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NBP has adopted different styles of Leaderships which include:

1. Democratic Leaders:
NBP has adopted Democratic Leadership since the majority of the portion
of bank is De- Centralized that’s why each leader has the power of decision
making, but they make decisions based in collaboration with their employees
because NBP believes that this way lower-level employees will exercise authority
which they will need in their future positions.

2. Transformational Leaders:
NBP always promotes technological advancements and revised planning of
the Banking system due to competitor planning which requires complete
organizational change and transformation and this is what these leaders are
doing in NBP. They have been working in transforming the practices of NBP
because they believe that if functional departments are not working in
collaborations there are chances of extreme losses and banks require
transformation all together.
3. Transactional Leaders:
NBP has adopted transactional leadership for the purpose of favorable
motivation and effective reward distribution system. These leaders are providing
rewards and benefits to the employees for the precisely, effectively and
efficiently work they are doing. These leaders promote them on higher scale
because NBP believes that this tactic motivates employees to keep going.
4. Coach-Style Leaders:
This is the most emphasized leadership style in NBP because leaders focus
on identifying and flourishing the individual strengths of each member on his
team and the employees do appreciate this too because its somehow their
grooming while on the job.

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