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Bawang putih dan Bawang merah

Disusun oleh:

Amar Ma’ruf (5160711097)

Rizal Saputra (5160711092)
Agus (5160711103)
Kaka Herwin (5160711052)
Anggar Negarawan (5160711045)
Adit ()
Devival (5170711075)
Garih. ()
Geofani. ()


Menceritakan terlebih dahulu cerita aslinya

(This says explain the story) A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of
a father, mother and a teenager named white salmon. They are a happy family. Even
though garlic father is just an ordinary trader, they live in harmony and peace. But a
few days later my mother passed away. Garlic is very sad and so are invited.
(This tells the story) In the village lived a widow with a child named Bawang Merah.
Since the mother of Garlic was accepted, the mother of Garlic often visited the Garlic
house. He often brings food, helps garlic to clean up the house or just accompany the
Garlic and ask for a chat. Finally Garlic's father thought about it better if he just
married to Shallot's mother, asking Garlic not to be satisfied anymore.
(This says explain the story) With the consideration of garlic, Garlic's father is
married to the mother of onion. Originally the mother of shallots and red is very good
for garlic. But over time their true nature began to appear. They often scold garlic and
take heavy work if Garlic's father goes to trade. Garlic must do all the homework,
while Shallots and ready to just sit around. Of course Garlic's father did not know,
because Garlic was never explained.

Selanjutnya pengenalan nama dan perannya

Hallo my Name agus budi santoso I play role as parents bawang putih dan bawang
Hai my name is vival, and I play role as bawang merah
Hallo my Name is kaka herwin and I play role as bawang putih
Hallo my Name anggar negarawan pasaribu and I play role as bawang merah friend
Hallo my Name Aditya Kusuma rosadi and I play role as bawang friend to me
Hallo my Name amar ma’ruf and explain the original story
Hallo my Name rizal and explain the original story
Hallo my Name geofani and record video and edit video
Hallo my Name garih and record video and edit video

and continue story

and one day bawang merah and mother go to the market
agus = bawang merah what do you buy the market
vival = I buy salt
Agus = nice les go

after arriving in front of the house

agus = tokkk tokk tokk bawang putih bawang putih open the door
kaka = wait mam
* open the door
Vival = why so long
Kaka = I am sorry mam , I am sorry bawang merah , am coking
Agus = eeee very hot
Vival = yes
Agus = bawang putih
Kaka = yes mam
Agus = make you water mam
Kaka = yes wait mam

and the state of the kitchen

adit = hai bawang putih what are you going ?
kaka = hallo dit
adit = you not break to fresh
kaka = maybe no because am
adit = I filling a get no , eee what do you have problem
kaka = eaaaaa no I fine this only no problem, Yes, I mam called you
adit = oke

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