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# Writer Plus

Welcome to Writer Plus! This file will guide you through some of Writer Plus's
features, and give you an introduction to the philosophy behind it.

## Why did I develop the app?

James McMinn's Writer is one of my favorite writing tools, but it is buggy and
hasn't been upgraded for 4 years. So I decided to develop an enhanced app following
it's philosophy, and to keep on improving it according to users' reviews.

## What is the "philosophy" that I mean?

KEEP IT SIMPLE: That is the idea and philosophy behind Writer Plus. Writing should
not be about the tools that you use, but about the ideas and thoughts that you
have. Writer Plus aims to give you a simple and enjoyable method to pour your ideas
into a text.

## What are the new features?

- Android Material Design
- Folder (Long press the "+" button)
- Undo & Redo
- Style: Font, Night Mode
- Share
- And many more...

## Where are my files located?

Files are stored in sdcard://Writer/. The documents can be backed up or synced with
your Google Drive account, with [Writer Sync]

## Give it some character

Sometimes plain text just doesn't feels right. Writer Plus supports basic
[Markdown]( That means that you can add
*emphasis* or **make a bold statement** in such a simple way.

*A full list of supported markdowns are listed at the end of this document.*

# Happy Writing
If you enjoy using Writer Plus, have a request, found a bug, or simply want to
contact the developer, then I'd love to hear it from you. Feel free to contact me
via email:

If you have found it useful, then please give it a high rating on the Android
market. :D

# Markdown

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
You can do ~~Scratch~~, *italic*, **bold** or even ***both***!
+ Writer does lists too!
+ Weee!
- They can start with a + or a -
- I like the dashes more.
1. Numbered lists too!
2. Lots of lists
> Writer also supports quotes.
> But don't quote me on that.

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