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Food and eating

Realized by the student: Abdallah belbaly

1) What is obesity and what causes it?

Obesity is a medical condition when a person carries body fat or excess
weight, obesity is measured by the tool of body fat index with a BMI of 30
or over.

Obesity happens by too many causes, here we present the major causes:


lack of
built exercice/se
environment dentary
causes activity


over omic status
2) What are some of its effects? Is it a serious disease? Justifying
Referring to the text in our hands obesity can develop terrible effects on
health such as cardio vascular diseases (CVD), stroke cancer, infertility, high
blood pressure, heart attack, which make obesity a serious disease as it
develops overwhelming health conditions.

Obesity is considered as a serious disease because it can cause death if the

health problems are not controlled, recording to researcher’s obesity
caused 3.4 million deaths over the word in 2010.

3) Do you think that obesity is a preventable illness? Haw can overweight and
obesity be reduced?
Obesity is largely preventable by the support of environments and
communities in shaping people’s choices, by making the choice of healthier
foods and regular physical activity the easiest choice 

Individual responsibility can only have its full effect on reducing obesity
where people have access to a healthy lifestyle and having awareness of the
issue whish encourage people to do sport and eat healthy.

4) What should the food industry do to decrease the problem of excess weight
Referring to the text the food industry can play a significant role in
promoting healthy, by using bioengineering to modify products and reduce
colories with new mimic fats without losing taste and texture, And also by:

 reducing the fat, sugar and salt content of processed foods

 ensuring that healthy and nutritious choices are available and
affordable to all consumers
 restricting marketing of foods high in sugars, salt and fats, especially
those foods aimed at children and teenagers
 ensuring the availability of healthy food choices and supporting
regular physical activity practice in the workplace
5) would it be true to say that obesity is the evil of the 21rst century?

I personnaly think that obesity is appropriate for this expression because

Obesity can cause illness or healthy problems in general that effects people
all over the world, and that lead to death.

6) WHAT can you say about obesity epidemic in morocco? Is it a major problem?

I think that obesity is a major problem also in morocco because the rate of
obesity is high and most of people are not aware about the consequences
of overweight specially women from urban area where environmental facts
plays a big role

7) What is your overpaint obesity?

In my opinion I think obesity is a big problem for people health if they are
not aware of the consequence what will cause to their body and health also
the lack of the value of their health, but I think by the past of time and if
they get the information on determinants and consequences of obesity
people will start thinking about improving their health and start eating
properly and doing more activities in order of living a good live and being
the healthy from the inside out

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