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S HLA You barely made it to the lunar surface with your spaceship.

Out of fuel, you set

down in a crater and view the airless landscape before you. Somewhere there
A are the fuel tanks you need. Can you find them in time?

Aim of the Game!

In this solitaire game, you must find three rocket fuel tanks and return to your
spaceship before your spacesuit runs out of oxygen or battery power. If either
of these levels drops below 1 during a systems check, you have lost the game.

Needed to Play!
The deck of Map Cards (30 cards)
The deck of Event and Equipment Cards (21 cards)
1 Suit Card showing your remaining oxygen and battery power + 2 Tracking Cards
which also include the Quick Rules Guide
1 Astronaut, 1 Spaceship, and 3 Fuel Tank counters

Setting the Game Up!

Shuffle the Map deck and deal the cards out face down in a 6 x 5 grid, there will be 5 rows of cards,
each row will have 6 cards in it.

Find the card on the grid with the Spaceship icon on it

and turn this card over to the other side, placing your
Spaceship and Astronaut on it.

Place your Suit Card in front of you and place a Tracking Card on either side
so that the yellow pointers are lined up with the number 9 on both the
Oxygen and Battery Power tracks
(showing that your Suit Systems are
at maximum capacity).
Your Suit Card also has room to store the 3 Fuel Tanks you are trying to find.

Shuffle the Event and Equipment deck and set this to one side
along with the 3 Fuel Tank counters.

Playing the Game!

Each turn of the game will consist of 3 phases:

Phase 1. Movement
At the beginning of your turn you must move your Astronaut, from the card it is currently on, any number of cards in
an orthogonal direction (this means up or down, left or right). The first two cards in distance you move you may do so
for free. For each additional card you move during the turn you must lose either 1 level of your Oxygen or 1 level of your
Battery Power. Move the Tracking Cards down the Oxygen or Battery tracks as needed to record this. You may change
directions as you move (i.e. 1 card to the left and then one card up). You may never move diagonally.

If you move onto a face down card, turn it over to show you have explored that area of the lunar surface.

You are trying to find, using your spacesuit’s equipment, a series of numbered beacons (in pairs)
which will locate where the 3 Fuel Tanks are stored. These beacons give you a set of coordinates 1 1
(one beacon points up and down, the other points left and right). You will need to locate the pair
of matching numbered beacons and then move to the card the beacons point to.

In the example to the right, X marks the spot where one of the Fuel Tanks is located.

If you find a Fuel Tank location and move to it, place the matching numbered Fuel Tank
on your Suit System Card. 1 X

You may also locate a Dome Shelter while exploring. With the right set of Equipment cards you can enter the
Dome Shelter and recharge your Oxygen and Battery Power.

Phase 2. Events and Equipment

After you have finished moving you must now draw 3 cards from the Events and Equipment deck. This deck has two types
of cards. If this deck is empty when you go to draw a card, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck to draw cards from.

L A R WI N D A. Event Cards - these cause you to lose Oxygen or Battery Power due to your exploration.

Each Event Card shows:

an icon for which Suit System is affected
how much of it to lose, moving the Tracking Card for that Ship System down by the number shown in red.
2 and a number to determine which Event you will deal with this turn (always choose the Event with the
highest number and discard any other Event Cards)

G B. Equipment Cards - these cause you to gain resources you need (Oxygen and Battery Power), as well as

give you special actions to help in your exploration.

Each Equipment Card may show:
an icon for which Suit System is affected or another symbol (Equipment is explained on the next page)
2 how much of a bonus to gain

Keep the Equipment cards in your hand from one turn to the next. You will need a pair of the same cards to gain the
listed bonus. You may have no more than three Equipment cards in your hand at the end of the Events and Equipment
phase. Place any cards you do not wish to keep on the discard pile. You may “spend” a pair of matching cards at anytime
during the Movement phase (Phase 1) or the System Check phase (Phase 3) to gain the listed bonus, by placing the
cards on the discard pile.

Explanation of Equipment:
E U PL Spend two Satellite Uplink E S H E LTE Spend two Dome Shelter cards to enter the Dome Shelter
cards to look at the next D on a Map Card. You may raise one of your Suit Systems

six cards in the Event and (either Oxygen or Battery Power) by 3 levels
Equipment Draw Deck. You
may place these back on or raise both Suit Systems
top of the Draw deck in any (Oxygen and Battery Power) by 2 levels.
order you choose.
2 2
1 3

PACK Spend two Jetpack cards to R REC H AR Spend two Solar Recharge cards to raise your
move to any explored Map O Battery Power by 2 levels.

Card. Doing this will lower

your Battery Power by 1
level. The Jetpack only has
enough fuel for one trip.

1 2

Phase 3. Systems Check

You must now check your Suit Systems. If either your Oxygen or Battery Power level is below 1 you have lost the game. Do
not forget that you may spend a pair of matching cards at anytime during the System Check phase (Phase 3) to gain the
listed bonus, by placing the cards on the discard pile.

Game Over!
If, during Phase 1, you have managed to collect all 3 Fuel Tanks and have returned to your Spaceship, without losing all of
your Oxygen or Battery Power, you have won the game and can liftoff from the Lunar Surface!

Crashland is ©2015 - Todd Sanders/Air and Nothingness Press. Lunar images used on the cards are from the
US Geological Survey/Lunar and Planetary Institute. Icons used are from

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