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STUDENT`S NAME: _Isaias Antonio Estrada Alvarez_____

DATE: 15/May/2020_ ID: 1003498923

TYPE OF TASK: Writing a formal email

AUDIENCE: Human resources team
PURPOSE: Inform and describe the different professions and places where they are performed.
PROMPT: You are an entrepreneur and want to set up a new company (any company). In order to start working
you need some employees, so you must write an email to a job agency describing the positions you need to
advertise in order to hire your employees. In your text you must take into account the following:
1. Describe the positions you will have: the professions, qualifications and abilities for the job.
2. Inform about the activities you will do depending on your job: actions done by each profession.
3. Describe the places where each profession is performed
4. Write 100 to 110 words and follow the format below.

STUDENT`S NAME: _Isaias Antonio Estrada Alvarez_____

DATE: 15/May/2020_ ID: 1003498923

To: Job Agency

Good morning.
Important Multinational has two vacancies available for its team in the area of occupational
health and the advisory group.
S.O indispensable to have the Heights Coordinator course in force and a license of
Occupational Health, preferably to have the advanced height course in force, license of
Occupational Health and course of the 50 hours.
To watch over the fulfillment of the safety and health management system in the work,
handling of risk matrices, training in OSH, emergency brigades, knowledge and experience in
elaboration and pursuit of Occupational Health programs. Experience of two year in similar
positions in the industrial, production and construction sectors.
The area of advisors must be a technician or technologist in administrative careers
Registering in the EPS information system and uploading the required documents into the
system provided by EPS.
Filing of applications and news of affiliation of users and companies.
Advise, resolve and manage the concerns and/or requirement of affiliates, contributors and
other acores of the system.

Working day Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5.00 PM


STUDENT`S NAME: _Isaias Antonio Estrada Alvarez_____

DATE: 15/May/2020_ ID: 1003498923


Rating scale
Needs Fair Good Out-
improve- 3 4 standing
Total per
Criteria and descriptor 1 criterion
ment 5
The student is able to: 2
Communication and content: understand and complete the
task assigned by providing information about professions,
jobs and places where they are performed; communicate and
send messages so the audience is left with no questions.
Composing (organization): produce a cohesive text
(relationship among the parts of the text) and show evidence
of a coherent text (an appropriate organization within the
sentences that are according to the level).
Vocabulary (lexicon): use vocabulary related to professions,
jobs and places where they are performed; and use a variety
of words to make writing interesting.
Structure (syntax): produce the simple and progressive
present tenses, prepositions, articles and connectors when
providing information about professions, jobs and places
where they are performed and use other sentence structures.
Mechanics: make proper use of capitalization, punctuation
and spelling to avoid interferences with the communicative
meaning of the task.

TOTAL OF MARKS: ____________ /25 SCORE: ________________

COMMENTS (for formative purposes, write here any ideas for students to improve his/her performance):

Evaluator: ____________________________________________________
Created by Language Center Supporting Teachers, February 2020

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