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I am writing about the Vedic Philosophical practice which in other way we know today as Hinduism.
when we say Hinduism as a religion we miss so many aspects of the ancient philosophical practices, I
prefer to stay with Vedic religion which can be a bit inclusive so far.

This philosophy is vast. for simplicity, I highlight few important points. it believes in one supreme entity
Brahma. World is his materialistic manifestation. It believes is rebirth, one keeps dying and taking birth
until he reaches the state of Brahma. Om his name and he can be acquired by Veda, "Knowledge".


Our today's topic is fasting, I not going far from the agenda, want to introduce you a little with Veda. its
not script, or literature. Veda consists of many verses which was discovered by sages, in their deep
meditative state. these verses talk about many thing almost everything from atom to infinity, further
classified in four: Rig veda, yajurveda, atharvaveda, samveda. these four veda and their practices made
Vedic philosophy even wider, let me talk fasting practices as described in Veda.

Rig veda has taken fasting as religious practice, as a yagya. one should perform Fasting (Upabasa- means
staying near) as a part of his agnihotra kriya-means a day to day action for his living or Karma yoga, yoga
of action. while performing his duty, or action if he commits any sin knowingly or unknowingly, he must
do Fasting. Fasting here is a action of apology. they are simpler to tough according to his nature of sin.

Ayurveda, a sub branch of yajurveda has taken Fasting in whole different way. Fasting in Ayurveda is
Therapy, a treatment of your physical and mental ailments.

Yoga, mainly being a part of atharvaveda has taken Fasting as a practice of purification of body to be
prepared for meditative practice or yoga.

so, we can categorized Fasting in following way,

The Type of Fasting.

1) Fasting as spiritual practice

2) Fasting as therapeutic practice.

1) Fasting as Spiritual Practices:

Fasting in Hinduism is not only abstaining from food we take but also as a practice of Pratyahara.
The abstinence from sense organs. This kind of fasting is among the second limb of Yoga. This
allows the practitioners to master their mind, and go deep in the meditation as a practice of Self-

Apart from this, Fasting is the culturally significant, as it is perform as a part of religious
worships. It is obligatory, to fast a day before performing any religious rituals. Fasting in the 11
the day of lunar month( Ekadashi Vrata), Fasting as a Vrata in one particular day dedicated to
specific God, for certain period of time to fulfill the will. Worship of any God in any occasion
should be included with Fasting.

2) As mentioned in numerous religious Books in Vedic culture Fasting is prescribed for those having
some physical and mental ailments. Some of interesting practice of Fasting is for rejuvenation.
One should fast 40 days only having some special diet* once a day, for entire rejuvenation of
body. Any spiritual deeds cannot be performed without physical fitness, and mental purity
cannot be gained with out detoxification of physical body. And Fasting is one solution for that.

Who are not allowed to Fast.

Children below the age of 11 years are not allowed to Fast.

Women during menstrual cycle are not allowed to fast.

Pregnant women are not allowed to fast.

People with serious illness are not allowed to Fast.

Fasting is not obligatory in Vedic Culture. It is you what believe and it is your choice what you wish to do
or don’t.


Vedic Philosophy has room for everyone and it believes in mere Individuality. The vast cultural diversity is
freedom of your belief, where one can find a lifestyle teaching of living a balanced life, with Peaceful
world and Humanity to prosper.

*these diets are put secret and can be handover to those who are in the path of yogic practices.

By: Suman Bhurtel prepared for: Dunaj Institute of Religious Studies, Warsaw, Poland.

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