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Read the passage , and answer the question below.

Natural flavorings and fragrances are often costly and limited in supply. For example,
the vital ingredient in a rose fragrance is extarcted from natural rose oil at a cost of thousands
of dollars a pound ; an idencial synthetic subtances can be made for 1% of this cost. Since the
early twentieth century ,succes in reproducing these subtances has created a new industry that
today produces hundreds of artifical flavors and fragrances.

Some natural fragrances are easily synthesized; these include vanillin, the aromatic
inggredients in vanilla, and benzaldehyde, the aromatic ingredients in wild cherries. Others
fragrances however, have dozens, even hundreds of components. Only recently has it been
possible to separate and identify these ingredients by the use of gas chromatography and
spectroscopy. Once the chemical identity is known, it is often possible to synthesize them.
Nevertheless , some complex subtances substances such as the aroma of fresh coffe , have
still not been duplicated satatisfactorily.

Many of the chemical compounds making up these synthetics are identical to those
found in nature , and are as harmaless or harmful as the natural substances. New products
must be tested for safety , and when used in food , must be approved by the U.S food and
Drug Administrasion. The avalability of syinthetic flavors and fragrances haas made possible
a large variety of product, from inexpensive beverages to perfumed soap to used cars with
applied “new car odor”

Partc A. if the statements following the passages are valid inferences based on those
passages,mark the items I,if the statements cannot ne inferred fromthe passages , mark
those items x.

1. Natural rose fragrances is 100 times more expensive to produce than artificial rose
2. Vanillin is easier to synthesize than benzaldehyde.
3. In general, the more components there are in a fragrances, the harder it is so
4. Once a substance has been chemically analyzed, it can always be easily synthesize.
7. In paragrhaps 2, line 4, what does “these ingredients” refer to?
Bacalah bacaan tersebut, dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini.

Perasa dan wewangian alami seringkali mahal dan persediaannya terbatas. Misalnya,
bahan penting dalam wewangian mawar diekstraksi dari minyak mawar alami dengan biaya
ribuan dolar per pon; bahan sintetis yang identik dapat dibuat untuk 1% dari biaya ini. Sejak
awal abad kedua puluh, keberhasilan dalam mereproduksi zat-zat ini telah menciptakan
industri baru yang saat ini menghasilkan ratusan rasa dan wewangian buatan
Beberapa wewangian alami mudah disintesis; ini termasuk vanillin, bahan aromatik
dalam vanila, dan benzaldehida, bahan aromatik dalam ceri liar. Namun wewangian lain,
memiliki lusinan, bahkan ratusan komponen. Baru belakangan ini dimungkinkan untuk
memisahkan dan mengidentifikasi bahan-bahan ini dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas
dan spektroskopi. Setelah identitas kimia diketahui, seringkali dimungkinkan untuk
mensintesisnya. Namun demikian , beberapa zat zat kompleks seperti aroma kopi segar ,
masih belum terduplikasi secara memuaskan.

Banyak dari senyawa kimia yang membentuk sintetis ini identik dengan yang
ditemukan di alam , dan tidak berbahaya atau berbahaya seperti zat alami. Produk baru harus
diuji keamanannya, dan bila digunakan dalam makanan, harus disetujui oleh Food and Drug
Administration AS. Ketersediaan rasa dan wewangian sintetis telah memungkinkan berbagai
macam produk, mulai dari minuman murah hingga sabun wangi hingga mobil bekas dengan
"bau mobil baru" yang diterapkan.

Bagian A. Jika pernyataan-pernyataan yang mengikuti paragraf tersebut merupakan

kesimpulan yang sahih berdasarkan paragraf tersebut, tandai item I, jika pernyataan
tidak dapat disimpulkan dari paragraf tersebut, tandai item tersebut x.

1. Wewangian mawar alami 100 kali lebih mahal untuk diproduksi daripada wewangian
mawar buatan.
2. Vanillin lebih mudah disintesis daripada benzaldehida.
3. Secara umum, semakin banyak komponen dalam wewangian, semakin sulit disintesis.
4. Setelah suatu zat dianalisis secara kimia, zat itu selalu dapat dengan mudah disintesis.
7. Dalam paragraf 2, baris 4, apa yang dimaksud dengan "bahan-bahan ini"?
maksud dari "these ingredients" yaitu menunjukan bahan yang terdapat dalam
wewangian alami mudah disintesis; ini termasuk vanillin, bahan aromatik dalam vanila,
dan benzaldehida, bahan aromatik dalam ceri liar, ini yang mengartikan maksud dari
paragraf 2 baris 1 dan 2,itu yang dimaksud dari "bahan bahan ini" pada paragraf 2 ,baris
Nama : Faisal
Nim :
Semester : 2 (dua)
Dosen pengampu : Gina Selvira Yanti, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Ujian : Akhir Semester
Mata kuliah : Intermediate Reading

Answer qustion !

Partc A. if the statements following the passages are valid inferences based on those
passages,mark the items I,if the statements cannot ne inferred fromthe passages , mark
those items x.
1. Natural rose fragrances is 100 times more expensive to produce than artificial rose
fragrance. (I)
2. Vanillin is easier to synthesize than benzaldehyde. (X)
3. In general, the more components there are in a fragrances, the harder it is so
synthesize. (X)
4. Once a substance has been chemically analyzed, it can always be easily synthesize. (I)

Partc B.
7. In paragrhaps 2, line 4, what does “these ingredients” refer to?
the purpose of "these ingredients" is to show that the ingredients contained in natural
fragrances are easily synthesized; this includes vanillin, the aromatic ingredient in
vanilla, and benzaldehyde, the aromatic ingredient in wild cherries, this is what is
meant by paragraphs 2 lines 1 and 2, that is what is meant by "this ingredient" in
paragraph 2, line 4.
PARTC C. Scaning a picture. Dialoge (BAGIAN C. Memindai gambar. Dialog)
Making inferences pictures #12
9. make at least 3 inferences based on the picture above. (buatlah setidaknya 3 kesimpulan
berdasarkan gambar di atas!)
a) Kesimpulan pertama yang saya tarik dari gambar diatas adalah terdapat 2 orang
sedang memakan pizza 2 dintaranya laki-laki dan 1 wanita tetapi laki-laki yang
ditengah hanya tersenyum tidak memakan pizza tersebut yang ada di atas meja.
b) Kesimpulan kedua yaitu terdapat 3 orang sedang memakai baju tim baseball berwarna
c) Kesimpulan ketiga adalah ada 3 orang tim baseball sedang merayakan kejuaraannya
karena di depan mereka ada meja makan yaitu pizza dan sebuah piala.
a) The first conclusion that I draw from the picture above is that there are 2 people
eating pizza, 2 of them are men and 1 woman, but the man in the middle just smiles
and doesn't eat the pizza on the table.
b) The second conclusion is that there are 3 people wearing blue baseball team shirts.
c) The third conclusion is that there are 3 baseball teams celebrating because in front of
them there is a dining table, namely pizza and a trophy.

Find the topic word in each group of words and circle it.Then write the topic on the line.
Work with another student. (Temukan kata topik di setiap kelompok kata dan lingkari.
Kemudian tulis topik di baris. Bekerja dengan siswa lain)

1. Topic: color
Red yellow blue orange brown color
2. Topic: music
Pop music rock country classical jazz
3. Topic: animals
Animals cats dogs horses pigs elephants
4. Topic: brother
Brother son father men grandfather uncle
5. Topic: fruit
Apple banana orange fruit pear mango
6. Topic: times of day
Morning night times of day evening afternoon
7. Topic: verbs
Walks talks sleeps builds verbs begins
8. Topic: clothes
Shirts clothes drases pants coats socks
9. Topics: building
Hotels hospital banks shools building theaters
10. Topic: countries
Japan Brazil China France Korea countries
PART E. Words with similar meaning

Match the words with their definition by writing the letters on the lines as in the
examples.(1b,2a,3c,4d,so on). Cocokkan kata dengan definisinya dengan menuliskan
huruf pada baris seperti pada contoh. (1b,2a,3c,4d,dst)

1. Fragrance a. a charateristic or particular odor

2. scent b. a sweet or delicate odor (as of fresh flowers,pine trees,or


3. vital c. of the outmost importsnce resource

4. significant d. having or likely to have influence or effect

5. flavor e. the special sense that perceives and distingueishes the

sweet,sour,bitter or salty quality of a dissolved substance

6. taste f. the quality of something that affect the sense of taste

7. product g. something that follows as a result or consequence

8. outcome h. something resulting from or necessarily following from a set

of conditions

9. costly i. commanding a hight price especialy because of intrinsic


10. valuable j. Worth a good price

1. Wewangian a. Bau khas atau bau tertentu

2. aroma b.bau manis atau lembut (seperti bunga

segar, pohon pinus, atau parfum)

3. penting c. dari sumber daya impor terluar

4. signifikan d.memiliki atau cenderung memiliki

pengaruh atau efek

5. rasa e.Indra khusus yang merasakan dan

membedakan kualitas manis, asam, pahit
atau asin dari zat terlarut

6. rasa f. kualitas sesuatu yang mempengaruhi

indera perasa

7. produk g. sesuatu yang mengikuti sebagai hasil atau


8. hasil h. sesuatu yang dihasilkan dari atau selalu

mengikuti dari serangkaian kondisi

9. mahal i. memerintahkan harga tinggi terutama

karena nilai intrinsik

10.berharga j. Sepadan dengan harga yang bagus



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