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ART BULLETIN 66 (2016) ART BULLETIN 66 (2016)

Esej Essay

Petar Knoll Petar Knoll

Ideologija moderne arhitekture The Ideology of Modern Architecture

Petar Knoll rođen je u Vukovaru (1872. – 1935.), Petar Knoll (1872-1935) was born in Vukovar. He
studirao je povijest umjetnosti i doktorirao na Fi- studied art history and received his doctorate
lozofskom fakultetu u Beču, od 1923. predavao je from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University
povijest umjetnosti na Tehničkom (sada Arhitek- of Vienna. He taught art history at the Technical
tonskom) fakultetu u Zagrebu, bavio se teorijom Faculty (now the Faculty of Architecture) at the
arhitekture te istraživanjem povijesti urbanizma University of Zagreb. He dealt in architectural
grada Zagreba. Na osnovi analize karakteristika theory and research into the history of urban
arhitektonskih stilova kao produkta društvenih design in Zagreb. On the basis of an analysis of
konstelacija Knoll uočava, afirmira i sugerira ra- the characteristics of architectural styles as the
zumijevanje suvremene arhitekture kao rezultan- product of social structures, Knoll identifies,
te društvenih silnica i vodiča razvoja umjetnosti. affirms, and suggests an interpretation of modern
Članak o ideologiji moderne arhitekture objavio architecture as the resultant of social potentates
je dr. Petar Knoll u reviji Stari Zagreb 6 (Zagreb, and leaders of artistic development. Dr Petar Knoll
1938.). published this article on the ideology of modern
architecture in Stari Zagreb 6 revue (Zagreb, 1938).

Ključne riječi: Knoll; Zagreb; moderna arhitektu- Keywords: Knoll; Zagreb; modern architecture;
ra; ideologija. ideology.
Odlučio sam da ovdje iznesem osnovne ideje I have decided to state here the basic ideas of
moderne arhitekture, držeći to važnim i potreb- modern architecture, considering this to be vital
nim za shvaćanje ove umjetnosti, kojoj smo mi to an understanding of this art to which we are
savremeni svjedoci. Rasprava je u prvom redu na- modern witnesses. This discussion is intended
mijenjena općinstvu, za koje moderna arhitektura foremost for the lay public, for whom modern
uopće nastaje, no isto tako i arhitektima, jer će i architecture has been created, but also for archi-
njih svakako zanimati, kako o toj novoj pojavi sudi tects, as it will certainly be of interest to them how
kulturna historija i teorija umjetnosti. the fields of cultural history and art theory have
Kada znademo da je moderna arhitektura ap- judged this new phenomenon.
straktna, onda je apstraktno i doba što ju je stvo- If we consider that modern architecture is ab-
rilo. Dakle bismo morali očekivati te iste pojave stract, then the times that have created it must be
i kod drugih grana naše savremene umjetnosti – abstract as well. We should thus expect the same
kod slikarstva i kiparstva 20. vijeka, jer je uvijek phenomenon in other branches of modern art – in
samo jedna umjetnost i jedno zajedničko umjet- 20th century painting and sculpture – because it
ničko žarište što istodobno stvara i arhitekturu i is always only one art and one communal artistic
slikarstvo i kiparstvo jedne dobe. Pa iako ovdje ne focal point that simultaneously creates the archi-
bismo mogli ništa drugo očekivati, ipak smo izne- tecture, painting, and sculpture of an era. Even
nađeni, kad usporedimo modernu arhitekturu s though we cannot expect anything else here, we
modernim slikarstvom i kiparstvom – isti smjer, are still surprised when we compare modern ar-
isti duh i isti smisao oblika! Samo nam je, daka- chitecture with modern painting and sculpture
ko, moderna arhitektura lakše pristupačna od sa- – the same direction, the same spirit, and the
vremenog slikarstva i kiparstva, jer je arhitektura same sense of form! Only modern architecture is
za naše fizičke potrebe neotkloniva umjetnost, jer certainly more approachable than modern paint-
nas ona sili da se s njom pozabavimo, dok u njoj ing and sculpture, because architecture is an in-
živimo i stanujemo, dok slikarstvu i kiparstvu mo- evitable art for our physical needs, because we are
žemo pristupiti ili ne, kakogod nas je volja. Kako forced to interact with it as we live and reside in
smo međutim navikli gledati slike i kipove stari- it, while painting and sculpture can either be ap-
jih umjetnika i kako nam je dosadašnja umjetnost proached or not, according to our wishes. How-
naše oko i školovala, osjećamo svi moderno sli- ever, as we are used to looking at the paintings and
karstvo, na koje se ovdje moramo ograničiti, kao sculptures of older artists, and as the art that has
umjetničku revoluciju i protest protiv svega, što existed until now has trained our eye, we all expe-
je umjetnost dosada stvorila. Jer cijelo slikarstvo rience modern art – to which we must limit this
prošlih vremena bavilo se, kako znademo, bilo discussion – as an artistic revolution and a protest
vjerom, bilo čovjekom, bilo prirodom, bilo našom against everything that art has created until now.
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

okolinom, a to je sada prestalo. Pa kako mi danas Because all of painting in the past, as we know,
više ne vjerujemo u nikakovo božanstvo, i u ni- dealt with faith, with man, with nature, with our
kakova nebeska lica, a ne zadovoljava nas više ni surroundings, and this has now stopped. And as
naša okolina, posegli smo za onim što sve dosada we today no longer believe in any kind of deity,
još nismo iscrpili, i što je našoj čežnji još preosta- and in no heavenly beings, and as our surround-
lo, a to je svijet svemira. Jer za svemirom i za svim ings no longer satisfy us either, we have reached
onim što je vrhunaravno čezne čovjek uvijek onda, for that which we have not yet exhausted, the
kad ga je ovaj svijet, na kom živi, ostavio. only thing left to desire, and that is the world of
Na pitanje, što je zajedničko i savremenoj ar- the universe – because man always longs for the
hitekturi i savremenom slikarstvu i kiparstvu, universe and the supernatural when the world on
a od tog smo pitanja pošli, možemo da odgovo- which he lives has abandoned him.
rimo samo jednom riječju – metafizička apstrak- To our initial question of what modern archi-
cija. To vidimo najbolje u modernom slikarstvu. tecture and modern painting and sculpture have
U modernom slikarstvu udaljio se prikazani čo- in common, we can only answer with one phrase
vjek od čovjeka zbilje daleko preko granica istine. – metaphysical abstraction. We can see this best
Oblici čovječjeg tijela, njegova odjeća i okolina, in modern painting. The man presented in mod-
sve je to izgubilo svaku realnost i pretvorilo se ern painting has been distanced from real man far
u nešto amaterijalno, što na ovom svijetu uopće beyond the borders of truth. The shapes of man’s
nema prispodobe. Slikarska umjetnost potisnula body, his clothing and surroundings – all of this
je dakle istiniti čovječji lik u pozadini i to upravo has lost any sense of reality and been transformed
onako, kao što je moderna arhitektura zanemarila into something nonmaterial that has no alle-
čovječji subjekt i njegove potrebe. Ni jedno ni dru- gory in this world. The art of painting, thus, has
go ne služi danas više ovome svijetu, nego svijetu suppressed the true human form into the back-
metafizike, kojemu se po višem zakonu sada sve ground, just as modern architecture has disre-
mora da podredi. garded the human subject and his needs. Neither
Sada nam se ovdje nameće važno pitanje. Kad je of them serve this world any longer – instead, they
cijela umjetnost naše dobe apstraktna, i arhitektu- serve the world of metaphysics, to which a higher
ra i slikarstvo i kiparstvo, a usto je umjetnost, kako law has dictated that all must now be subjugated.
smo rekli, uvijek samo izražaj svoga vremena, pita- An important question now presents itself. If
mo se kako je moguće da je savremena umjetnost the entirety of art in our time is abstract, archi-
apstraktna, a mi usto živimo u jednoj dobi za koju tecture and painting and sculpture alike, and if,
svako tvrdi da je doba materijalizma i praktičkih in- as we have said, art is always only an expression of
teresa. Treba znati kad nam se pričini, da je u um- the time in which it is created, we must ask our-

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

jetnosti jedan smisao, a u njezinom savremenom selves how it is possible for modern art to be ab-
svijetu drugi, da je istina uvijek samo u umjetnosti i stract when we live in an era that has been widely
samo ona ima pravo. Drugim riječima, a ako je mo- proclaimed an era of materialism and practical in-
derna umjetnost apstraktna, onda je apstraktno i terests. We must know, if it seems that art is one
njezino doba, pa ma kako mi o toj dobi i sudili. sense and the modern world is another, that the
No kad govorimo o modernoj dobi, onda je truth always lies only in art, and that only art is
moramo znati i prosuditi i naći joj karakteristi- correct. In other words – if modern art is abstract,
ku. Pitamo se: koje su najvažnije pojave našega then the modern era is also abstract, regardless of
vremena? Vele: kapitalizam, tehnički izumi i za- how we might judge it.
nemarivanje dosadašnjih društvenih načela. Što But when we discuss the modern era, then we
je kapitalizam? Beskonačno zgrtanje imućtvenih must know and judge and find its characteristics.
vrednota u rukama fizičkih osoba ili korporacija. We must ask ourselves – what are the most impor-
A tehničko napredovanje, jedno i drugo izlučuje tant phenomena of our time? They answer – capi-
čovjeka pojedinca, pa zato možemo reći da nijed- talism, technical inventions, and the disregard
no ni drugo, ni kapitalizam niti iskorišćivanje teh- of old social principles. What is capitalism? The
ničkih izuma, po svojoj biti više nisu pojave našeg endless gathering of physical wealth in the hands
prirodnog života. of physical persons or corporations. Both this and
Zgrtanje imetka u neizmjernost, bez kraja i ci- technical progress drain the individual, and we
lja, za čim kapitalizam danas zbilja i ide, posve je must thus say that the very nature of these phe-
nešto drugo, gotovo dijametralno od prirodnih po- nomena, both capitalism and the use of technol-
treba čovjeka, od borbe za opstanak, od normalne ogy, inherently prevent them from being a part of
štednje i racionalnog gospodarstva. Ono je špeku- our natural lives.
lativni posao čovjeka bez ljudske svrhe i bez razu- Gathering wealth with no end or goal, the true
mljivog cilja, ukratko, jedan apstraktni, infinite- aim of capitalism today, is something entirely dif-
zimalni račun čovječjeg uma. Slično su i tehnički ferent – something diametrically opposed to the
izumi. Oni su iskorišćivanja imanentnih sila pri- natural needs of man, to the fight to survive, to
rode, a teže za imaginarnim uspjesima bez kraja i normal savings and rational economy. This is a
konca u korist neobrađenog, anonimnog čovjeka, speculative job without a human aim and without
kao što su i moderni stanovi, jer služe anonimnim an understandable goal – in short, an abstract, in-
stanarima. No što se tiče tehničkih izuma 20. vije- finitesimal calculation of the mind of man. Similar
ka, neka mi je dopuštena samo jedna primjedba, to technological inventions. They are the exploita-
i to što se tiče njihovih utjecaja na naš savremeni tion of the immanent forces of nature, and their
život. Mislim, da se u vezi s tim utjecajem redovno goal is to attain imaginary success without end for
pretjerava. Tu se, naime, u prvom redu zaboravlja unspecific, anonymous people – just like modern
da su svi oni veliki izumi koji su sav današnji život flats, as they serve anonymous residents. As far as
preobrazili i stvorili nastali još u 19., a ne u 20. vi- the technological inventions of the 20th century
jeku, a to su parni stroj, brzojav, telefon i elektro- are concerned, I must allow myself but one obser-
tehnika. Kinematograf, automobil, radio i aero- vation concerning their influence on our modern
plan nastali su doista djelomice još i pod konac 19. lives. I believe that this influence is regularly exag-
vijeka, no po svom značenju i važnosti pripadaju gerated. First and foremost, we forget that all of
oni svi skupa samo 20. vijeku. Sigurno su to najve- the great inventions that transformed and created
ći fenomeni našega stoljeća, no fenomeni, kojima modern life came about in the 19th century, not the
se buduća generacija neće više čuditi, kao što se ni 20th century – the steam engine, the telegram, the
mi danas više ne čudimo ni telefonu ni brzojavu. telephone, and electrical engineering. The inven-
Ti izumi 20. vijeka nisu nipošto pokrenuli svijet tion of the cinema, the automobile, the radio, and
20. vijeka, kako se to obično misli, pa u tom po- the aeroplane all fell under the very end of the 19th
gledu zaostaju daleko iza tehničkih izuma 19. vije- century, but their significance and importance be-
ka, jer – ako maknemo parostroj, brzojav, telefon i long only to the 20th century. These are surely the
elektrotehniku – današnji će svijet stati. Maknimo greatest phenomena of our century, albeit phe-
kino, auto, radio i aeroplan, sve će ići dalje, gotovo nomena future generations will no longer wonder
istim tempom kao i dosada. at, as we today no longer wonder at the telephone
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

Promijenjena društvena načela, ta treća or the telegram. These 20th century inventions
važna pojava savremenog života što ju starije ge- in no way shook the world of the 20th century, as
neracije tako teško osjećaju, nije ništa drugo nego people commonly think, and in this sense they
– da budemo kratki – odvraćanje čovjeka od čo- lag far behind the technological inventions of the
vjeka, desinteressement jednoga prema drugom 19th century – if we were to remove the steam en-
i prema svojoj okolini. No kako je svaka negacija gine, the telegram, the telephone, and electrical
s jedne strane uvijek afirmacija druge, tako znači engineering, the modern world would stop. If we
i odvraćanje od ovoga svijeta ujedno i obraćanje removed the cinema, the automobile, the radio,
REALI- APSTRAKTNI and the aeroplane, everything would continue in
roughly the same tempo as before.
P. U TNI Changed social principles, the third vital
PRO UŽI phenomenon of modern life that older genera-
ŽIVO NOM tions suffer so poorly, are nothing more than – in


short – the detachment of man from other men,


a lack of interest of man for other men and for





U. staro


his environment. However, as every negation of



one side is an affirmation to another, detachment
from this world means turning to another, alien
world. This other, alien world has overpowered
our earthly world and taken control in today’s
life. That is why it is wrong to say that the spirit
drugom vanzemaljskom svijetu. Taj drugi vanze- of modern times is opposed to ethics and mor-
maljski svijet nadvladao je dakle naš zemaljski svi- als. It is merely indifferent to ethics and morals,
jet i preuzeo je vodstvo u današnjem životu. Zato not opposed to them. And modern man is not
je krivo i reći da je moderni duh vremena protivan an opponent of ethics and morals, but simply
etici i moralu. On je prema etici i moralu samo in- an indifferent being of this world. The modern
diferentan, ali im nije protivan. A tip modernoga cultural constellation, thus, was not created by
čovjeka nije protivnik etike i morala nego napro- technology, nor by capitalism, nor by the indif-
sto indiferentno biće ovoga svijeta. Prema tome ferent spirit of our times – all of these phenom-
nije savremenu kulturnu konstelaciju stvorila ni ena were created by a third force that stands far
tehnika, ni kapitalizam, niti indiferentni duh naše above all of these real-world phenomena. None of
dobe nego je sve te pojave stvorila jedna treća sila, these phenomena, therefore, are in any manner
koja stoji daleko nad svim tim pojavama realnog of causal relationship. Instead, each of them, like

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

svijeta. Sve se te pojave prema tome ne nalaze u the entire spirit of our time, is an emanation and
nikakovoj međusobnoj uzročnoj vezi nego je sva- an echo of a third, invisible force, and that is the
ka od njih, kao i cijeli duh naše dobe, emanaci- source of everything. This is an old notion, and it
ja i odjek jedne treće nevidljive sile, a ta je izvor holds not only for the cultural period in which we
svemu. To je stara spoznaja, a ne vrijedi samo za live, but for all cultural eras that ever passed on
kulturnu periodu u kojoj živimo nego za sve kul- this world, from the beginning of civilisation un-
turne epohe koje su se obredale na ovome svijetu til today. Cultural periods are not created by peo-
od početka čovječanstva pa do danas. Kulturnu ple, as many think. Instead, they are created by
periodu ne stvaraju ljudi, kako mnogi misle, nego a third, extraterrestrial, all-powerful force similar
ih stvara treća vanzemaljska svemoćna sila koja to Plato’s well-known idea of the demiurge who
je slična poznatoj ideji Platonovog Demiurga što forges the world. The high Renaissance was not,
svijetom ravna. Visoku renesansu nisu, kako se to as is often thought and written, created by the
često i misli i piše, stvorila velika otkrića istaknu- great discoveries of prominent figures (Galileo,
tih ličnosti (Galileja, Kolumba, anatoma Vesalia), Columbus, the anatomis Vesalius), and especially
pogotovo ne veliki umjetnici te dobe (Bramante, not by the great artists of the time (Bramante,
Leonardo, Rafael, Michelangelo). Renesansu, kao Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo). The Renais-
i sve kulturne periode, stvorila je nedokučiva sila sance, like all cultural periods, was created by an
svemira, a ta je i nastalom vremenu kao i tadašnjem unknowable force of the universe, and this force
čovječanstvu zadala izvjesni kompleks problema. created a certain complex of problems for man
Prema tome niti je umjetnost, niti su umjetnički then, just as it has now. Therefore, art and artis-
stilovi drugo no sediment, padalina svemirskih tic styles are nothing more than sediment, pre-
sila, dok su njihove izmjene samo rezultati tih cipitation from cosmic forces, while their changes
svemirskih promjena. No dionik svemira je konač- are only the results of these cosmic changes. But
no i čovjek. A čovjek jedne dobe samo je produkt man, in the end, is also a stakeholder in the uni-
jedne izvjesne kosmičke konstelacije. Čovjek je verse. And a man of a given era is only a product
uvijek drugačiji, ako je konstelacija drugačija, a u of a certain cosmic constellation. Man is always
svakom slučaju je čovjek samo puki instrumenat different if the constellation is different, and in
svemira čije naloge on slijepo vrši, pa bio on još any case, man is nothing more than a mere in-
toliki genij. Dokučiti konačne sile i njihov smisao strument of the universe, whose orders he follows
nije uspjelo nijednom čovjeku, jer to nadmašuje blindly, regardless of how great a genius he may
snagu našega duha. I mi se prema tome možemo i be. No man has succeeded in fathoming these
moramo zadovoljiti jedino spoznajom o egzisten- forces or their import, as this exceeds the power of
ciji tih sila. A nikada tako bolno ne osjećamo svoje our spirit. Therefore, we can and must be satisfied
vlastito ništavilo, kao onda, kad tražimo ono, za only with the knowledge of the existence of these
čim naša duša u svom najvećem naponu čezne, pa forces. And we never feel our own nothingness so
kad nas u toj čežnji nemilosrdno ostavlja naša sna- painfully as when we are looking for what our soul
ga. Pa ako mi i ne možemo svojim umom dokučiti desires most, only for our strength to mercilessly
smisao tih konačnih sila, ipak nam je dužnost da leave us amidst this desire. Even if we cannot de-
proučimo i ispitamo njihove učinke, kolikogod se duce the purport of these final forces, it remains
to da. U cijelom našem kulturnom životu nema our duty to study and inquire into its effects, in-
ništa i nijedne znanstvene discipline, koja bi tako sofar as this is possible. There exists nothing in
fino i suptilno osjećala, tako precizno bilježila eg- our cultural life and no scientific discipline that
zistenciju tih skrajnih vanzemaljskih sila i njezine might record the existence of these final cosmic
promjene, kao umjetnost. Ona nam sve te pojave forces and their changes so subtly, so precisely as
našeg svijeta, koje nastaju promjenom vanzemalj- art. All of the phenomena of our world that come
skih sila registrira kaligrafijom svojih divnih obli- about as a result of changes in cosmic forces are
ka, fino i jasno kao najosjetljiviji seismograf, što registered in the calligraphy of art’s beautiful
bilježi i najmanje trzaje naše zemlje. Iz dijagrama forms, as finely and clearly as the most sensitive
tih trzaja, a to je historija umjetnosti, razabiremo seismograph that records even the smallest trem-
da je ta svemirska sila u prvom redu trajna, a onda or of our planet. The diagrams of these tremors
periodična. Trajna! Jer tu nema ni stanke, ni od- – by which I refer to art history – allow us to see
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

mora, ni časka u kom bi ta sila zatajila, a govoreći that this cosmic force is foremost permanent, and
o umjetnosti – ni jednoga trenutka bez umjetno- then periodical. Permanent! Because there are
sti. Periodična! Jer se umjetnost mijenja od prvoga no pauses, no breaks, no moments in which this
časa svoga postanka, pa do kraja svijeta, no to ne force might fail, and speaking of art, there is not
biva u jednom jednoličnom tekućem nizu, nego a single moment without art. Periodic! Because
u izvjesnim razmacima, a svaki je razmak jedna art changes from the first moment of its creation
perioda. U svakoj su od tih perioda uvijek tri faze: to the end of the world, but it does not do so in a
početak, kulminacija i svršetak. single, monotonous flow but in certain intervals,
and each interval is one period. Each of these pe-
riods always consists of three phases: the begin-
ning, the culmination, and the end.
If we now strive to study the essence of particu-
lar artistic styles, searching for their hidden core,
The World The World
and if we make each style equal, we will come to
a realisation that is of immeasurable importance
Ako sada ustrajno proučimo bit pojedinih to the analysis of modern art. We will notice, to
umjetničkih stilova, tražeći im njihovu skrajnu our great surprise, that the borders between par-
suštinu, pa ako stilove međusobno sravnimo, doći ticular styles are not at all strictly defined as they
ćemo do jedne spoznaje koja je za prosuđivanje might seem at first, and that individual styles
moderne umjetnosti od neprocjenjive važnosti. that appear different to our eye frequently have
Primijetit ćemo, naime, na naše veliko iznenađe- something shared behind them and something
nje, da granice između pojedinih stilova nisu nipo- that connects them. What such styles share is
što tako strogo ograđene, a kako nam se to u prvi not coincidental – it is elementary in nature, if
mah čini, pa da pojedini stilovi, koji su za naše oko not principal. Therefore, we must conclude that,
odijeljeni, imadu uza sve to često puta nešto što aside from those forces that have brought style
im je zajedničko i što ih jedno s drugim povezuje. upon style into historical development, there are
Ono što je takovim stilovima zajedničko, to nije other, much more general and more elementary
slučajno, nego je to elementarne, da ne kažemo, forces shared by particular styles, which provide
načelne naravi. Prema tome dakle moramo zaklju- general guidelines to both artistic styles and the
čiti, da osim onih sila, koje u historijskom razvoju entire cultural movement of the world, which is
izmjenjuju stil za stilom, postoje još i druge puno inseparably connected with art. Such a high study
općenitije i mnogo elementarnije sile, koje su po- of the history of styles teaches us that these forces
jedinim stilovima i zajedničke, a daju općenite are cosmic, not earthly, that there are two of these

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

smjernice i stilovima i cijelom kulturnom kreta- forces, and that they are opposites. One force is
nju svijeta, koji je s umjetnošću nerazdruživo spo- reality, and the other is abstraction. We shall call
jen. Takova nas viša studija o historiji stilova uči them the primacies. These forces reveal their ex-
da su to u prvom redu svemirske, a ne zemaljske istence to us only in their effects, which are vis-
sile, da takovih sila ima dvije, i da je jedna dru- ible to us both in this world and in art. The real
goj oprečna. Jedno je sila realnosti, a drugo sila primacy creates social relationships between men
apstrakcije. Svaku od njih nazvat ćemo primat. on this world, as well as abstract relationships
Svoju egzistenciju očituju nam te sile samo svojim between man and the cosmic world. The case is
učincima što ih primjećujemo i na ovome svijetu similar in the history of styles. Almost all styles
i u umjetnosti. Realni primat stvara na ovom svi- of architecture, from the ancient Egyptians to
jetu društvene odnose između čovjeka i čovjeka, the very end of the Gothic period, belong to the
a apstraktne odnose između čovjeka i vanzemalj- primacy of abstraction, while the styles of the
skog svijeta. Slično i u historiji stilova. Gotovo svi Romans, the Renaissance, Baroque, and the 19th
stilovi arhitekture, počevši od starih Egipćana pa century belong to the primacy of reality. Studying
sve do konca gotskoga sloga, pripadaju primatu the sense and forms of 20th century art, as well as
apstrakcije, dok stil Rimljana, renesanse, baroka, the other cultural phenomena of our time, we see
a i stil 19. vijeka, pripada primatu realnosti. Pro- immediately which primacy the modern art of the
učavajući i smisao i oblike umjetnosti 20. vijeka, 20th century belongs to. It must now be clear to
no s njima usporedo i ostale kulturne pojave naše everyone that all of today’s culture, as well as all
dobe, mi smo odmah s tim načistu, kojemu pri- of today’s art, belong to the primacy of abstrac-
matu pripada moderna umjetnost 20. vijeka, što tion, if we may even believe in the concept of the
je sada proživljavamo. Jer sada mora svakome da primacy. Because we must say that everything that
je jasno, da sva današnja kultura, kao i sva današ- is happening around us today are no longer phe-
nja umjetnost pripadaju primatu apstrakcije, ako nomena arising from man’s relation with man, but
u pojam primata uopće smijemo vjerovati. Jer za phenomena arising from man’s relation with the
sve što se danas oko nas zbiva, moramo reći da to cosmic world. This is also the case in modern art.
više nisu pojave, koje su proizašle iz veze čovjeka Modern art today no longer deals with the rela-
za čovjekom, nego pojave, proizašle iz odnosa čo- tion of man with man. Modern art, too, has de-
vjeka prema vanzemaljskom svijetu. A to vrijedi tached from this world in search of a connection
i za savremenu umjetnost. I savremena se umjet- with another world, like the spirit of the times in
nost danas više ne bavi odnosom čovjeka prema which we live. This is why painting and sculpture
čovjeku. I savremena se umjetnost odvraća s ovo- has abandoned the true form of man, and this is
ga svijeta tražeći veze s drugim svijetom, kao i why architecture has taken up ideal stereometric
duh vremena u kom živimo. Zato je napustilo sli- forms while ignoring man. Knowing this, we learn
karstvo i kiparstvo pravi čovječji lik, pa zato je ar- from art history another equally important and
hitektura poprimila idealne oblike stereometrije, decisive principle, which is true not only of art but
a zanemarila je čovjeka. Upoznavši to, učimo iz of our entire world view, and this is the great prin-
historije umjetnosti podjedno jedno drugo važno ciple of the alternative of this world: each cultural
i odlučno načelo, što ne vrijedi samo za umjet- period either turns towards man or towards the
nost nego i za cijelo naše naziranje na svijet, a abstract, metaphysical world. The philosophy of
to je veliko načelo alternative ovoga svijeta: svaka a cultural period is either horizontal, parallel with
kulturna perioda ili se obraća prema čovjeku ili the surface of the Earth, or it is vertical and leaves
prema apstraktnom metafizičkom svijetu. Svaka the Earth and society into the endless heights.
filozofija jedne kulturne periode ili je horizon- There are no gradients or compromises between
talna, istosmjerna sa zemaljskom površinom, ili one trend and the other. This is the key to under-
je vertikalna, a ide dalje od zemlje, od društva u standing humanity and art.
beskrajne visine. Između jednog i drugog smjera We mentioned at the outset of our discussion
nema ni prelaza ni kompromisa. To je ključ za that general opinion of modern architecture to-
razumijevanje čovječanstva i umjetnosti. day, and that it is believed that the reasons for this
Spomenuli smo u početku našega razmatra- new movement are either practicality, savings, or
nja, kako se danas općenito sudi o modernoj ar- health considerations, and that modern building
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

hitekturi, i kako se misli da su razlozi tom novom is not artistic in nature, but rather mere technical
pokretu bilo praktičnost, bilo štednja, bilo zdrav- creation. But after this discussion, I hold us to be
stveni obziri, a da moderno građenje uopće i nije of opposing opinions, especially because this kind
umjetničko, nego samo tehničko stvaranje. Ali of conception is in opposition to all every basic
nakon ovog razmatranja držim, da smo protivnog principle of creation that exists.
mišljenja i to tim prije, jer se onakovo shvaćanje Since the dawn of humanity, man has built his
protivi svim osnovnim načelima koji za stvaranje own living space to the best of his abilities. During
uopće postoje. the early stone age, he dug pits and raised tents. In
the late stone age, he built dwellings on the water
and raised houses on dry land. And art history has
referred to all of this construction, from the sim-
plest shelter to today’s flats, as artistic creation,
always and without reservations, while calling the
works themselves works of the art of construction.
But these works are not called works of art lightly,
but because they are truly works of art – they are
spiritual and imbued with true artistic ideas. The
artistic idea raised both their material and their
The Universe
forms, and especially their utilitarian, practi-
cal significance, to the level of art, whether con-
Od početka čovječanstva čovjek sebi gradi sta- sciously or unconsciously. For us to be able to un-
nove kako zna. Za starijeg kamenog doba kopa derstand this, we need not reach for the glorious
jame i diže šatore. U novoj kamenoj dobi on, Gothic cathedrals – it is enough for us to remem-
eto, već gradi sojenice na vodi i zida sebi kuće na ber the architecture of the Mediaeval fortresses
suhu. A sav taj posao građenja od najjednostav- that still stand today. These fortresses certainly
nijeg skloništa sve do današnjih stanova naziva- arose from the most primitive, we might even say
la je povijest umjetnosti uvijek i bez susprezanja the most brutal impulses of Mediaeval human-
umjetničkim stvaranjem, a sama djela umjetnina- ity –the physical battle of man against man. And
ma graditeljstva. No i ta se djela zato, ne naziva- yet, these old fortresses are works of architectural
ju umjetninama nepromišljeno, nego zato, jer su art in the truest sense of the word almost without
zbilja umjetnine i jer su produhovljene i prožete exception. They also teach us that no man, how-
pravom umjetničkom idejom. Umjetnička ideja ever primitive and incapable he might be, cannot
im je uzdigla i materijal i oblike, a u prvom redu built anything of his own hand without a certain

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

njihovo utilitarno, praktično značenje, svjesno artistic tendency and a certain artistic intent. He
ili nesvjesno, na nivo umjetnosti. Pa da to uzmo- is followed always and everywhere, either con-
gnemo razumjeti, ne treba nam posegnuti ni za sciously or unconsciously, by the desire to make
velebnim gotskim katedralama, dosta je, ako se whatever he creates as beautiful and as perfect as
samo sjetimo arhitekture sredovječnih gradova possible. Thus, man wishes to create artistically
(Burgen) koji su nam još sačuvani. Ti su gradovi at any cost. This realisation helps us to better in-
svakako nastali iz naprimitivnijih, da ne kažemo terpret the oldest human works of art: prehistoric
najsurovijih impulsa sredovječnog čovječanstva, a stone axes, the art of today’s primitive peoples,
to je fizička borba čovjeka protiv čovjeka – a ipak and finally, naïve art. This is related to the second
su ti stari gradovi gotovo bez iznimke arhitekton- cardinal law, which tells us that there is no form
ske umjetnine u pravom smislu riječi. No oni nas on this Earth, whether natural or made by the
podjedno uče da nijedan čovjek, pa bio on još kako hand of man, that cannot express a certain higher
primitivan i nesposoban, ne može graditi, niti išta idea that these forms clearly speak to us. This is
svojom rukom stvarati bez izvjesne umjetničke the sense of Goethe’s well known words: “Alles
primjese i bez izvjesne umjetničke namjere. Njega Vergängliche ist nur ein Gleichnis.” The third vital
uvijek i svagda svjesno ili nesvjesno prati nakana realisation, which relates exclusively to architec-
da ono što stvara bude i što je ljepše i što savršeni- ture, tells us that building is a natural need of man
je. Tako dakle čovjek pošto-poto hoće umjetnički both in a practical and artistic sense, and that man
da stvara. Tu nam spoznaju još bolje tumače naj- must exercise this need. It is true that housing is
starija umjetnička djela čovječanstva: kremene only a physical need of man, however, so is cloth-
sjekire prehistoričke dobe, zatim umjetnine sa- ing. The clothing of our bodies is inseparable from
dašnjih primitivnih naroda i, konačno, seljačka the decoration of our bodies, just as the useful aim
umjetnost. S tim je u vezi drugi kardinalni zakon, of architecture is connected with beauty, because
a i taj nam veli da na ovom cijelom svijetu nema architecture must answer to the demands of both
nijednog oblika, bilo oblika prirode bilo oblika od need and aesthetics.
čovječje ruke, koji ne bi izražavao izvjesnu višu As far as practicality, frugality, and health is-
ideju, koja nam iz tih oblika jasno progovara. To je sues are concerned however – which, as we have
smisao poznatih Goetheovih riječi: „Alies Vergän- said, are generally considered to have created
gliche ist nur ein Gleichnis.“ Treća važna spozna- modern construction methods – one should know
nja, koja se samo na arhitekturu odnosi, veli nam that these considerations have always existed and
da je građenje uopće prirođena potreba čovjeka, have been more or less constant demands in the
i to u praktičnom i u umjetničkom smislu, a tu life of man. Even if we were to allow the fact that
potrebu čovjek mora da ostvari. Istina je, da je modern construction is art, and that its forms are
stanovanje samo fizička potreba čovjeka, no to je artistic style, it still could not be said that modern
i odijevanje. Ali s odijevanjem našega tijela nera- art and its style were created only by considera-
združivo je spojeno i kićenje našega tijela, a tako tions of practicality, health, or frugality. Because
je isto i u arhitekturi njezina korisna svrha spojena our experience teaches us that one can build in
s ljepotom, jer i arhitektura ima da odgovara i za- any style with both the greatest and the lowest ex-
htjevima potrebe i zahtjevima estetike. penses, practically or impractically, hygienically or
No što se naročito tiče praktičnosti, štedljivo- non-hygienically, without changing a single thing
sti i obzira zdravstva koji su, kako smo rekli, po regarding style. The useful aim and the artistic
općem shvaćanju stvorili moderni način građenja, idea in architecture are truly connected to one an-
valja znati da su ti obziri odvajkada postojali, oni other, however, they are actually two entirely dif-
su bili manje više uvijek stalni zahtjevi u životu ferent concepts. If the artistic meaning of modern
čovječanstva. Pa kad bi se pritom i dopuštalo da building is contested, as is often done, we must fi-
je moderno građenje umjetnost, a njegovi oblici nally ask how in the modern world it is possible to
da su umjetnički stil, onda se ipak ne bi moglo suddenly conceal the need for the art of architec-
reći da su modernu umjetnost i njezin stil stvorili ture without also hiding the need for painting and
samo obziri praktičnosti, zdravstva ili štednje. Jer sculpture. And so it is impossible to dispute the
nas iskustvo uči da se u jednom stilu može graditi significance of artistic creation in modern build-
i s najvećim i s najmanjim troškovima, praktično ing, despite the fact that its artistic significance
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

ili nepraktično, higijenski ili nehigijenski, pa da se will not suffer even the least if this kind of build-
pritom na samom stilu ništa ne mijenja. Korisna ing is not called an artistic creation. The name of
svrha i umjetnička ideja su u arhitekturi doista the thing here changes nothing.
jedna s drugom povezane, no u biti su to dva posve However, everyone who has artistic feeling
različita pojma. Ako se modernom građenju ospo- knows that everything we have mentioned here
rava umjetničko značenje, kako to i biva, moramo were nothing more than attempts to use logic to
se konačno pitati, kako je mogla u modernom svi- save and justify the artistic value of modern ar-
jetu odjednom zatajiti potreba za umjetnošću ar- chitecture. And each such person knows well that
hitekture, a nije usto zatajila i za slikarstvom i ki- true art always speaks for itself, and that proof and
parstvom. I tako je nemoguće modernom načinu justification are not necessary for it to survive.
građenja osporavati značaj umjetničkog stvaranja. And all of those who do not feel the enormous
A njegovo umjetničko značenje neće trpiti ni naj- strength of modern architecture and who do not
manje, sve ako se takovo građenje i neće nazvati comprehend the deep sense of its grandiose forms
umjetničkim stvaranjem. Tu sam naziv na stvari have truly never made the effort to inquire into the
ništa ne mijenja. content of artistic forms in general, or they lack
Ali za sve to, što smo ovdje naveli, znade svat- the gift, just as a blind man lacks vision and a deaf
ko tko umjetnički osjeća, da su to bili samo jedni man lacks hearing.
pokušaji, kako da pomoću logike spasimo i oprav- The question as to why it is the very architects of
damo umjetničku vrijednost moderne arhitektu- modern architecture who dispute its artistic value,
re. No zato svaki onaj dobro znade, da nam prava a fact that must surprise us, is answered clearly by
umjetnost uvijek sama progovara i da su o njezinoj the very ideology of this architecture and its posi-
egzistenciji suvišni i dokazi i opravdanja. A svi oni tion in the modern world. While the focal point of
koji ne osjećaju tu golemu snagu moderne arhi- older architecture was in individual buildings and

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

Le Corbusier, Suvremeni grad s 3 milijuna stanovnika, 1922. Le Corbusier, Modern city of 3 million inhabitants, 1922
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

Bruno Taut, nestanak, grada, 1918. Bruno Taut, The Dissolution of Cities, 1918
Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

Erich Mendelsohn Erich Mendelsohn.

Gore lijevo: Vrtni paviljon, skica, 1920. Upper left: Garden pavillion, sketch, 1920
Gore desno: Observatorij, studija, 1919. Upper right: Observatory, study, 1919
Sredina i dolje: Dva crteža, 1914 Middle and down: Two drawings, 1914.
tekture i ne shvaćaju duboki smisao njezinih gran- in their individuality, the focal point of modern
dioznih oblika, oni si zaista nisu nikada dali truda architecture is in urban design – or, better put, in
ispitati sadržinu umjetničkih oblika uopće, ili im universality. Architecture has, thus, been reorgan-
zato manjka dar, kao slijepome vid i gluhome sluh. ised from the individual building into the sphere
A zašto baš arhitekti modernoj arhitekturi os- of completeness. And just as individual architec-
poravaju umjetničku vrijednost što nas mora da ture disappeared, so did individual creation, at
iznenadi, na to nam pitanje jasno odgovara i sama least in principle. These new circumstances are
ideologija te arhitekture uopće i njezin položaj u also the reason why the fate of modern architec-
savremenom svijetu. Dok je naime težište stari- ture – in the ideological sense – is no longer in the
je arhitekture bilo u pojedinačnim zgradama i u hands of the individual architects who once inde-
njihovoj individualnosti, težište je moderne ar- pendently managed architecture, but in the hands
hitekture u urbanizmu, ispravnije u univerzalno- of those who have until now only supervised the
sti. Od pojedine zgrade preloženo je ono dakle u construction work of entire cities – city adminis-
sferu cjelovitosti. Pa kako je nestalo individualne tration. The system of work has also experienced
arhitekture, nestalo je, barem načelno, i indivi- a collectivisation, while independent creation has
dualnog stvaranja. Te su nove prilike i razlogom, been brought to a minimum. But more impor-
što udes moderne arhitekture – ideološki – više i tantly, today’s idea of architecture prefers archi-
nije u rukama pojedinačnog arhitekte koji je ne- tectural creation of median value, the architecture
kada arhitekturom samostalno ravnao, nego u ru- of mediocrity, while on the other hand, modern
kama onih koji su sve dosada građevnu djelatnost architecture of true, high artistic value demands
cjelokupnog grada samo nadzirali, a to su gradske exceptional capabilities. However, as individual
uprave. I sistem rada doživio je, dakle, danas svo- works of architecture are today subjugated to the
ju kolektiviziaciju, dok je samostalno stvaranje collective creative idea, its forms have thus taken
spalo na minimum. No što je važno, današnja je on a non-individual, homogenous character, and
ideja arhitekture sklona arhitektonskom stvaranju the final result of this is the template. And since
od srednje vrijednosti, arhitekturi mediokriteta, architecture of high artistic value presupposes
dok naprotiv moderna arhitektura od prave i vi- high artistic individuality, such works are actually
soke umjetničke vrijednosti zahtijeva vanrednih exceptions to the rule in modern architecture. The
sposobnosti. Kako je međutim pojedinačna arhi- personality of such works, as we can see, are almost
tektura danas podređena kolektivnoj stvaralačkoj always composed of either exceptionally sophisti-
ideji, zato su njezini oblici i zadobili neindividu- cated architectural forms (Bruno Taut), or of an
alni, homogeni karakter, a to vodi u zadnjoj kon- exceptionally conspicuous architectural tendency
zekvenciji do šablone. Pa kako naprotiv arhitektu- (Le Corbusier), or, finally, of bold extravagances
ra od visoke umjetničke vrijednosti pretpostavlja of creation (Erich Mendelsohn). As the architec-
art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21

i visoki umjetnički individualitet, zato su takova ture of mediocrity has by chance become domi-
djela u modernoj arhitekturi zapravo i iznimke. nant today, while individual buildings lag behind
Osebujnost takovih se djela, kako vidimo, gotovo the collective and universal idea, it is also logical
uvijek sastoji ili iz naročito profinjenih arhitek- that the higher tasks of the architect surrounding
tonskih oblika (Bruno Taut), ili iz naročito izra- the creation of individual buildings can and must
žene arhitektonske tendencije (Le Corbusier), ili, focus first and foremost on the practical needs of
konačno, u smionim ekstravagancijama stvaranja the building and its spaces, and only secondarily
(Erich Mendelsohn). Pošto je arhitektura medio- on the artistic problems of this task. Because the
kriteta silom prilika danas pretežna, a pojedinač- practical needs of a building are specific and in-
ne zgrade zaostaju za kolektivnom i univerzalnom dividual in nature, while its artistic architectural
idejom, to je i logično da će se viši poslovi arhitek- demands today are more or less always predeter-
ta oko izvađanja pojedinačnih zgrada i moći i mo- mined. And so, the practical need of creation in
rati usredotočiti u prvom redu oko praktičnih po- individual architecture remains its only free do-
treba zgrade i njezinih prostorija, a tek u drugom main – the interior also falls within this, a cate-
redu oko umjetničkih problema toga zadatka. Jer gory that urban design and the universal ideology
praktične su potrebe zgrade i specifične i indivi- of modern architecture have excommunicated. A
dualne naravi, dok su njezini umjetnički zahtjevi strange phenomenon stands before us then: an art
arhitekture danas manje-više uvijek već unaprijed of building of extreme metaphysics by architects
određeni. I tako je praktična potreba stvaranja kod who are fanatically devoted to utilitarianism while
pojedinačne arhitekure ostala još njezina jedina negating art.
slobodna domena, a u nju spada i interieur, koga So that we might conclude this discussion, we
je urbanistička i univerzalna ideologija moderne shall take one more glance at modern architec-
arhitekture izopčila. Pred nama nastade, dakle, ture and its ideology. Modern architecture is an
čudna pojava: graditeljska umjetnost skrajne me- architecture of strictly stereometric blocks, an
tafizike rada arhitekata koji su fanatički odani uti- architecture that is urban in character, not indi-
litarnosti, a negiraju umjetnost. vidual. Its focal point is in external forces, and that
Da uzmognemo ovo naše razmatranje zaključi- is why it is not prone to the idea of man, which it
ti, osvrnut ćemo se još jednim pogledom na mo- has neglected, as is clear from this diagram. Even
dernu arhitekturu i njezinu ideologiju. Moderna though it is only an art of external forces, it is, in
arhitektura je arhitektura strogih stereometričkih addition to all this, an art of traffic as perceived by
oblika, arhitektura urbanističkog a ne pojedinač- our eye and our everyday view. Its foundation and
nog karaktera. Njezino je težište u vanjskim sila- its focal point is thus not the building, as in all
ma, te je zato ona i nesklona ideji čovjeka, koga architecture to date, but the road. It is unique in

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture

ona daleko zapostavlja, kako se to iz ovog diagra- this sense, and is likely so in the entire history of
ma razabire. Iako je ona samo umjetnost vanjskih building. It is a universal and despotic art, because
sila, ona je, uza sve to, za naše oko i za naš svag- it wants to conquer cities, the country, nature, and
danji pogled umjetnost prometa. Njezin nosilac i the entire world, and it knows no compromise. It
njezino težište zato i nije zgrada, kao kod svake is international, because all civilised nations have
dosadašnje arhitekture, nego cesta. U tom je po- today accepted it almost unchanged. The extreme
gledu ona jedinstvena, i to valjda u cijeloj histo- forces of the cosmos, which rule always and in
riji graditeljstva. Ona je univerzalna i despotska every art, have determined its place among the
umjetnost, jer hoće da osvoji gradove, ladanje, abstract styles of art. But while all abstract styles
prirodu i cio svijet, a ne pozna kompromisa. Ona of art to date have served faith, the modern style
je internacionalna, jer su je gotovo nepromijenje- is perhaps the first and only that serves the sec-
nu prihvatili svi današnji civilizirani narodi. Skraj- ular world. Modern art has taken a special place
nje sile svemira, koje uvijek i svakom umjetnošću in the history of art and in the series of historical
vladaju, opredijelile su joj njezino mjesto među styles. The pointer on the scale of historical de-
apstraktnim stilovima umjetnosti. No dok su svi velopment, which we can easily construct, passed
dosadašnji apstraktni stilovi služili vjeri, moderni peacefully through the long Baroque period, as we
je stil možda prvi i jedini koji služi areligioznom can see. But it passed through the entire stylistic
svijetu. Moderna umjetnost zauzima u povijesti period of the 19th century in short, almost restless
umjetnosti i u nizu historičkih stilova uopće za- jerks, as if it were expecting some sort of impor-
seban položaj. Kazalo na skali historičkog razvoja, tant event, like a barometer before a storm. And all
što ju možemo lako konstruirati, prolazilo je, kako of 19th century art at first reached for the ancient
vidimo, mirno svom dugom periodom baroka. No world, and then for the Middle Ages, and then for
kroz svu stilsku periodu 19. vijeka prolazi u krat- the Renaissance, and finally for naturalism, actu-
kim, gotovo nemirnim trzajima kao da očekuje ally proving the full weakness of productive crea-
kakav važni događaj poput aneroida prije nevre- tion through this entire search and through all of
mena. A sva umjetnost 19. vijeka hvata se najpri- its retrospective forms. Opposite this is modern
je antike, zatim srednjeg vijeka, onda renesanse, architecture, which followed 19th century art, a
a na koncu poseže za naturalizmom, dokazujući special phenomenon in the history of art, because
svim tim traženjem i svim svojim retrospektivnim it seeks first and foremost for complete independ-
oblicima zapravo i svu nemoć produktivnog stva- ence. We can see this in that all of the forms of
ranja. Tome je nasuprot savremena arhitektura architecture to date, from the Middle Ages until
koja iza umjetnosti 19. vijeka slijedi, zasebna po- today, were slave to the classical ancient world,
java u povijesti umjetnosti, jer teži u prvom redu while modern architecture was the first to cast off
za potpunom neovisnošću. To vidimo već po tom, these chains. The first attempt at this emancipa-
što su svi oblici dosadašnje arhitekture, počevši od tion and the opening act to modern art was Art
srednjeg vijeka pa do danas, bili robovi klasične Nouveau, that vigorous, despised art of the late
antike, dok je moderna arhitektura prva koja se 19th century. And after a long pause, Modern art
tih okova riješila. Prvi pokušaj te emancipacije i picked up where Art Nouveau faltered and ceased.
predigra modernoj umjetnosti bila je secesija, ta This is not the first case of a great style of art an-







art BULLETIN 66 (2016). str. 5-21



Stara ideologija Old ideology Nova ideologija New ideology

poletna i prezrena umjetnost na koncu 19. vijeka. nouncing its arrival through its predecessor. In
I tamo gdje je secesija iznemogla i prestala, na- modern art, this new artistic movement was first
stavlja nakon dugovremenog razmaka moderna. sensed and announced by painting, while modern
To nije prvi slučaj, što veliki stilovi umjetnosti architecture, which is the slowest branch of the
najavljuju svoj dolazak pretečom. U samoj savre- arts just every other style of architecture before it,
menoj umjetnosti predosjećalo je i navijestilo taj only interpreted its purport, but did so better and
novi umjetnički pokret najprije slikarstvo, dok more clearly than any other branch of the arts.
mu moderna arhitektura, koja je kao i svaka druga Better and clearer, because architecture is closely
arhitektura najsporija grana umjetnosti – tumači connected with the life of man. How long modern
samo njegov smisao, no bolje i jasnije od svake architecture will last, no one knows. But one thing
druge grane umjetnosti. Bolje i jasnije, jer je arhi- is sure: if modern architecture disappears in a
tektura usko povezana s čovječjim životom. Kako short time, then an art form will have disappeared
dugo će savremena arhitektura da potraje, ne zna that played the main role and the excellent task of
nitko. No jedno je sigurno: ako moderne arhitek- leader in this modern movement, which promised
ture nestane u kratkom vremenu, onda je nestala us a great and long period, and which was fated to
jedna umjetnost, koja je u cijelom tom modernom only a short life.
pokretu imala i glavnu riječ i odličnu zadaću vo-
diča, koja nam je obećavala i veliko i dugotrajno
doba, a kojoj je bio dosuđen samo kratak život.

Petar Knoll: Ideologija moderne arhitekture / The Ideology of Modern Architecture


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