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Lopez, Unice G.

Contemporary World
BSECE 2-1 Mr. Louie C. Montemar
Self-Test #3

Instruction: Search for more UN activities/decisions and discuss its advantages and
Event Advantages Disadvantages
1. United Nations It enshrines the idea that all A significant country, The
Convention on the issues concerning ocean United States is confronted
Law of the Sea of 10 space are intertwined and with crucial concerns that
December 1982 must be handled as a whole. UNCLOS covers and its
failure to ratify the treaty
jeopardizes its capacity to
conduct foreign affairs. It will
have a significant impact on
the treaty since States is not
a tiny nation, and I am
concerned that they will not
adhere to the deal.
2. Optional Protocol to It strengthens the human Some countries finding
the International rights under the principles human rights a hindrance to
Covenant on proclaimed in the Charter of their campaign, especially
Economic, Social and the United Nations, ours. After the UN human
Cultural Rights recognition of the inherent rights office released a
dignity and the equal and report dated June 4, 2020,
inalienable rights of all Malacañang has refused to
members of the human listen to the UN OHCHR
family is the foundation of because of alleged human
freedom, justice, and peace rights abuses committed
in the world, under President Rodrigo
Duterte's administration's
anti-narcotics campaign.


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Retrieved July 30,
2021 from Overview - Convention & Related Agreements (

Schrepferman, W. (2019) -- Hypocri-sea: The United States’ Failure to Join the UN Convention
on the Law of the Sea. Retrieved July 30, 2021 from Harvard International Review Hypocri-sea:
The United States’ Failure to Join the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (
General Assembly 27 January 2012 - United Nations. Retrieved July 30, 2021 from

Gita-Carlos, R. (2020) -- UN OHCHR’s recommendations based on ‘faulty’ conclusions: Palace |

Philippine News Agency ( Retrieved July 30, 2021

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