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Reflective Writing

Freshman Advice​:
Dear Freshman, if you think you know what highschool is like forget it. You won’t
know what highschool is until you're in it. Keep your expectations low. Don’t go to the
bathroom in between classes. Don’t think you are older than you really are, know your
place. The older you are the higher your place is. Try to become friends with everyone.
The nicer you are the more people will like you and the easier it will be to get through it.
Actually do your schoolwork because if you don't and you just copy test time will come
and you won't have any idea what is going on. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Try out for all
the sports you can because you'll be better at things than you think you are. Realize that
you will be offered drugs. “Just say no” rehearse it. When you are stressed about all of
the school work you have, remember to just do one thing at a time and it will be easier
to complete. Choose good friends that will be there for you if you're down or need them.
Be prepared for the unexpected by staying on top of your work.Be healthy by exercising
and eating healthy. Try to eat breakfast every morning so you can stay more focused
throughout the day. Have a plan so you are able to set goals and complete those goals.
Get a calendar so you can know what you need to do in advance and count down the
days until you need to complete your goals. Overall though just try to enjoy it because it
goes by so fast. One second you're going into highschool wanting all of this advice and
the next you're graduating giving the freshman coming in advice.

Freeze time:
If I could freeze time I would freeze it on August 23, 2019 right before the first
game of the season before I tore my ACL. I would freeze this particular date in time for
many reasons. That night was one of the best nights of my life so far. I think about it
often. I had worked hard all summer and I was in the best shape of my life. I was
looking forward to playing varsity football and going to war with my boys! Freezing time
would be cool because I could really get to soak up all of the emotions I was having
before all of that joy was going to be taken away from me. Getting to look at all of my
teammates and being on the field with them one last time. I would freeze that night
because I never want to forget the sight of hundreds of fans cheering, the bright lights
shining down, the sound of getting tackled, and the sound of the referee’s whistles. I
also don't want to forget the yelling coaches and grunting teammates as they got hit by
one another. I don’t want to forget the feeling of the wind on my face and the smell of
sweat and turf. Just getting the opportunity of going back in time and slowing it down at
least one more time would be the greatest feeling ever. I wish time travel was a real
thing so I could go back and make these memories last forever.
Bucket list:
1. Skydrive
2. Go to Rome
3. Kiss the Blarney Stone
4. Run a marathon
5. Hot air balloon
6. Ride horses on the beach
7. Bungee jumping
8. Attend the olympics
9. Attend a lakers game
10. Meet a celebrity
11. Scuba dive in the great barrier reef
12. Visit the moon
13. Go to alaska to see northern lights
14. Catch a marlin
15. Ride a mechanical bull
16. Surf in bioluminescence
17. Pet a tiger
18. Get married
19. Have kids
20. Walk across hot coals
21. Jet pack
22. Swim with dolphins
23. Climb a volcano
24. Hold a monkey
25. Own a pet shark

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