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Clinical Practicum- Comprehensive Family Planning (WMP5 32) E-learning Week No.

: 8
Activity No.: 6

While doing a presentation/talk about Family Planning. What is your answer in the following
myths about Vasectomy?

1. You Won't Be Able to Ejaculate.

On one hand, vasectomy is a procedure that seals the vas deference in the scrotum
that carries the man’s sperm. On the other hand, ejaculation is the discharge of the
semen which is produced in the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. Therefore,
we can conclude that vasectomy does not compromise your ejaculatory function
unless you were previously suffering from impaired ejaculation. Sperm make up only
less than 1 percent of the overall ejaculate volume so you will barely notice any
change. Thus, the muscles that are responsible of contracting the fluid out of the
body during ejaculation is connected to the pelvis which is not compromised by

2. Testosterone Levels Will Decrease.

A vasectomy is simply redirecting your sperm, and not completely removing your
testicles, your testosterone levels will remain unchanged, and even though the
testicles produce both sperm and testosterone, it does not route through the vas
deferens –where the sperm goes through– in order to be transferred to the
bloodstream so vasectomy does not affect your level of testosterone produced.

3. Vasectomy Causes Prostate Cancer.

A large study adds to the evidence that vasectomy does not meaningfully increase
prostate cancer risk as from a medical prospective, sperm production has nothing to
do with prostate cancer development. Hence, men who undergo through vasectomy
are more likely to go through screening which are privileged to be diagnosed earlier
than those who has not because majority of prostate cancer is found through
screening, not through developing symptoms.

4. Vasectomy Shuts Down Sperm Production.

A vasectomy doesn't stop the production of sperm but it stops sperm from being
included in the semen you ejaculate. To that extent, men do continue to produce
sperms, it just has nowhere to go or rather say peter out when its lifespan ends.

5. It's Easier for a Woman to Get Her Tubes Tied.

Going through tubal ligation procedure requires local anesthesia to put the patient off
to sleep while vasectomy is a procedure takes no longer than 10-20 minutes; not to
mention the possible scenarios of serious complications in stake.

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