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Unit 3 Chang冒ng P!


Lesson A
Write AVif the sentence is ac軌伯VOice or PVi=he sentence is passive vo/oei

1, Oii isusedasafue上

2" People use o旧0「e∩ergy.

3" Cljmate change has caused [Ume「OuS PrObIems.

4" Conservation is not p「acticed byeveryone, but itshouid bei

5" U[de「standjng the environment is importa[t.

Complete the sentence with the p「esent passjve fo「m of the ve「b 「n parentheses.

1・ Often achange in weather patterns (Ca]Se) by c冊ate change.

2, When trees (destroy) an enti「e ecosystem is at 「isk.

3・ FIoods and droughts are exampies of extreme weathe「 that (C「eated)

CIjmate change,

4" Fo「ests (Cutdown) for a variety of reasonsi

5" Land management makes su「e resources such as fo「ests (used) appropriateiy,

Rewrite the active voice sentence in the passive voice prese旧ense, Use a dyphrase, if needed.

1" Trees remove ca「bon dioxide from the atmosphere,

2,丁rees provideshade.

3" Paim t「ees a「e easyto recognjze.

4・ Trees and other vegetation preve∩t e「OSion.

5" Deforestation threate[S the planet.

Compiete the sentence with the passive form ofthe verb in pa「e[thesis.

1" it’s not just scientists that (WO「ry) about climate change,

2, Laws (PaSS) in some communities to protect trees.

3" Land manage唱ent practices (deveiop) to protec=he envi「onme∩t.

4" Sometimes e「osion (CaUSe) by deforestation,

5・ The oceans (affect) by climate cha[ge.

G「amma「 Activities 丁"225

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