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Futurist Manifestos

Edited and with

an Introduction
by Umbro Apollonio

146 illustrations, 8 in colour )


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7 Introduction by Umbro Apollonio J

19 F. T. Marinetti The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism 1909
24 Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, Gino
Severini Manifesto of the Futurist Painters 1910
27 Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, Gino
Severini Futurist Painting: Technical Manifesto 1910
31 Balilla Pratella Manifesto of !J!1urist Musicians 1910
38 Anton Giulio Bragaglia Futurist Photodynamism 1911
45 Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Cami, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, Gino
Severini The Exhibitors to the Public 1912
51 Umberto Boccioni Technical Manifesto of Futurist Sculpture 1912
66 Bruno Corra Abstract Cinema - Chromatic Music 1912
70 Valentine de Saint-Point Futurist Manifesto of Lust 1913
74 Luigi Russolo The Art of Noises (extracts) 1913
88 Umberto Boccioni The Plastic Foundations of Futurist Sculpture and
Painting 1913
91 Carlo Carra Plastic Planes as Spherical Expansions in Space 1913
92 Umberto Boccioni Plastic Dynamism 1913
95 F. T. Marinetti Destruction of Syntax - Imagination without Strings -
Words-in-Freedom 1913
107 Umberto Boccioni Futurist Dynamism and French Painting 1913
111 Carlo Carra The Painting of Sounds, Noises and Smells 1913
115 Enrico Prampolini Chromophony - the Colours of Sounds 1913
118 Gino Severini The Plastic Analogies of Dynamism - Futurist Manifesto
126 F. T. Marinetti The Variety Theatre 1913
132 Giacomo Balla Futurist Manifesto of Men's Clothing 1913
134 Ardengo Soffici The Subject in Futurist Painting 1914
135 Bruno Corradini, Emilio Settimelli Weights, Measures and Prices of
Artistic Genius - Futurist Manifesto 1914
150 Umberto Boccioni Absolute Motion + Relative Motion = Dynamism
154 F. T. Marinetti Geometric and Mechanical Splendour and the Numerical
Sensibility 1914
160 Antonio Sant'Elia Manifesto of Futurist Architecture 1914
172 Umberto Boccioni Futurist Painting and Sculpture (extracts) 1914
181 Enrico Prampolini The Futurist 'Atmosphere-structure' - Basis for an
Architecture 1914-15
183 F. T. Marinetti, Emilio Settimelli, Bruno Corra The Futurist Synthetic
Theatre 1915
197 Giacomo Balla, Fortunato Depero Futurist Reconstruction of the
Universe 1915
200 Enrico Prampolini The Futurist Stage (Manifesto) 1915
202 Carlo Carra Warpainting (extracts) 1915

206 Giacomo BaIIa The Late Balla - Futurist Balla 1915

207 F. T. Marinetti, Bruno Corra, Emilio Settimelli, Arnaldo Ginna, Gia-
como BaIIa, Remo Chiti The Futurist Cinema 1916
219 Giacomo Balla The Futurist Universe 1918

220 Chronology
221 Selected Bibliography by Bernard Karpel
227 List of illustrations
232 Index

Publisher's note
In tracing publication dates the reprint of Lacerba (bib!. 21) has
been followed in preference to the Archivi (bib!. 31) in those cases
where the two differ. For editorial help thanks are due to Caroline
Tisdall and Angelo Bozzolla.
Italic figures are ;llustratiD~ numbers Duchamp, Marcel IS, 16 Neoeonstruetivism 13
ROMAN NUMERALS refer to colour Dudreville, Leonardo 83 Neo-Impressionism 112
plates. Durer, Albrecht 15 Nevinson, Charles 16
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 15
Allard, Roger 109 Eakins, Thornas 15 Ninehi, Annibale 208
Andreyev, Leonid 184 Elgar, Edward 32 Noi 183
Anschutz, Ottomar 14-15 El Greco 204, 205
Apollinaire, Guillaume 110 Expressionism 15-16, 111 Orefice, Giaeomo 31
Art Nouveau 8, 15 Ferrari, Rodolfo 31 Orphism 110
Balla, Giacomo 14. IS, 16, 24-7, Figaro, Le 24,27,38, 150 Palazzesehi, A1do 133, 134; 60
45-50, 132-4, 197-200, 207, Folgore, Luciano 186 Papini, Giovanni 74; 60
208-20; VII, VIII, 4,27,30,31,34, Funi, Achille 101,1()2 Paris-journal 11 0
35,61--6,75,76,88,98,113,137-40 Futurismus, Der 202 Pascoli, Giovanni 104
Baruzzi, Cincinnato 31 Pellizza da Volpedo, Giuseppe 15
Gazzetta Ferrarese 118 Picasso, Pablo 13, 45, 108, 110,
Beethoven, Ludwig van 76, 130 Giannattasio, Ugo 87 172-4, 176, 204, 205
Bellini, Jacopo B. 15 Ginna, Arnaldo (Arnaldo Ginanni- Poesia 8, 15,27,31,65
Benelli, Sem 8 Corradini) 207-19; 125 Pointillism 14, IS, 153
Bergson, Henri 89, 110 Giordano, Umberto 33 Post-Impressionism 45, 112
Bernini, Giovanni L. 183 Giotto di Bondone 204 Poussin, Nicolas 46, 174
Berti, Ettore, 196, 208 Glazunov, Alexander, 32 Prampolini, Enrieo 16, 115-18,
Boccioni, Umberto 8, 13, 15, 16, Gleizes, A1bert 13, 45 200--202; 78-9, JIO-ll, 135, 136
24-7, 27-31, 45-50, 51-65, 74, Goncharova, Natalya 16 Pratella, Balilla 31-8, 63, 74, 88,
88-90, 92-5, 107-10, liS, 149, Greek art 46, 51, 52, 61, 63, 64, 93 liS, 196
15()"'54, 157, 172-81, 197; III, IV, 94, 107, 130, 182-3,205 Previati, Gaetano 15, 26
2, 3, 8, 10, 12-22, 26, 36--41, 60, Gros, Antoine Jean 205 Puecini, Giacomo 33, 148
70-74, 89--93, 106, 107, 114, 117, Grubicy de Dragon, Vittore IS Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre 18~
126-8 Pythagoras 75
Bolticelli, Sandro 205 Hodler, Ferdinand 15
Bourdelle, Emile 61, 62 Ibsen, Henrik 184, 195 Ragghianti,~Carlo 12
Bragaglia, Anton Giulio 38-45; IIIica, Lnigi 34 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) 46,91,
28, 29, 33, 80, 118-24 Impressionism 14, 47, 48, 50, 62 174, 203, 205
Bramante, Donato 183
Braque, Georges 13, 45
Briicke, Die 15-16
89,93,95,107,108,110. Ill, 153,
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
Redon,Odilon 15
Rembrandt van Rijn 26, 30, 204
Renoir, Pierre Auguste 204,205
Brunelleschi, Fillippo 183 109,174, 175 Revue independante, La 109
Camp, Maxime du 16 [talia futurista, L' 220 Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai 32
Cangiullo, Francesco 157 Kandinsky, Wassily 7, 178-9 Rodin. Auguste 26, 30, 62
Carducci, Giosue 218 Rood, Ogden Nicholas 42
Carpaccio (Vittore Scarpazza) 91 Lacerba 45, 90, 92. 95, 106, 110, Rosai,Ottone 99, 100
Carra Carlo 16, 24-7, 27-31, 45-- 114, 135, 154, 160, 172 Rosso, Medardo 26,61,62
50,70,74; 91-2,111-15,157,197, Larionov, Michael 16 Russolo, Luigi 24-7,27-31,45-50,
202-6; I, IT, 4, 10,11, 23,24,42--6, Le Faueonnier, Henri 13, 45 74-88, lIS, 197; 7, 10, 25, 55-9
60,67-9,94-7, 112 Uger, Fernand 13,45, 107, 110 Saint-Point, Valentine de 70-74
Cavacchiolo, Enrico 74 Leonardo da Vinci 111, 205 Sansovino, Jaeopo 160
Cezanne, Paul IS, 108, 172, 174, Leoncavallo, Ruggero 148 Sant'Elia,Antonio 16()"'72; 114-17
175, 177,204,205 Lewis, Percy Wyndham 16 Sartorio, Aristide 15
Charpentier, Gustave 32 Lhote, Andre 45 Segantini, Giovanni 26
Chiti, Remo 106, 207-19 Maeterlinek, Mauriee 184 Settimelli, Emilio 8, 10, 70, 135-
Chopin, Frederic 67, 130 Malerich, Kasimir 12, 16 50, 183-96,207-19
C1audel, Paul 184 Mallarme, Stephane, lOS, 159 Seurat, Georges 14, 42, 112,205
Corra, Bruno (Bruno Ginanni-Cor- Manet, Edouard 175, 204, 205 Severini, Gino 1()"'11, IS, 16,
radini) 8,10,66-70,135-50,183- Mantegna, Andrea 91 24-7, 27-31, 45-50. 114, 121-5,
96,207-19 Marc, Franz 7 197; V, VI, 6, 9, 47-52,84--6,103-5
Corradini, Bruno see Corra Marey, Etienne Jules IS, 39-40; 134
Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille 46, 32 Shaw, George Bemard 184
110 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso 8,10, Signae, Paul 14, IS, 112, 205
Courbet, Gustave 175, 203, 204, IS, 19-24, 27, 38, 63, 74, 95-106, Sironi, Mario 77,90,114,129,130
205 122, 126-31, 149, ISO, 154-9 Soffici, Ardengo 74, 110, 134-5,
Cubism 12-13,45,90,93,107,109, 183-96, 198, 207-19; I, 10, 60, 205; 53,54,81,82
110, 15()"'51, 172-4, 176 114,117,125 Strauss, Richard 32
Dada 13,16 Mascagni, Pietro, 31,34 Symbolism 8,15
DailyMail 131 Matisse, Henri 110, 112, 204 Synthetism 45
D'Annunzio, Gabriele 104,195 Mattioli, Guglielmo 31 Tatlin, Vladimir 16
David, Jacques Louis 174 Melli, Robert 43 Titian (Tiziano Vecelli) 46, 204
Debussy, Claude 32 Mendelssohn, Jakob 67 Tumiati, Gualtiero 207
De Carolis, Adolfo 15 Mercure de France, Le 10
Degas, Edgar 14 Metzinger, Jean 13,45,109 Uccello, Paolo 91
Delacroix, Eugene 14, 111, 202, Meunier, Constantin 61,62 Veme, Jules 10, 15
205 Miehelangelo Buonarroti IS, 51, Veronese, Paolo 46,91,205
Delaunay, Robert 16 52, 61-2, 174, 183, 203, 205 Vignola, Giacomo da 160
Depero, Fortunato 197-200; 88, Mondrian, Piet 12 ViIlon, Jacques 16
131-133 Montjoie! 107 Vitruvius 160, 170
Derain, Andre 45,204 Morandi, Giorgio 108, 109 Voce, La 108, 110
Des Prureaux, Hemi 108 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 67
Munch,Edvard 15 Wagner, Riehat'il 32, 76, 129, 130
Direzione del Movimento Futurista Mussorgsky, Modeste 32 Watteau, Antoine Ill, 205 .
74,88,160,200 Muybridge, Eadweard 14-15 Whitrnan, Wait 15
Divisionism, 29, 107-8, 123,206
Donatello 61-2 Nappi, Gian Battista 31 Zoncada, Luigi 196, 208


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