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 Class: 6 Subject: Chemistry Chapter: Matter

Home Work (1) Test

Out of solid, liquid and gas, name the state of matter which has the maximum
cohesive forces?
Write any one important property of a gas.
What is a viscous liquid?
A state of matter is represented by ‘X’. In this state matter can flow easily and can
take the shape of the container in which it is kept. It has only one free surface.
Identify ‘X’ and also give a suitable example of this state of matter.
Name the following
(a)    The process of conversion of liquid into solid on cooling.
(b)    The temperature at which solid changes into liquid at atmospheric pressure.
 (a)A gas fills up the space available to it.Why?
(b)When a teaspoon of sugar is added to half a glass of water and stirred,the
water level in the glass remains unchanged. Which property of matter is exhibited
by this activity?
(c) Which can be compressed,a stone or a balloon filled with air?
Compare the properties of solids, liquids and gases with respect to shape,
volume, compressibility, fluidity and number of free surfaces.

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~Tania Mondal
Class: 6 Subject: Chemistry Chapter: Matter
Home Work (2)

Question 1
Everything in universe is made up of matter. Write three main states of matter.
Question 2
All the three states of matter are interconvertible into one another. Write the name
of the state in which the solid changes during sublimation.
Question 3
Among solid, liquid and gas which of the state can be compressed to largest
Question 4
Solids and liquids are the two different states of matter. Write two general
properties of each of these states.
Question 5
Every solid has a characteristic melting point and similarly every liquid has
characteristic boiling point. Define the terms melting point and boiling point.
Question 6
State weather following statements are true or false. If a statement is false then
write true statement for it.
(i) Solids are generally rigid in nature. 
(ii) Gases have fixed shape and fixed volume.
(iii) Solids neither have fixed shape nor fixed volume.
Question 7
State weather following statements are true or false. Also write the correct
statement for every false statement.
(i) Solids can be compressed to larger extent.
(ii) Gaseous molecule move independently.
(iii) In process of condensation gaseous state get converted into liquid state.
(iv) Sublimation is a process in which liquid is converted into solid state.
(v) Solidification is a process by which gas changes into liquid state.

~Tania Mondal

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