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Aerial [1-5]: Does more damage while the player is in the air.

Antigravity [1-3]: Permanent (high-level) jump boost.

Artisan [1-5]: Pickaxes mine in veins, axes fell entire trees, etc

Beheading [1-3]: Gives a chance to drop the player's/mob's head if the enchanted
item strikes the killing blow.

Bleeding [1-5]: Continuously damages the target for a short time. Damage depends on
level and base weapon damage.

Blinding [1-5]: Has a chance to blind the target for a short period of time.

Burst [1-3]: When firing an arrow, will also fire extra arrows in a line behind it.

Charging [1-5]: Does more damage while the player is sprinting.

Disarming [1-5]: Has a chance to make the target drop their currently-held items.

Ensnaring [1-3]: Prevents the target from using ender pearls or teleporting for a
certain amount of time.

Ethereal [1]: Consumes a soul to mitigate any damage by other players, pets, and

Explosive [1-3]: When a block is broken, all the blocks around that block are also

Fiery [1]: Arrows that hit a mob or land on a block will set their surroundings on

Freezing [1-5]: Has a chance to slow and possibly completely freeze the target for
a short period of time.

Magnetic [1-3]: Slowly draws any ground items around the player towards them.

Marking [1-5]: All damage to the target is increased per enchant level for five

Mirage [1-5]: Moves the ground around the player slightly when swinging a weapon.
Also sends nearby entities in the air.

Multishot [1-3]: When firing an arrow, will also fire a few extra arrows that
spread out a bit.

Poisonous [1-5]: Has a chance to poison the target for a short period of time.

Proficiency [1-5]: Drops more experience per action (mining, fishing, kills, etc)

Rampage [1-3]: The more you kill, the stronger you get. Cools off after a while.

Reaping [1]: Killing another living thing steals its soul and attempts to store it.

Repairing [1-5]: Slowly repairs the item over time if the player is holding it.

Smelting [1]: The enchanted item acts like a furnace for anything it breaks.

Soulbound [1]: Consumes a soul to return to your inventory upon death.

Stillness [1]: Prevents block updates when breaking a block.

Thunderous [1-3]: Gives a chance to strike the target with lightning when the
enchanted item hits it.

Tornado [1-3]: Sends the target up into the air when hit.

Trailblazer [1]: Creates fire wherever the player moves. Also sets the player on
fire if they sprint.

Vampiric [1-5]: Gives the player a small amount of health back depending on the
damage dealt with the enchanted item.

Vorpal [1-10]: Stores souls in the item. Level affects the maximum souls allowed.
Adherence [1]: The cursed item cannot be moved from one inventory to another.

Calling [1-5]: Draws nearby mobs toward the holder/wearer and makes them hostile

Darkness [1]: The wearer sees only in permanent darkness.

Decay [1-5]: Breakable items break far more quickly.

Empathy [1-5]: The player takes partial damage whenever a nearby entity is

Ender [1-3]: If the player wearing the cursed item is hit, they have a chance to be
randomly teleported a fair distance away.

Fragility [1-5]: Increases damage taken.

Grogginess [1-5]: Gives slowness + mining fatigue to the wearer.

Leeching [1-5]: The cursed item takes health from the player and gives it to the

Misfortune [1-5]: The cursed item has a chance to not drop items when breaking
blocks with it in hand.

Pacifism [1]: The cursed item can do no damage to any mob or player.

Silence [1]: Prevents the player from speaking or using commands.

Stickiness [1-3]: The cursed item, once held, must be held for a certain amount of
time. You just can't let go!

Treason [1-3]: Has a chance to transfer to your attacker's inventory (or drop on
the ground) when you have been hit.

Void [1-3]: The cursed item continually and randomly consumes souls.

Wither [1-5]: Slowly kills the wearer/holder

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