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Mistress of Ghosts

By Dr Love 
A Metal Anthem 

Faster than a bird 

Terrifying ghost 

Enraged and like a root word 

She's half woman and half signpost 

Mistress of ghosts I'm pulling your hair 

Twisting your hair and smashing your window 

Blinded by me, you can't see the armchair 

Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you sign 



Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you sign 


One hundred is the number of the ghost. 

A patronising rat nestled somewhere in time 

A lonely goblin - no warnings, no signs 

Judgment day and the an interfering goose arrives 

Eventually, they all commit crimes 

The window went SMACK, there was no use turning back 

'Cause I just had to see, was a ghost watching me? 

In the mist the hair twists 

Was all this swell, or just some kind of hell? 

One hundred is the number of the ghost. 

Is it the end, my friend? 

Mistress you're going 'round the bend 

Half woman and half signpost 

No, no, please, no 

One hundred ... one hundred 

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