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Name : Alexis

LastName: Sanchez Lopez

10 Oraciones con “a” :

1.- My aunt has an umbrela.

2.- I it eat an Apple.

3.- Ther ir an elephant in the park.

4.- I need an orange.

5.- He has an airplane.

6.- I have an uncle famous.

7.- Kamila use an eraser.

8.- He caught an iguana.

9.- She is a young woman.

10.- He is a clever boy.

10 Oraciones con “an” :

1.- He is a Doctor.

2.- My favorite fruit a banana.

3.- She is a Nurse.

4.- I found a book.

5.- My uncle has a sunglasses.

6.- Luisa buy a celphone for her mon.

7.- He is a tall men.

8.- She is a good student.

9.- My sister is a waitress.

10.- that is a wallet.

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