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Name: ______________________________________ CLC: _________________________


Direction: Choose the correct letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. It refers to a name of a person, animals, place, things or events.

a. Adjective b.Noun c. Pronoun d. Verb

2. Sentence expresses a complete thought or idea. Which of the following is not an example of a sentence?
a. Jumps the horse over the fence.
b. Jumps the fence over the horse.
c. The fence jumps the horse.
d. The horse jumps over the fence.

3. “The baby cried” is an example of a sentence while “The baby” is an example of a phrase. What is the
correct definition of a phrase?
a. Group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea.
b. Group of words that does not express a complete thought.
c. Usually form a complete sentence.
d. All of the above.

4. What type of sentence is written on the box?

Close the door.

a. Declarative b. Exclamatory c. Imperative d. Interrogative

5. Ana dance gracefully. The word dance is an example of _________.

a. Adjective b. Conjunction d. Adverb c. Verb

6. It is a kind of sentence made up of two independent clauses joined by a conjunction.

a. simple b. compound c. complex d. basic

7. Which of the following sentences is a complex sentence?

a. I am at peace with myself.
b. I do not like wars.
c. Wars are very costly for they cause much damage to lives and properties.
d. After the war, many properties were destroyed.

8. Which of the following statements about complex sentences is true?

a. A complex sentence makes clear which ideas are most important.
b. A complex sentence has only one independent clause.
c. A complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses.
d. A complex sentence does not make use of conjunctions.
9. Indicates whether you are married, single or a widow/ widower.
a. Civil Status b. Citizenship c. Gender d. Sex

10. It refers to how loud or soft your voice is.

a. Pitch b. Quality c. Rate d. Volume

11. Sentence has subject and predicate. What is the predicate in the sentence stated below?
Alex eat popcorn.

a. Alex b. eat c. popcorn d. eat popcorn

12. It is a kind of word that describes a noun or a pronoun.

a. adjective b. conjunction c. noun d. verb

13. It refers to a cause, principle or system of beliefs you hold on to.

a. Citizenship b. Civil Status c. Nationality d. Religion

14. This means telling the most important facts about events in as well as the highlights of a story.
a. Interview b. Outlining c. Summarizing d. Scanning


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