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Religion in Rome

Incorporated ____________of many cultures
People show _________________by honoring Roman gods and the ___________________
Jews in the Roman Empire
Excused from worshipping _______________________gods
Waiting for _______________________ (savior)
Absorbed many _______________________customs
Want a return to _______________________& a revolt against ______________
Jewish Division in Rome
_______________________- favored cooperation with Romans
_______________________- Non violent goal of free Judaea
_______________________- Awaited the Messiah to save Israel from oppression
_______________________- Anti-Roman extremists – advocated overthrow of Roman rule
The Life of Jesus
Jew from ____________________, preached from about AD 30 – 33
Believed in _______________________roots
Mosaic law – the _______________________& Moses
Preached a new _______________________than had been heard before
Said he was the _______________________and _______________________
_______________________was available to all believers
His “_______________on the Mount” becomes the moral teaching of __________________
The Death of Jesus
_______________________leaders felt challenged
_______________________afraid he could lead rebellion
Arrested and _______________________
Followers said he _______________and ascended to _______________________
The Spread of Christianity
_______________________spread teachings to other Jews
The Apostle _______________________converts, preaches to _______________________&
sets up new churches across the Roman Empire
Persecution of Christians
Christians suspected of _______________________& _______________________
Blamed for _______________________of the Roman Empire
Numbers grew anyways due to ___________________and ____________________to beliefs
The Appeal of Christianity
Attractive to all __________________
Did not _________________________ by sex or class
__________________ could participate
Promise of __________________ for all
The Early Christian Church
Organized with bishops leading each area
Emperor ________________________ converts in _________
The __________________ issued by Constantine in 313 gave freedom of worship to Romans
The Edict of Thessalonica
Issued in __________ by Emperor __________________
Made __________________ the state religion of the ______________________

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