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Franckely Luna

Ms. Esau

English Literature

Diligent Problem Solver

A diligent problem solver is someone who is aware of a problem, but decides to focus on

a solution, rather than focusing on the problem. Also, someone that manages to use the tools

present. A diligent problem solver at Doulos would also think what is best for others, not just

himself. When it gets to informational problems, a diligent problem solver would use credible

sources to find a solution. All of that being said, in all these past years this is a skill of constant

growth for me, a skill that it is very important for a Doulos graduate to possess, and it is closely

tied to the wise code of character.

Problems will always be present.It is something we can influence, but not control. In my

case, I had the problem that I would freak out every time I had a problem and always felt

powerless. Eventually I learned that it is what we do to fix the problem that makes a difference.

The way we handle and approach the problem will determine its outcome. That was obviously

something young Franckely did not understand, therefore made a lot of bad decisions. I

eventually learned that I had to identify the problem first, before I made any move. I learned to

focus on getting a solution rather than the problem that already exists. I have to admit it took a

while, but it is something I have grown in a lot. Lastly, the key to all of this is not fixing my

situation only. In every problem where more people are involved it is necessary to reach

agreements in order to find a common solution, beneficial to all parts. I used to always care

about myself, focus on how I would fix things, but in the process forgot that other people are in
the same situation. I can proudly say I am in the process of each day becoming someone who can

approach problems wisely, making sure that all parts are somehow satisfied with the outcome.

It is well known that it is Doulos’s goal to equip students to go out and impact those

around them; in fact, that is part of their mission statement. Making sure their graduates are

diligent problem solvers is in fact one of those traits they aim to equip students with. Like I said

before, problems will always come and it is of the utmost importance that graduates can master

this skill. The question to be asked right now is, am I prepared for the problems to come? Having

this skill is like a tool that would help me find different effective solutions when I have to face

those problems. As humans we tend to react to problems before we think as an instinct and in

some occasions that leads to acting based on emotions which is not wise at all. Possessing this

skill offers a bag of tools which includes a better self control that would allow the person to

focus on the solution, therefore make better decisions.

All of the points mentioned before, all aim to the same thing; wisdom. Thinking before

acting is a characteristic of someone who is wise. Acting in recognition that God is first, others

second, and myself third proves some sore of mastery in the diligent problem solver skill,

because we no longer think about our solution, but a common solution. A wise person also learns

from those problems and seeks to do things that can prevent the same problem from happening.

One that trips over the same rock over and over again is foolish.

Doulos has done an incredible job teaching and equipping students with this and other

skills. I can proudly say that no matter how academic the school can be, it is their priority to care

for us as humans, as God’s creation. Is a skill I have grown in a lot thanks to Doulos. It was a

concept I understood based on their actions and decisions, not just their words. It has been the
process of growing in the skill that showed me how important it is that a Doulos graduate can

master this skill. Above all of that, connecting this to what God really wants is the best part. At

the end is all a matter of being wise or not, and it is God who provides that wisdom for us.

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