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FAJARDO, Chiara C.


Learning Insights

For the past two weeks, a lot from what I learned is I know I can use in the future. One of
which is Florence Nightingale and her theories. There are a lot of sample theories that has been
discussed to us but hers has the most impact to us, future nurses. Not only does is inspires us, but
also it makes us knowledgeable of the things we should and don’t in a hospital situation.

She came up with the idea of nursing receiving specific training and education. Her
environmental theories included natural laws, nursing as a calling, nursing as both science and art,
and nursing being different from medicine. Her major concepts included house health, personal
cleanliness, chattering hopes and advices, among others. Nightingale saw the need to configure the
environmental settings addressing the importance of fresh air, clean water, proper drainage and
light. Despite our outstanding material, the world is full of many social conflicts. The human race
is lacking essential attributes that separate them from the animals. A sense of moral, logic,
decency, loves and compassion is lacking in today's society. They have been ignored even in
crucial areas like nursing. However, Florence Nightingale is one of the pioneers in nursing who
embraced cleanliness as a vital essence. Among her concepts she included maintenance of a clean
place which if neglected can affect the patient's health.

The influence of the Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory serves as a foundation

for modern nursing practice. Widely known for instilling her nursing practice with proven
evidence to enhance patient outcomes Florence Nightingale is a pioneer of evidence based
practice. The development of and continued application of the environmental theory continues to
be vital to providing optimal patient outcomes through altering the patient’s environment. The
attributes of Nightingale’s theory continue to have merit in current day practice, even 150 years
after it was originally written.

Lastly, as a student whose dream is to become someone like Nightingale, it is a privilege

for me to have learned somewhat a part of her whom we can apply in the future. She is only one
of the topics I am most intrigued about. Just like I have said in my last learning insight,
everything is a learning process and I’m glad so far I’m enjoying it.

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