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If you have any type of business, large or small, you will need to transport your
products, therefore, you must choose the right type of transport to strike a balance
between time and budget constraints. Features to consider when choosing the
means of transport.

 First, the budget must be the important factor in decision making.

 Take into account the speed of transport, if you have perishable products.
 If dangerous products are transported, you should contact the branch of the
Department of Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
 If your products are expensive and you are sending them by sea, you must
take into account insurance for your merchandise, as problems with
shipping may occur.
 If your cargo is valuable, a vehicle with a tracking system must be used.
 It is very common that there is damage during the transit of the
merchandise, nevertheless it is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure
that the cargo is properly packaged and labeled to reduce the damage.

Modes of transport

Taking into account the characteristics mentioned above, the appropriate means of
transport can be chosen according to the size and urgency of the shipment.

Road: it is one of the most flexible and economical modes of transport, however it
may be subject to delays. If this medium is to be used, height, weight and length
restrictions must be taken into account.

Rail: Rail transport is certainly fast and not always subject to congestion or delays,
but it is inflexible and can be very expensive, because the easiest way to ship your
products is to buy a rail transport through a freight operator, In the same way, the
cost of the road must be taken into account at the end of the trip.

Air: this means of transport is the fastest way to send your products, over long
distances, however it is very expensive, because in airlines as with passenger
luggage, it is charged per kilogram, in addition to that you must have account for
handling fees, fuel and irrigation surcharge, customs fees, security fees and tariffs.
In the same way the airline is responsible for organizing cargo shipments for you
so you do not have to worry about anything.

Sea: this service is very economical, particularly if you ship in large volumes,
however it is slow and quite inflexible, because there are few ports and you will
probably need to make arrangements to move your merchandise inland.

Courier: mails can be fast and secure but they can be expensive, you should keep
in mind that they usually only deliver merchandise at a certain weight. In short they
are usually profitable over short distances.


Assets: Set of properties or wealth that belong to a person or group.

Budget: Budget or budget related.

Business: Occupation, activity or work that is done to obtain a benefit.

Buyer: [person] who buys.

Collection: Action or activity of collecting the fruits of the earth.

Congestion: Excessive accumulation of people or vehicles that prevents normal

movement through a place.
Exchange: Reciprocal change of a thing between two or more people.
Flexible: That adapts easily to changes and to various situations or circumstances.

Freight: Cost of renting a boat or transporting goods in it

Inflexible: That does not adapt to changes or to various situations or


Length: Dimension of a line or a body considering its extension in a straight line.

Manufacturer: That is dedicated to the manufacture or elaboration of products.

Maritime insurance: this is the contract whereby the insurer is obliged to

indemnify the insured, within the legal limits agreed and in exchange for a
premium, of the property damages that could be suffered by the insured interests
on a sea voyage.

Perishable: It has a limited duration, is destined to perish, lose its usefulness or

validity, or break down within a certain period of time.

Quote: Put a price, value, and estimate.

Restrictions: Limitation that occurs in something, especially in the consumption of


Seller: That sells things, especially if it is professionally dedicated.

Supplier: That is dedicated to providing or supplying necessary products to a

person or company.

Vessel: Large vessel with a size greater than five hundred tons, with more than
one deck and equipped for long journeys, which is used for military or commercial
Bienes: Conjunto de propiedades o riquezas que pertenecen a una
persona o grupo.

Buque: Barco de grandes dimensiones y de porte superior a quinientas

toneladas, con más de una cubierta y acondicionada para largos trayectos,
que se utiliza con fines militares o comerciales.

Comprador: [persona] Que compra.

Congestiones: Acumulación excesiva de personas o vehículos que impide

la circulación normal por un lugar.

Cotizar: Poner precio, valorar, estimar.

Fabricante: Que se dedica a la fabricación o elaboración de productos.

Flete: Coste del alquiler de una embarcación o del transporte de

mercancías en ella

Flexible: Que se adapta fácilmente a los cambios y a las diversas

situaciones o circunstancias.

Inflexibles: Que no se adapta a los cambios ni a las diversas situaciones o


Intercambio: Cambio recíproco de una cosa entre dos o más personas.

Longitud: Dimensión de una línea o de un cuerpo considerando su extensión en

línea recta.
Negocio: Ocupación, actividad o trabajo que se realiza para obtener un

Perecederos: Que tiene duración limitada, está destinado a perecer, perder

su utilidad o validez, o estropearse en un determinado plazo de tiempo.

Presupuestaria: Del presupuesto o relacionado con los presupuestos.

Proveedor: Que se dedica a proveer o abastecer de productos necesarios

a una persona o empresa.

Recolección: Acción o actividad de recolectar los frutos de la tierra.

Restricciones: Limitación que se produce en alguna cosa, especialmente

en el consumo de algo.

Seguro marítimo: es aquel contrato mediante el cual el asegurador se

obliga a indemnizar al asegurado, dentro de los límites legales pactados y a
cambio de una prima, de los perjuicios patrimoniales que pudieran sufrir los
intereses asegurados en un viaje marítimo.

Vendedor: Que vende cosas, especialmente si se dedica profesionalmente.

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