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IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No.

3, August 1996 1295



IEEE Member IEEE Member

Electricit6 de France
Study and Research Division
Clamart, France


To achieve a better voltage-var control in the electric power This paper presents a control scheme designed to manage voltage
transmission system, different facilities are used. Generators are and reactive power on a wide network area. In addition, this new
equipped with automatic voltage regulators t o cope with sudden control scheme can be implemented and deployed gradually while
and random changes voltage caused by natural load fluctuations keeping good performances. The main advantages of this control
or failures. Other devices like capacitors, inductors, transformers are here illustrated on the south-eastern part of the French
with on load tap changers are installed on the network. Faced Power System.
with the evolution of the network and operating conditions,
electricity utilities are more and more interested in overall and
coherent control systems, automatic or not. These systems are 11. NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF VOLTAGE CONTROL
expected t o co-ordinate the actions of local facilities for a better
voltage control (more stable and faster reaction) inside different Evolution about operating conditions on the extra high voltage
areas of the network in case of greater voltage and var variations. level network can be pointed out :
They afford besides a better use of existing reactive resources.
Also, installation of new devices can be avoided allowing economy - To ensure the security of power supply, networks are more
of investment. With this frame of mind, EDF has designed a interconnected and meshed. Although the meshing of the
system called Co-ordinated Secondary Voltage Control (CSVC). network is a safety factor in itself, it is also a source of
It's an automatic closed loop system with a dynamic of a few complexity as regards voltage control. With a given load level,
minutes. It takes into account the network conditions (topology, a meshed network can operate in a very variable manner with
loads), the voltage limits and the generator operating constraints. respect t o reactive power, depending on the topology and the
This paper presents recent improvements which allow the CSVC location of generators. Operators may therefore have
to control the voltage profile and different kinds of reactive difficulty in feeling the various physical phenomena,
means on a large-scale power system. Furthermore, this paper evaluating the network's sensitivities, and then quickly
presents solution t o spread out investment costs over several identifying suitable and effective actions.
years, considering a deployment gradually extended.
- Environment constraints move generating power stations
away from consumer sites and make difficult to build up new
I. INTRODUCTION transmission lines. These long distances between generators
and load buses combined with the no extension of the network
Faced with the evolution of the network and operating conditions, make power systems operated nearby their limits.
a better management of the voltage profile and reactive power is
essential in order t o optimize the security of the electric power Consequently, voltage-var control becomes essential and can be in
transmission system and the use of reactive resources [1][2]. some cases a crucial factor. Electricity utilities have shown a
Nevertheless, apart of voltage regulators installed universally, great deal of determining to improve their capabilities in this field
few electricity utilities have implemented overall voltage control during recent years [1][2][7].The main steps usually followed to
systems on a large-scale for co-ordinating the actions of local achieve better control of the voltage profile are : the installation
facilities (generators, compensation devices, OLTC). Therefore, of new devices such as capacitors or inductors, transformers with
the few of them which have implemented on-line, automatic and on load tap changers (OLTC), Automatic Voltage Regulators
closed loop controls are satisfied : they all conclude that there is a (AVR) ; and the introduction of new tools in the EMS system, like
significant improvement of voltage control, both in normal and voltage stability or failure indicators, optimization power flow,
emergency conditions [3][4][5][6]. automatic control.

95 SM 524-9 PWRS A paper recommended and approved 111. DIFFERENT LEVELS OF VOLTAGE CONTROL
by the TEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the
IEEP POWOT Engineering Society for presentation at The organization of voltage control can be decomposed in three
the 1 9 ~ 1 IEEE/PES
, summer Meeting, J u l y 23-27, 1995, levels These levels are separated in space (local / regional I
portlan I , IQR. Manuscript submitted December 9, 1994; utihty, national / international) and tune (from few seconds t o
made av<iilabLe for printing June 7, 1995. several minutes) Each one has a specific role and controls specific

111.1. The primary level control

The primary level consists in automatic voltage regulators (AVR)

installed on generators. These regulators are used universally.
They keep generator terminal voltages equal to the setpoint

0885-8950/96/$05.00 0 1995 IEEE

values fixed by the operator or by a higher level control. Primary IV.l. Main characteristics of CSVC
control actions are extremely rapid, in a time frame of a few
seconds. For security reasons, these regulators are equipped with Voltage variations in each control area are represented by the
protection devices against limits overshoots. variations at some selected nodes called "pilot points". The aim of
the CSVC system is the binding of voltages at these pilot points to
111.2. The secondary and tertiary levels setpoint values. However, the number of generators, and thus the
number of control variables, is generally greater than the number
Voltage control is carried out too by var compensation devices like of pilot points (output variables). So, this control includes
capacitors, inductors, synchronous or static voltage compensation additional goals in order t o take advantage of these degrees of
among others and by transformers with on load tap changers freedom. The second goal, of lower priority than the first already
(OLTC). These devices have a time constant longer than the mentioned, is t o bind the reactive power generation of each
AVR's one, but their action is still hmited and mainly j u s t s e d by generator to a reference value. Consequently, the reactive power
local measurements. generated can be minimized and, thus, can constitute a reactive
Moreover, for security and economic reasons, it is really useful t o power reserve to cope with any possible disturbance.
dispose of a centralized control located at the control centre. It is
therefore possible t o have a global control view and a better co- The network is modelled in the control law by sensitivity
ordination of the local facilities actions, resulting in : matrices. Therefore, the effect of each generator on the pilot
points is handled and, by this way, the actions of generators are
- a strong voltage profile t o prevent voltage collapse ; co-ordinated allowing efficient control on a wide network area.
It's the first improvement of the CSVC compared with SVC which
- a better use of reactive resources. For example, a capacitor control smaller areas (zones). Thanks to the co-ordination, the
will not be switched on if a neighbouring self is switched off ; CSVC acheves a better management of interactions between
some generators started up for the only use of their reactive SVC zones.
supply can be avoided too.
Another important improvement of the control scheme is the
These controls are considered both as the components of the taking into account of network constraints each step a command
secondary and tertiary levels. Definition and implementation of is computed. This is carried out by monitoring some so-called
these levels are quite dependent of each utility and vary from one "sensitive" nodes (nodes whose voltage has to be monitored
utility t o another. Therefore, the definitions presented below carefully, typically nodes far away from generators), generator
have now a good audience among utilities. connecting nodes and generator operating constraints. The
allowance for generator constraints is especially required by units
The main objective of the secondary voltage control (SVC) operators who do n o t wish t o see their equipment subjected to
level is to adjust and t o maintain the voltage profile inside a important variations or operated too close to their limits.
network area. Generally the response time is about three
minutes. Another possible objective is the control of reactive The command is calculated by a mainframe computer, located at
generation and flows. But in all cases, this control requires : the regional dispatcbing centre. This command is a variation of
the setpoint voltage which is applied directly on the AVR
- the modification of the setpoint values of AVR, terminal voltage of each generator. This command is obtained
through the optimization of a multi-variable quadratic function :
- the switching of compensation devices,
mini h, I I aoIc-Vp)-CvAU I l 2
- the change of tap position on transformers.

The purpose of the tertiary control level is t o determine an

optimal voltage profile of the network and t o co-ordinate the
secondary controllers according t o safety and economic criteria.
with the following constraints :
Numerous works about such controls have been done all around
the world [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. They all tend towards a better (CO) I AU I IAUmax
management of reactive resources and some systems are already
operational. Moreover it can be shown [15], that in case of
critically h g h system load, a better voltage stability of the power
system is achieved with both the primary voltage control and a 'THTmin "THT + 'vAU 'THTmax
secondary control system. To improve its present SVC, EDF has
designed a Co-ordinated Secondary Voltage Control (CSVC) (C3) a(Q + CqAU) + bAU 5 c
which is able t o control wider areas more accurately whde
respecting limits, both on the network and on the regulating where
a control gain
U, AU terminal voltage and terminal voltage
(CSVC) Vp, Vps, VTHT respectively voltage at pilot points, at
sensitive points, and at the high voltage side
The CSVC system has been described in some publications of generators
[6][16]. Here, we review its principles and describe the VC setpoint values at pilot points
problematic involved in its implementation on the wide areas. Qref' 9 e f setpoint values for reactive power generation
and for terminal voltages

weighting factors between control of voltage

and of reactive power generation. These
values are computed off-line in configuration
studies using simulation tools.
Cvs, Cq sensitivity matrices linking respectively
voltage variation at pilot nodes, sensitive
nodes and reactive generation to terminal
voltage variation :
AVp = C,AU

AVps = CvsAU

a, b, c coefficients of the straight lines corresponding

to the (P,Q,U) limits.

IV.2. The implementation issues

Before deployment, it
characteristics of the
situations and to assess
is essential to check the control
CSVC in various operating control
its reliability when exposed to various
Tricsstin b LeBroc-Cmr

@ Main generalion rite

disturbances including those which may affect the data 0 PUOtDOde T.vcl NCOules
transmission network.

In particular, the following questions must be clarified in order to

draw up work specifications of the 6nal system :
Figure 1- Structure of the south-eastern French
- 400 kV network
How does the CSVC manage voltage-var on a high meshed
network and control a large number of generators in different
Results of simulation on the selected region confirm the
conditions (general use, units tripping, load variation) ?
performances of CSVC on this point. Figure 2 shows the
Section Vpresents results of studies on this question.
modification of the Chaffard pilot point voltage with a 10 kV drop
- As the CSVC cycle is fixed at 10 s, will the computing time in its setpoint, whereas the voltages a t the Albertville and
Champagnier pilot points remain a t their initial values. This
required by the optimizing software be able to handle large-
result can be compared with the one obtained by a conventional
scale problems ? (In order to control all the nuclear power
SVC system (Figure3) where a voltage drop of 6 k V can be
plants, conventional thermal and hydroelectric ones together
observed on the neighbouring pilot points. The setpoint step
in a region, an optimization problem with at least sixty
variables in a few seconds must be solved). performed is a large one and can be considered sigmficant.
Figure 2.- Pilot porn voltage withCSVC
Is the control reliable faced with the disturbances of the data
transmission network and the errors of network model ?

Is there any solution for gradual deployment of the CSVC in

order t o stagger investment costs ?

The answers to these questions are presented in section VI.

600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
time ( 8 )

Various simulations were carried out on EUROSTAG [17] to

study the performances of CSVC on the French EHV network
including seven regions of control. But hereafter, the attention is
focused on results achieved for the south-eastern region of
France. This region involves 180 EHV nodes (30 nodes 400 kv),
100 generator units and a high degree of meshing (figure 1).
- ....
V.l. Control of voltages on a highly meshed network k

The CSVC system must control the voltages at pilot points

around the setpoint values, while separating the evolution of 400
600 1W 800 9W loo0 1100 1200
those voltages. This is justified as operators generally want to lime (s)
make local modification only and can be performed easily by
adjusting the setpoint voltage of a pilot node. In order to avoid This performance is obtained through the existence of the
power reactive flows between control zones, the voltages at other network's structure modelled in the control law. Owing t o the
neighbouring pilot points must not be modified. This could be presence of sensitivity factors Cq and Cv in the quadratic form
more difficult to achieve when the network is meshed. (l),each controlling generator contributes, as a matter of priority,
to the control of the pilot point that is the closest to it. However, if
one of the pilot points can no longer be controlled by the nearest

generators, due t o a generator failure or t o an operation at full By contributing t o maintaining voltage at some representative
reactive power capacity, the other generators in the region, nodes of the network and making optimum use of reactive power
electrically further, will contribute t o control the voltage at that generation, CSVC helps t o improve network safety. In some
point. critical situations which may lead t o voltage collapse, CSVC can
stave off the fatal moment of voltage collapse for several minutes.
V.2. Better use of reactive power reserve Those precious minutes give the operator time t o take emergency
measures such as blocking OLTC, remote load-shedding among
In the section IV.l, it has been seen that each group has a others.
"reference value" for reactive power generation which it strives to
reach, but the control of pilot points is still a priority. Figure 6 shows the network voltage managing performance with
primary control only and with CSVC in a very severe load
The reactive reference Qref can be set to zero in order to promote increase situation (30% per hour, 60,000 MW of initial load),
the building up of important reactive power reserves which can without mo-g the generator operating schedules. This shows
be engaged in the event of load increase or failure. In Figure 4,it that the network controlled with CSVC, in this example, can be
can be seen that the reactive power produced by a generator at loaded 3,000 M W more compared with the one controlled only by
the Saint-Alban power station is not as high with CSVC as it is A\Xs
with a conventional SVC, the difference being 100 Mvar.
Fgurc 6. Albutvlllc pllot point voltage

Qref can also be chosen equal t o an average of instantaneous

reactive power generations in order t o achieve no dispersion of
reactive power levels between the generators. This mobile
average used as reference may be considered to constitute an
alignment constraint as in a conventional SVC system, while
being careless. The control dynamic is also less penalized than in
most of others SVC which have regard for a strict alignment of
reactive generations. In Figures 2 and 3, it can be seen that after
100s the voltage a t Chaffard is only 2 kV from setpoint value
370J : : i : : : : i : : : : : : : : : : : ,
with CSVC, whereas the gap is 6 kV with SVC. 500 580 660 740 820 900 980 1060 1140 1220 1300
time (s)

Figure 4.- Reactive power of generator Saint-Alban

- 700
VI.l. Reduced optimizing time for problems with many

As stated in section IV.2, it must be checked that the CSVC

operating time is compatible with real-time requirements on
large-scale problems.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
The CSVC algorithm is divided up into three main parts : data
bme (s)
acquisition and filtering, formalising and solving of the
V.3. Voltage control in case of failures and load variation optimization problem, preparation and sending of commands. A
major part of the CPU time taken by the system algorithm is
In case of failures (unit or llne tripping), AVRs contribute to dedicated t o solving the optimization problem.
enhance voltage holding but sometimes this can be not enough
efficient and sufficient. Consequently the network remains The operating times for the optimization software developed by

weakened. After the actions of AVR, the CSVC allows to maintain EDF were measured on UNIX workstation, which is extremely
and restore the voltage profile by mobilizing and co-ordinating common hardware. In this way, it was observed that the time
reactive generations. It is therefore possible t o prevent from achieved fits with the requirements of a real-time use. The time
voltage collapse on the control area. delay is half a second for problems including about sixty variables
and several hundred constraints. This result was obtained thanks
Figure 5 shows the rapid restoration of the pilot node's voltage by to the use of the active constraint method [18] which is one of the
the CSVC after a drop of 5 kV caused by a tripping of units, in most efficient and reliable for solving of quadratic optimization
less than three minutes. problems with linear constraints (see Appendix). There are two
main reasons for this :
Figure 5 Tnpprns ofw,Albamlle pllot pant voltage

412 1
Each stage of the algorithm deals only with inequality
constraints (i.e. which are satisfied in terms of equality by the
current solution), referred to as "active constraints" which is
how the method got its name.

Linear algebraic techniques are used in the algorithm. These

techniques are comparable with base change operations in the
simplex method and ensure convergence into a f ~ t number
of iterations.
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1wO 1100 1200
tunc (E)
Compared with the reduced gradient method, for example, the
active constraint method is more reliable and faster. It deals with
ill conditioned problems more effectively and cuts down CHAFF ALBERT CPNIE
computing time considerably (by a factor of 20 for ill conditioned
problems and by a factor of 100 for others). Generator x units
Bugey x4 0.087 0.056 0.041
VI.2. Reliability and robustness St-Alban ~2 0.1 0.053 0.048
La Bathie x4 0.027
Some other iinportant features that make CSVC possible to
achieve like its reliability and its robustness have also been Le Cheylas x2 0.021 0.043 0.01
studied : La Coche x4 0.023
Super-Bissorte x5 0.02
- The closed loop allows some deviation in sensitivity factors.
Villarodin x2 0.011 0.023
So, in normal circumstances or with a small load increase, the
sensitivity matrices is revised at a relatively low frequency. Malgovert x4 0.014
But calculation of these matrices are also triggered in La Saussaz x2 0.011
asynchronous mode by an event or an incident (change of Genissiat x4 0.01
topology, unit tripping, major load change).
Grand' Maison x12 0.047
- The reliability of methods implemented in the algorithm Monteynard x4 0.021
(atering, mobile limits) to attenuate the effects of delays or Cordbac x2 0.012
measurement errors occurring in transmission of data [19]. St-Guilherme 0.02
For example, the mobile limits method consists in reducing
control dynamics when some variables draw close t o their Table 1 - Coefficients Cv linking voltages at pilot points t o
limits, by modifying those limits for the following command generator terminal voltages
With the example presented in the region of Rh8ne-Alpes, more
As an example, Figure 6 shows that oscillations due to delayed than 60 generators are selected for the CSVC, with about 50
remote information and to the pilot point voltage reaching the hydroelectric power stations. The total controlling reactive power
maximum limit disappear when the mobile limit method is used. generation level is 8,000 Mvar.
Figme 7.- Albertville pilot point voltage
The second degree of co-ordination is to use a unique remote

4201 ,.,
_- -.-._ .I
... .-. _ -
.- - ...
signal for a set of regulating units. This is particularly useful for
sets of small units as hydro ones that are not individually
important but are globally signi6cant. This kind of co-ordination
can also be used when there is a single transmission channel for a
set of units.
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 An example of this intermediate co-ordination has been used for
time (s) French hydro units which are often controlled by only one
7--- -- monitoring computer located at each site. Sometimes, a same
w i t l o l l mobile lm - with mobile lirmts computer can be used for several sites.
For controlling these units by the CSVC, a "level" signal is
VI.3. Different co-ordination degrees for gradual calculated for each set of regulating units. The signal is computed
deployment using the variations of terminal voltage AU, solution of the
optimization problem, and the sensitivity matrices Cq. The "level"
To implement the CSVC system, the m a i n h m e computer must signal is transmitted to the monitoring computer which controls
be installed on the control centre as well as interface equipment one or several hydroelectric power sites and is used as a setpoint
in the regulating units and pilotlsensitive substations. These of an existing control loop governing reactive power generation
equipment allow the acquisition of local measurements every 10 (diagram 1).
seconds and the exchange of data and remote signals with the
mainframe computer through a TCP/IP transmission network.
The other data, topology and load, are provided by the SCADA.

Obviously it is better to have a complete co-ordination of reactive

Control rentio 1. " L 3
Compute of
resources with individual remote signals but in order to spread 'l0vel' ngnd I
out the investment costs relative to these devices on several
years, different degrees of co-ordination can be found depending 3
on the influence of generators or static compensators.

Consequently it is possible to implement gradually the CSVC

system on a large power system.

The first degree of co-ordination is to remote control the most

important units only and the other ones remain in primary mode.
For this, the sensitivity matrices of the control scheme are used
to obtain information on the effect of generators with respect t o Diagram 1. - Intermediate co-ordination using a unique "level"
the pilot points selected (Table 1). signal for a set of units
The last degree of co-ordination is a full one, where all the units References
are individually remote controlled.
"International practices in reactive power control".
Rgyre 8 shows the performance obtained with the intermediate Colloquium organised by the Institution of Electrical
co-ordination where several sites of hydroelectric units are Engineers, London, April 1993.
controlled by a unique "level" signal, in case of units tripping. The L.H. Fink, "Introducing remarks concerning voltage
difference compared with the complete co-ordination is not really control", Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena 111,
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V. Arcidiacono and S. Corsi, "New developments in the
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T. Gomez, A Conejo, J.I. de la Fuente, J.L. Sancha and
412 1 J.L. Fernandez, "Secondary Voltage Control and Pilot Bus
Selection in Electric Power Transmission Systems,"
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[51 R. Yokoyama, T Niimura and Y. Nakamishi, "A co-
ordinated control of voltage and reactive power heuristic
3W 4W 500 6W 7W 8W 9W 1wO llW 1200 modelling and approximated reasoning," IEEE
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VII. CONCLUSION [71 F. Meslier, "Voltage and reactive power control," paper
presented m the name of Task Force 39.02, CIGRE 1992.
Voltage control on the power transmssion network becomes PI S.J. Cheng, O.P. Malik, and G.S. Hope, "An expert system
essential as changes occur on the network : networks are for voltage and reactive power control of a power system,"
operated closer t o their limits, customer requirements as regards IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, Vol. 3, no 4,
quality are increasing. Utllities are becoming more and more November 1988
interested in this field even though effective development is stdl PI H B . Puttgen and T.F. Godart, "A sensitivity driven
meeting implementation difficulties. control-reactive allocation expert system," Fmt
Symposium on Expert System Application t o Power
The organization of voltage control with three levels that are System, Stockholm-Helsinki, August 1988.
consistent in time and space has proved t o be efficient in B. Avramovic, L.H. Fink, "Real-time reactive security
operation for the French network. With automatic local primary monitoring", 17th IEEEPES PICA, 1991.
control and regional secondary control, the voltage level is better C J Bridenbaugh, D.A. DiMascio and R. D'Aquila,
managed in routine operatmg conditions. "Voltage control improvement through capacitor and
transformer tap optimization," IEEE Transaction on
In order t o avoid the present limitations of its secondary voltage Power System, Vol7, No. 1,February 1992.
control, EDF has considered replacing it by the design of a new LM.F Barruncho, J.P.S. Paiva, C-C Liu, R. Pestana, A.
secondary voltage conttol model called CSVC This new control Vidigal, "Reactive management and voltage morntoring
scheme allows t o take into account operating constraints and t o and control", Elec. Power & Energy Syst. v.14 n.2/3,1992.
manage interaction between coupled areas. Design and J.P. Piret, J.P. Antoine, M. Stubbe, N. Janssens and J.M.
development studies carried out in the form of dynanuc Dehce, "Study of a centralized voltage control applicable
simulations on EVROSTAG have shown that the CSVC t o the Belgian system," CIGRE 1992.
performances satisfy general requirements for a secondary K. Tomsovic, "A fuzzy linear-programng approach t o
control and improves the management of voltage prof3e and the reactive powerholtage problem", IEEE Trans. on PS
reactive resources. vol. 7, February 1992.
D.S. Popovic, M.S. Calovic, "Secondary vBltage control
The results described in this paper show that the CSVC system is and power system performance in case of voltage
able to handle a highly meshed network with a large number of stability", Revue GBn6rale d'Electricit6, Novembre 1994.
different and heterogeneous generators. It ensures the control of J P . Paul, C. Corroyer, P. Jeannel, J.M. Tesseron, F.
voltages at pilot points in satisfactory dynarmc conditions and Maury and A. Torra, "Improvements in the organization
with a computing time that fulfills real-tme reqwements. This of secondary voltage control in France," CIGRE 1990
shows that the CSVC will be really helpful in all kind of network. B Meyer, M. Stubbe, "EUROSTAG, a single tool for
Moreover it only needs a few reliable measurements in the pilot power system simulation", Transnnssion & Distribution
substations and an input on the generators AVR. International, March 1992.
M.J. Best, Equivalence of some quadratic programming
Furthermore, the CSVC system can be put i n t o operation on a algorithms. Mathematical Programming 30, 1984.
gradual basis. This gradual deployment allows coexistence with C. Vialas and J.P. Paul, "Trends in automatic regional
the existing control system and utilisation of existing equpment. voltage control of the French EHV power system: the
effect on communication requirements," IFAC 1988,

Appendix -
p = max( p E %+,A("+ p6) S a}
Optimization of quadratic problems with linear constraints
Active constraint methods
It's existing a constraint 1 P J which is not verified by x' and
is active in x". It is added in order to construct a new set J"
Problem (P) raised : Minunize a convex quadratic form with linear which is regular. The iteration is repeated with
constraints x" and J"= J U fl}.

It is thus demonstrated that the algorithm converges into a finite

min f(x) = -x. Cx + b. x number of iterations.
(P) xEIRn 2

Definitions: Hy Vu was born in Saigon (Vietnam) in 1966. He received his

degree in Computer Engineering from the Ecole Nationale des
Set of active constraints I(x) is the set of h d m s Ponts et ChaussBes. He has been research engineer at EDF since
i ~ { ....
l ,n} defined by : 1990. His research interests are power systems operations,
especially network restoration and voltage control
I(x) = {i, ( h ) i = 3. Patrick Pruvot was born in france in 1959. He graduated from
the Ecole Nationale SupBrieure d'Electricit6 et de MBcanique de
A point xo is said t o be realizable if, and only if, Nancy, in 1982. He has been with EDF since 1983 and is now
AxO5a. Head of the Power system control group. His main fields of
interest include voltage control, OPF, AGC, unit commitment and
restoration technique. He is a IEEE member.
A set J C I(x) is said to be regular (at point x) if vj E J, the AJ(?)
are linearly independent. If, in addition, rg(AJ(x)) = rg(AI), 1 is Christian Launay was born in France in 1959. He graduated
said t o be maximum. hom the Ecole Nationale SupBrieure des Arts et Mbtiers, in 1984.
He entered in 1986 as a regional control center operator. Since
Aleorithm: The idea is, starting from a realizable point x of the 1991, he has been research engineer. His main field of activity is
problem (p), t o attempt t o improve that point x by minimizing f voltage control.
on an affine variety which is the intersection of active constraints
in x If this variety is empty, minimization occurs on all the Yves Harmand was born in France in 1950. He graduated from
possible directions in x. the Ecole Nationale SupBrieure des TBlBcommunications. He
joined EDF in 1974 and worked successively at the Studies and
The improved point x, referred t o as the x successor, is Research Center and at the Power Transmission Operation
determined by successive iteratlons in the following manner. Division. He is now manager of the Power System Dynamics and
Control branch. He is a IEEE member.
Let J c I(x) be regular.
We consider KJ = {6 c +6= 0}, and we solve the problem

min f(x+6)
6 ~ K j
(Pj 1
A j ( x ~ - 6=) a j

We can demonstrate that ( p ~allows
) a solution, 6

Note that x' = x +

The improvement process is continued according to the nature of

- If x' is realizable, there are two possible cases depending on

- value of p, the Kuhn-Tucker multiplier for (PJ) at point

if vj E J, pj 2 0, then x' is optimal for 0 ,

if k E J exists such that pk 0, we proceed with the

algorithm with x' and all the active constraints J \ &};

if x' is not realizable, we take x" = x + p6


Discussion MVAr rating in the major load areas, plus many 230-kV
banks up to 169 MVAr rating. Centralized automatic
J. L. Sancha and J. L. Fernhndez (Red ElCctrica de Espafia, control would be most useful for the large shunt capacitor
Spain): banks. This could be relatively simple discontinuous
control where remote generator reactive power measure-
We o m u n d the authon for this very good paper in which they present
simulation results OW with their new Coordinated Secondary Voltage contrd ments augment local voltage measurement [E, pages
system (CVSC). We would like to ask them some questions not covered in the papcr 1761791. Discontinuous shunt capacitor bank control
but implicit in it:
supplements continuous local control by generators, and
First of dl we would likc to know how the authors propose to seIeu the pilot has advantages in that controller stability and adverse
buses. In the example shown in &e paper (figure 1) two out thne pilot buses appear
located at generating buses.Wouldn’t it be better to control buses nearer the loads?. interaction are not large concerns. Controller action can be
A secondquestion is related to the cunbm1 generators. How BIC they dectcd?.
fast (about one-half minute time frame). Centralized
In the papet it is said that 60 generators are selected for secondary voltage corn1 m automatic control may also be useful for our 5001230-kV
region of Rhsnc-Alpcs. Is the number of control generators similar m other regions?. autotransformers which have on-load tap changing, but are
Couldn’t if be ntduocd m order to lower installation costs?. How is the n u m b of
corttrol gamators (orthe neededcontrolM V A r capacity) evaluated?. now manually controlled. The authors may wish to
ThcthirdquCs(i0nis about the selection of the control m.Thcoonad ~ n a s comment.
used m thc a v c cars fmn coordinating d e control areas (zones) used Finally, could the authors provide an update on experience
pzcyiollslr mthe SVC system. How are these BMS mergad into regions or how can
~ l r c g i o nm such s ~a way
~ that
~ additionalcoordination mong the new with secondary voltage control? Related to Figure 7, have
regions is not ntcdcd?.
oscillations or instabilities occurred? Is the coordinated
We agah Gongratulate the authorsfor their very interestingpaper. secondary voltage control being implemented?
Manuscript received August 17, 1995. References:
A. CIGRE Task Force 38.02.12, Criteria and Countermea-
sures for Voltage Collapse, 1995.
~ ~ r s oW.n Taylor, Bonneville Power Administration, B. S. Koishikawa, S. Ohsaka, M. Suzuki, T. Michigami,
Portland Oregon: I commend the authors for their and M. Akimoto, “Adaptive Control of Reactive Power
pioneering of centralized automatic voltagelreactive power Supply Enhancing Voltage Stability of a Bulk Power
control. Transmission System and a New Scheme of Monitor on
Voltage Security,” CIGRE, paper 38139-01,1990.
Various forms ?f improved voltage control are described in
a recent CIGRE report [Al. For generating plant network C. P. Nedwick, A. F. Mistr, Jr., and E. B. Croasdale, “Reac-
side voltage control, automatic methods range from AVR tive Management: A Key to Survival in the 199Os,”
transformer drop compensation to local power plant IEEE D-ansactions on Power Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2,
pp. 1036-1043, May 1995.
network voltage control (exemplified by reference B), to the
European secondary voltage control based on remote D. P. Pruvot and C. Launay, “Recent Developments and
Researches a t EDF for Improvement of Voltage Con-
measurements and “pilot nodes.” As an alternative o r trol,” Proceedings of Bulk Power System Voltage Phe-
complement to special automatic controls, transmission nomena II Voltage Stability Security and Control, pp.
and distribution shunt capacitor bank energizations to 177-186, Davos Switzerland, 22-26 August 1994.
keep network voltages high, and to keep reactive power E. C. W. Taylor, Power System Voltage Stability,
reserves a t generating plants, are effective (exemplifiedby McGraw-Hill, 1994.
reference C).
It’s likely that the preferred methods differ from network to Manuscript received August 23, 1995.
network, and depend on network structure and reactive
power compensationpractices. Based on the information in H. Vu, P. Pruvot :
reference D, it appears that generators rather than static We would like to thank the discussors for their interests in
compensation are the primary source for reactive power in the paper a n d their thoughtful comments. We expect the
the EdF network. following will answer to their questions.
For the French network, are 225-kV and 400-kV transmis-
For Mr. Sancha and Mr. Fernandez,
sion network shunt capacitor banks controlled as part of
secondary voltage regulation? In the past, a method for structural analysis of power
What are typical power factor ratings for generators and system has been studled and proposed [l]. This method,
what are typical operating power factors during heavy load combining the concept of electrical distance and the theory
conditions? For Figure 4, the reactive power output of the of information, allows the identification of Secondary
Voltage Control (SVC) zones on the French power grid.
Saint-Alban plant seems high? Does Figure 4 represent
outage conditions? Are 225-kV or 400-kV shunt capacitor For the CSVC system, owing to its “coordination” feature,
banks to increase generator reactive power reserves a the choice of control elements is not a crucial problem. The
consideration? control elements are determined according to general
BPA practices are different than EdF in that centralized voltage control rules rather than special constraints
imposed by the system.
control of generator AVR setpoints is not used. During
heavy load conditions, we keep network voltage profiles Helpful elements to determine the control configuration are
high and flat by use of 230-kV and 500-kV shunt capacitor sensitivlty factors (expression of electrical distance t h a t
banks, and by use of transformer drop compensation and looks lrke the concept developed m [l])and operator’s
local high side voltage control at generating plants. We knowledge. In the case of the French system, we also
have nine 500-kV shunt capacitor banks of around 350 dlspose of existing SVC feed-back experience.
1. Choice of pilot nodes regions where there is a lack of generation, a significant
number of capacitors are also used. To ensure the overall
Pilot nodes must have voltage variations which are coherency with generators a n d to take the best advantage of
representative of the voltage variations at their neighboring their capacities, these static compensators are all remote
buses. So, the pilot nodes must have a strong short-circuit controlled by the Secondary Voltage Control. As EDF has
power. been using this control since the early 1980's, the efficiency
a n d compatibility with continuous compensation means has
The electrical distance between two pilot nodes must also been practically shown.
be weak enough to avoid useless transfer of reactive power
on transmission lines. However, this criterion is not really Nevertheless, discrete compensation devices, such a s
required if an OPF or a Tertiary Control is used. capacitor banks, remote controlled tape changers and so on,
have some drawbacks t h a t must be emphasized. The
2. Choice of control Venerators switching ontoff can cause some nuisance with sudden and
fast variations in voltages (sometimes transient over
The criteria to select control generators are : voltages) that industrial consumers don't like. That's the
reason why on the French network we try to tqke
- from the electrical point of view, generators near the pilot advantage of generators which provide continuous control.
nodes a n d having significant generation capacity ;
About power factor ratings, EDF's practice is t o use the full
- from the economic point of view, generators have enough possibilities of the equipment. Therefore operating power
appropriate equipment (AVR, tele measurement a n d factors are important. Moreover, most of power plants are
control). equipped with performance AVR a n d it is possible to only
keep small margins between the set point of the AVR's
In the paper, we said t h a t about 60 generators have been limiting loops a n d the protective relays threshold.
selected i n the region of RhSne-Alpes. This number results
from an evaluation based only on electrical distances a n d About experience with the CSVC, an on-line test will start
generation capacities. at mid 96. EDF has developed already a prototype of the
system which h a s been tested i n a close loop simulation
3. Choice of control areas environment [3]. The factory acceptance tests has begun.
About oscillations or instabilities, CSVC deal with them
The CSVC has been designed to manage the voltage profile through the "mobile limits" method tested and presented i n
for all kind of transmission network, and there is no limit the paper.
about the control area size. The paper showed CSVC
performs on a meshed grid within a small area. The CSVC Once again, we thank the discussors for their valuable
t a s k is obviously easier on a wide area constituted by comments a n d contribution.
several zones weakly connected.
If two control areas are "electrically" tied by some
transmission lines and controlled with two independent [l] P. Lagonotte, J.C. SabonnadiAre, J.Y. Most, J.P. Paul,
CSVC, overshoots of the voltage profile in one region caused "Structural analysis of the electrical system : application to
by modification of voltage profile in other region could Secondary Voltage Control i n France", IEEE Transactions
theoretically occur but in practice way they are limited on on Power Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1989.
the French network. Moreover, an overall OPF or a Tertiary
Control could solve this problem by giving new set points to [2] M. Ilic, X. Liu, G. h u n g , M. Athans, C. Vialas, P. Pruvot,
avoid reactive power transfers. An improvement of the "Improved Secondary a n d New Tertiary Voltage Control",
CSVC [2] by taking into account reactive transfers on inter IEEE PES 95 WM 137-0 PWRS
area lines could also be imagined.
[3] P. Pruvot, P. Di Bono, C. Launay "A voltage control
For Mr. Taylor, prototype for a new EMS function", to appear in proceeding
of SIPOWER '95, Cancun, M e i c o
On the French system, the reactive compensation is
organized i n several stages. The first one are realized with
capacitor banks and var metric relays that are installed on
the MV and HV grids (near loads). On the EHV network the
compensation is mainly provided by generators but in some Manuscript received September 5 , 1995

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