): Cinnamon Cassia chemotyped
• Antibacterial with a wide and strong action spectrum. essential oil is a classic. It has his-
• Antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic. torically been used for over 2000
• Immune stimulant. years for the preservation and
• Nervous and respiratory stimulant. embalming of pharaohs, used la-
• Eupeptic, digestive and hepatotropic. ter by Romans, and even during
• Sexual tonic. the Middle Ages, when Cinnamon
was controlled by Venetians and
• General tonic.
Genoese traders. This treasure
• Antidepressant. from The Spice Island, Sri Lanka,
has come down to us and is nowa-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
days used in the cosmetics industry
Urinary tract and gastrointestinal O/I (toothpastes and mouthwashes),
infections perfumery and the pharmaceutical
Respiratory infections O/I industry (syrups and nasal sprays).

Gastrointestinal disturbances O/I Culinary Activity:

Sexual asthenia O/I Cinnamon Cassia takes the stage
Toning/stimulant action D in some of our favourite desserts,
coffees, teas and smoothies. With a
Method Of Use: pleasant scent and a woody, sweet
and delicate flavour, it is very po-
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, pular in the preparation of sweet
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. and savoury dishes.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.6% (equivalent to 1 drop of
essential oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on Before Using:
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 0.5% twice a day. Essential oils should be used with
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil. caution. Please, read the General
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 2 drops of Cinnamon Instructions on page 15 before
Cassia chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone using essential oils.
or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 25

Citronella Cymbopogon winterianus

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Citronellal, geraniol, citronellol.

Distilled part: Aerial part.

Citronella is an herbaceous plant native to India which grass grows

to about 1.5 m. It belongs to the Poaceae family. It has a subterranean
rhizome from which arise erect, hollow stems.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: from pale yellow to amber.
Scent: Lemon, rosy.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Belongs to the group of monoterpenic aldehydes. Other Activities:
Citronella chemotyped essential
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):
oil has refreshing, deodorant
• Anti-inflammatory.
and antiparasitic properties. Be-
• Anti-infective.
sides, its perfumery notes make
• Deodorant.
it ideal for environments that
• Mosquito repellent.
require energy, joy and con-
centration such as nurseries,
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: schools, places of study, etc.
Arthritis, rheumatism, tendonitis T/E
Culinary Activity:
Deodorant T/E
Disinfecting action/Mosquito D Its particular citric flavour is
repellent used for neutralising excessively
spicy flavours that are typical
of the Asian cuisine.
Method Of Use:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Before Using:
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Essential oils should be used
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 21% (equivalent to 2 drops of
with caution. Please, read the
essential oil in 13 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
General Instructions on page
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 21% twice a day.
15 before using essential oils.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil and Apricot Kernel oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Citronella
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
26 Monographs

Clary Sage Salvia sclarea

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Linalool and Linalyl Acetate.

Distilled part: Leaves and stems.

Plant of the Lamiaceae family, it is native to the Mediterranean basin,

along with some areas in Southern Europe and West Asia. Various
civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians knew their
therapeutic properties based on energy and vital recovery.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: • Strong hormonal effect.
colourless to yellow. • Neurotonic.
Scent: wood, floral and fresh. • Phlebotonic.
• Anti-infective (antibacterial,
Chemical Family of the
Aromatic Molecules:
• Balances cholesterol levels. Other Activities:
Linalool and Linalyl Acetate
• Antispasmodic, relaxing.
Belongs to the group of terpenic Clary Sage chemotyped essen-
esters and monoterpenes. tial oil is the ideal oil for facing
life crisis in processes of per-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: sonal growth. It revitalises and
Gynecological disorders: amenorrhea, O/I dissipates tensions in moments
oligomenorrhea, perimenopause of decision-making, improves
Genital infections caused by hormonal O/I self-confidence and stimulates
insufficiency creativity and inspiration.
Frigidity, impotence, lack of sex drive O/I
Culinary Activity:
Tiredness, nervous fatigue, seasonal O/I
asthenia Clary Sage chemotyped es-
sential oil is one of the typical
Hypercholesterolemia O/I
aromas of traditional Italian
Peripheral circulation problems O/I cuisine, along with parsley,
(varicose veins, hemorrhoids) Basil and Rosemary. It is used
Premenstrual symptoms T/E as a flavour enhancer in main
dishes based on the popular
Method Of Use:
Italian pasta.
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
Essential oils should be used
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
with caution. Please, read the
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% twice a day.
General Instructions on page
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil.
15 before using essential oils.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Clary Sage
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 27

Clove Eugenia caryophyllus

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Eugenol.

Distilled part: Flower buds.

The Clove tree is an evergreen in the family Myrtaceae, native to Mada-

gascar. It can grow up to 8-12 m tall, with large leaves and sanguine
flowers grouped in terminal clusters. The flower buds initially have
a pale hue, gradually turn green, then transition to a bright red when
ready for harvest. Cloves are harvested at 1.5-2.0 cm long and consist
of a long calyx that terminates in four spreading sepals, and four
unopened petals that form a small central ball.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: • Anti-infective, wide
colourless to pale yellow. antibacterial spectrum.
Scent: spicy. • Antiviral, antifungal and
Chemical Family of the
• Stimulant and general tonic.
Aromatic Molecules: Other Activities:
• Hypertensive.
• Aphrodisiac. Clove chemotyped essential oil
Belongs to the group of phenols.
• Skin healing agent. is often use as a fragrance in
Common Indications1: relaxing environments where
Grade of recommendation2:
focus and silence are needed.
Oral infections O/I
Upper and lower respiratory tract O/I Culinary Activity:
Clove chemotyped essential
Urinary tract infections O/I oil provides a very intense fla-
Infections of the gastro-intestinal tract O/I vour that enhances sweet and
Hypotension O/I savoury foods. Its natural fla-
vour is spicy, strong and bitter,
Herpes zoster T/E
and leaves a cold sensation in
Fungal infections of the skin (skin mycoses) T/E your mouth. This sensation is
Lack of concentration O/I softened when Clove is cooked.
Method Of Use: Before Using:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
Essential oils should be used
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
with caution. Please, read the
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.5% (equivalent to 1 drop of
General Instructions on page
essential oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on
15 before using essential oils.
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 0.5% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil and Apricot Kernel oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Clove che-
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
28 Monographs

Cypress Cupressus sempervirens

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Alpha-pinene, Delta-3-carene.

Distilled part: Leaves and stems.

Cypress is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can be up to 30 m tall,

belonging to the Cupressaceae family. The leaves grow in dense sprays, are
scale-like and dark green in colour. The Cypress tree has traditionally
been used to protect crops against the wind.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: yellow.
Scent: coniferous, fresh, terpenic.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Alpha-pinene, Delta-3-carene
Belongs to the group of phenol methyl ether.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):

Psychosomatic Activity:
• Stimulant and general tonic .
• Peripheral circulation decongestant (venous, lymphatic and prostatic) Cypress chemotyped essen-
• Anti-infective, anti-bacterial and antifungal. tial oil is commonly used for
relieving breathing problems,
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: tension and stress..
Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, swollen legs O/I
Culinary Activity:
Prostate oedema and congestion O/I
Dry and spasmodic cough O/I Cypress chemotyped essential
oil brings a touch of freshness
Enuresis in children O/I to raw foods such as salads,
Lymphatic drainage, oedema T/E smoothies, vegetables, etc. whi-
Couperose and varicose veins T/E le providing a very special and
Toning action D defining flavour.

Before Using:
Method Of Use:
Essential oils should be used
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
with caution. Please, read the
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
General Instructions on page
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 1% (equivalent to 2 drops of essential
15 before using essential oils.
oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin,
apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 1% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Cypress
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 29

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Eucalyptol (1.8 cineole).

Distilled part: Fresh leaves.

Eucalyptus globulus is an evergreen, large-sized tree belonging to the

Myrtaceae family and native to Australia and Tasmania, where more
than 300 species can be found, altough this tree is widespread around
the world. Because of its fast-growing properties, it is used in the
production of paper, wood and essential oils with multiple applications
in Western and Eastern traditional medicine.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to pale yellow.
Scent: characteristic between Mint and turpentine.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

1.8 Cineole (Eucalyptol) Other Activities:
Belongs to the group of terpenic oxides.
When diffused, Eucalyptus
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): chemotyped essential oil is
• Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal. used to ensure the asepsis of
• Respiratory antiseptic. public facilities during winter,
• Anticold. when the cases of respiratory
• Expectorant. problems increase.

Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: Culinary Activity:

Rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, O/I The use of Eucalyptus che-
bronchitis, otitis motyped essential oil is widely
Colds and flu O/I spread in high national and in-
Dermatitis and candidiasis O/I ternational cuisine to flavour
teas, salads, creams made from
Tension headaches T/E
potatoes and edible fats like
Relaxing action D butter.

Method Of Use: Before Using:

O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Essential oils should be used
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. with caution. Please, read the
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 1% (equivalent to 2 drops of essential General Instructions on page
oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, 15 before using essential oils.
apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 1% three times a day.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Eucalyptus
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
30 Monographs

Fennel Foeniculum vulgare

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Trans-anethole, D-limonene.

Distilled part: Seeds.

Fennel is an aromatic plant belonging to the Umbelliferae family that

can reach up to 250 cm in height.
The first data about Fennel goes back to 3000 years ago, when Egyp-
tians used it as a digestive aid. An ancient Indian tradition describes it
as the “pearl of aphrodisiacs” that was used in the brewing of potions
and allegedly stimulant preparations.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties (Structure-

(Organoleptic): activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: from • Antispasmodic.
pale yellow to yellow. • Carminative, tonic, digestive,
Scent: spicy spicy, fresh and cholagogue, eupeptic, colaretic.
herbaceous. • Galactopoietic, dysmenorrhoea,
menopausal and pre-menopausal. Other Activities:
Chemical Family of the
• Respiratory stimulant and tonic. Fennel chemotyped essential
Aromatic Molecules:
• Antiseptic, antibacterial and oil is a great ally to strengthen
vermifuge. the immune system. When di-
Belongs to the group of phenol
methyl ether. ffused, it improves vitality and
energy in asthenia, especially
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: during seasonal changes.
Nervousness, anxiety, stress O/I
Culinary Activity:
Heavy digestion, gastric dyspepsia, gases O/I
Since ancient times, Fennel
Premenopausal and menopausal O/I
chemotyped essential oil has
Breastfeeding O/I been used to flavour different
Respiratory infections O/I foods for its pleasant taste.
Dysmenorrhoea T/E Along with its digestive pro-
perties, it is essential in salads,
Stress, anxiety, depressive states D
desserts and juices.
Method Of Use:
Before Using:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. Essential oils should be used
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of with caution. Please, read the
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use General Instructions on page
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50%. 15 before using essential oils.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil and Coconut oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Fennel che-
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 31

Frankincense Boswellia carterii

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Alpha-pinene, D-limonene.

Distilled part: Resin.

This species of Boswellia is an evergreen tree belonging to the Bur-

seraceae family that can reach 8 m in height. The resin is extracted by
making a small incision on the trunk of the tree and later drained as
a milky substance that coagulates in contact with air. It is native to
Somalia, Ethiopia and the south of the Arabian Peninsula, namely
Oman and Yemen.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: from pale yellow to yellow.
Scent: balsamic, woody, fruity (Lemon).

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Alpha-pinene, Limonene Other Activities:
Belongs to the group of monoterpenes.
Frankincense chemotyped essen-
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): tial oil has many applications, from
• Immunostimulant. therapeutic purposes to its use in
• Anticold, expectorant. perfumery and cosmetics. When
• Antidepressant. diffused, it is most commonly used
• Healing. for reducing anxiety and stress to
achieve the best environment for
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: meditation. It is often also used in
Upper respiratory infections O/I palliative care.
(colds, bronchitis)
Culinary Activity:
Asthenia, tiredness O/I
Frankincense chemotyped essen-
Skin mycoses T/E
tial oil is used for modifying the
Depressive states/meditation D aroma of citric mixes.
Method Of Use: Before Using:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
Essential oils should be used
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
with caution. Please, read the
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
General Instructions on page
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
15 before using essential oils.
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 25% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Macadamia oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 10 drops of Frankincense
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
32 Monographs

Geranium Pelargonium graveolens

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Citronellol, geraniol and geranyl acetate.

Distilled part: Leaves.

The genus Geranium includes 422 species of annual, biennial and perennial
plants that are often used by their attractive flowers and their characteristic
aroma. The common P. Graveolens or P. Rosat has great importance in the
perfume industry. Geraniums are cultivated on a large scale and their
foliage is distilled for their scent. P. graveolens has a wide range of scents,
including rosy, citric, Mint, Coconut, nutmeg, and many fruits. However,
the most important varieties on the market are the ones with a rosy aroma.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to pale yellow.
Scent: characteristic, with a fruity note.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Geraniol, Geranyl Acetate and Citroneol Other Activities:
Belongs t the group of monoterpenic alcohol and terpenic esters.
The stabilizing properties of the
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Geranium chemotyped essential
• Anti-inflammatory. oil make it an ideal remedy for
• Relaxing and antispasmodic. relieving mild depression, anxie-
• Hemostatic tonic. ty, stress and nervous tension
• Anti-infective and fungicide. and for improving energy levels
• Phlebotonic and lymphotonic. and mood.
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
Culinary Activity:
Rheumatism, arthritis, tendonitis O/I
Geranium chemotyped essen-
Skin and gynecological mycoses T/E
tial oil is used as a flavouring
Acne, eczema, sores, abrasions O/I in pies, jams, jellies, ice creams,
Hemorrhoids, phlebitis O/I sorbets, salads, sweets and teas.
Stress, anxiety, depressive states D It is also used to add flavour
to some pipe tobaccos and is
Method Of Use: known as one of the famous
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Lakeland blends.
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 26% (equivalent to 5 drops of es-
sential oil in 25 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on Essential oils should be used
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 26% three times a day. with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil. General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 10 drops of Geranium 15 before using essential oils.
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 33

Ginger Zingiber Officinale

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Alpha-zingiberene, beta-

sesquiphellandrene and beta-bisabolene.
Distilled part: Dried root.

Ginger is in the Zingiberaceae family. This evergreen plant has characte-

ristic reddish stems. Its properties have been known since de Roman
Empire. Jamaica is the main producer of Ginger worldwide, although
it is also much cultivated in India, China, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh and the Philippines.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: • Digestive and carminative tonic.
yellow. • Anti-inflammatory.
Scent: citric and fresh. • General tonic (aphrodisiac).
• Tonic for peripheral circulation.
Chemical Family of the
• Analgesic. Other Activities:
Aromatic Molecules:
• Anticold.
Alpha-zingiberene Ginger chemotyped essential
Belongs to the group of oil is used to increase body
sesquiterpenes. temperature, as it has a strong
stimulant effect. In traditional
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: medicine, it is commonly used
Digestive tonic, dyspepsia, indigestion O/I for the treatment of carpal
and gases tunnel..
Rheumatic and joint pains O/I
Culinary Activity:
Bronchitis and colds O/I
Sexual tonic (impotence/lack of O/I Ginger chemotyped essential
sexual drive) oil is widely used as a spice
in cuisine, although it can be
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heavy legs O/I
found in different forms ran-
Treatment of local pain T/E ging from its fresh variety to
Chronic fatigue and seasonal asthenia D caramel. Its flavour is strong,
pungent, and slightly sweet.
Method Of Use:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Before Using:
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Essential oils should be used
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
with caution. Please, read the
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on
General Instructions on page
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% three times a day.
15 before using essential oils.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Macadamia oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Ginger che-
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
34 Monographs

Grapefruit Citrus grandis

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): D-limonene.

Distilled part: Fresh bark.

Citrus grandis is a tree of the Rutaceae family native to Southeast Asia,

Malaysia and Polynesia, where it grows wild. It is cultivated for its
large-sized fruit, an hesperidium of a pale yellow or soft pink colour
with a slightly acid and bitter taste.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: yellow.
Scent: characteristic, spicy and slightly aniseed.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Belongs to the group of monoterpenes.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Other Activities:

• Digestive tonic, eupeptic, antispasmodic. Grapefruit chemotyped essen-
• Lymphatic draining. tial oil is characteristic of the
• Relaxing, sedative. Asian culture, where its libera-
• Slimming. ting effect when diffused helps
people who tend to repress
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
Difficult digestions, large meals O/I
Changes in eating habits, O/I Culinary Activity:
overweight, eating disorders Grapefruit chemotyped es-
Slimming diets O/I sential oil is used in baking,
Mental fatigue, lack of energy, D desserts, fruits, teas and juices
exhaustion because of its digestive and re-
Disinfecting heavy atmospheres D laxing effect.

Method Of Use: Before Using:

O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Essential oils should be used
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. with caution. Please, read the
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 4% (equivalent to 8 drops of essential General Instructions on page
oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, 15 before using essential oils.
apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 4% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 16 drops of Grapefruit
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 35

Lavender Lavandula angustifolia

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Linalool and Linalyl Acetate.

Distilled part: Flowering tops.

It is a strongly aromatic evergreen shrub in the family Lamiaceae, with

woody stems without hairs. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean.
It tends to hybridise, resulting in more resistant species that are able
to survive with low water consumption in calcareous soils.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: pale • Powerful antispasmodic.
yellow to soft yellow. • Calming, sedative,
Scent: rustic and ethereal. antidepressant.
• Anti-infective (antibacterial,
Chemical Family of the
antiviral, bacteriostatic). Other Activities:
Aromatic Molecules:
• Analgesic.
Linanool, Linalyl Acetate Lavender chemotyped essential
• Hypotensive.
Belongs to the group of alcohol oil has been historically used
• Healing and regenerative.
terpenoids and terpenic esters. to treat dizziness and anxiety
caused by car sickness or beha-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: viour changes. Other common
Stress, agitation, anxiety O/I uses of Lavender chemotyped
Relieves muscle contractures, cramps O/I essential oil are as an insect re-
and spasms. Torticollis, tennis elbow pellent, air freshener or even
or golfer elbow to give scent to home textiles.
Antirheumatic O/I
Culinary Activity:
Treatment of local pain T/E
Lavender chemotyped essen-
Insomnia O/I
tial oil is a great combination
Antihypertensive O/I for Chamomile, Mint, Anise,
Ulcers, burns and acne T/E Lemon Balm, Lime and Pas-
Couperose, psoriasis, dermatitis T/E sion Flower teas. Lavender is
Tension headaches, migraines D also one of the most popular
aromatic herbs from the French
Method Of Use: cuisine, the Herbes de Provence
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, along with Rosemary, Thyme,
tea, salads). Maximum once a day. Basil and Savory.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
Before Using:
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% three times a day. Essential oils should be used
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Macadamia oil, Coconut oil and Jojoba oil. with caution. Please, read the
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Lavender General Instructions on page
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or 15 before using essential oils.
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
36 Monographs

Lavandin Lavandula hybrida

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Linalool and Linalyl Acetate.

Distilled part: Flowering tops.

It is a hybrid species of Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender) and Lavandula

latifolia (Spike Lavender), with similar botanical and pharmacological
features. Lavandin essential oil’s composition is an intermediate of
its two progenitor plants, altough it has sweeter perfumery notes and
energising effects when it evaporates.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: pale yellow to soft yellow.
Scent: fresh, pungent.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Linanool, Linalyl Acetate
Belongs to the group of alcohol terpenoids and terpenic esters.
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):
• Powerful antispasmodic.
Other Activities:
• Depression, headaches, migraines.
• Anti-inflammatory. Lavandin chemotyped essential
• Anti-infective (antibacterial, antiviral, bacteriostatic). oil is popularly used in sports
medicine, especially in sports
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: masSage with topical applica-
Stress, agitation, anxiety O/I tion for a warm up or as a re-
Relieves muscle contractures, cramps O/I liever of muscle contractures at
and spasms. Torticollis, tennis elbow or the end of the physical activity.
golfer elbow
Culinary Activity:
Antirheumatic O/I
Treatment of local pain T/E Lavandin chemotyped essential
oil is typical of the French cui-
Upper respiratory tract infections (flu/colds) O/I
sine, where it is often used as
Sports masSage T/E seasoning for meats, sweets, ice
Helps to study and concentrate D creams and drinks.
Method Of Use: Before Using:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
Essential oils should be used
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
with caution. Please, read the
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
General Instructions on page
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on
15 before using essential oils.
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% three times a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Macadamia oil, Coconut oil and Jojoba oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Lavandin
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 37

Lemon Citrus medica limorum

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): D-limonene.

Distilled part: Fresh bark.

Of the Rutaceae family, it’s an evergreen shrub with big, leathery leaves with
a spine in the base, scalloped edges and clear spots that can be seen against
the light. Its flowers are strongly scented. It is originally found in tropical and
subtropical regions of Asia, but has later been introduced in many regions
with a warm climate like Spain, South Africa, Australia and the United States.
Physical Characteristics Main Properties
(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: pale • Digestive tonic, appetite
yellow to greenish yellow. stimulant and eupeptic.
Scent: citric, fresh, intense. • Cholagogue, purifying.
Chemical Family of the • Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral.
• Citrine (vitamin P). Other Activities:
Aromatic Molecules:
D-limonene • Relaxing, sedative and slightly Lemon chemotyped essential
Belongs to the group of hypnotic. oil is extracted from Citrus me-
monoterpenes. dica, the most ancient species
of citrus fruits that came to the
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
Mediterranean region from In-
Irregular digestions O/I dia. Traditional uses range from
Liver and pancreatic dyspepsia O/I disinfecting and freshening ho-
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, venous O/I mes, treating cellulite, treating
stagnation and couperose. Capillary fragility mouth or tooth infections and
stimulating libido.
General tonic (chronic fatigue) O/I
Mental efforts, times of studying, high focus O/I Culinary Activity:
Infectious diseases of the skin (acne, T/E Lemon chemotyped essential
herpes, warts) oil is one of the most used
Environments that require disinfection D oils in cuisine in every culture
and asepsis (infectious diseases) thanks to its culinary, medici-
Insect repellent D nal and preservative properties.
It is used in beverages, juices,
Method Of Use:
salad dressings, and combined
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, with honey or yogurt.
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 2% (equivalent to 4 drops of es- Before Using:
sential oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the
Essential oils should be used
skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 2% twice a day.
with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 8 drops of Lemon che-
15 before using essential oils.
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
38 Monographs

Lemon Eucalyptus Eucalyptus citriodora

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Citronellal, citronellol, isopulegol.

Distilled part: Leaves and branches.

This is a tall tree, growing to 50 m in height. It has sword-shaped leaves

that are round when young and smell strongly like Lemon when rubbed.
This tree plays an important role in the production of honey by bees.
The Lemon Eucalyptus tree is native to Australia and belongs to the
family of Myrtaceas.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to pale yellow.
Scent: citrus to Lemon .

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Belongs to the group of terpenic aldehydes.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):

• Powerful anti-inflammatory.
• Analgesic. Other Activities:
• Soothing. When diffused, Lemon Eu-
• Fungicide. calyptus chemotyped essential
• Antispasmodic. oil is used for repelling flying
• Mosquito repellent. insects in summer. .
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: Culinary Activity:
Arthritis, tendonitis, sciatica O/I
Lemon Eucalyptus chemotyped
Cystitis, vaginitis, leukorrhea O/I essential oil is commonly used
Dermatitis, candidiasis, herpes zoster T/E in cuisine for flavouring drinks,
Relaxing action D juices, cocktails or desserts.
Insect repellent D
Before Using:
Method Of Use: Essential oils should be used
with caution. Please, read the
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
General Instructions on page
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
15 before using essential oils.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Lemon Eu-
calyptus chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser,
alone or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 39

Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Neral, geranial.

Distilled part: Flowering tops.

This aromatic, evergreen, herbaceous plant belongs to the Gramineae

family. It is originally from India, Ceylon and Malaysia and it’s nowa-
days cultivated as a medicinal plant in tropical and subtropical areas.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: pale yellow to yellow-Orange.
Scent: fresh, citric, spicy.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Neral and Geranial
Belongs to the group of monoterpenes.
Other Activities:
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):
• Digestive tonic. Lemongrass chemotyped es-
• Anti-inflammatory. sential oil is used as a scented
• Sedative. tonic and febrifuge.
• Vasodilator.
• Antifungal. Culinary Activity:
Lemongrass chemotyped es-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: sential oil is widely used in
Thai and Vietnamese cuisine
Gastric dyspepsia, gases, gastric ulcers O/I
for seasoning soups, stews, sa-
Nervous jitters O/I lads, sauces and marinates. In
Sports masSage T/E recent years, Lemon grass has
Insect repellent D become trendy in cocktails.

Before Using:
Method Of Use:
Essential oils should be used
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
with caution. Please, read the
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
General Instructions on page
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.6% (equivalent to 1 drop of
15 before using essential oils.
essential oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 2 drops of Lemongrass
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
40 Monographs

Mandarin Citrus reticulata

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): D-limonene.

Distilled part: Fresh bark.

It belongs to the Rutaceae family and is a smaller tree, around 2-3 m tall.
Originally from Western Asia, it was introduced in Europe and traded
around the Mediterranean coast in particular. Mandarin is traditionally
known by its sedative effects, which makes it one of the most valued
essential oils, apart from its association with happiness, health and beauty.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: Orange. • Carminative, appetite stimulant
Scent: citric and fresh. and eupeptic.
• Mild laxative.
Chemical Family of the
• Relaxing, sedative, mild sleep-
Aromatic Molecules:
• Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral.
Belongs to the group of monoterpenes.

Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: Other Activities:

Difficult disgestions, gases, hiccups, O/I Mandarin chemotyped essential
nausea. Preventing vomitings oil is especially used in masSage
Mild constipation, intestinal problems O/I oils that help to fight emotional
Mild diuretic O/I stress and depression.
Lowers mild high blood pressure O/I
Upper tract respiratory infections (colds, O/I Culinary Activity:
rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis) Mandarin chemotyped essen-
Stress, agitation, anxiety O/I tial oil is used for flavouring
Infectious diseases of the skin (acne, T/E sweet and sour sauces in high
herpes, warts) French cuisine. It is especially
Tonifying and dermatological protector, T/E beneficial for children and elder
congested skin and fats people thanks to its therapeutic
Environments requiring mild sedation D and sedative qualities.
(pregnant women and children)
Insect repellent D Before Using:
Essential oils should be used
Method Of Use:
with caution. Please, read the
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, tea, General Instructions on page
salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
15 before using essential oils.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 15% (equivalent to 3 drops of essential
oil in 27 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, apply
1-2 drops of the preparation to 15% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Mandarin chemo-
typed essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 41

Marjoram Origanum majorana

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Terpinene-4-ol, gamma-terpinene, cis-

sabinene hydrate.
Distilled part: Flower.

Marjoram belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which includes over 3000 species. It
can be considered the aromatic botanical family par excellence. It is known by
different names: Sweet Marjoram, Knotted Marjoram or Feverfew, the latter
used in traditional apothecaries.
It is a small plant from the East (Persia) that is also present in countries in
warm and temperate areas.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: pale • Anti-infective, antibacterial (gram +),
yellow to greenish yellow. antiseptic.
Scent: warm, bitter, reminiscent of • Neurotonic (strong vasodilator,
citrus and pine. lowers blood pressure, relaxing and
Chemical Family of the
• Analgesic.
Aromatic Molecules: Other Activities:
• Digestive stimulant.
• Diuretic. Marjoram chemotyped es- sen-
Belongs to the group of terpenic
alcohols. tial oil is used in special anti-aging
preparations since it improves the
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: health status of the skin and the
Respiratory infections Flu, cough, O/I body in general.
bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds
Spasmodic cough, breathing difficulty O/I Culinary Activity:
High blood pressure O/I Marjoram chemotyped essen-
Stress, anxiety, irritability O/I tial oil’s taste is similar to Ore-
Depression, anxiety O/I gano, but softer and sweeter. It
Spasms, muscular contractions, intense O/I is used to add flavour to sauces,
activity especially with tomato sauces,
Gases and gastrointestinal spasms O/I and goes well with fresh and
Joint pain T/E
melted cheese, and even with
fruit salads.
Healing and antiseptic for wounds T/E
Before Using:
Method Of Use:
Essential oils should be used
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, tea, with caution. Please, read the
salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
General Instructions on page
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 20% (equivalent to 4 drops of essential
oil in 26 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, apply
15 before using essential oils.
1-2 drops of the preparation to 20% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 8 drops of Marjoram chemo-
typed essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
42 Monographs

Mint Mentha arvensis

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Menthol, menthone and isomenthone.

Distilled part: Leaves and stems.

Mentha arvensis is a species of phanerogam plant belonging to the family

Lamiaceae, native to warm regions of Europe and Central and West
Asia, the Himalayas and Siberia.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to greenish yellow.
Scent: characteristic.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Belongs to the group of terpenic alcohols.
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Other Activities:
• Stimulating tonic (digestive secretion: gastric and vesicular). Because of its abundance, Mint
• Vascular vasoconstrictor: hypertensive. chemotyped essential oil, also
• Analgesic: mild anesthetic. known as corn Mint, has been
• Anti-infective: antibacterial. traditionally used as a stimulant
in low doses. It is stronger than
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: European Mint and popular
Digestive disorders (biliary and O/I thanks to its sedative, analgesic
gastric dyspepsia) and antispasmodic properties.
Migraine and headache O/I
Culinary Activity:
Hypotension O/I
Neuralgia, toothache, sciatica O/I Mint chemotyped essential oil
is a great dressing for salads,
Joint pain T/E soups, sauces and stews. It
Hives, eczema, itching T/E is also used with roast meat,
Rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis D mixed with yogurt and cucum-
ber to bring a fresh touch, and
Method Of Use: used in juices and drinks.
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
Before Using:
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 60% (equivalent to 3 drops of Essential oils should be used
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use with caution. Please, read the
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 60% twice a day. General Instructions on page
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil. 15 before using essential oils.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Mint che-
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 43

Myrrh Commiphora abyssinica

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Furanoeudesma-1.3-diene, curzerene.

Distilled part: Gomo - resin.

Myrrh is a resinous aromatic substance. It is obtained through an

incision in the bark of the tree Commiphora abyssinica which exudes a
yellow gummy resin of a reddish brown that takes an irregular shape
when it dries. It is a species of flowering plant in the Burseraceae family
native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: golden yellow.
Scent: balsamic.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Furanoeudesma - 1.3-diene and Curzerene
Belongs to the group of sesquiterpenes.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):

• Anti-infective (bacteria, virus, parasites).
• Anti-inflammatory.
• Antioxidant. Other Activities:
• Analgesic.
Myrrh chemotyped essential oil
• Healing.
has been valued in perfumery
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: since ancient times.
Throat pain, colds, cough, nasal O/I
Culinary Activity:
congestion, mucolytic
Gastrointestinal disturbances, O/I Myrrh chemotyped essential oil
dyspepsia, indigestion, diarrhea is known by its exotic and bitter
touch, great for food tastings.
Toothache and bad breath (halitosis) O/I
Wound healing T/E Before Using:
Stimulant D
Essential oils should be used
Method Of Use: with caution. Please, read the
General Instructions on page
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
15 before using essential oils.
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Macadamia oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Myrrh che-
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
44 Monographs

Orange Citrus aurantium dulcis

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): D-limonene.

Distilled part: Fresh bark.

It is a medium-sized tree of the Rutaceae family that grows up to 3-5 m

in height, with a round top with regular branches. It has a single trunk,
straight and cylindrical, green first that later turns grey. The branches
appear at a height of approximately one metre above the ground. Orange
trees originally come from India, Pakistan, Vietnam and Southeast China,
and were brought to the West by the Arabs.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless yellow to dark yellow to orange.
Scent: characteristic, citric, fresh and intense.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Belongs to the group of monoterpenes.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Other Activities:

• Anti-inflammatory. Because of its abundance, Oran-
• Antispasmodic. ge chemotyped essential oil is
• Sedative. widely used as antiseptic and in
• Anticoagulant. energy therapy methods when
diffused since it has high perfu-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
mery notes that improves hap-
Arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatism O/I piness, creativity and intuition.
Muscle contractions O/I
Insomnia, stress, mental fatigue, O/I Culinary Activity:
chronic fatigue Orange chemotyped essential
Acne, cellulite, oedema T/E oil enhances flavours and is
Seasonal affective disorder and D especially used in drinks and
premenstrual syndrome desserts.

Method Of Use: Before Using:

O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Essential oils should be used
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. with caution. Please, read the
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 15% (equivalent to 3 drops of General Instructions on page
essential oil in 27 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use 15 before using essential oils.
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 60% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Orange
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 45

Oregano Origanum vulgare

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Carvacrol and p-cymene.

Distilled part: Stem and flowers.

Herbaceous, evergreen, resistant plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family.

It has been used since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans,
who appreciated it for its medicinal properties and called it The joy of
the mountain.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to yellow to dark brown.
Scent: characteristic, aromatic, phenolic and spicy.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Carvacrol and P-cymene
Belongs to the group of phenols.
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):
• Anti-infective (bacterial, viral and parasitic infections). Other Activities:
• Immune stimulant.
• General, physical, mental and sexual tonic. Oregano chemotyped es- sential
oil is well known in popular cul-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: ture as an enhancer of the im-
mune system. It helps to avoid
Respiratory tract infections: rhinitis, sinusitis, O/I
insect bites and is also used in
laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis
the treatment of chronic foot
Urinary tract infections (cystitis, nephritis) O/I and nail fungus.
Digestive tract infections (dysentery, O/I
enterocolitis) Culinary Activity:
Skin infections (acne, mycosis, scabies, O/I Oregano chemotyped essential
ringworm, abscesses) is commonly used in sauces,
Tropical fevers (malaria, typhus) O/I especially those that include
Herpes labialis, mycosis (athlete’s foot) T/E tomato, but also in sauces for
fish and vegetables. It goes well
Respiratory infections D
with salads, cheese, vegetables,
eggs, meat or fish.
Method Of Use:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Before Using:
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Essential oils should be used
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
with caution. Please, read the
essential oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
General Instructions on page
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% twice a day.
15 before using essential oils.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Oregano
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
46 Monographs

Patchouli Pogostemon cablin

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Patchoulol, alpha-guaiene, Delta-guaiene.

Distilled part: Leaves.

Evergreen plant of the Lamiaceae family. The plant is native to Southeast

Asia, and is now extensively cultivated in China, Indonesia, India,
Malaysia and Philippines, but it also grows in other tropical regions
like Hawaii and South America.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: dark brown.
Scent: characteristic and woody.

Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:

Belongs to the group of sesquiterpenes.

Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Other Activities:

• Phlebotonic, lymphatic and venous. In ancient times, Patchouli was
• Prostate decongestant. used by European traders as
• Anti-inflammatory. currency, aperitif and preser-
• Healing. vative. Patchouli chemotyped
essential oil is currently used
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: as a fragrance in personal care
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids O/I products, paper towels, deter-
General and peripheral oedema O/I gents, and even as an insect
repellent for the storage of
Hemorrhoids O/I
Impotence and erectile dysfuntion O/I
Dermatologic infections caused by fungi T/E Culinary Activity:
Relaxing and sedative D Patchouli chemotyped essential
oil brings a touch of exotism to
Method Of Use: seasoned foods.
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
Before Using:
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 5% (equivalent to 1 drops of es- Essential oils should be used
sential oil in 29 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on with caution. Please, read the
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 5% twice a day. General Instructions on page
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Coconut oil and Jo- 15 before using essential oils.
joba oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Patchouli
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 47

Peppermint Mentha piperita

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Menthol, menthone.

Distilled part: Aerial part.

Mentha piperita, also known as Lycopus europaeus or water horehound, comes

from the hybridisation of Mentha aquatica and Mentha spicata. It belongs to the
large family of the Labiatae, common in the Mediterranean area with a long
tradition in Greco-Roman culture. Peppermint is cultivated in many parts of
the world, including the United States, Japan, Italy and the United Kingdom.
The United States are the major oil producers of Peppermint oil, but Euro-
pean essential oils are considered to be of higher quality than any other oils.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: pale • Anti-infective (bactericide, virici-
yellow to greenish yellow. de, fungicide and vermicide).
Scent: characteristic. • General stimulant tonic
• Anticold, expectorant and
Chemical Family of the
Aromatic Molecules:
• Urinary and intestinal anti-
Menthol and Menthone
Belongs to the group of alcohol Other Activities:
• Prostatic decongestant.
terpenoids and terpenic ketones.
• Menstrual regulator. Because of its abundance, Pe-
ppermint chemotyped essential
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: oil is used in perfumes, cosme-
Respiratory tract infections: otitis, rhinitis, O/I tics, soaps, candies, spider re-
sinusitis, halitosis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pellents, and even for avoiding
bronchitis. Urinary tract infections, cystitis motion sickness when travelling.
Physical and mental fatigue O/I
Hypotension O/I Culinary Activity:
Heavy digestions, liver and pancreatic O/I Peppermint chemotyped es-
failure, vomiting and motion sickness
sential oil dates back to an-
Bumps, bruises, injuries T/E cient times, when its aromatic,
Hives, eczema, itching T/E fresh and spicy touch was very
Rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis D appreciated.
Anxiety, stress, nervousness D
Before Using:
Method Of Use:
Essential oils should be used
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, tea, with caution. Please, read the
salads). Maximum 3 times a day. General Instructions on page
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 60% (equivalent to 3 drops of essential
15 before using essential oils.
oil in 5 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, apply
1-2 drops of the preparation to 60% twice a day.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Rose Hip oil and Argan oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Peppermint chemo-
typed essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
48 Monographs

Pine Pinus sylvestris

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Alpha-pinene, beta-pinene,

Distilled part: Needles.

The Pine tree, also known as Scots Pine, belongs to the Pinaceae family.
It is a fast-growing tree with a very long lifespan that can reach 40 m in
height. The tree has a conical or pyramid shape and is native to northern
latitudes like Russia, Austria and Scandinavian countries.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: light • Stimulant, neurotonic.
yellow. • Lymphatic decongestant.
Scent: fresh, coniferous and • Antiseptic, antifungal and anti-
Camphorated. infective. Other Activities:
• Analgesic. Pine chemotyped essential oil
Chemical Family of the
• Balsamic and expectorant. has a balsamic, acrid, dry aroma-
Aromatic Molecules:
• Hypertensive. tic note that goes well with citric,
• Hormonal activity. woody, herbal and resin essential
Belongs to the group of
monoterpenes. oils. It is often used as antiseptic,
decongestant and expectorant
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: in respiratory conditions when
diffused, and to treat muscle
Bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, flu, cough, O/I
stiffness and rheumatism. It is
also specifically used for redu-
Fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness O/I cing nervous fatigue.
Hypotension O/I
It is currently used to increase fo-
Pelvic congestion (menstrual O/I cus in moments when you need
disorders), prostate congestion to make an important decision.
Rheumatic illnesses, joint chronic pain T/E
Strenuous physical activity T/E Culinary Activity:
Antiseptic, decongestant and expectorant D Pine chemotyped essential oil
is used in Nordic cultures for
Method Of Use: making bread, although it is
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, less common in Mediterranean
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. countries.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 20% (equivalent to 4 drops of
essential oil in 26 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use Before Using:
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 20% twice a day. Essential oils should be used
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil. with caution. Please, read the
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 8 drops of Pine chemo- General Instructions on page
typed essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed 15 before using essential oils.
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 49

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): 1,8 cineole, alpha-pinene, camphre.

Distilled part: Flowering tops.

Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as Rosemary, is a woody, perennial

shrub with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves that can grow up to 2 m high.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: • Dose-dependent neuromuscular
colourless to yellow. activity.
Scent: fresh and herbaceous. • Mild antibacterial.
• Choleretic and colagogue.
Chemical Family of the
• Diuretic. Psychosomatic Activity:
Aromatic Molecules:
• Emmenagogue.
1.8 Cineole Rosemary chemotyped essential
• Mucolytic.
Belongs to the group of terpenic oil is the essential oil for the mind.
• Venous decongestant.
It was used by ancient Greeks
to improve memory when stud-
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: ying. Its benefits on intellectual
Respiratory tract congestion: rhinitis, O/I capacity make it ideal for those
sinusitis, cold moments when mental effort
Heavy digestions, liver and gallbladder O/I is required, since it strengthens
problems, high cholesterol memory and concentration.
Overloaded liver (alcohol, coffee, drugs, etc.) O/I It has a medium-high aroma-
Hypotension O/I tic note that mixes well with
Diuretic O/I woody, herbal, spicy, citric and
resin essential oils.
Menstrual problems (amenorrhea, O/I
Culinary Activity:
Muscular contractions, rheumatic pain O/I
Psychological fatigue, lack of energy and D Rosemary chemotyped essen-
exhaustion tial oil adds flavour to a wide
Disinfecting heavy atmospheres D variety of foods: fish, game
meat, meat, teas, soups, vegeta-
bles, pulses, rice, cheese, sauces,
Method Of Use:
breads, salads, etc.
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, tea,
salads). Maximum 3 times a day. Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.4% (equivalent to 1 drop of essential oil
in 30 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin, apply 1-2
Essential oils should be used
drops of the preparation to 0.4% three times a day. with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil. General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Rosemary chemo- 15 before using essential oils.
typed essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
50 Monographs

Spanish Sage Salvia lavandulifolia

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): 1.8-Cineole, campher, alpha-pinene.

Distilled part: Leaves and stems.
Spanish Sage is a small woody herbaceous of the Lamiaceae family.
The pale Lavender flowers grow on short inflorescences on widely
spaced whorls. Salvia is the latin name of Sage, that comes from the
latin salvus, meaning health, or salveo, which means to heal. This refers
to the medicinal virtues of the plants belonging to this genus.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to pale yellow.
Scent: characteristic, aromated and Camphorated.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
1.8 Cineole, Campher, Alpha-pinene
Belongs to the group of the monoterpenones, terpenic oxides,
monoterpernes. Other Activities:
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Spanish Sage chemotyped es-
• General tonic. sential oil is considered comfor-
• Antiseptic, anti-infective. ting and revitalising. It is spe-
• Anticold, expectorant. cially intended for people who
• Analgesic. tend to easily feel discouraged
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2:
or with high sensitivity that find
it difficulty to cope with life’s is-
Respiratory tract illneses: rhinitis, O/I sues. Spanish Sage chemotyped
sinusitis, flu with or without fever essential oil is used to improve
Nonspecific nerve pain, headache, O/I self-confidence and face the ups
nervous exhaustion and downs of life with renewed
Lack of energy, asthenia, exhaustion O/I energy.
Oedemas, fluid retention (local and general) O/I
Culinary Activity:
Muscular contractions, rheumatic pain O/I
Spanish Sage chemotyped es-
Psychological fatigue, lack of energy D
sential oil can be used to fla-
and exhaustion
vour elaborated dishes such as
Method Of Use: roasted meat or fish. It can also
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, add flavour to oils and butters.
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 1% (equivalent to 2 drops of es-
sential oil in 10 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the Essential oils should be used
skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 1% twice a day. with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil. General Instructions on page
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Spanish Sage 15 before using essential oils.
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 51

Spike Lavender Lavandula latifolia

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Linalol, 1.8 cineole and Camphor.
Distilled part: Flowering tops.

Lavandula latifolia is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to

the Mediterranean basin. It grows in dry and chalky soils in full sun, in
the mountain areas of the central and western part of the Mediterra-
nean basin. It has been traditionally used as a natural remedy because
of its many properties.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to pale yellow.
Scent: between Camphor and Eucalyptus.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
1.8 cineol, Linalol and Camphor
Belongs to the group of terpenic oxides, monoterpenoles and
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): Other Activities:
• Anti-infectious, antibacterial, fungicide, viricide. Spike Lavender chemotyped
• Analgesic. essential oil is widely used to
• Anticatarrhal, expectorant. create an environment that ea-
• General tonic. ses tension induced by physical
Common Indications1: and psychological fatigue, irri-
Grade of recommendation2:
tability, anxiety and unbalanced
Viral bronchitis, rhinitis, tracheitis and O/I emotions.
dry cough
Viral enterocolitis O/I Culinary Activity:
Rheumatism, rheumatoid polyarthritis O/I The sweet and aromatic fla-
Neuritis and Neuralgias O/I vour of the Spike Lavender
Abrasions and severe burns T/E chemotyped essential oil is hi-
ghly appreciated by gourmets
Dermatology (ulcers and sores) T/E
and bakers, who use it for fla-
Irritability, stress D vouring desserts in gourmet
Method Of Use:
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, Before Using:
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Essential oils should be used
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 50% (equivalent to 3 drops of
with caution. Please, read the
essential oil in a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin,
General Instructions on page
apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 50% twice a day.
15 before using essential oils.
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Coconut oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Spike Laven-
der chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone
or mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
52 Monographs

Star Anise Illicium verum

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Trans-anethole.

Distilled part: Seeds and fruits.

Illicium verum is an evergreen tree native to southwest China. Its star-

shaped fruits are harvested just before ripening.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: colourless to pale yellow.
Scent: characteristic, aniseed. Psychosomatic Activity:
The Star Anise chemotyped
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules: essential oil is considered a
Trans-para-anol M.E. mystical fragrance. It is widely
Belongs to the group of phenol methyl ether. used in Asian countries as a
perfume and as incense in reli-
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): gious shrines.
• Intense antispasmodic.
• Tonic and stimulant action. Culinary Activity:
Used in all kinds of recipes for
pastries, breads, sweets and even
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: vegetables.
Gastric disypepsia O/I
Eupeptic action O/I Before Using:
Essential oils should be used
Spasmophilia, anxiety and insomnia O/I
with caution. Please, read the
Muscle contractions T/E General Instructions on page
Relaxing action D 15 before using essential oils.

Method Of Use: Specific precautions:

Avoid contact with eyes and
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
mucous membranes.
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day.
Can cause skin irritation when
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.06% (equivalent to 1 drop of
used pure.
essential oil in 100 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
In case of sensitive skin, test it
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 0.06% twice a day.
out by applying 1 drop of the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil.
preparation to 0.06% on the
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 1 drop of Star Anise
inner wrist.
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or  See General precautions.
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 53

Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Terpinene-4ol, γ-terpinene.

Distilled part: Leaves.

It is a species of tree or tall shrub in the Myrtaceae family reaching 5

m in height. Endemic to Australia, it grows in swampy flats. Tea Tree
leaves are narrow, aromatic and linear. Flowers are white and arranged
in spikes of 3-5 cm long. The fruit is small, woody and cup-shaped.
Indigenous Australians already used it as an antiseptic. It has a repu-
tation as one of the best antiseptic and antiviral plants.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: from colourless to soft yellow.
Scent: pungent, herbaceous, medicinal, Camphorated and acrid.
Psychosomatic Activity:
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Terpinene-4ol and Terpinene Tea Tree chemotyped essential
Belongs to the group of monocyclic monoterpenes. oil creates a healthy, purified en-
vironment suited in areas where
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship): you need to increase the activity
• Strong antibacterial and antiviral. of the immune system.
• Fungicide and antiparasitic activity.
• Immune system stimulant. Culinary Activity:
• Phlebotonic, venous decongestant. The Tea Tree was named by the
English adventurer James Cook
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: when he arrived to the shores
Upper and lower respiratory tract O/I of Australia in 1770. When their
infections reserves of tea run out, his team
Gynecological and urinary tract O/I decided to brew the leaves of
infections this tree. Although the taste was
strong, they liked its freshness
Mouth infections T/E and they named it Tea Tree.
Skin mycoses T/E
Varicose veins, heavy legs T/E Before Using:
Essential oils should be used
Method Of Use: with caution. Please, read the
General Instructions on page
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
15 before using essential oils.
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 1% (equivalent to 2 drops of essential
oil in 10 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on the skin,
apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 1% twice a day. You can improve your oral hy-
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil and Jojoba oil. giene using Tea Tree chemo-
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 4 drops of Tea Tree typed essential oil in your daily
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or hygiene.
 (See topical/external application).
mixed with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
54 Monographs

Thyme Thymus vulgaris

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Linalool.

Distilled part: Leaves and flowers.

It is is a species of pink flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae from

the Mediterranean. It grows profusely in dry land and in full sun and
highly resists inclement weather.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: pale • Broad-spectrum anti-infective:
yellow to yellow. digestive infections, kidney
Scent: strongly aromatic. infections, respiratory infections,
genital infections. Psychosomatic Activity:
Chemical Family of the
• Fungicide, parasiticide and
Aromatic Molecules: Thyme chemotyped essential
Linalool oil comes from a plant species
• Immune stimulant.
Belongs to the group of alcohol with great ability to adapt to the
• Rheumatic illneses.
terpenoids. environment. That’s why it’s the
• Dermatological conditions.
plant that produces the most
Common Indications1: chemotypes in aromatherapy.
Grade of recommendation2:
Thyme chemotyped essential oil’s
Sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, tonsillitis, O/I aromatic notes are medium-high.
bronchitis and pneumonia Balance, delicacy, comforting and
Infectious diarrhea, enterocolitis, O/I stimulant are the words which
gynecological and urological infections best define this essential oil.
Dermatological (scabies, ringworm) O/I
and intestinal parasitism Culinary Activity:
Hypercholesterolemia O/I Thyme chemotyped essential
Rheumatic and joint conditions T/E oil is universally used to sea-
son soups, vegetables, fish,
Psoriasis, acne and warts T/E
poultry, meat (especially game
Stimulant D meat) and delicatessen. It is
often used in sauces, especia-
Method Of Use:
lly tomato sauces, and is mostly
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, used together with Rosemary
tea, salads). Maximum 3 times a day. chemotyped essential oils.
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 15% (equivalent to 3 drops of
essential oil in 27 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use Before Using:
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 15% twice a day.
Essential oils should be used
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Jojoba oil and Neem oil.
with caution. Please, read the
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add drops of Thyme che-
General Instructions on page
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
15 before using essential oils.
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
Monographs 55

Vetiver Vetiveria zizanioides

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Tricyclovetivenol.

Distilled part: Dry roots.

Vetiver is a perennial bunchgrass of the Poaceae family, native to India.

Its roots are long and robust, often used to protect the soil against
sheet erosion. Since ancient times, it has been used for its medicinal,
culinary and insect repellent properties.

Physical Characteristics Main Properties

(Organoleptic): (Structure-activity relationship):
Colour and appearance: • Glandular and venous
yellow brown. stimulant tonic.
Scent: woody and earthy. • Immunostimulant.
• Emmenagogue.
Chemical Family of the
• Vascular and lymphatic tonic.
Aromatic Molecules:
• Skin infections and rashes.
TricyClovetivenol Other Activities:
Belongs to the group of
sesquiterpenes. Since ancient times, Vetiver
chemotyped essential oil has
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: been known for its strong ener-
gising properties. It has come
Difficult digestion, gases O/I
down to us as a classic in the
Liver and pancreatic disorders O/I perfumery market. It brings
Irregular menstruation O/I back certainty and confidence,
Blood circulation disorders: varicose O/I avoids physical exhaustion and
veins, lymphatic congestion, oedema dissipates any tensions.
Stimulates the appetite and helps to O/I
Culinary Activity:
regain weight
Rheumatic and joint conditions T/E Vetiver chemotyped essential
oil has a sweet and pleasant
Soothing, relaxing, fights insomnia D
taste. It is often used in smoo-
Method Of Use: thies, ice creams and desserts to
add a touch of freshness.
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice,
tea, salads). Maximum once a day. Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 15% (equivalent to 3 drops of
Essential oils should be used
essential oil in 27 drops of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use
with caution. Please, read the
on the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 15% twice a day.
General Instructions on page
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Coconut oil and
15 before using essential oils.
Neem oil.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Vetiver che-
motyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or mixed
with water.

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
56 Monographs

Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata

Chemotype (aromatic molecules): Germacrene D, alpha-farnesene.

Distilled part: Flowers.

Tropical tree of the Annonaceae family, with bright leaves, that can
reach up to 20 m in height. It originates in Southeast Asia and was
introduced in the Pacific Islands for its scented flowers.

Physical Characteristics (Organoleptic):

Colour and appearance: pale yellow to yellow.
Scent: floral, jasmine.
Chemical Family of the Aromatic Molecules:
Germacrene D and Alpha-farnesene
Belongs to the group of sesquiterpenes.
Main Properties (Structure-activity relationship):
• Antispasmodic, balancing.
• Antidepressant, relaxing, sedative. Other Activities:
• Hypotensive. Ylang Ylang chemotyped es-
• Sexual tonic. sential oil is known for its har-
monising properties that bring
Common Indications1: Grade of recommendation2: a state of well-being without
Hypertension, extrasystole, palpitations O/I causing overexcitement or lack
Cramps and muscle spasms O/I of energy. It is a highly sought
after essence for the manufac-
Depression, anxiety, insomnia O/I ture of perfumes, shampoos,
Lack of sexual drive O/I facial creams, body and mas-
Contractures, muscle pain, spasms T/E Sage lotions for its enhancing
Acne and skin infections T/E properties.
Mood improvement, thanks to its D Culinary Activity:
ambivalent action, it can improve or
calm the mood as needed Ylang Ylang chemotyped es-
sential oil is used as a food
Method Of Use: additive in ice creams, sweets,
O/I (Oral/internal): Always dilute 1-2 drops in 250 g of food (juice, candies and bakery.
tea, salads). Maximum once a day.
Before Using:
T/E (Topical/External): Dilute to 0.8% (equivalent to 2 drops of
essential oil in 12 ml of a vegetable carrier oil or similar.) For use on Essential oils should be used
the skin, apply 1-2 drops of the preparation to 0.8% twice a day. with caution. Please, read the
Carriers: Sweet Almond oil, Apricot Kernel oil, Coconut oil and General Instructions on page
Neem oil. 15 before using essential oils.
D (Diffuser): Depending on the diffuser, add 6 drops of Ylang Ylang
chemotyped essential oil to the water tank of the diffuser, alone or
mixed with water..

Suggested administration for traditional use. Consult your healthcare professional.
See the page on Description of recommendations in the General Instructions.
Highly Recommended. Recommended. Adequate.
Specific Use. Ambivalent Use. Multipurpose.
58 Bibliography


• Los aceites esenciales. Aplicaciones • Aromaterapia. El olor y la psique.

farmacológicas, cosméticas y Utilización de los aceites esenciales para
alimentarias. Ámbito Farmacéutico. el bienestar físico y emocional. Damian P,
López Luengo, M. Tránsito (Farmacéutica). Damian K. México D.F. Lasser Press Mexicana,
Vol. 23, Núm 7, Julio-Agosto, 2004. SA. 1996.

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