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共50題,每題2分。請在電腦卡上作答 ___年 ___班 座號:___ 姓名:_____________

I. Conjugation
Example: swim → swam – swum
1. ( ) speak → (A) spelt – spelt (B) spoke – spoken (C) speak – speak (D) spoke – spoke
2. ( ) plan → (A) planed – planed (B) planned – planned (C) plane – plane (D) planed – plan
3. ( ) eat → (A) ate – eaten (B) eated – eaten (C) ate – ate (D) eaten – eaten
4. ( ) bring → (A) bought – bought (B) bring – bring (C) brought – brought (D) brought – bring

II. Multiple Choice

5. ( ) Anne has kites in many different , but the round one is the most special for her.
(A) shapes (B) sizes (C) colors (D) squares
6. ( ) Jessica can speak three : Chinese, English, and Japanese. It’s easy for her to get the job.
(A) words (B) countries (C) languages (D) lanterns
7. ( ) A: Would you like ________ cup of coffee? B: Sure. Thanks.
(A) more (B) another (C) other (D) some
8. ( ) Tony turned off the TV after he watched his favorite ________.
(A) problem (B) kilogram (C) pleasure (D) program

Dear Grandma,
How have you 9. ? I haven’t 10. you since I last 11. your postcard.
I miss you very much. This summer, I 12. Meinong with my classmates. Meinong is a
small Hakka town in Taiwan. It is 13. its paper umbrellas. At one of the shops, we
watched a man making a paper umbrella. We also painted little paper umbrellas by ourselves. I
like the town very much. I want to go there again because I haven’t visited the Meinong Hakka
Cultural Museum yet.

9. ( ) (A) be (B) was (C) being (D) been

10.( ) (A) heard of (B) hear of (C) heard from (D) heard about
11.( ) (A) have received (B) received (C) didn’t receive (D) don’t received
12.( ) (A) was visited (B) have visited (C) visited (D) visiting
13.( ) (A) famous (B) favorite (C) popular with (D) famous for
Many people in Taiwan celebrate the Ghost Festival 14. the seventh lunar month.
They believe 15. ghosts come out 16. a certain time of the year. Americans also
have a day for ghosts. They call it Halloween.
Halloween is on October 31. It is an 17. holiday for children in the USA because
they get to go trick-or-treating. They usually wear masks or costumes and go door to door to ask
for candy. They don’t go home 18. they fill up their trick-or-treat bags.

14.( ) (A) in (B) on (C) at (D) for

15.( ) (A) that (B) this (C) when (D) but
16.( ) (A) in (B) on (C) at (D) for
17.( ) (A) exciting (B) excited (C) boring (D) bored
18.( ) (A) when (B) after (C) because (D) until

19. ( ) Flora ________ to New Zealand in 2005. She ________ there for many years.
(A) has moved ; has lived (B) moved ; lived (C) moved ; has lived (D) has moved : has lived
20. ( ) A: We are going to the night market this Sunday night. Would you like to join us?
B: ________ I’m far behind with my science report.
(A) What a way to spend Sunday night! (B) Maybe some other time.
(C) Night markets aren’t my cup of tea. (D) Why not?
21. ( ) Victor: I ________ you an e-mail this morning. Did you ________ it? Grace: Yes, I did.
(A) sent ; get (B) have sent ; got (C) have sent ; get (D) sent ; got
22. ( ) Tom ________ ten pounds over the past two months. He looks much thinner now.
(A) loses (B) has lost (C) will lose (D) was losing
23. ( ) Many of my classmates have had the experience of taking an airplane, but I ________.
(A) don’t (B) wasn’t (C) hadn’t (D) haven’t
24. ( ) Mother: Lucas, look at the living room! There are dirty footprints on the sofa. It’s a mess! ________
Lucas: Sorry, Mom. I just played fetch with Woofy here. I’ll clean it up right away!
(A) What have you done? (B) Have a whale of a time! (C) What’s that? (D) Just to play it safe.
25. ( ) A: ________ has Teacher Nick taught in our school? B: He has been here ________ two years.
(A) How long ; since (B) How many ; far (C) How long ; X (D) How long ; for
26. ( ) A: Our school dog, Milu, has a long tail, ________? B: Yes, it ________.
(A) hasn’t it ; has (B) doesn’t it ; does (C) doesn’t it ; doesn’t (D) hasn’t it ; hasn’t
27. ( ) A: Wow! There are six people on the motorcycle, ________? B: Yes. Those people must be crazy.
(A) aren’t there (B) isn’t it (C) are there (D) aren’t they
28.( ) A: Matthew is leaving the classroom. He hasn’t finished his homework yet, ________?
B: Of course he _______. He studies very hard.
(A)doesn’t he ; does (B) didn’t he ; did (C) hasn’t he ; has (D) has he ; has
29.( ) Jane read the novel more than once, ________?
(A) doesn’t she (B) hasn’t she (C) isn’t she (D) didn’t she
30.( ) A: Getting up early is never easy for Jack, ________? B: You bet! That’s why he is often late.
(A) is it (B) doesn’t it (C) isn’t he (D) does he
31.( ) You shouldn’t play on-line games all night when you have an important test tomorrow, ________?
(A) don’t you (B) should you (C) will you (D) do you
32.( ) Don’t get ________ of the ________ snake on the ground. I’ll do something to scare it away.
(A) scared ; scared (B) scare ; scared (C) scared ; scary (D) scary ; scared
33.( ) Melinda is ________ dressing up as a princess at the party. This time she will dress like Supergirl.
(A) boring to (B) bored (C) bored with (D) surprising
34.( ) A: Josh, thanks for inviting me to the party. But I’m afraid _______ I won’t be able to go because I
have to take care of my grandfather in the hospital.
B: Oh~That’s too bad. I hope your grandfather will get well soon and you can come next time.
(A) of (B) to (C) at (D) that
35.( ) Wilson ________ the U.S.A. and is not here. He will be back next week.
(A) has gone to (B) has been to (C) has gone in (D) has been

III. Reading Comprehension
Oct.11, 2018
Dear Sir or Madam,
You 36. very proud to have such an honest student at your school.
Yesterday morning, I rode on the MRT to see my grandma, who is very sick and 37. in the
hospital for almost one month. When arriving at the Chang Gung Hospital Station, I got off and soon I
found 38. I left my bag on the train, and the train had already left. I was quite worried because
there was fifty thousand dollars along with my credit card in the bag, and it was for my grandmother’s
medical expense. Just when I felt hopeless, I saw the girl student who sat next to me on the train. To
my surprise, she ran to me with my bag, gave it back to me, and then hurried to the next coming train.
That happened too fast for me to ask her name and thanked her, however, I saw her name on her school
uniform. She is Chen Mei-fang, one of your students. That’s why I 39. this letter to your
We couldn’t imagine what would happen if someone bad instead of honest Chen took the bag.
Would you please tell her how thankful we are? To us, she is a real angel.
Sincerely Yours,
Wang Yung-ching

 medical expense醫藥費 instead of …而不是… (From:SolinaWu )

36.( ) (A) are (B) have been (C) will be (D) were
37.( ) (A) is (B) has been (C) being (D) will be
38.( ) (A) when (B) then (C) that (D) this
39.( ) (A) will write (B) am writing (C) was writing (D) written
( II )
Magic Trick: Video Tutorial
Welcome, everyone, once again to Mike's Magic Class. Today I'm going to show you how to perform
the coin-through-solid-glass trick.
First, the trick.
In my left hand I'm holding a small glass bowl, and in my right hand I have a coin. I place the coin in
the palm of my right hand. Now I'm going to hit my palm against the bottom of the bowl once, . . . twice, . . .
three times. And presto! The coin has passed through the bottom of the bowl and is now inside it!
Here's the explanation.
First, make sure you hold the bowl at the top between your thumb and middle finger, like this. Then,
after you hit the bowl with your palm for the second time, secretly move the coin from your palm to your
fingertips, like this. Then, when you hit the bottom of the bowl with your palm , the coin will jump from
your fingertips, leave your left hand and fall into the bowl from above. But it will look like it passed through
the bottom of the bowl.
Remember, everyone, practice makes perfect, so don't worry if you can't do it right away. And I'll see
you guys next time!
( From:寂天文化)
 tutorial 個別指導 perform 表演 solid 固體 coin 硬幣 palm 手掌 against 對著… explanation 解釋 secret 秘密 tip 尖端
40. ( ) What do you learn from this video?
(A) The history of magic tricks. (B) The secret behind a magic trick.
(C) Where and when you can see Mike perform. (D) Why coins are good for use in magic tricks.
41.( ) Which of the following describes the magic effect shown in the video?
(A) A coin seems to pass through glass. (B) A bowl is broken in half and put back together again.
(C) A coin jumps from one hand to the other. (D) A few coins appears in an empty bowl.
42.( ) What is likely true about Mike?
(A) This is his first-ever video. (B) He posts similar videos regularly.
(C) He's a high school teacher. (D) He doesn't really like magic.

Bob is teaching his students to play a game called “Word House” in the English class. Here is
the way to play the game:

1. Get some pieces of paper and cut into squares. Each aquare is for writing one letter only.
2. Write a letter on one square. For example, write “i”.
3. Take another two squares. Make a two-letter word which contains the letter you have
written, for example, “in” or “hi.” Put the new word (written on the two squares) below the
first square.
4. Make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you have written. Again, put the
new word on the next line.
5. Keep making new words in the same way to build a “Word House.” The person who builds
the highest word house in twenty minutes wins the game.

43.( ) What does a “Word House” look like? (From:政大出版)

(A) (B)
i h i h i h i h i s t h i s
s i
t h i s
(C) (D)
t h i s i
h i s i n
h i w i n
i w i n d

44.( ) Which is true about the game?

(A) Students don’t need scissors in this class because they are dangerous.
(B) To play the game, there have to be five people.
(C) Students have to get on-line because it is a computer game.
(D) The game is about spelling.
Eva: Karen, I’m going to the movies this afternoon. Are you coming?
Karen: When is the movie? I am going to Show Head at three.
Eva: It starts at four. I guess I’ll just have to go by myself then. What are you going to do with your hair?
Karen: I haven’t decided yet. I’m tired of putting my hair in a bun like a ballet dancer every day.
I need some changes.
Eva: Have you thought about a bowl cut? I remember you had a bowl cut when you were little.
Maybe it’s time to bring it back. Ha.
Karen: If I want a bowl cut, I can simply put a bowl on my head, and cut my hair myself.
Eva: Guess what? I saw Linda yesterday. She had cornrows and looked so cool. Mayby you can get cornrows.
Karen: Come on. I am nothing like her. Trust me, I won’t look good with lines of ropes on my head. Maybe I
should get an Afro. Winter is coming. An Afro will be like a cloud on my head to keep it warm.
Eva: Yeah, I believe it’s a good idea and am ready to be amazed by the whole new you.
Karen: We can still meet after the movie if you want. I know a good restaurant near the movie theater.
Eva: The movie is about one and a half hours long. Will you be done by then?
Karen: Sure. Show Head closes at six. Besides, I don’t think it will take that much time.
Eva: Great. Come meet me at the theater. I’ll call you when the movie is over.

45.( ) When may Eva and Karen meet?
(A) At five thirty. (B) At five. (C) At six thirty. (D) At seven
46.( ) Which is true?
(A) Show Head is a restaurant near the movie theater.
(B) People can go to Show Head for a hair cut.
(C) Karen wore a bowlcut before, and she cut it herself.
(D) Eve and Karen will go to the movies together.
47.( ) What will Karen’s hair look like when Eva sees her later?
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

The Fridge-door effect - Why do we instantly forget?

Have you ever had the experience of walking to the fridge, opening the door and forgetting what
you wanted to take? This is usually called “the fridge-door effect”. A similar situation happens
when you are going to say something but can’t remember the words that you need. This is the famous
“tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon”. Both the fridge-door effect and tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
are deterioration of memory performance. It happens more often for people as they get into their
40’s and 50’s.
People easily forget the information that they don’t use within 18 to 30 seconds. If the
information is used by the brain in some other way, it can last for up to several minutes. If we keep
using it, it can turn into a long-term memory and will become closer to being remembered for all
The fridge-door effect happens because of the missing of short-term-memory information.
On the way from your room to the fridge, you are probably paying attention to something else, and
the original focus is then removed from short-term memory. In this case, when you get to the
fridge, you just can’t remember what you were going to take. The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
happens because of a slowdown of memory performance, similar to the situation of an old CPU in a
computer. When information processing slows down, longer time will be needed for the brain to
find the needed information.
Besides growing old, lack of sleeping, taking medicine, overworking and being nervous can all
lead to deterioration of memory performance. Exercising is especially helpful for keeping or
making memory performance better. It increases blood flow to the brain and helps memory
performance, both in short and long terms. (From: Hanlin)

 effect 效應 similar 類似的 situation 情形 tongue 舌頭 phenomenon 現象 performance 表現 term 期限

original 本來的 focus 注意聚焦 remove 移除 process 處理 increase 增加

48.( )Which one has the closest meaning as “deterioration” in paragraph one?
(A) speed up (B) forgetting (C) becoming worse (D) losing
49.( )Which one is true according to the article?
(A) If students review their lessons or use what they have learned more often, they will learn better
because what they have learned will become long-term memory.
(B) The Tip-of-the-tongue effect is highly related with short-term memory because information
processing is too slow.
(C) It takes time for brain to get information from long-term-memory, and staying up late can help.
(D) We can hardly change our memory performance by living habits such as having good sleep and
doing exercise regularly(規律地).
50.( ) Which of the following is Fridge-door-effect?
(A) I studied all night for my history test. But when I got into the classroom this morning, I found that
I left my pencil case home and had to borrow pens from my classmates. -- Harry
(B) Although my grandma is eighty, she is healthy and lives alone. We visit her evey weekend, and
she looks happy to see us. But she often calls me Betty while Betty is my cousin. -- Vicky
(C) I saw the movie “Still Alice” today. It is about a professor who got dementia (Alzheimer’s
Disease(疾病)), which made her forget the things that she was good at. – Billy
(D) I asked Gary to pick our son up from school on his way home from food shopping. When he got
home, I got two bags of food and a call from school teacher: our son was still there. -- Jenny

( Check your answers again. Good luck ! )

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