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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Table of content...……………………...…………………….1


 Lesson1: Definition of verb........................................6

 Lesson2: Classification Of Verbs.............................11
2.1. Ordinary or main verbs...............................................11
 Lesson3: Regular verbs............................................12
3.1. The present tense of regular verbs...................................13
3.2. The past tense of regular verbs...................................14
3.3. The future tense of regular verbs.....................................15
3.4. The infinitive of verbs.................................................16
 Lesson4: The Common Errors Of Students With
The Infinitive Sign “To”......................................................17
 Lesson5: Finite And Non- Finite Verbs..................21
5.1. Finite verbs..................................................................21
5.2. Non- finite verbs.........................................................22
 Lesson6: Irregular Verbs.........................................24
6.1. Group 1 with three identical parts...................................27
6.2. Group 2 with two identical parts.....................................28
6.3. Group 3 with three different forms..................................34
6.4. How to use the irregular verb......................................36

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 Lesson7: Auxiliary or helping verbs.......................41

7.1. Primary auxiliaries......................................................41
7.2. Common Errors We Make With The Auxiliary Verb
“Do” ……………………………………………………….46
 Lesson8: Modal auxiliary.........................................48
 Lesson9: How to form question in English with
Lesson10: Negation in English............................................63
 Lesson11: Delicate verbs in English........................69
 Lesson12: THE MOOD OF A VERB......................71
A- The Indicative Mood...................................................71
B- The Imperative Mood..................................................79
C- The Subjunctive Mood................................................83
 Lesson13: Classification of action verbs.................95
13.1. Transitive verbs...........................................................95
13.2. Intransitive verbs.........................................................96
Lesson14: Formation of verbs.............................................99
A. Verbs which end in “fy”..............................................99
B. Verbs which end in “en”...........................................100
C. Verbs which start in “en”..........................................101
D. Verbs which end in  “ize”.........................................102
 Exercise yourself.....................................................103

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Several students find the studying of foreign languages
very difficult. Most especially French learners who seek to have
some basics concepts in English language. Most of French
students show a lack of interest in the studying of English in the
course of their secondary circle. They usually affirm that:
English is a mystery or English is given by God. Thus reducing
English examination to a series of Flippism (a pseudo
philosophy under which all decisions are made by flipping a

It would be a useless lie if I subtract myself from those

students who gave an important place to flipism. But I have not
flipped for forever. I dare to say that in the course of my
philosophical study in English language; I came to know the
probable reason why Francophone are so weak when in it comes
to write and speak English. The problem of teaching English in
francophone area is all about the method used. If we pay
attention, most of English teachers have English as their native
language. Very few know French correctly. Or this is already a
barrier for them to teach or for the students to learn. How can I
teach a language in an area where the current language is
inaccessible to me?
The aim of this book entitle “The notion of verbs” is to
facilitate and make effective the comprehension of English
grammar in so far verbs are concerned. I allow the discovering
and the appreciation of the method used in this book to your

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

subjectivity. To see you mastering the concepts of verbs in

English or to have less difficulties, will be my greatest
satisfaction. So that, at your turn you may testify that there is no
need to mystify the study of English language. English is not all
about Flipism rather the method used.

Plusieurs élèves trouvent l’étude des langues étrangères
très difficiles. Plus spécialement les apprenants Français qui
cherchent à avoir quelques concepts basiques en langue
Anglaise. La plus-part des apprenants Français font preuves de
désintéressement dans l’étude de l’Anglais lors de leur cycle
secondaire. Ils disent très souvent que : l’Anglais est un mystère
ou l’Anglais est donné par Dieu. Réduisant ainsi les contrôles
surveillés d’Anglais à une série de Flipisme (Une pseudo
philosophie selon laquelle toutes les décisions sont prises en
lançant une pièce).
Ce serait un mensonge inutile si je me soustrais de ces
élèves qui accordaient une importante place au flipisme. Mais je
ne suis pas resté dans le flipisme pour toujours. J’hausse dire
qu’au cours de mes études philosophiques en langue Anglaise ;
je suis parvenu à connaitre la raison probable pourquoi les
élèves Francophones sont si faible en ce qui concerne
l’expression écrite ou orale en Anglais. Le problème d’enseigner
l’Anglais en zone Francophone ce résume à la méthode utilisée.
Si nous prêtons attention la plus-part des enseignants d’Anglais
ont l’Anglais comme leur langue native. Très peu connaissent
correctement le Français. Or, ceci est déjà une barrière pour eux
d’enseigner ou pour les élèves d’apprendre. Comment puis-je

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

enseigner une langue dans une zone où la langue courante m’est

inaccessible ?
Le but de ce livre intitulé  “ La notion des verbes ” est de
faciliter et de rendre effective la compréhension de la grammaire
Anglaise en ce qui concerne les verbes. Je laisse la découverte et
l’appréciation de la méthode utilisée dans ce livre à votre
subjectivité. Vous voir maitriser les concepts des verbes en
Anglais ou avoir moins de difficultés, sera ma plus grande
satisfaction. Afin que, à votre tout vous puissiez témoigner qu’il
y a nul besoin de mystifier l’étude de la langue Anglaise.
L’Anglais ne se résume pas au Flipisme plutôt à la méthode

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Lesson1: Definition of verb

Generally verbs are used in sentences and described
actions. To have a clear understanding of what a verb is, we
should consider it as an action or a state of being. That means, a
verb is either an action word or doing word.

 Généralement les verbes sont utilisés dans les phrases et

décrivent des actions. Pour une compréhension plus
claire de ce qu’est le verbe, nous devons considérer le
verbe comme une action ou un état d’être. Nous
distinguons donc deux types de verbes : les verbes
d’actions et les verbes d’états.

These are two examples:

1. My Uncle Played drum yesterday afternoon and the

children were watching.

 Mon oncle jouait le balafon hier après-midi et

les enfants étaient en train de regarder.

Here the verbs “to play ” and “to watch”

describe actions. / Ici les verbes “jouer et
regarder” décrivent des actions.

2. Peter is so happy today.

 Pierre est très content aujourd’hui.

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Here the verb “is” describes a state of being. /Ici le verbe

“être” décrit un état d’esprit.

Good to know:
 Verbs that describe a state of being usually point at a
concrete reality, they assert the existence of
something. Those are the various form of the verb to
be: am, is, are, was and were. Action verbs, on the
contrary, describe physical activity.
Bon à savoir :
 La plus part du temps, les verbes qui décrivent un
état d’esprit soulignent une réalité concrète, ils
affirment l’existence de quelque chose. Ceux-ci sont
les formes variées du verbe être : am, is, are, was and
were. Par contre, les verbes d’actions décrivent une
activité physique.

a. The old woman carries a vase of water on her
head. (Physical action)
 La femme âgée porte un vase d’eau sur sa tête.
(Action physique)
b. All the villagers harvest corn during long
vacations. (Physical action)
 Tous les villageois récoltent le mais pendant
les grandes vacances. (Action physique)

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

c. Since yesterday, my friend mused

about her new situation. (Mental
 Depuis hier, mon amie songe à propos
de sa nouvelle situation. (Action
d. I believe in Jesus Christ. (Mental

Doubt Feel Forget
(Douter) (Ressentir) (Oublier)
Hate Hear Hope
(Haïr) (Ecouter) (Espérer)
Impress Know Learn
(Impressionne (Connaître) (Apprendre)
Like Look Love
(Aimer une (Regarder) (Aimer une
chose) personne)
Mind Notice Own
(Tenir (Noter) (Posséder)
Perceive Realize Recognize
(Percevoir) (Réaliser) (Reconnaitre)

Remember See Smell

(Se rappeler) (Voir) (Sentir)

Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Surprise Please Prefer

(Surprendre) (Plaire) (Préférer)
Promise Understand Wish
(Promettre) (Comprendre) (Souhaiter)
Concern Decide Dislike
(être (Décider) (Déplaire)
Answer Approve Arrange
(Répondre) (Approuver) (Arranger)
Break Build
Buy (Acheter)
(Casser) (Construire)

Color Cough
Create (Créer)
(Colorier) (Tousser)
Cry Dance Describe
(Pleurer) (Dancer) (Décrire)
Drink Eat
Edit (Editer)
(Boire) (Manger)
Imitate (Imiter) Invent (Inventer)
Laugh Lie Listen
(Rire) (Mentir) (Ecouter)
Plan Play Read
(Planifier) (Jouer) (Lire)
Run Scream See
Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

(Courir) (Hurler) (Voir)

Shout Sing Skip
(Crier) (Chanter) (Omettre)
Sneeze Solve Study
(Eternuer) (Résourdre) (Etudier)
Touch Turn Walk
(Toucher) (Touner) (Marcher)
Write Whistle Yank
(Ecrire) (Siffler) (Saccader)
Ask Coach Complete
(Demander) (Entraîner) (Compléter)
Draw Enter Coach
(Dessiner) (Entrer) (Entraîner)
Complete Complete Jump
(Compléter) (Compléter) (Sauter)
Paint Replace Sow
(Paindre) (Remplacer) (Semer)
Sleep Teach Replace
(Dormir) (Enseigner) (Remplacer)
Win Zoom Teach
(Gagner) (Bourdonner) (Enseigner)
 Je crois en Jésus Christ. (Action mentale)

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Lesson2: Classification Of Verbs

Verbs are classified into various categories. The easier way
to grasps them is to master this diagram.

 Les verbes sont classés en plusieurs catégories. La façon

la plus facile de les comprendre est de maitriser ce






2.1. Ordinary or main verbs

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

As it is shown by the above diagram, ordinary or main verbs

can be regular or irregular.

 Comme il est montré par le diagramme ci-dessus, les

verbes ordinaires ou principaux peuvent être réguliers
ou irréguliers.

Lesson3: Regular verbs

In English regular verb has four forms. Here are some
examples to enable your understanding:

 En Anglais le verbe régulier a quatre formes. Ici sont

quelques exemples permettant votre compréhension.

A- To dance /danser


1. The Base form Dance
2. The ‘S’ form (3rd Dances
Person Singular)
3. The – ing form Dancing

4. The ed form Danced

B- To Work / Travailler

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs


1. The Base form Work
2. The ‘S’ form (3rd Works
Person Singular)
K 3. The – ing form Working

4. The ed form Worked


Good to know:
 The “s” form of the verb which is also called the third
person singular can have the following endings: “s”,
“es” or “ies”.
Bon à savoir:
 À la troisième personne du singulier, le verbe
s’accorde avec : « s, es ou ies ».
Everyday I (1st Person Jump/give/fly
Everyday You (2nd Person Jump/give/fly
He/ She/ It (3rd Jumps/gives/flies
Everyday Person Singular)

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Everyday We (1st Person Jump/give/fly

Everyday You (2nd Person Jump/give/fly
Everyday They (3rd Person Jump/give/fly
Here is an example with the verbs “to jump, to give and to fly”/
Sauter, donner et voler”.

3.2. The past tense of regular verbs

Good to know:
 The past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding
“ed or d” to the infinitive. All the personal pronouns
are conformed to the ending “ed”.

Bon à savoir:
 Le passé des verbes réguliers est formé en ajoutant
“ed ou d” à l’infinitif du verbe. Tous les pronoms
personnels se conforment à cet ajout de “ed”.
Yesterday I (1st Person Pray/ hope
Yesterday You (2nd Person Pray/ hope
He/ She/ It (3rd Prayed/ hoped
Yesterday Person Singular)

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Yesterday We (1st Person Pray/ hope

Yesterday You (2nd Person Pray/ hope
Yesterday They (3rd Person Pray/ hope
Here is an example with the verb “to pray and to hope”/ prier et


Good to know:
 The future tense of regular and irregular verbs is
formed by adding: Will/Shall+ Verb.

Bon à savoir:
 Le future des verbes réguliers et irréguliers est formé
en ajoutant: Will/ Shall + Verb.
Here is an example with the verb to pray and to hope”/ prier et
Tomorrow I (1st Person Shall pray/ hope
Tomorrow You (2nd Person Will pray/ hope

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Tomorrow He/ She/ It (3rd Will pray/ hope

Person Singular)
Tomorrow We (1st Person Shall pray/ hope
Tomorrow You (2nd Person Will pray/ hope
Tomorrow They (3rd Person Will pray/ hope


Obtain He is He He
He He has He had
obtaini obtaine shall
obtains obtained obtained
Obtenir ng d obtain

He is He
He He He has He had
workin shall
Travaille works worked worked worked
g work

Greet He is He
He He He has He had
greetin shall
greets greeted greeted greeted
Saluer g greet

Smile He
He He is He He has He had
smiles smiling smiled smiled smiled
Sourire smile

Play He
He He is He He has He had
plays playing played played played
Jouer play

Offer He He is He He He has He had

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Offir offers offering offered offered offered

Shirk He is He
He He He has He had
shirkin shall
shirks shirked shirked shirked
Esquiver g shirk

Move He
He He is He He has He had
moves moving moved moved moved
Bouger move

3.4. The infinitive of verbs

We should bear in mind that when a verb (Regular or

irregular) is preceded by “to”: it is known as the infinitive. This
means that for a verb to be in the infinitive form, it must be
preceded by “to”. An illustration can be used: To play, to
muffle, to gossip, to propound, to care, to be, to sing.

 Nous devons garder à l’esprit que, quand un verbe

(régulier ou irrégulier) est précéder par “to” : Ceci est
un verbe à l’infinitif. Ce qui veut dire qu’un verbe à
l’infinitif est toujours précédé par “to”. Une illustration
peut être utilisée: To play, to muffle, to gossip, to
propound, to care, to be, to sing.
Lesson4: The Common Errors Of
Students With The Infinitive Sign “To”
We once more reiterate the rule: the sign “to” can be
only used with the verbs in their infinitive form. Most at times,
students forget this rule and used the past tense of verbs with the
infinitive sign “to”. The following extracts show the wrong use
of the infinitive sign “to” with the past tense of the regular and
irregular verbs.
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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 Une fois de plus nous réitérons la règle: le signe “to” peut

seulement être utilisé avec le verbe sous la forme
infinitive. La plus part du temps, les élèves oublient cette
règle et utilisent le temps passé des verbes avec le signe
de l’infinitif “to”. Les extraits de phrases suivants
montrent la mauvaise utilisation du signe de l’infinitif
“to” avec le temps passé des verbes réguliers ou


It’s wrong to say: Through him we came to

realized that he was one of the best guitar

Instead Say: Through him we came to realize that he was

one of the best guitar player.

A travers lui nous parvînmes à réaliser qu’il était l’un des

meilleurs guitaristes.


In this extract the infinite sign “to”, indicates that the verb
“realize” must be in the infinitive form. Also, let’s keep in mind
that when the first verb is conjugated, the second verb is in the
infinitive form.

 Dans cet extrait le signe de l’infinitif “to”,

indique que le verbe « réaliser » doit être à
l’infinitif. Aussi, gardons à l’esprit que,

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

quand le premier verbe est conjugué, le deuxième se met

à l’infinitif.


It’s wrong to say: My aunt write to the teacher to explained my

health situation.

Instead Say: My aunt write to the teacher to explain my

health situation.

Ma tante écrit à l’enseignant pour expliquer mon état de santé.


In this extract the infinite sign “to”, indicates that the verb
“explain” must be in the infinitive form. Also, let’s keep in mind
that when the first verb is conjugated, the second verb is in the
infinitive form.

 Dans cet extrait le signe de l’infinitif “to”, indique que le

verbe « expliquer » doit être à l’infinitif. Aussi, gardons à
l’esprit que, quand le premier verbe est conjugué, le
deuxième se met à l’infinitif.


It’s wrong to say: I am happy to channelled to you

these few words of mine.

Instead say: I am happy to channel to you these

few words of mine.

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 Je suis content d’échanger avec vous ces quelques de

mes mots.


In this extract the infinite sign “to”, indicates that the verb
“channel” must be in the infinitive form. Also, let’s keep in
mind that when the first verb is conjugated, the second verb is in
the infinitive form.

 Dans cet extrait le signe de l’infinitif “to”, indique que le

verbe « échanger » doit être à l’infinitif. Aussi, gardons à
l’esprit que, quand le premier verbe est conjugué, le
deuxième se met à l’infinitif


It’s wrong to say: The plough man is afraid to lost

his old house because of storm.

Instead say: The plough man is afraid to lose

his old house because of storm.

 Le laboureur est effrayé de perdre sa veille

maison à cause de la tempête.


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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

In this extract the infinite sign “to”, indicates that the

verb “loose” must be in the infinitive form. Also, let’s keep in
mind that when the first verb is conjugated, the second verb is in
the infinitive form.

 Dans cet extrait le signe de l’infinitif “to”, indique que le

verbe « perdre » doit être à l’infinitif. Aussi, gardons à
l’esprit que, quand le premier verbe est conjugué, le
deuxième se met à l’infinitif.

Lesson5: Finite And Non- Finite Verbs

5.1. Finite verbs

The finite form of the verb is widely used in English.

Consider these points:

1- A finite verb can stand on its own and does not need the
help of an auxiliary or helping verb.

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 Un verbe fini est indépendant et n’a pas besoin d’un

verbe auxiliaire.

2- A finite verbs must have a subject with which it agrees

in number (singular and plural) and indicates tense.

 Un verbe fini doit avoir un sujet avec lequel il s’accorde

en genre et en nombre (au singulier et au pluriel) et selon
le temps verbal.


 I play flute (First person singular/ present tense)

Subject verb

 Je joue de la flute (Sujet /Verbe) (1ère personne du


 They play flute (Third person plural/ past tense)

Subject verb

 Ils jouent de la flute (Sujet/Verbe) (3ème personne du


From the above examples you should bear in mind that

together with the subject, a finite verb makes a complete
sentence whose meaning is understood.

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 Des exemples ci-dessus vous devez garder à l’esprit

qu’ensemble avec le sujet, un verbe fini fait une phrase
complète qui a un sens.

5.2. Non- finite verbs

Contrary to finite verbs, the non-finite forms of the verb do

not indicate tense or show agreement. Here the infinitive is used
with the modal auxiliaries.

 Contrairement aux verbes finis, la forme des verbes non-

fini n’indique pas le temps ou l’accordance avec le sujet.
Ici l’infinitif est utilisé avec les auxiliaires modaux.

For example:

1. It can be. (Ca peut-etre).

2. He should stand. (Il devrait se lever).
3. We must go. (Nous devons partir).
4. May he prosper. (Puisse-t-il prospérer).

Furthermore, non- finite verbs are also used with these

modals: need, ought, dare.

 De plus, les verbes infinis sont aussi utilisés avec ces

verbes semi- modaux: need, ought, dare.

Consider these examples:

a- Does he dare to challenge me?

 Hausse-t-il me défier?

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b- Where ought Charles to be?

 Ou Charles devrait etre?

c- You need not to go today.

 Tu n’as pas besoin de partir aujourd’hui.

d- We dare not to utter a word.

 Nous n’haussons dire mot.

Lesson6: Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs differ from regular verbs in that we can
neither predict their past nor past participle forms. However,
irregular verbs (like regular ones) take “s” in the present tense
that is in the 3rd person singular.

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Consider these irregular verbs: write, eat, go, learnt, swim

and speak.

 Les verbes irréguliers diffèrent des verbes réguliers du

fait que nous ne pouvons prédire ni leurs passé ni leurs
participes passés. Cependant, les verbes irréguliers (tout
comme les verbes réguliers) prennent « s » à la 3e
personne du singulier au présent de l’indicatif.

Irregular verbs appear as a major problem to most learners

of English because, as seen in the examples above, their past
and past participle forms vary from one verb to another. For this
reason students at all levels, be it in the Secondary, high school
or the university find it difficult to learn them.

 Les verbes irréguliers apparaissent comme un problème

majeur pour la plus-part des apprenants de la langue
Anglaise, parce que comme vu dans les exemples ci-
dessus, leur passé et participe passé varies d’un verbe à
l’autre. Pour cette raison les élèves de tous niveaux,
secondaire ou universitaire trouvent difficile de les


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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Here the three parts of the verb: the base, the past tense and
the past participle are identical (cut-cut-cut)/ (couper).

 Ici les trois parties du verbe: la racine, le passé et le

participe passé sont identiques (cut-cut-cut).


Here two of the three parts of the verb are identical

(teach/ taught/ taught)/ (enseigner).

 Ici deux des trois parties du verbe: le passé et le

participe passé sont identiques (teach/ taught/ taught).


Here all the three parts of the verbs are different

(sing/sang/sung)/ (chanter).

 Ici tous les trois parties du verbe sont

différents (sing/sang/sung).



Verbs- He He is He He shall He has He had
write writes writing wrote write written written
He I s He shall He has He had
Eat He eats He ate
eating eat eaten eaten

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He is He He shall He has He had

Go He goes
going went go gone gone
He He is He He shall He has He had
learns learning learnt learn learnt learnt
He He is He He shall He has He had
fights fighting fought fight fought fought
He is
He He He shall He has He had
Swim swimmin
swims swam swim swum swum
He is He He shall He has He had
Sing He sings
singing sang sing sung sung
He He is He He shall He has He had
speaks speaking spoke speak spoken spoken



1. Bet (Parier) Bet Bet

2. Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast


3. Bid (Offrir) Bid Bid

4. Burst (Eclater) Burst Burst

5. Cast (Jeter) Cast Cast

6. Cut (Couper) Cut Cut

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

7. Cost (coûter) Cost Cost

8. Forecast (Prévoir) Forecast Forecast

9. Hit (Frapper) Hit Hit

10. Hurt (Blesser) Hurt Hurt

11. Knit (Tricoter) Knit Knit

12. Let (Laisser) Let Let

13. Put (Mettre) Put Put

14. Quit (Stopper) Quit Quit

15. Read (Lire) Read Read

16. Rid (Débarasser) Rid Rid

17. Set (Placer) Set Set

18. Shed (Arbiter) Shed Shed

19. Shut (Fermer) Shut Shut

20. Split (Diviser) Split Split

21. Spread Spread Spread

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs


22. Thrust (Enfoncer) Thrust Thrust

23. Upset Upset Upset


24. Wed (Marrier) Wed Wed

25. Wet(Mouiller) Wet Wet


1. Beat (Battre) Beat Beaten

2. Burn (Brûler) Burnt/Burne Burnt/Burned

3. Bereave(Endeuiller) Bereaved/Ber Bereaved/Bereft
4. Bind (Attacher) Bound Bound

5. Bend (Courber) Bent Bent

6. Build (Construire) Built Built

7. Bleed (Blesser) Bled Bled

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

8. Breed (Reproduire) Bred Bred

9. Bring (Apporter) Brought Brought

10. Buy (Acheter) Bought Bought

11. Creep (Ramper) Crept Crept

12. Cling(Cramponner) Clung Clung

13. Catch (Attraper) Caught Caught

14. Deal (Distribuer) Dealt Dealt

15. Dream (Rêver) Dreamt/Drea Dreamt/Dreame

med d
16. Dig (Creuser) Dug Dug

17. Feed (Nourrir) Fed Fed

18. Feel (Sentir) Felt Felt

19. Flee (Fuir) Fled Fled

20. Fight (Combattre) Fought Fought

21. Find (Trouver) Found Found

22. Fling (Jeter) Flung Flung

23. Get (Obtenir) Got Got

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24. Grind (Moudre) Ground Ground

25. Hang (Pendre) Hung Hung

26. Have (Avoir) Had Had

27. Hear (Ecouter) Heard Heard

28. Hold (Saisir) Held Held

29. Keep (Garder) Kept Kept

30. Kneel (S’agenouer) Knelt/Kneele Knelt/Kneeled

31. Lay (Poser) Laid Laid

32. Lead (Diriger) Led Led

33. Learn (Apprendre) Learnt/Learn Learnt/Learned

34. Leap(Sauter Par Dessus) Leapt/Leaped Leapt/Leaped

35. Leave (Laisser) Left Left

36. Lend (Preter) Lent Lent

37. Light (Allumer) Lighted/Lit Lighted/Lit

38. Lose (Perdre) Lost Lost

39. Make (Faire) Made Made

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40. Mean (Signifier) Meant Meant

41. Meet (Rencontrer) Met Met

42. Pay (Payer) Paid Paid

43. Say (Dire) Said Said

44. Seek (Rechercher) Sought Sought

45. Sell (Vendre) Sold Sold

46. Send (Envoyer) Sent Sent

47. Shine (Briller) Shone Shone

48. Shoot (Tirer) Shot Shot

49. Sit (S’assoir) Sat Sat

50. Sleep (Dormir) Slept Slept

51. Slide (Glisser) Slid Slid

52. Sling (Jeter) Slung Slung

53. Slink (S’éclipser) Slunk Slunk

54. Smell (Sentir) Smelt/Smelle Smelt/Smelled

55. Speed (Accélerer) Sped Sped

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56. Spell (Épeler) Spelt/Spelled Spelt/Spelled

57. Spend (Dépenser) Spent Spent

58. Spill (Déverser) Spilt/Spilled Spilt/Spilled

59. Spin (Tourner) Spun Spun

60. Spit (Cracher) Spat Spat

61. Stand (Se Tenir) Stood Stood

62. Strike (Grever) Struck Struck

63. Stick (Caller) Stuck Stuck

64. Say (Dire) Said Said

65. Shoot (Tirer) Shot Shot

66. String (Enfiler) Strung Strung

67. Sting (Piquer) Stung Stung

68. Sweep (Balayer) Swept Swept

69. Swing (Balancer) Swung Swung

70. Spoil (Gacher) Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled

71. Teach (Enseigner) Taught Taught

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72. Think (Penser) Thought Thought

73. Thrive (Developer) Thrived Thrived

74. Tell (Raconter) Told Told

75. Understand Understood Understood


76. Weep (Pleurer) Wept Wept

77. Win (Gagner) Won Won

78. Wind (Serpenter) Wound Wound

79. Withhold (Cacher) Withheld Withheld

80. Withstand(Resister) Withstood Withstood

81. Wring (Se Tordre) Wrung Wrung

Good to know:
 In the course of your studying, you can be frighten
and discourage by the numerous number of irregular
verbs of the second group, but if you master the
bellow scheme it would be easy for you to make it
part of you:

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Bon à savoir:
 Pendant l’étude, vous pouvez être effrayé et
découragé par le grand nombre des verbes irréguliers
du deuxième groupe, mais si vous maitrisez le schéma
ci-dessous, il serait facile pour vous de les maitriser.

1. Bind Bound: The changed form is applied

to the similar form of verb (find, grind, wind,

2. Bend Bent: The changed form is applied to

the similar form of verb (lend, send, spend…)

3. Bleed Bled: The changed form is applied to

the similar form of verb (breed, bend, feed, flee,

4. Cling Clung: The changed form is applied

to the similar form of verb (fling, sling, string, sting,
swing, wring……)

5. Lay Laid: The changed form is applied to

the similar form of verb (say, pay…)

6. Keep Kept: The changed form is applied to

the similar form of verb (sleep, sweep, weep, creep.

For the rest of the verbs, study by heart their different forms.
(Pour le reste des verbes, les étudier par Cœur.)

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1. Be (am, is, are)(Etre) Was/Were Been

2. Bear (Porter) Bore Borne

3. Bite (Mordre) Bit Bitten

4. Blow (Souffler) Blew Blown

5. Break (Casser) Broke Broken

6. Begin (Commencer) Began Begun

7. Choose (Choisir) Chose Chosen

8. Come (Venir) Came Come

9. Do (Faire) Did Done

10. Draw (Dessiner) Drew Drawn

11. Drink (Boire) Drank Drunk

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12. Drive (Conduire) Drove Driven

13. Eat (Manger) Ate Eaten

14. Fall (Tomber) Fell Fallen

15. Fly (S’envoler) Flew Flown

16. Give (Donner) Gave Given

17. Spring (Surgir) Sprang Sprung

18. Forbid (Interdir) Forbade Forbidden

19. Forget (Oublier) Forgot Forgotten

20. Freeze (Geler) Froze Frozen

21. Stink (Donner) Stank Stunk

22. Stride (Marcher vite) Strode Stridden

23. Strive (Essayer) Strove Striven

24. Weave (Tisser) Wove Woven

25. Swear (Jurer) Swore Sworn

26. Swell (Gonfler) Swelled Swollen/swelled

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27. Swim (Nager) Swam Swum

28. Sing (Chanter) Sang Sung

29. Tear (Déchirer) Tore Torn

30. Throw (Lancer) Threw Thrown

31. Tread (Marcher sur) Trod Trodden

32. Undergo (Subir) Underwent Undergone

33. Wake (Reveiller) Woke Woken

34. Wear (Vêtir) Wore Worn

35. Withdraw (Retirer) Withdrew Withdrawn

36. Write (Ecrire) Wrote Written

Good to know:
 Each of these irregular verbs belonging to the third
group must be studied imperatively in their different

Bon à savoir:
 Chacun de ces verbes irréguliers appartenant au
troisième groupe doit être étudié impérativement
dans sa différente forme.

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6.4. How to use the irregular verb

Let us take five verbs to set an example: write, sing,

drink, eat and break.

1. The verb: to write/ Ecrire

 Everyday (Present tense marker) he

 Chaque jour (Présent de l’indicatif)
il écrit.

 Now (Present continuous tense

marker) he is writing.

 Maintenant (Présent continue) il est

en train d’écrire.

 Yesterday (Past tense marker) he


 Hier (Passé simple) il écrivit.

 Tomorrow (Future tense marker) he shall write.

 Demain (Future) il écrira.

 Already (Present perfect tense marker) he has written.

 Déjà (Present perfect tense marker) il a écrit.

 Before yesterday (Past perfect tense marker) he had


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 Avant-hier (Past perfect tense marker) il avait écrit.

2. The verb: to sing/Chanter

 Every day (present tense marker) he sings.

 Chaque jour (Présent de l’indicatif) il chante.
 Now (present continuous tense marker) he is singing.

 Maintenant (Présent continue) il est

en train de chanter.

 Yesterday (past tense marker) he


 Hier (Passé simple) il chanta.

 Tomorrow (future tense marker) he

shall sing.

 Demain (Future) il chantera.

 Already (present perfect tense marker)

he has sung.

 Déjà (Present perfect tense marker) il a chanté.

 Before yesterday (past perfect tense marker) he had sung.

 Avant-hier (Past perfect tense marker) il avait chanté.

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3. The verb: to drink/ boire

 Every day (present tense marker) he drinks.

 Chaque jour (Présent de l’indicatif) il boit.

 Now (present continuous tense marker) he is drinking.

 Maintenant (Présent continue) il est en

train de boire.

 Yesterday (past tense marker) he


 Hier (Passé simple) il but.

 Tomorrow (future tense marker) he

shall drink.

 Demain (Future) il boira.

 Already (present perfect tense marker)

he has drunk.

 Déjà (Present perfect tense marker) il a


 Before yesterday (past perfect tense marker) he had drunk.

 Avant-hier (Past perfect tense marker) il avait bu.

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4. The verb: to eat/ manger

 Every day (present tense marker) he eats.

 Chaque jour (Présent de l’indicatif) il mange.
 Now (present continuous tense marker) he is eating.

 Maintenant (Présent continue) il

est en train de manger.

 Yesterday (past tense marker) he


 Hier (Passé simple) il mangea.

 Tomorrow (future tense marker)

he shall eat.

 Demain (Future) il mangera.

 Already (present perfect tense

marker) he has eaten.
 Déjà (Present perfect tense
marker) il a mangé.
 Before yesterday (past perfect
tense marker) he had eaten.

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 Avant-hier (Past perfect tense marker) il avait mangé.

5. The verb: To break/ briser

 Everyday (present tense marker) he breaks.

 Chaque jour (Présent de l’indicatif) il brise.
 Now (present continuous tense marker) he is breaking.

 Maintenant (Présent continue) il est en train de briser.

 Yesterday (past tense marker) he


 Hier (Passé simple) il brisa.

 Tomorrow (future tense marker) he

shall break.

 Demain (Future) il brisera.

 Already (present perfect tense marker)

he has broken.
 Déjà (Present perfect tense marker) il a brisé.
 Before yesterday (past perfect tense marker) he had
 Avant-hier (Past perfect tense marker) il avait brisé.

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Lesson7: Auxiliary or helping verbs

Auxiliary verbs are still called helping verbs because
they help the main verb to convey a meaning to the sentence.
This diagram below helps us to clearly sort out the two kind of
auxiliary verbs.

 Les verbes auxiliaires sont encore appelés les verbes

d’assistance, parce que ils assistent le verbe principale à
donner un sens à la phrase. Ce diagramme ci-dessous
nous aide à distinguer les deux types de verbes



7.1. Primary auxiliaries

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(To have, to be and to do) are the three primary verbs

auxiliaries. These three verbs auxiliaries have the following

 The Auxiliary Verb: To Have


 He has driven a car. AUXILIARY

 Il a conduit une voiture.

Main Verb

 They have to study hard for exam.

 Ils ont à étudier dure pour l’examen.

 He has written already to mum.

 Il a déjà écrit à maman.

 Pierre and Paul have gone to the market.

 Pierre et Paul sont partis au marché.

 Tell me if Andrew has carried the two buckets.

 Dis-moi si André a porté les deux seaux.

The auxiliary “have” has the following forms.


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1. I (1st person singular) have I had

2. You (2nd person singular) have You had

3. He/She/It (3rdperson singular) has He/She/It had

4. We (1st person plural) have We had

5. You (2nd person plural) have You had

6. They (3rd person plural) have They had

 ing form______ having N.B:

 past________ had HEART

 past participle______

 The Auxiliary Verb: To Be


 They were going for shopping.

 Ils étaient en train de partir pour les achats. AUXILIARY

 Nina is speaking to Paul presently.

Main Verb
 Présentement Nina est en train de parler à Paul.

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 John was sicked two days ago.

 John était malade cela fait deux ans.

 The police’s pledge will be kept.

 La promesse de la police sera gardée.

 The teacher is always running after the students

 L’enseignant est toujours en train de courir après les


The auxiliary “be” has the following forms.

7. I (1st person singular) am I was

8. You (2nd person singular) are You were

9. He/She/It (3rdperson singular) is He/She/It was

10. We (1st person plural) are We were

11. You (2nd person plural) are You were

12. They (3rd person plural) are They were

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 ing form______ being N.B:

 past________ was/were HEART

 past participle______

 The Auxiliary Verb: To Do

 We do not need your help.
Main verb
 Nous n’avons pas besoin de ton aide.

 She didn’t answer well at her expose.

 Elle n’avait pas bien répondu à son exposé.

 She does not play handball because of an accident.

 Elle n’a pas joué le volley à cause de son accident.

 The snake did not bite her.

 Le serpent ne l’avait pas mordu.

 Do you not look after Nina?

 Ne recherche tu pas Nina?

The auxiliary “be” has the following forms.

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13. I (1st person singular) do I did

14. You (2nd person singular) do You did

15. He/She/It (3rdperson singular) does He/She/It did

16. We (1st person plural) do We did

17. You (2nd person plural) do You did

18. They (3rd person plural) do They did

 ing form______ doing N.B:

 past________ did HEART

 past participle______

7.2. Common Errors We Make With The Auxiliary Verb


Most at time the English learners fall in the trap of the

auxiliary verb “do” in its usage. These are some cases:

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 La plus part du temps les apprenants en Anglais

tombent dans le piège de l’auxiliaire « do » dans son
usage. Voici quelques cas :

Erroneous Speech 1:

“………. If Henry dies he does not dies as a slave”.

Right speech:

“………. If Henry dies he does not die as a slave”.

 Si Henry meurt il ne meurt pas

comme un esclave.

Erroneous Speech 2:

“………. He does not eats corn”.

Right speech:

“………. He does not eat corn”.

 Il ne mange pas le maïs.

Erroneous Speech 3:

“………. The horse does not bites.

Right speech:

“………. The horse does not bite”.

 Le cheval ne mord pad.

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Erroneous Speech 4:

“………. She does strengthens the old man”.

Right speech:

“………. She does strengthen the old man”.

 Elle fortifie le vieil homme.

Good to know:
 Deriving from the above analysis, it is thus right to
take as rule that when we employ the auxiliary “do”
(do, does, did) in a sentence, the next verb must be in
the base form.
Bon à savoir:
 Découlant des analyses ci-dessus, il est ainsi juste de
prendre comme règle que lorsque nous employons
l’auxiliaire « do » (do, does, did) dans une phrase, le
verbe suivant doit être la racine de ce verbe, qui
ressemble plus à l’infinitif du verbe en anglais.
Lesson8: Modal auxiliary
Modal auxiliaries verbs are verbs which do not have: “–s
forms, -ing forms, or –ed participles.” Let’s see the drawing
board below:

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 Les verbes auxiliaires modaux sont les verbes qui ne

prennent pas « s » à la 3e personne du singulier, ou
« ing » au présent continu ou « ed » au participe passé.


I play I can
You play You can
He/she/it plays He/she/it can (no –s form)
We play We can
You play You can
They play They can
-ing form (He is playing) There is no –ing form
-ed form (He played) There is no –ed form


I joke I may
You joke You may
He/she/it jokes He/she/it may (no –s form)
We joke We may

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You joke You may

They joke They may
-ing form (He is joking) There is no –ing form
-ed form (He joking) There is no –ed form

Good to know:
 In English there are nine modal verbs (shall, should,
will, would, can, could, may, might and must) and
four semi-modal verbs (need, ought, dare and used).

Bon à savoir:
 En Anglais il y’a 9 verbes modaux (shall, should, will,
would, can, could, may, might and must) et 4 verbes
semi- modaux (need, ought, dare, and used).

1- Shall

It indicates the future. As modal auxiliary it traduces a high

probability. We use “shall” for affirmation or negation. But
most especially to formulate questions with “I” and “we”. It’s a
polite formula. It contracted form is “shan’t”. We use “shall” in
the following situations:

Il indique le futur. Comme auxiliaire modal, il traduit

une grande probabilité. Nous utilisons « shall » pour une
affirmation ou une négation. Mais, plus spécialement pour
formuler des questions à la première personne du singulier

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et première personne du pluriel. Il sert aussi the formule de

politesse. Sa forme contractée est “shan’t”. Nous utilisons
“shall” dans les situations suivantes :

a- Affirmatives sentences
 I shall help.
 J’aiderai.
 We shall help.
 Nous aiderons.

b- Negatives sentences.
 I shall not help.
 Je n’aiderai pas.
 We shan’t not help.
 Tu n’aideras pas.

c- Questions.
 Shall I help?
 Dois-je aider?
 Shall we help?
 Allons-nous aider?

d- Proposals.
 Shall I make some lunch?
 Dois-je préparer le déjeuner?
 Shall we help you with your bags?
 Allons-nous-vous aider avec vos sacs?
 Where shall I drop you off?
 Où dois-je-vous déposer?

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 Shall I water your plants while you’re away?

 Dois-je arroser tes plantes pendant que vous êtes

e- Suggestions.
 Shall I go to the park later?
 Dois-je aller au parc plus-tard?
 Shall we have something to eat?
 Allons-nous avoir quelque chose à manger?
 To whom shall we go?
 À qui irons-nous?
 Who shall we invite to the party?
 Qui allons-nous inviter à la fête?
 What shall I do after we have watched the film?
 Que dois-je faire après que nous avons vu le film?

f- Obligations.
 Applicants shall provide evidence of their
 Les candidats doivent fournir la preuve de leurs
 Guests shall not remove anything from the rooms.
 Les invités ne doivent rien retirer de leurs
 The tenant shall pay the agreed amount on the first
day of every month.
 Les locataires doivent payer la somme décidée le
premier jour de chaque mois.
 The accused shall appear in court again on 16th

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 L’accusé doit apparaitre devant le tribunal le 16


g- Promises.
 I shall never forget the help you gave me.
 Je n’oublierai jamais l’aide que vous m’avez
 I shan’t be late.
 Je ne serai pas retard.
 We shall do everything we can to solve the problem.
 Nous ferons tout notre possible pour résoudre le
 He shan’t be long. Do have a seat while you wait.
 Il ne sera pas long. Veuillez-vous assoir, pendant
que vous attendez.

h- To describe the future in a formal manner.

 We shall overcome this difficult moment.
 Nous surmonterons ce moment difficile.
 The tests shall be carried out by an independent
 Les tests seront réalisés par un corps
 Mr Lopez shall begin his talk at 2:30pm.
 Mr Lopez commencera son travail à 14h30.
 Access to the city centre shall be limited today due to
the marathon.
 L’accès à la ville sera limité aujourd’hui, du au

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2- Will

It indicates the future. As modal auxiliary it traduces also a

high probability. We use “will” for affirmation or negation. It
contracted forms are “’ll” for affirmation and “won’t” for
negation. We use “will” in the following situation:

a- Affirmatives sentences.
 I will give.
 Je donnerai.
 I’ll say.
 Je dirai.

b- Negatives sentences.
 I will not give.
 Je ne donnerai pas.
 I won’t say.
 Je ne dirai pas.

c- Questions.
 Will you be the master?
 Serez-vous le maître?
 Will they go to the feast?
 Partiront- ils à la fête ?
 Will we travel now?
 Voyagerons-nous maintenant ?

d- To describe a future action.

 We’ll be at the hotel until 8pm.
 Nous serons à l’autel jusqu’à 20h.

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 The trains will be late today because of the bad

 Aujourd’hui les trains seront en retard à cause du
mauvais temps.
 How long will you stay in Cameroon?
 Pendant combien de temps resterez-vous au
Cameroon ?
 He’ll send us the report when he will have all the
 Il nous enverra le rapport quand il aura tous les

e- Prediction.
 The world population will grow a lot in the next 100
 La population mondiale grandira beaucoup dans
les prochains 100 ans.
 I think l’ll stay in this company until I retire.
 Je pense je resterai dans cette entreprise jusqu’à
ce que je parte en retraite.
 She doesn’t think she’ll pass the exam.
 Elle ne pense pas qu’elle réussira à l’examen.
 Who do you think will win the tournament?
 Selon vous, qui gagnera le tournoi?

f- To express a decision at the same moment we are

 I’ll have the vegetable soup please.
 J’aimerai la sauce aux légumes s’il vous plaît.
 The phone rings, I’ll answer it.

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 Le téléphone sonne, je vais répondre (au

 We’ll check the sales figures and you check the
 Nous regarderons les résultats des ventes et vous
regardez les coûts.
 I’ll just go and say “hello” before we leave.
 Je vais juste aller lui dire « bonjour » avant que
nous partions.

g- Demands.
 Will you bring some more water please?
 Puis-je avoir un peu plus d’eau s’il vous plaît ?
 Will they come to the appointment with me?
 Viendront-ils au rendez-vous avec moi ?
 Will you be quiet please? I’m musing.
 Pouvez-vous vous taire s’il vous plaît ?
 You will give me a helping hand with dinner, won’t
 Tu m’aideras à préparer le dîner, non ?

h- Pledges and propositions.

 I’ll call you when I get home.
 Je d’appellerai lorsque j’arriverai à la maison.
 She’ll help you finish the work, don’t worry.
 Elle t’aidera à finir le travail, ne vous en faites
 We’ll send you the letters as soon as possible.
 Nous vous enverrons les lettres dès que possible.
 Marc and Jordan will lead you well.

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 Marc and Jordan vont bien vous guider.

e- Conditional sentences.
 If it rains, I’ll take my umbrella.
 S’il pleut, je prendrai mon parapluie.
 If they win the next match, they’ll go through to the
 S’ils gagnent le prochain match, ils iront jusqu’en
 Will she come to dinner if I invite her?
 Viendra-t-elle au dîner si je l’invite ?
 We won’t mind if you arrive late.
 Cela ne nous dérangera pas si vous arrivez en


1. Shall 1. Need to
2. Should 2. Ought to
3. Will 3. Dare to
4. Would 4. Used to
5. Can
6. Could MASTER
7. May BY
8. Might HEART
9. Must

Some examples:

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1. If you play instead of studying, you shall regret when

failing your exam.

 Si tu joues au lieu d’étudier, tu regretteras

d’avoir échoué ton examen.

2. Our parents should attend the meeting.

 Nos parents devraient participer à la


3. You will be good fishermen.

 Vous serai de bon pêcheurs.

4. If Peter study hard he would win a price,

his exam.

 Si Pierre étudie dure, il

pourrait gagner un prix,
son examen.

5. Yes I can learn English.

 Oui je peux apprendre


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6. Please could you tell me the meaning of this symbol?

 S’il te plait, me dire la signification the ce

symbole ?

7. May I go out?

 Puis-je sortir ?

8. You might go out if you answer the


 Tu pourrais sortir si tu réponds à la


9. You must stop childishness and

concentrate on your studies.

 Tu dois arrêter la puérilité et te

concentrer sur tes études. / Il
faut que tu arrêtes la puérilité et
te concentrer sur tes études. .

Good to know:

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 Let’s keep in mind that with the semi-modals verbs

we use the infinitive marker “to” directly after the
concerned semi-modal verb or in between the semi-
modal verb and the ordinary verb that follow.

Bon à savoir:
 Gardons à l’esprit qu’avec les verbes semi- modaux
nous utilisons l’indicateur de l’infinitif “to”
directement après le verbe semi-modale concerné ou
entre le verbe semi- modale et les verbes ordinaires
qui suivent:
Some examples:

1. I need to eat lunch.

 J’ai besoin de prendre le déjeuner.

2. We ought to call your mother for a helping hand.

 Nous sommes supposé faire recours à notre mère

pour de l’aide.

3. Don’t dare to say a stupid word.

 N’haussez pas dire de bêtise.

4. I’m used to watch Crtv news.

 J’ai l’habitude de regarder le journal de la Crtv.

Lesson9: How to form question in
English with verbs

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In English questions are formed only with primary

auxiliaries, modals or semi-modals verbs. They are always at the
beginning of the sentence followed by the subject. This is the
structure of an interrogative sentence: primary auxiliaries or
modals verbs + subject.

 En Anglais les questions sont formées uniquement avec

les verbes auxiliaires (modaux ou semi-modaux). Ils sont
toujours au début de la phrase suivit du sujet. Ceci est la
structure d’une phrase interrogative : primary
auxiliaries or modals verbs + subject.

How to apply the rule:

1- With the primary auxiliaries: (to be, to have, to do)

. To be (am, is, are, was and were)

a- Am I gentle with you? (Suis-je gentil avec vous?)

b- Is mum home? (Maman est-elle à la maison?)

c- Are the parents backed? (Les parents sont-ils rentrés?)

d- Was Peter ill the other day? (Pierre était-il malade

l’autre jour?)

e- Were they revising their courses? (Etaient-ils en train de

réviser leurs cours?)

. To have (have, has, had)

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a- Have they been gentle with you? (Ont-ils été gentils

avec vous?)

b- Has he recorded the last occurring events? (A-t-il

enregistré le dernier évènement qui s’est produit?)

c- Had they denied your authority? (Ont-ils renié ton


. To do (do, does, did)

a- Do you trust your friends? (Fais-tu confiance à tes


b- Does Nina cherish Paul’s junior sister? (Nina chérit-elle

la petite sœur de Paul?)

c- Did John look odd the other day? (John semblait-il

étrange autre jour?)

2- With the modals verbs ( can-could, may-might, shall-

should, will-would, must)

a- Can you lend me your pen? (Peux-tu me prêter ton


b- Could my sister do better than him? (Ma sœur pourrait-

elle faire mieux que lui?)

c- May I go out? (Puis-je sortir?)

d- Shall he supply us what we need? (Pourvoira-t-il ce dont

nous avons besoins?)

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e- Should Jane remain in class? (Jane devrait- elle rester en


f- Will you pray for me? (Prieras-tu pour moi?)

g- Must they make noise in class? (doivent-ils faire du

bruit en class?)

h- Would she endure the fault? (devrait-elle subir la faute?)

3- Wh- words (who, whose, what, which)

a- Who are you? (Qui es tu?)

b- Whose pen is this? (A qui appartient ce stylo?)

c- What is the problem? (Quel est le problème?)

d- Which doctor do you see? (Quel docteur as-tu vu?)

LESSON10: Negation in English

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Negation in English is executed by some common

negative words such as: barely, hardly, neither, never, no,
nobody, none, no one, not, nothing, nowhere, scarcely. In
English positive statements can be transformed in negative

 La negation en Anglais se fait à partir des mots

traduissants la negation tels que: barely, hardly, neither,
never, no, nobody, none, no one, not, nothing, nowhere,
scarcely. En Anglais les phrases positives peuvent être
transformées en phrases négatives.

Let’s take some examples:

 Positive statement: Nina has hurt her best friend.

 Nina a causé du tort à sa meilleur amie.
 Negative statement: Nina has not hurt her best friend.
 Nina n’a pas cause du tort à sa meilleure amie.

 Positive statement: The intelligent student seeks always.

 L’élève intelligent recherche tout le temps.
 Negative statement: The intelligent student does not seek
 L’élève intelligent ne recherche pas tout le temps.

 Positive statement: Peter’s friend and Amina have an

important course.
 L’ami de Pierre et Amina ont un important cours.

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 Negative statement: Peter’s friend and Amina have no

important course.
 L’ami de Pierre et Amina n’ont pas un important

 Positive statement: My mother went to the market.

 Ma mère est partie au marché.
 Negative statement: My mother didn’t go to the market.
 Ma mère n’était pas partie au marché.

 Positive statement: She can see far.

 Elle peut voir loin.
 Negative statement: She can never see far.
 Elle ne peut jamais voir loin.

 Positive statement: Rousseau as a politician told lies.

 Rousseau comme politicien dit des mensonges.
 Negative statement: Rousseau as a politician hardly told
 Rousseau comme politicien dit difficilement des

 Positive statement: He did something.

 Il a fait quelque chose.
 Negative statement: He did nothing.
 Il n’a rien fait.
 Positive statement: Jane often goes to America.
 Jane va souvent en Amérique.
 Negative statement: Jane scarcely goes to America.

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 Jane va rarement en Amérique.

 Positive statement: I saw a thief.

 J’ai vu un bandit.
 Negative statement: I saw a thief nowhere.
 J’ai vu un bandit nulle part.

 Positive statement: I applied her advices.

 J’ai appliqué ses conseils.
 Negative statement: I applied none of her advices.
 Je n’ai appliqué aucun de ses conseils.

 Positive statement: I saw a boy here.

 J’ai vu un garçon ici.
 Negative statement: I saw no one here.
 J’ai vu aucune personne ici.

 Positive statement: Anslem saw Nikita.

 Anslem a vu Nikita.
 Negative statement: Anslem saw nobody.
 Anslem a vu personne.

 Positive statement: She spoke to me first.

 Elle s’adressait à moi en premier.
 Negative statement: She never spoke to me first.
 Elle ne s’est jamais adresser à moi en premier.
 Positive statement: Nina can eat and drink.
 Nina peut manger et boire.
 Negative statement: Nina can neither eat nor drink.

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 Nina ne pas peut manger ni boire.

Good to know:
 In English language we must avoid using double

Bon à savoir:

 En Anglais il nous faut éviter d’utiliser une double


These are some examples:

1. It’s wrong to say: Aisha did not tell none the truth. (Aisha
n’a dit aucune vérité.)

Instead Say: Aisha told no one the truth. (Aisha

disait aucune vérité.)

2. It’s wrong to say: My friend can’t hardly give a helping

hand to Peter. (Mon ami ne peut difficilement apporter son
aide à Pierre.)

Instead Say: My friend can hardly give a helping

hand to Peter. (Mon ami peut difficilement apporter son
aide à Pierre.)

3. It’s wrong to say: Stephen hardly did nothing. (Stephen

difficilement fait rein.)

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Instead Say: Stephen did anything. (Stephen fait

aucune chose.)

Good to know:

 Very often students fall in the trap in using modal

auxiliary verbs.

Bon à savoir :
 La plus part du temps les élèves commettent des
erreurs dans l’emploi des verbes auxiliaires modaux.)

These are some examples:

1. It’s wrong to say: Let’s pray God that we might found a

good position. (Prions le Dieu afin que nous puissions
trouvé une bonne place.)

Instead Say: Let’s pray God that we might find a

good position. (Prions le Dieu afin que nous puissions
trouver une bonne place.)

2. It’s wrong to say: My junior sister was saying that you

would played the guitar. (Mon frère cadet était en train
de dire que tu pourrais joué de la guitare.)

Instead Say: My junior sister was saying that you

would play the guitar. (Mon frère cadet était en train de
dire que tu pourrais jouer de la guitare.)

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3. It’s wrong to say: The teacher advised the students that

they must came to class early. (L’enseignant conseillait
les élèves qu’ils doivent venis en classe tôt.)

Instead Say: The teacher advised the students that

they must come to class early. (L’enseignant conseillait
les élèves qu’ils doivent venir en classe tôt.)

4. It’s wrong to say: Please can I stepped out? (S’il vous plait
puis-je sorti?)

Instead Say: Please can I step out? (S’il vous plait

puis-je sortir?)

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 Lesson11: Delicate verbs in English

Another difficulty that learners encounter in English
language is when they are faced with the verbs: to make, to
take and to drop.

 Une autre difficulté que les apprenants de la langue

Anglaise rencontrent est l’emploi des verbes: to make, to
take and to drop.


1. It’s wrong to say: Pictures make her to understand


Instead Say: Pictures make her understand. (Les

photos lui font comprendre facilement.)

2. It’s wrong to say: If you continue in that way you will

make her to criticize her friend.

Instead Say: If you continue in that way you will

make her criticize her friend. (Si tu continu dans ce sens,
tu vas lui faire critiquer son amie.)

3. It’s wrong to say: Emotions made Nina to cry for her


4. Instead Say: Emotions made Nina cry for her

success. (Les émotions ont fait pleurer Nina pour sa

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1. It’s wrong to say: My mother took a taxi.

Instead Say: My mother boarded a taxi. (Ma mère

est montée à bord d’un taxi.)

2. It’s wrong to say: I entered the plane one week ago.

Instead Say: I boarded the plane one week ago. (Je

suis monté à bord d’un avion la semaine dernière.)

This is because in English communication the verb “to

board” means “get into an engine”; it can be a car, ship, bus,
train or plane.

 Ceci par ce que dans la communication Anglaise, le verbe

“to board” signifie “monter à bord d’un engin” ; ça peut
être une voiture, un bateau, un bus, un train ou un avion.

3. It’s wrong to say: Mary dropped from the car in the rain.

Instead Say: Mary alighted from the car in the rain.

(Marie descendait de la voiture dans la pluie.)

This is because in English communication the verb

“to alight” means “get down from something” a taxi, bus or

 Ceci par ce que dans la communication Anglaise, le verbe

“to alight” signifie “descendre de quelque chose” ; ça

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peut être une voiture, un bateau, un bus, un train ou un



In English language there are three types of moods: the
indicative, the imperative and the subjunctive.

 En Anglais il y a 3 types de modes: le mode indicative, le

mode impératif et le mode subjonctif.


The indicative mood of a verb expresses statements and


 Le mode indicatif d’un verbe exprime des phrases et des


Consider these examples.

1. Paul is my friend. (Statement)

 Paul est mon ami (Phrase)

2. Mary is a good cook. (Statement)

 Marie est un bon cuisinier. (Phrase)

3. Where are my books? (Question)

 Ou sont mes livres? (Question)

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4. Did you eat meat? (Question)

 Avais-tu mange da la viande? (Question)

All regular and irregular verbs are conjugated in the present

indicative mood. (Tous les verbes réguliers et irréguliers sont
conjugués au présent de l’indicatif.)

A.1. present indicative mood of regular verbs

Consider these examples with the verbs: to gaze, to organize

and to travel. (Fixer, organiser et voyager)

(a) The verb “to gaze” in the present indicative mood.


I First person Gaze
You Second person Gaze
He/she/it Third person Gazes
We First person Gaze
You Second person Gaze
They Third person Gaze

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(b)The verb “to organize” in the present indicative



I First person Organize
You Second person Organize
He/she/it Third person Organizes
We First person Organize
You Second person Organize
They Third person Organize

(c)The verb “to travel” in the present indicative mood.


I First person Travel

You Second person Travel

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He/she/it Third person Travels

We First person Travel
You Second person Travel
They Third person Travel

Good to know:
 You must keep in mind that the third person singular of
regular verbs in the present indicative mood, as shown
above, always ends in “s, es or ies”.

Bon à savoir:
 Vous devez garder à l’esprit qu’à la troisième personne
du singulier d’un verbe régulier conjugué au présent de
l’indicatif, comme indiqué plus haut, a pour terminaison
« s, es, ies ».

A.2. The present indicative mood of irregular verbs.

Consider these examples with the verbs: to sing, to swim

and to feel. (Chanter, nager et sentir / avoir un sentiment)

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(a) The verb “to sing” in the present indicative mood.


I First person Sing
You Second person Sing
He/she/it Third person Sings
We First person Sing
You Second person Sing
They Third person Sing

(b)The verb “to swim” in the present indicative mood.


I First person Swim
You Second person Swim
He/she/it Third person Swims
We First person Swim

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You Second person Swim

They Third person Swim

(c)The verb “to feel” in the present indicative mood.


I First person Feel
You Second person Feel
He/she/it Third person Feels
We First person Feel
You Second person Feel
They Third person Feel

Good to know:

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 You must keep in mind that the third person singular of

irregular verbs in the present indicative mood, as shown
above, always ends in “s”.

Bon à savoir:
 Vous devez garder à l’esprit qu’à la troisième personne
du singulier d’un verbe irrégulier conjugué au présent de
l’indicatif, comme indiqué plus haut, a pour terminaison
« s ».

A.3. The present indicative mood of primary auxiliary verbs

Consider these examples with the verbs: to have, to be and to

do. (Avoir, être et faire.)

(a)The auxiliary verb “to have” in the present indicative



I First person Have
You Second person Have
He/she/it Third person Has
We First person Have
You Second person Have

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They Third person Have

(b)The auxiliary verb “to be” in the present indicative



I First person Am
You Second person Are
He/she/it Third person Is
We First person Are
You Second person Are
They Third person Are

(c)The auxiliary verb “to do” in the present indicative



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I First person Do
You Second person Do
He/she/it Third person Does
We First person Do
You Second person Do
They Third person Do


The imperative mood is used on several occasions. The

imperative mood is used to express “commands, requests and
warnings.” The imperative mood is used only in directive

 Le mode impératif est utilisé en plusieurs occasions. Le

mode impératif est utilisé pour exprimer « une
commande, un demande et un avertissement. »

1. When the purpose is to “Command” / Quand la

raison est de commender.

These are some examples:

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a- Take this pen. (Prend ce Stylo.)

b- Stand up. (Levez-vous.)

c- Sit down. (Asayez- vous.)

d- Go out quickly. (Sortez vide.)

2. When the purpose is a “Request”/ Quand la raison

est une demande.

These are some examples:

a- Please can you replace me for the service of this

evening? (S’il vous plait, pouvez-vous me remplacer
pour le service de ce soir?)

b- Give to Peter food, please. (S’il vous plait, donner la

nourriture à Pierre.)

c- Please write a recommendation for my junior sister. (S’il

vous plait écrivez une recommandation pour ma sœur

d- I need your car today, if you don’t mind. (J’ai besoin de

ta voiture aujourd’hui, si cela ne te dérange pas.)

3. When the purpose is a “Warning”/ Quand la raison

est un avertissement.

These are some examples:

a- Fire! (Attention au feu.)

b- Snake! (Attention au serpent.)

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c- Danger! (Attention danger.)

d- Watch out! (Soyez- prudent.)

4. When the purpose is an “Offer”/ Quand la raison est

une offre.

These are some examples:

e- Take another book. (Prenez un autre livre.)

a- Have some sugars for the journey. (Ayez quelques

morceaux de sucres pour le trajet.)

b- Have one more pencil. (Ayez un crayon en plus.)

c- Have some more sweet potatoes. (Ayez quelques patates

douces en plus.)

5. When the purpose is a “Plead” on behalf of

someone/Quand la raison est plaidoirie en faveur de

These are some examples:

a- Pray for our situation. (Priez pour notre situation.)

b- Help my uncle. (Aidez mon uncle.)

c- Help the homeless. (Aidez les sans-abris.)

d- Help the poor. (Aidez les pauvres.)

6. When the purpose is an “Invitation”/ Quand la raison

est une invitation.

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These are some examples:

a- Come with us. (Venez avec nous.)

b- Come to our church. (Venez à notre église.)

7. When the purpose is an “Instruction”/ Quand la

raison est une instruction.

These are some examples:

a- Do not smoke here. (Ne pas fumer.)

b- Priority to pedestrians. (Priorité aux piétons.)

8. When the purpose is an “Advice”/ Quand la raison

est un conseil.

These are some examples:

a- You need a rest. (Tu as besoin du repos.)

b- Take a few day’s holidays. (Prend un petit congé.)

9. When the purpose is a “Wish”/ Quand la raison est

un souhait.

These are some examples:

a- Enjoy your meal. (Bon appétit.)

b- Enjoy your day. (Bonne journée.)


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The subjunctive mood of a verb is used to express “wishes,

possibilities”. The key words which characterise the subjunctive
mood are the following: insist, request, demand, urge, plead,
move, wish, ask, that, it is necessary.

 Le mode subjonctif d’un verbe est utilisé pour exprimer

des “souhaits, des possibilités. Les mots clés qui
caractérisent le mode impératif sont les suivants : insist,
request, demand, urge, plead, move, wish, ask, that, it is

Good to know:
 Most verbs show only one basic difference between the
indicative mood and the subjunctive mood. The
difference occurs in the third person singular with he,
she or it which take an “s”.

Bon à savoir:

 La plus- part des verbes présentent une seule différence

basique entre l’indicatif et le subjonctif présent. La
différence est au niveau de la troisième personne du
singulier (il) qui se termine par (s).

Here are some examples:

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a- Indicative: He goes. (Il part.)

b- Subjunctive: He go. (Qu’il parte)

c- Indicative: she comes. (Elle vient.)

d- Subjunctive: He muse. (Qu’elle vienne.)

C.1. The verb “to be” in the present indicative and the
subjunctive moods

In the present tense of the subjunctive, the auxiliary “to be”

does not change its form.

 Au présent du subjonctif, l’auxiliaire être ne change pas

de forme.

Consider these examples:

a- Indicative: I am. (Je suis.)

b- Subjunctive: I be. (Que je suis.)

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c- Indicative: You am. (Tu es.)

d- Subjunctive: You be. (Que tu es.)

e- Indicative: She is. (Elle est.)

f- Subjunctive: She be. (Qu’elle est.)

g- Indicative: We are. (Nous sommes.)

h- Subjunctive: We be. (Que nous sommes.)

i- Indicative: you are. (Vous êtes.)

j- Subjunctive: you be. (Que vous êtes.)

k- Indicative: They are. (Ils sont.)

l- Subjunctive: They be. (Qu’il sont.)

The above examples reveal that while the auxiliary “to

be” changes its form in the present indicative, it does not do so
in the subjunctive mood.

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 Les exemples ci-dessus montrent que pendant que

l’auxiliaire être change de forme au présent de
l’indicatif, ceci n’est pas le cas au présent du subjonctif.

Let’s study critically the following sentences:

1. Paul insists that Mary give a helping hand. (Here the verb
“to insist” necessitates the use of the subjunctive mood).

 Paul insiste que Marie donne un coup de main. (Ici le

verbe « insister » indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

2. He requests that the governor receive us. (Here the verb

“to request” necessitates the use of the subjunctive mood).

 Il demande que le gouverneur nous reçoive. (Ici le verbe

« demander» indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

3. Peter demands that he go to church. (Here the verb “to

request” necessitates the use of the subjunctive mood).

 Pierre demande qu’il parte à l’église. (Ici le verbe

« demander » indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

4. Nina urges that her junior sister stop screaming. (Here the
verb “to urge” necessitates the use of the subjunctive

 Nina

5. My mother pleads that his brother refuse the money.

(Here the verb “to plead” necessitates the use of the
subjunctive mood).

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 Ma mère supplie que son frère refuse l’argent. (Ici le

verbe « supplier » indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

6. The president of the group moves that the meeting close.

(Here the verb “to move” followed by that compels us to
use the subjunctive mood).

 Le président du groupe suggère que la réunion se termine.

(Ici le verbe « suggérer » indique l’utilisation du

7. The teacher suggests that Peter stop playing football.

(Here the verb suggest followed by that compels us to use
the subjunctive mood).

 L’enseignant suggère que Pierre arrête de jouer au

football. (Ici le verbe « suggérer » indique l’utilisation du

8. The doctor recommends that the patient rest four days to

the hospital. (Here the verb “to recommend” followed by
that compels us to use the subjunctive mood).

 Le docteur recommande que le patient reste quatre jours à

l’hôpital. (Ici le verbe « recommander » indique
l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

9. Jesus Christ commands that the blind man see. (Here the
verb “to command” followed by that compels us to use
the subjunctive mood).

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 Jésus Christ commende que l’aveugle voit. (Ici le verbe

« commander » indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

10. My elder brother asks that Nina hang his dresses. (Here
the verb ask followed by that compels us to use the
subjunctive mood).

 Mon frère ainé demande que Nina sèche ses habits. (Ici le
verbe « demander » indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

11. It is true that Jesus operate miracles. (Here the word

“that” compels us to use the subjunctive mood).

 Il est vrai que Jésus opère des miracles. (Ici le mot « que »
nous contraints d’utiliser le subjonctif.)

12. The doctor wishes that Paul recover quickly. (Here the
verb wish followed by that compels us to use the
subjunctive mood).

 Le docteur souhaite que Paul guérisse rapidement. (Ici le

verbe « guérir » indique l’utilisation du subjonctif.)

13. It is necessary that Nina observe silence. (Here the

expression it is necessary that followed by that compels
us to use the subjunctive mood).

 Il est nécessaire que Nina observe le silence. (Ici

l’expression « il est nécessaire que » indique l’utilisation
du subjonctif.)

Good to know:

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 From the above statements, it is noticed that the

subjunctive mood of a verb is used after words such as:
insist, request, demand, urge, plead, wish, move, ask,
that, it is necessary.

Bon à savoir :
 Des phrases ci-dessus, il est à remarquer que le
subjonctif des verbes est employé après les mots tels
que: insist, request, demand, urge, plead, wish, move,
ask, that, it is necessary.

The subjunctive mood necessitates the use of the modal

auxiliary “should” implicitly. Formula: “That + should + the

 Le mode subjonctif nécessite implicitement l’utilisation

de l’auxiliaire modale “Should”. Formule: “That +
should + the verb.”

Consider these examples:

1. It’s wrong to say: Paul insists that Mary should gives a

helping hand.

Instead Say: Paul insists that Mary should give a helping

hand. (Paul insiste que Marie devrait donner un coup de main.)

2. It’s wrong to say: He requests that the governor should

receives us.

Instead Say: He requests that the governor should receive

us. (Il demande que le gouverneur devrait nous recevoir.)

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3. It’s wrong to say: Peter demands that he should goes to


Instead Say: Peter demands that he should go to church.

(Pierre demande qu’il devrait partir à l’église.)

4. It’s wrong to say: Nina urges that her junior sister should
stops screaming.

Instead Say: Nina urges that her junior sister should

stop screaming.

5. It’s wrong to say: My mother pleads that his brother should

refuses the money.

Instead Say: My mother pleads that his brother

should refuse the money. (Ma mère supplie que son
frère devrait refuser l’argent.)

6. It’s wrong to say: The president of the group moves that the
meeting should closes.

Instead Say: The president of the group moves that the

meeting should close. (Le président du groupe suggère que la
réunion devrait se terminer.)

7. It’s wrong to say: The teacher suggests that Peter should

stops playing football.

Instead Say: The teacher suggests that Peter should stop

playing football. (L’enseignant suggère que Pierre devrait
arrêter de jouer au football.)

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8. It’s wrong to say: The doctor recommends that the patient

should rests four days to the hospital.

Instead Say: The doctor recommends that the patient

should rest four days to the hospital. (Le docteur recommande
que le patient devrait rester quatre jours à l’hôpital.)

9. It’s wrong to say: Jesus Christ commands that the blind

man should sees.

Instead Say: Jesus Christ commands that the blind man

should see. (Jésus Christ commende que l’aveugle devrait

10. It’s wrong to say: My elder brother asks that Nina should
hangs his dresses

Instead Say: My elder brother asks that Nina should hang

his dresses. (Mon frère ainé demande que Nina devrait sécher
ses habits.)

11. It’s wrong to say: It is true that Jesus should operates


Instead Say: It is true that Jesus should operate miracles.

(Il est vrai que Jésus devrait opérer des miracles.)

12. It’s wrong to say: The doctor wishes that Paul should
recovers quickly.

Instead Say: The doctor wishes that Paul should

recover quickly. (Le docteur souhaite que Paul devrait
guérir rapidement.)

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13. It’s wrong to say: It is necessary that Nina should

observes silence.

Instead Say: It is necessary that Nina should observe

silence. (Il est nécessaire que Nina devrait observer le silence.)

C.2. The verb “be” in the past tense of the subjunctive

The past form’s indicative and subjunctive differs with

the auxiliary “to be”.

 La conjugaison de l’auxiliaire “être” au passé de

l’indicatif n’est pas identique à celle du subjonctif passé.

Here are some examples:

a- Indicative: I was (J’étais)

b- Subjunctive: I were (Que j’étais)

c- Indicative: He/ She was (Il/Elle était)

d- Subjunctive: He/ She were (Qu’il/elle était)

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e- Indicative: It was (Il/Elle était) « Pour un animal ou

une chose »

f- Subjunctive: It were (Qu’il/elle était) « Pour un

animal ou une chose »

The subjunctive form is often used to express contrary fact

or to express a wish.

 Le subjonctif est souvent utiliser pour exprimer un fait

contraire ou un souhait.

These are some examples:

1. Contrary to fact: If I were the governor of that city, I would

tar that road.
 Fait contraire: Si j’étais le gouverneur de cette ville, je
bitumerais cette route.
2. Contrary to fact: If Paul were here, he would accompany
 Fait contraire: Si Paul était ici, il m’accompagnerait.
3. Contrary to fact: If my sister were here, she would tell you.
 Fait contraire: Si ma sœur était ici, elle te dirait.
4. Expressing a wish: If I were a talented footballer, I would
buy a private plane.
 L’expression d’un souhait: Si j’étais un footballeur
talentueux, j’achèterais un avion privé.
5. Expressing a wish: If my son were here, he would give me

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 L’expression d’un souhait: Si mon fils était là, il me

donnerait de l’argent.
6. Expressing a wish: If Mary were in Cameroun, it would be
a great joy.
 L’expression d’un souhait: Si marie était au Cameroun, ce
serait une grande joie.

Lesson13: Classification of action verbs

Action verbs are classified as either transitive or
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 Un verbe est soit transitif ou intransitive.




13.1. Transitive verbs

A transitive verb is an action verb that takes a direct


 Un verbe transitif est un verbe d’action qui a un objet



1. Nina cooks meat. (Nina prépare la viande.)

Transitive verb Direct object (DO)

2. Peter draw an angel on the wall. (Pierre dessine un ange

sur le mur.)

Transitive verb Direct object (DO)

3. They have bought a bicycle for their child. (Ils ont payé un
vélo pour leurs enfants.)

Transitive verb Direct object (DO)

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4. I give my book to my friend. (Je donne mon livre à mon


Transitive verb Direct object (DO)

5. She puts water in the drum. (Elle met de l’eau dans le


Transitive verb Direct object (DO)

13.2. Intransitive verbs

An intransitive verb is an action verb that does not take a

direct object.

 Un verbe intransitif est un verbe d’action qui n’a pas un

objet direct.


1. Simon seems hungry. (Simon semble affamé.)

Intransitive verb/no (DO)

2. My niece dance well. (Ma niece danse bien.)

Intransitive verb/no (DO)

3. All the visitors have reached safely from Canada. (Tous

les visiteurs sont arrivés sain et sauf du Canada.)

Intransitive verb/no (DO)

4. He marked fairly. (Il corrigeait justement.)

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Intransitive verb/no (DO)

5. The president of Cameroon went to France last month.

Intransitive verb/no (DO) (Le président du

Cameroun est parti pout la France le mois dernier.)

Good to know:
 Many English verbs may be either transitive or
intransitive depending upon their use in the sentence.

Bon à savoir :
 Plusieurs verbes Anglais peuvent être transitifs ou
intransitive en fonction de leur utilisation dans les

1. (a) Our friends studied hard last night.

Intransitive verb/no (DO)

2. (b) All of us study Philosophy for the coming exam.

Transitive verb Direct object (DO)

6. (a) She is doing well.

Intransitive verb/no (DO)

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3. (b) My parents did a job last month in school.

Transitive verb Direct object (DO)


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Formation of verbs in English does not obey to a

particular rule. Students should study the different forms by
heart. The table below shows some cases:

 La formation des verbes en Anglais n’obéit pas à une

règle particulière. Les élèves devraient étudier les
différentes formes par cœur. Le tableau ci-dessous
présente quelques cas :

A. Quality - Qualité Qualify – Qualifier
B. White – Blanc Whiten- Blanchir
C. Circle – Cercle Encircle- Encercler
D. Divine – Divin Divinize – Diviniser
More examples:

A. Verbs which end in “fy”

1. Intensity (intensité) – Intensify (Intensifier).
2. Beauty (Beauté) – beautify (Embelir).
3. Certainty (Certitude) – Certify (Certifier). y----- fy
4. Modality (Modalité) – Modify (modifier).
5. Clarity (clareté) – clarify (clarifier).
6. Simplicity (simplicité) – simplify (simplifier).
7. Falsity (fausseté) – falsify (falsifier).
8. Specificity (spécificité) – specify (spécifier).
9. Glory (gloire) – glorify (glorifier).
10. unity (unité) – unify (unifier).
11. Identity (identité) – identify (identier).
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12. Diversity (diversité) – diversify (diversifier).

13. Very (vrai) – verify (verifier).

Good to know:
 Most of Verbs which end in “fy” correspond to words
which end in “y”. Look at the examples above.

Bon à savoir:
 Bon nombre de verbes qui se terminent en « fy »
correspondent aux mots qui se terminent en « y ».
Observez les exemples ci-dessus.

B. Verbs which end in “en”

1. Length (longueur) – lengthen (allonger).
2. Short (petit) – shorten (réduire).
3. Straight (droit) – straighten (dresser).
4. Bright (clair) brighten (éclaircir).
5. Dark (noir) – darken (noicir). th, ht, consonant ---
6. Hard (dur) – harden (durcir). en
7. Soft (doux) – soften (adoucir).
8. Thick (épais) – thicken (épaissir).
9. Ripe (Mûr(e)) - ripen (murir).
10. Sweet (sucré) – sweeten (sucrer).

Good to know:

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 Most of Verbs which end in “en” correspond to words

which end in “th, ht or any consonant”. Look at the
examples above.

Bon à savoir:
 Bon nombre de verbes qui se terminent en « en »
correspondent aux mots qui se terminent en « th, ht ou
une consonne ». Observez les exemples ci-dessus.

C. Verbs which start in “en”

1. Gender (genre) – Engender (engendrer).
2. Dorse (dorsale) – endorse (endosser).
3. Able (habile) – enable (habiliter).
4. Sure (sur) – ensure (assurer).
e, er ---- en
5. Courage (courage) – encourage (encourager).
6. Force (force) – enforce (imposer).
7. Close (étroitement) – enclose (encercler).
8. Visage (visage) – envisage (prévoir).
9. Compass (compas, boussole) – encompass (englober).
10. Large (vaste, large) – enlarge (élargir, amplier).
11. Danger (danger, risque) – endanger (compromettre,
mettre en danger).
12. Code (code) – encode (encoder).
13. Slave (esclave) – enslave (asservir).
14. Franchise (concession) – enfranchise (affranchir)
15. Kindle (allumer) – enkindle (enflammer).

Good to know:

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

 Most of Verbs which start in “en” correspond to words

which end in “e, er”. Look at the examples above.

Bon à savoir:
 Bon nombre de verbes qui commencent en « en »
correspondent aux mots qui se terminent en « e, er ».
Observez les exemples ci-dessus.

D. Verbs which end in  “ize”

1. Organ (organe) – organize (organiser).
2. Human (humain (e)) – humanize (humaniser).
3. Urban (urbain (e)) – urbanize (urbaniser).
4. Carbon (carbone) – carbonize (carboniser).
n,m----- ize
5. Patron (patron (ne)) – patronize (patronner).
6. Sermon (sermon) – sermonize (sermonner).
7. Revolution (revolution) – revolutionize (révolutionner).

Good to know:
 Most of Verbs which end in “ize” correspond to words
which end in “n”. Look at the examples above.

Bon à savoir:
 Bon nombre de verbes qui se terminent en « ize »
correspondent aux mots qui se terminent en «n ».
Observez les exemples ci-dessus.
Exercise yourself

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Exercise 1:

State the four forms of each of these verbs and determine if the
verb is regular or irregular, then if it is an action or mental verb:
to see, to bear, to meet, to sing, to acknowledge, to carry, to say,
to struggle, to find, to watch, to wash, to have, to do, to be, to
care, to justify, to muffle, to spur.

Exercise 2:

Determine if the following verbs are finite or non-finite and

make one sentence of each of these verbs: to adjust, to go, to
need, used to, ought to, dare to, can, could, may might, must,
will, would, to think, to recommend, shall, and should.

Exercise 3:

Study these sentences carefully and write the correct mood of

the verb in parentheses.

1. My sister pleads that I (to stop) playing.

2. Her mother insists that the boy (to go) to church.
3. His teacher suggests that Paul (to have) a rest.
4. It is necessary that Nina (to study) hard.
5. That Mina (to get) her exam his my prayer.
6. It is important that John (to travel) to Paris.
7. Her aunt request that the child (to come) for holidays.
8. I insist that Nina (to stay) here.
9. I urge that she (to come) back on her decision.
10. I ask that he (to behave) as a gentleman.

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Learners’ English book: the notion of verbs

Exercise 4:

State whether the verbs in the following sentences are

transitive or intransitive.

1. You take things for granted.

2. My classmate gave me a pencil the other day.
3. You spoke to Nina about my friends
4. She seems nervous.
5. Peter is a good Priest.
6. I played tennis with my new friend.
7. She slept on in my house.
8. You feel good.
9. She looks nice.
10. I ate rice yesterday.

Exercise 5:

From the following words form verbs:

1. Danger 12. Title 23. Beauty

2. Solemn 13. Tight 24. Roll
3. Low 14. Trench 25. Force
4. Bright 15. Glory 26. Loss
5. Glory 16. Witch 27. Sympathy
6. Stupid 17. Form 28. Certain
7. Slave 18. Belief 29. Rich
8. Head 19. Thought 30. Memory
9. Person 20. Fast 31. Fright
10. Power 21. Circle 32. Seize
11. Shrine 22. False 33. Company
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34. Black 48. Courage 61. Franchise

35. Fertile 49. Strong 62. Glory
36. Humble 50. Breath 63. Human
37. Clear 51. Electric 64. Urban
38. Hard 52. New 65. Dark
39. Energy 53. Unit 66. Hard
40. Pure 54. Electric 67. Soft
41. Beauty 55. Clean 68. Sermon
42. Rage 56. Simply 69. Revolution
43. High 57. Sweet 70. Sure.
44. Poor 58. Friend
45. Custom 59. Able.
46. Large
47. Equal 60. Code

Exercise 6:

Give the past tense, past participle and present participle forms
of the followings verbs: sow, wear, spill, stick, stand, do, have,
be, sing, wring, ring, ask, put, read, spring, grind, spend,
broadcast, postpone, stand, go, investigate, look, start, join,
write, hope and think.

Exercise 7:

Correct these sentences by using the correct form of the verb

with the auxiliary do, does, did.

1. She does not always goes to church.

2. What did he eats yesterday?

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3. Why does she cries abundantly?

4. The policeman did wanted to stop me.
5. My friends did not pleaded on my behalf.
6. Stay aside, don’t plays with him.
7. Paul does not usually listens to rock music.
8. Did she worried because of me?
9. That trouble does not concerns us.
10. Take care, do not gives her headaches.

Exercise 8:

Use the correct form of the verb make, drop, take and enter in
these sentences.

1. My uncle took a plane to go to England.

2. My mother does not like to take old taxis.
3. Please driver, I drop at Santa.
4. The driver asked the young lady where she would drop.
5. My elder sister made me do what is wrong.
6. How did you drop from the taxi?

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