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The entry and exit point of individual and soul as per Astrology.

Soul gets related to

family, adopts the Mukti sagar
genes and dna, First Final resting
step of Souls, place of soul.
fructification into Garbha Rashi
Bridge between
matter body End of Exit from this
& spirit, body/ mind
karma cycle world realm
duality, cosmic AQUARIUS;
Intellect, cunning, like Avarna Shakti. Bhaya Leads to
a flickering Dwara, Entry detachment/
monkey. Caring, emotional,
/outside Spirituality > so it
Garbha/ inside, sensitive, heart point of soul frustrates greed/
embryo, WEST of Kala Purusa, Not good for
Jeeva/Human, Entry
point of the body,
hesitating, fear for Dwara Rashinew life, create a materialists,
body & mind, new man for destiny. karma
womb cautious, Mother ends here.
dwara/ entrance, SOUTH,House
,Dwara rashi of action or karma ,9th being 12
of 10th keeps an account of
karmic deeds.

Discovering the sense sense perception Answer is inside.

objects with = agony > remedy Garbha/ inside,
Imperfect senses > reverse the embryo, EAST
Bhaya/ outside,Poorav senses inside. Jeeva/ human, Punya
punya house EAST Represents Dwara karma of present life
Sakti/ Pristodaya, rises with
consciousness back legs first
in = earlier than
bondage.Garbh expected
a rashi
Loosing in matter,
gain in spirit.
Bhaya/ outside,
Moola/ vegetable,

Avarna Shakti- This maya has three qualities. It can project thoughts. It can conceal the truth. It can
distinguish between what is truth and what is untruth. In Sanskrit they are called the Vikshepa Shakti
(projection), Avarana Shakti (hiding), and Viveka Shakti (discriminative power).

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