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Reaction Paper on: Nostalgic movies to watch with kids, 5 warning signs of saver

addiction and how to handle screen addiction.

Every parent gets joy out of reminiscing about their childhood with their child and
since everyone Is practicing social distance and staying at home, it relies on the
parents to keep their children occupied and for sure there is going to be a lot of tv
watching. So, might as well do it together through watching some of the parent's
favorite movies back in the day with their children. Somehow, these movies can be
Incredibly entraining yet can Instill moral values to the young ones. Movies such as
space jam and babe that teaches children to believe in oneself and recognize one's
strength Meanwhile movies like little giants and the land before time encourage
children about teamwork, perseverance and friendships.

Children are allowed to watch tv and be on gadgets but everything in moderate

However, some children might be already indulged and sucked up by the screens
and balm you know it, it might be too late to intervene so what are the warning signs
that denote screen addiction? when the child starts to lose interest in other activities,
uses screens as a mood-booster, and when it gets in the way of relationships, being
sneaky about using the screens and when struggling to take away the gadget from
the child.

When a child happens to be spending almost all day doing nothing but fidgeting with
screens then it might be the time for the parent to step up and take action regarding
that habit. There are a few practices that can be implemented to cut back their
independency on screens. such as adopting media in family to impart family value
and enhance daily life, cutting down the parent’s screen time to set an example for
their kids, connecting with other parents can help getting tips and tricks to find the
right balance and holding off the exposure to screens.

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