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Assignment # 1 Due 1/4/2020

1. Each student should investigate to see the main issues and challenges could face companies in
developing their e-commerce or/and m-commerce web sites.
2. What methodologies could be used in order to develop an e-commerce web sites and m-
commerce sites.?

Question One
1. Generating targeted traffic : Vendors must take advantage of many sites that direct traffic to
their store.
2. Working positively with leads : Find out all addresses of customers who are interested in
products and work to send offers to them.
3. Getting conversions to purchase : Create ads and marketing campaigns continuously
4. Establishing a long-term growth plan : Increasing sales is not the only challenge in creating an
ecommerce business. It is also essential that we work to reduce transportation and inventory
costs, improve marketing strategies and reduce returns, aside from other aspects that will also
improve the results of the online store in the long term.
5. Possessing the best technological solutions Choosing appropriate technological tools for work.

Question Two
There are several steps that we take in development methodologies
1.Getting to know a client and Discovery and project research.
2. Choose the right ecommerce website development platform The e-commerce platform is a
software package that helps you build your own e-commerce store where you make your
products available, and where your customers can conduct transactions.
3. Choose the right ecommerce development partner Shopping for ecommerce tech
development partners or ecommerce vendors can be confusing. The market is chockablock with
service providers and with each one claiming to offer the very best, it’s hard to ascertain who is
4.Quality assurance , Ecommerce website testing
5. Effective marketing One needs to have a marketing plan charted out even before launch, so
that as soon you are ready to launch successfully, marketing and promotion can be rolled out.

6. The system will be implemented with a customer. This stage incorporates the showcasing of E-
business system advancement administrations and the bringing of the deal to a close, trailed by the real
7. Help a Reporter Out

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