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“Educación para enfrentar el mundo.
Formación para cambiarlo”.



Estimados Delegados:

Estas son las crisis sobre las que debe trabajar cada Comité:

HOW TO PREVENT RACIAL The United States government has taken a sudden and unexpected
DESCRIMINATION IN CASES decision regarding many countries throughout the world. It shut down
OR MIGRANT CRISIS. its land borders completely and its air and sea borders will only be
President: Miss Mariana available for Americans. After the mentioned announcement, the
Zambrano government did not pronounce itself despite the controversy that was
generated around the globe. A week later, a group of political leaders
declared themselves as a part of the division that publicly justified the
taken resolution with a speech stating that they should lift up the race,

In addition, they recognized themselves as the elite race that has

German and French representatives involved. Since the government
refused to give well-founded explanations about what they did, this is
the taken version of what happened. On the other hand, the Colombian
government seemed to be directly affected by the United States’
decision, and happened to have shut down its borders too, in this case
for Venezuelan immigrants justifying an economic reason behind this
decision, this has made impossible the processes of those who were
benefited at first by some Colombian laws implemented to supposedly
help their situation.

What is the solution for such problematic?

WILDLIFE AND FOREST Memo to the public opinion:

PROTECTION. 2020 will be remembered as one of the toughest years in history. As
President: Mr. Samuel COVID-19 has the entire world at home, global leaders are deciding
Amórtegui when to end this sorrowful issue. While the international press is
focused on reporting news related to the quarantine, a group of NGOs
led by WFF and Global Forest Watch published an overly concerning
report of preservation in COVID-19 times. They denounced that
countries in development path such as Colombia and Philippines have
completely abandoned their conservation projects because of the lack
of resources. The NGOs had access to exclusive content that the
international wildlife trade it is now focused in South America and its
final destinations are the more developed countries such as United
States, Australia, China and Spain.

The international community is deeply concerned because the numbers

of wildlife trafficking and deforestation are rising.
As a final consideration de United Nations would like to ask all nations
worldwide to maintain the statistics of conservation.
António Guterres
UN Secretary General

STRENGTHENING Uprising tensions on the Pakistani-Hindu border have caused the

MEASURES TOWARDS militarization of the area to be reinforced. The Pakistani government
GENERAL AND COMPLETE decides to make the first move, it carries all its available arsenal of Al-
NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT. Khalid II to be prepared at any time for a counter-attack. The fear that
President: Mr. Cristian Forero an armed conflict will break out between the two countries shakes the
entire world. Because of Pakistan's actions, and because of the
imminent risk, the Hindu government decides to activate what they call
the "Megadeath” A plan to counter the Pakistani threat. Both countries
receive strong international criticism from the United Nations, led by
Germany and France, which affirm that the actions taken by both
countries are not correct and that if something is not done immediately,
it will cause a global a Armageddon.

Global chaos can break out in any second. The world is in total panic.
All countries, realizing what is happening, decide to start preparing for
the unthinkable. Among these countries, the United States decides to
activate the DEFCON 4, which is also criticized by France and
Germany with the affirmation that everyone is taking hasty measures
and this could be resolved through Dialogue.

Finally, the event that starts the disaster, Pakistani Intelligence located
and murdered a Hindu scientist who, according to British intelligence,
was the director of the previously named "Megadeath" plan and he had
the plans to develop a Nuclear weapon. According to British intelligence
data, this weapon would be the most destructive in Southwest Asia and
doubles the range of an ICBM. The murder of this scientist generates
global chaos between the affected countries and their respective allies.
Amid the conflict, Iranian groups outside the law commit an act of
violence to obtain information about the "Megadeath" plan. The Iranian
government is the first to act and manages to retrieve the "Megadeath"
from the hands of the groups outside the law, and decides that the
“Megadeath” will be used for the country’s benefit of exclusive defense.
Due to the affirmations of Iranian government the world is panicked
because nobody can corroborate the veracity of these affirmations. As
confirmed by British intelligence, if the "Megadeath" is developed, when
deployed it can strike any metropolis in the world.

The US government is the first to take measures against this situation,

which leads the country to a DEFCON 2. Once again, France and
Germany recriminate the United States for taking such accelerated
measures, but this is joined by more countries that consider that
intervention in Iran is the right thing to do since the “Megadeath” must
be recovered. Among them is Japan and New Zealand that want to
avoid the production of Nuclear weapons at all costs. Furthermore,
nuclear powers, such as Russia and China, fear Iran's intentions for the
"Megadeath" and must decide whether to support the intervention or

Delegates, the fate of the world is in your hands

EL PARO: ¿ DERECHO O En medio de protestas asesinan al general Oscar Gómez, comandante

ABUSO? de policía en Bogotá y además muere alguien que se encontraba en el
Presidente: Srta. Gabriella Polo lugar de la protesta para velar por la seguridad de los manifestantes y
de los otros ciudadanos

¿ SON VULNERADOS LOS Un depósito se derrumba sobre sus trabajadores en México, murieron
DERECHOS LABORALES varios de ellos, y otros tantos salieron con heridas graves, Se
POR PARTE DE LAS entrevistaron a varios trabajadores, y se pudo comprobar que tenían un
MULTINACIONALES EN LOS salario que no llegaba a la mitad del mínimo en México, y estaban
PAÍSES DE DESARROLLO? trabajando en condiciones poco aptas, la ONU al investigar más a
Presidente: Sr. Mauricio Castilla fondo, descubrió que es una empresa financiada por Estados unidos,
España, Francia, y Alemania, con fábricas en, México, India, Vietnam,
Pakistán, Tailandia, Bangladesh, Yemen, Camboya, y China.
¿ ESTÁ EN JUEGO LA A 30 años de la tercera ola democrática, que dio con el fin a los
DEMOCRACIA EN AMÉRCIA regímenes autoritarios en América Latina, la democracia entró en una
LATINA? alarmante faceta de debilitamiento. Debido a la preocupación por los
Presidente: Srta. Estefany procedimientos totalitarios e ilegítimos propios de gobiernos con el fin
Gomes de desgastar el sistema y así realizar un objetivo alternativo, Colombia,
Brasil, y Argentina han decidido acatar un acuerdo instaurado por los
Estados Unidos de América para obstaculizar la corrosión de la
democracia y a sus promotores. El acuerdo estipulaba que los países
Latinoamericanos inscritos debían brindar pruebas e información
detallada sobre el manejo gubernamental en países donde se han
venido presentando amenazas hacia la igualdad y justicia. A cambio de
esta, obtendrían la protección absoluta por parte de Estados Unidos en
caso de presentarse inconvenientes.

La información dio a conocer circunstancias lamentables que atentan

contra cualquier forma de democracia, entre estas se destacan los
presidentes “electos” en Honduras, Nicaragua y Venezuela, los cuales
han ganado en comicios plagados de irregularidades, sin supervisión
internacional o incluso sin adversarios reales. Se tienen pruebas firmes
acerca de que estos países cuentan con una democracia rota, cuyos
productos más notables son el incremento acelerado de las
desigualdades, la persistencia de patrones de discriminación
económica, social y cultural, y la hegemonía de una estructura
afuncional de poder, que posiciona al Estado como un servidor de un
grupo selecto. Este fracaso de la democracia en la producción de
bienes que sean apreciados social, económica y civilmente ha
alimentado un profundo malestar político, llevando a los países a entrar
en crisis.
Por los disturbios e inconvenientes que han venido afrontando tanto
Chile como Bolivia durante los últimos años, han decidido no tomar
ninguna de las posturas, ya que ambos optan por enfocarse en la
recomposición de su país y satisfacción de sus ciudadanos haciendo
todo proceso de manera transparente y pacífica desde su nación, la
cual tienen como prioridad.

Donald Trump ha advertido que si Juan Orlando Hernández, Nicolás

Maduro y Daniel Ortega no entregan el poder durante las siguientes 72
horas, enviará tropas hacia sus países aliados y establecerá una
infinidad de sanciones.

Las delegaciones deben actuar lo antes posible para que este conflicto
cese y se pueda retomar la democracia como el camino indicado.

¿ PUEDEN LAS TENSIONES A través de los años, el gobierno de Irán ha apoya incondicionalmente
EN MEDIO OROENTE LLEVAR al estado de Palestina en cuanto a su conflicto con Israel. Se ha
A UNA TERCERA GUERRA descubierto hace unos pocos días que el gobierno de Irán, junto con el
MUNDIAL? gobierno de Palestina, ha decidido realizar un ataque masivo contra
Presidente: Srta. Aura Fantín Israel, bombardeando sus ciudades más importantes y movilizando
tropas iraníes hacia este país, declarando guerra definitiva. Los
gobiernos de Irán e Israel llevan planeando esto desde la muerte del
General Qasem Soleimani, para acabar rotundamente con el Estado
de Israel y lograr sacar a Estados Unidos de una vez por todas de la
región, argumentando que una guerra es la única manera de acabar
con todo el conflicto.
INTERMACION DE ARMAS EN Luego de diversos diálogos fomentando la cooperación internacional
EL MEDIO ORIENTE Y NORTE para hacer frente a los desafíos promovidos por el tráfico de armas y
DE ÁFRICA sus consecuencias negativas para la paz, la seguridad y el desarrollo
Presidente: Sr. Gustavo Silva socioeconómico, en Siria y en Egipto han ocurrido múltiples ata-ques
por parte de grupos insurgentes, y como consecuencia, el gobierno de
Estados Unidos y el gobierno de Rusia se han visto implicados en una
nueva venta e intercambio de Armas, tanto de tipo pesado como de
tipo ligero, realizados en territorio francés. Luego de diferentes
investigaciones en cuanto al tema, se ha revelado que los Estados
Unidos de América y Rusia no eran los únicos países partícipes en
este intercambio, si no que a su vez los acompañaban Egipto, Siria y
Alemania. Francia también se ve involucrado en esta situación debido
a que se ejecutó esta operación en su territorio.

Los delegados deben actuar y buscar una solución lo antes posible,

con el fin de mantener la paz y evitar la ampliación de esta
IS THERE AN After the pandemic outbreak of the Covid-19, several countries has
ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS OR decided to win back every loss. The governments of the United States
NOT? and China took the decision of activate the production, as a
President: Miss Alejandra consequence the greenhouse gases emissions triplicate over the next
Mavarez month. This and the CO2 that was emitted before by the other nations
such as Brazil and France, has caused a hole in the ozone layer which
is above the Antarctic and that will develop future holes with the effects
•Heat waves over the northern regions 
•The disappearance of the Antarctic
•The humankind living under a high exposure of UV radiation.

The governments and scientist must act fast to prevent the complete
extinction of living organisms.

DEVELOPMENT AND CRISIS Incoming Telegraph from the High Command on the European Theatre
DURING WORLD WAR II. May 2nd, 1945 after five years of struggle and despite the last attempts
President: Mr. Marco Ramírez of Nazi resistance in the Battle of the Bulge and the battle of Bautzen,
Soviet forces have taken the German capital of Berlin, meanwhile the
US 1st Army liberated Belgium and the western parts of the German
mainland including the port city of Hamburg with the help of their
French and British counterparts.

In the eastern front several concentration camps have been found in

Polish territory and have been subsequently liberated by the advancing
Soviet armies who have left a high number of troops in custody of the
liberated territories. Six days later German officers sign for surrender.
British intelligence has also filed various reports on violations of basic
dignities to the German citizens in the Eastern part of the country
controlled by Soviet forces, these reports include cases of burglary,
rape, murder and extortion and were mainly committed by members of
the occupying forces.

The world is calling to action to the delegations present in this

committee urging for quick and deliberate decisions on the faith of
Germany and subsequently the stability of the European mainland, the
main questions are with what mechanism will the nations respond to
preserve peace and, under which ideology the new world order will

Report on “Operation Order No. 35”

August 6th, 1945 deciding to execute a swift and decisive victory over
Japan in order to end the war, the United States of America with the
approval of the United Kingdom and Canada, ordered the atomic
bombing raid of Hiroshima and days later the 9th of August another one
over Nagasaki, this led to the surrender of the Japanese nation the 15th
of August of the same year.

This course of action although it ended the war quickly, it opened the
world to a new kind of threats and warfare, and already investigation
departments all around the world are rushing to acquire this new
technology. Despite all the secrecy involved, the US intelligence
department has put in custody a scientist who allegedly leaked
information to soviet spies.
How will the delegations rise to the challenges of this new era?

Posición y argumentos ante la crisis

Fecha límite: viernes 15 de mayo 2020 (6:00pm)

Forma de entrega: documento en Word

Enviar a: Presidente de Comité vía email

Contenido: Explicar 2 a 3 argumentos frente a la crisis.

Idioma: Idioma del comité

En caso de cualquier duda pueden acudir a sus presidentes, Secretaria Académica (María Camila
Gómez -, Secretario académico (Juan Felipe Rodríguez- o Mrs. Marie.

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