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Limba Engleză

Filosofie ID
Semestrul II

IMPORTANT! Vă rog să specificați în denumirea documentului: numele dumneavoastră,

specializarea și anul, altfel nu le voi lua în considerare. Aș dori să îmi trimiteți temele pe
adresa de mail

Veți avea de făcut șase compuneri, iar la fiecare dintre ele va trebui să respectați cerințele,
evidențiindu-le cu verde.

Barem (pentru fiecare compunere):

• fiecare din cele 8 cerințe: 0,5 p. (8 x 0,5 = 4p.)
• coerența textului: 3p.
• redactarea corectă în limba engleză: 2p.
• 1p. din oficiu

Write an essay (1 page max.) for each of the following topics:

a. Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation

different from your parents' generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain
your answer.
Your essay should include: 1 modal verb, 1 verb in the perfect tense + how long, 1
conditional sentence; 1 passive construction; 1 reflexive pronoun; 1 relative clause; 1
adjective ending in –ing; 1 adjective + preposition/1 preposition of time.

b. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need.
Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.
Which viewpoint do your agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.
Your essay should include: 1 verb in the present tense with a future meaning; 1 verb in
the present perfect simple tense, other than the one used in the previous essay, 1
conditional with unless/as long as/provided/providing (that), 1 construction of
verb+object+infinitive; 1 preposition+ -ing; 1 uncountable noun; 1 countable noun; 1 of
the following: much/many/little/few/plenty/a lot.

c. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People behave differently
when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the
way people behave? Use specific examples to support your answer.
Your essay should include: 1 adjective and 1 adverb of the same word; an infinitive
form after an adjective; 1 of the following: still/yet/anymore/ any longer/ no longer; 1 of
the following: although/ though/even though; 1 preposition of place; 2 phrasal verbs; 1
preposition + noun; 1 of the following; both/both of/ neither/ neither of/either/either of.

Please remember that your essay must respect the three fundamental parts:
1. Introduction (1 paragraph), 2. Development (2-3 paragraphs), 3. Conclusion (1

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