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a x 2+ bx+ c=0

−b ± √ b2−4 ac

-Nature of Roots:
(Roots is another term for solution!)
For a quadratic equation, we have two roots (or solutions).

--Roots are real and equal, if b 2−4 ac=0

This is because the two answers we get is because there are two solutions for
± √ b2−4 ac and if that itself is zero, we’ll get the same either + or - . Hence we
say roots are real and equal.

--Roots are real and unequal, if b 2−4 ac> 0

This is because we’ll be getting two different roots (or solutions)

−b+ √b 2−4 ac −b−√ b2 −4 ac
x= ∧x =
2a 2a

And both won’t be the same of course in that case!

--Roots are not real, if b 2−4 ac< 0

This is because, if b 2−4 ac< 0 , that means it’s negative, and there’s no sq. root
of negative number.

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