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SBMPTN 2015 Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris
Doc. Name: SBMPTN2015ING999 Doc. Version : 2015-09 | halaman 1

Problems 76, 77, and 78 are based on the fol- applied to test the subjects.
lowing passage. Choose one option that best (D) Consequently, the assessment was used
to evaluate the reading skills.
completes the blank spaces in the passage.
(E) Instead, an interview consisting of many
The present study sought to docu- different tasks was conducted.
ment the word reading and comprehension
levels attained by children who were im- 78. Which option best completes (3)?
planted by 5 year of age. It was hypothesized (A) The results were categorized based on
that the improved speech perception abilities the subjects’ status.
acquired with cochlear implantation would (B) Data were collected on the basis of
promote phonological coding skills. (1) ... several different items.
Three subtests of diagnostic reading (C) Reading competence was associated
assessment batteries standardized on hearing with three aspects.
(D) The subjects consisted of different age
children were administered to 181 children
between 8 year 0 month and 9 year 11 (E) Findings showed various levels of
month of age who had 4 to 6 years of im- reading skills.
plant experience. (2) ... It included a lexical
decision task, a rhyme task, and the digit Questions 79-84 are based on the following
span subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence passage.
Scale for Children.
Ginger, nuts, fatty fish, and whole
Over half of the children scored
grains are just some of the many foods that
within the average range for their age com- have been publicized to have anti-
pared with the normative data for hearing inflammatory properties. But do they work?
children. (3) ... They were higher nonverbal It turns out that experts agree that eating a
intelligence, higher family socio-economic diet rich in such foods may in fact help
status, and later onset of deafness between lower the levels of inflammation in the body.
birth and 36 months. However, they stress that adding or increas-
(Adapted from Journal of Ear and Hearing) ing the consumption of any one food is
76. Which option best completes (1)? likely not going to have a profound effect on
one’s health.
(A) The finding showed that the hypothesis
was accepted.
In a new, small study, researchers
(B) The implantation was eventually shown found that men who consumed flaxseed for
to be successful. 42 days experienced a significant decrease in
(C) The following paragraph would discuss inflammatory markers compared with men
the findings of the study. The objective who did not consume flaxseed. In another
of the study was to see the subjects’ study, the authors found that taking ginger
reading skills. root extract appeared to reduce markers of
(D) It would also facilitate the acquisition of colon inflammation. In addition, according
beginning reading skills. to the results of a study, curcumin, which is
the main compound in the spice turmeric,
77. Which option best completes (2)? which is used in curry, could help suppress
(A) Likewise, the children were obliged to biological mechanisms that lead to the in-
take a reading test. flammation in diseases of the tendons. Rheu-
(B) In addition, a battery of processing matoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and
measures was administered. diabetes are some of the conditions that
(C) However, standard measurement was have been linked with higher levels of in-
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Copyright © 2010 Zenius Education
SBMPTN 2015 - TPA. 06 - Gamabar
Doc. Name: SBMPTN2015ING999 Doc. Version : 2015-09 | halaman 2

However, Kirkpatrick stressed that solve inflammatory problems

adding just one specific food to your diet is (D) taking foods with anti-inflammatory
unlikely to work wonders for lowering in- materials can cure inflammation
flammation, or for improving health in gen- (E) studies on the influence of foods with
eral. Kirkpatrick also stressed that people anti-inflammatory property are
who take dietary supplements do not get the consistent
same results as those who consume real
foods that have anti-inflammatory proper- 82. The possible role of anti-inflammatory
ties. Moreover, in order to lower inflamma- foods is best described in paragraphs ....
tion through diet, it is also important to stay (A) 1 and 2
away from foods that can promote inflam- (B) 1 and 3
mation, such as sugar, she said. “So it is not (C) 2 and 3
just about adding these things in, it is also (D) 2 and 4
about taking pro- inflammatory foods out,” (E) 3 arid 4
Kirkpatrick said.
“Food is medicine, but it is hard to 83. Paragraph 3 implies that ....
compare medicine that is created in a lab (A) a well-proportioned diet is good to
with something that is grown in the ground reduce inflammation
to determine what is going to be beneficial,” (B) carbohydrate is the source of pro-
Kirkpatrick said. Depending on a person’s inflammatory foods
condition, and the reasons for their inflam- (C) pro-inflammatory foods should not be
mation, medication may be necessary, while in the diet list
food can be still a nice add-on. (D) various anti-inflammatory supplements
(Adapted from Medical News Today) work better
(E) the nature of anti-inflammatory foods is
79. The conditions required to reduce the still secret
inflammation stated in paragraph 2 are
found in paragraph (s) ....
84. Which of the following best restates the idea
(A) 1 of paragraph 2?
(B) 3
(A) The inflammation, a study found, is
(C) 4
caused by improper biological
(D) 1 and 3
(E) 2 and 4
(B) Some studies showed that anti-
inflammatory foods could lower
80. Based on the passage, which of the inflammation.
following reflects the idea of relationships (C) The studies conclude that consuming
between consuming gingers, nuts, fatty fish, the extract shows to be more effective.
and whole grains and health? (D) Anti-inflammatory foods are factually
(A) Thirst and drinking spicy foods we consume every day.
(B) Age and physical strength (E) Inflammation results in arthritis,
(C) Learning efforts and grades cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
(D) Sleeping hours and body freshness
(E) Bodily exercise and physical growth
81. The argument in the last line of paragraph 4 Questions 85-90 are based on the following
assumes that .... passage.
(A) having a balance diet can help reduce Gardeners and homeowners might
inflammation sometimes need to add nitrogen fertilizers to
(B) consuming more curry is good to avoid their gardens and lawns to provide just the right
inflammation food for their plants. The amount used typically
(C) getting medication is a better way to depends on plant and seed instructions as well as

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Copyright © 2010 Zenius Education
SBMPTN 2015 - TPA. 06 - Gamabar
Doc. Name: SBMPTN2015ING999 Doc. Version : 2015-09 | halaman 3

on the other sources of nitrogen, such as ma- deeply into the soil after a rainstorm or after
nure, already applied to the soil. While an addi- irrigation, reaching ground water and nearby
tion of nitrogen to the lawn and garden may be wells. When babies under a year old and eld-
necessary, homeowners often use more than erly people ingest water with high nitrogen
what is recommended, and over time this excess levels, they can develop symptoms such as
nitrogen pollutes water and air. Nitrogen at
gastrointestinal swelling and irritation, diar-
higher levels causes a loss of certain plant spe-
cies, depletion of soil nutrients, death of fish and rhea, and protein digestion problems, ac-
aquatic organisms, and contamination of drink- cording to the University of Nebraska-
ing water. Lincoln Extension. Because nitrogen is
Though nitrogen serves to aid plants in odorless and colorless, only testing can de-
their growth, weeds and nonnative plants tend termine whether contamination has oc-
to grow more readily with additional nitrogen curred.
supplies. Other plants that have lower nitrogen (Adapted from SFGATE)
needs end up dying, causing a decline in native 85. According to the passage, which of the
species, according to the Ecological Society of following best shows the author’s bias?
America (ESA). In California, for example, it is
(A) The need of fertilizer to increase
reported that too much nitrogen encourages the
agricultural production.
growth of nonnative grasses and kills off lichens
(B) Blooms of algae in spring but leaving
on trees. In the coastal areas of the western
polluted waters afterwards.
United States, soils have higher levels of nitro-
(C) Change of plants in the forest and forest
gen, which feed nonnative grasses. The shift in
fire because of nitrogen.
plant species increases the chances of wildfires
(D) Growing of unwanted plants and plants
because these new grasses are flammable.
extinction caused by nitrogen.
In the soil, too much nitrogen also cre-
(E) Nitrogen as a useful supplement for
ates an imbalance of nutrients that causes a de-
plants, be it in the air, water, or soil.
pletion of other important minerals such as cal-
cium, phosphorus, and magnesium. While fertil-
86. In connecting the idea in paragraph 2 and
izer overuse causes this change, nitrogen-
that in paragraph 3, the author ....
polluted air, caused by nitrates from automobiles
and industrial plants, also results in this acidifica- (A) shows evidence why change of plants
tion of the soil when acid rain falls. When the causes forests more vulnerable from fire
nitrogen abundance reduces important minerals, (B) gives further impacts of nitrogen not
toxic elements such as aluminum can proliferate only on soil but also in water and air
and harm plants as well as fish in rivers. (C) argues that nitrogen harms not only
When nitrogen levels in rivers and plants and animals, but also humans
streams increase, they aid in algae over- (D) provides a reason why the change of
plants may occur in forests
growth. As algae dies and decomposes. or-
(E) states the characteristics of nitrogen in
ganic matter in the water increases. This the nature
process uses up oxygen, causing levels to
drop. Without the oxygen, fish, crabs and 87. What is the author’s attitude towards overuse
other aquatic life die. In the San Francisco of nitrogen?
Bay Delta, for example, blue-green algae (A) Pessimistic
blooms occur in numbers during the warmer (B) Concerned
months, especially when the conditions such (C) Mindful
as increased nitrogen occur. Researchers at (D) Critical
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (E) Neutral
say these algae blooms, which can appear in
different colors, produce toxins that can be
A soluble substance, nitrogen soaks
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Copyright © 2010 Zenius Education
SBMPTN 2015 - TPA. 06 - Gamabar
Doc. Name: SBMPTN2015ING999 Doc. Version : 2015-09 | halaman 4

88. The paragraph following the passage will

most likely discuss ....
(A) a case of polluted water contaminated
by nitrogen
(B) trainings on how to use fertilizers wisely
to possible users
(C) results of testing an area possibly
contaminated by nitrogen
(D) a case of plant change because of
nitrogen excess in the soil
(E) efforts to reduce acid rains to avoid
nitrogen contaminating wells

89. Which of the following best summarizes

ideas of the passage?
(A) In the long run, fertilizers will bring
more harms than benefits to
(B) Nitrogen can help plants grow, but it is
potential to pollute soil, water, and air.
(C) Use of fertilizers is the major cause of
nitrogen excess in the soil and water.
(D) Acid rain in the environment has the
potential to bring revolution of plants.
(E) Nitrates together with other elements in
the atmosphere form acid rains.

90. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized

that the more ....
(A) houses, the more nitrogen excesses
(B) polluted soil, the more crop problems
(C) fertilizers, the more agricultural products
(D) nitrogen, the more acid rains and plant
(E) industrial areas, the more polluted air
and soil

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