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Chapter 5: Human resource planning and recruitingContinuing Case: The carter cleaning

company: Getting better applicants1. First, how would you recommend we go about reducing
the turnover in our stores?
The students should base their responses on the information presented in the
advertisingsection of the chapter, and their response should include placing and constructing
ads that willattract candidates who will find the job attractive.
Jennifer can do a quick analysis on what it costs her to recruit and train a new
employee(including the cost of lower productivity as a person learns a new job). Every reduction
inemployee turnover can be translated to dollars. In fact, Jennifer can improve
workingconditions without any change in her profit if she pays for improvements from savings
inemployee turnover costs. The best source of ideas from improvement may come from
exitinterviews (what would we have done to our work environment that would have made
youmore likely to stay?), and from existing employees. Students are also likely to suggest some
of the following; air-conditioned work space, more employees (so workers work fewer
hours),longer or more frequent breaks. Other students will consider more complicate solutions
like job rotation. Still others might suggest the use of deferred compensation or profit sharing
tokeep employees a full year (e.g., $8.50 per hour, $7.50 now, one dollar per hour paid at year
end to the remaining employees).
2.Provide a detailed list of recommendations concerning how we should go aboutincreasing our
pool of acceptable job applicants, so we no longer have to hire almostanyone who walks in the
door. (Your recommendations regarding the latter shouldinclude completely worded
advertisements and recommendations regarding any otherrecruiting strategies you would
suggest we use.)
The students should review the section on external sources of candidates, and their responses
should include advertising and the possible use of employment and/or temp agencies.
OrSpecifically, my recommendations should include:
Completely worded classified ads.
Students will vary in their creative approaches. Agood teaching method is to have them email
their ads to each other and have thestudents rank order which ad they would apply to.
Determine what made the adattractive and ask the other students to modify the ad according to
what they justlearned.
Recommendations concerning any other recruiting strategies you suggest they use.
Students will offer a wide variety of suggestions. Among the likely responses are: radioads,
flyers/handbills, and direct mail to former employees (we miss you—maybe thegrass didn’t turn
out to be greener on the other side). Some students will consider targetmarketing. For example,
Jennifer could re-engineer the job to fewer hours and recruit part time workers, greatly
increasing the pool of potential employees.

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